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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Water Damage Mistakes to Avoid in Your Home!

2/6/2023 (Permalink)

For Fast and Professional Water Damage Cleanup and Restoration, call on SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County.

Common Homeowner Water Damage Mistakes to Avoid!

When you home suffers from a water damage event, the process of minimizing damage and restoring a property to its original condition can be stressful time. Unfortunately many homeowners are not fully aware of the proper process for cleanup and restoration and make common mistakes while trying to help. These mistakes can make restoring a home even more challenging. 

Following are some helpful tips that can help homeowners avoid common mistakes, which will reduce the cost, time, and stress for making a water damage event "Like it never even happened." 

Mistake #1: Trying to self-clean and restore their home after a water damage event.

We have all been there; we want to save time and money so we try to take on a project in our home. Water damage to your home should not be treated as a normal project. If you the amount of water is covering multiple rooms or has shown damage to cabinets or other structural components, you do not want to just try and mop it all up and put a fan or two on it. The problem is most homeowners do not have the right experience and equipment to properly handle a water damage. Water easily seeps into areas that you may not know to look or have the ability to check. Properly drying out building materials is a difficult task and one best left to a professional.

Mistake #2: Not Calling a Professional Soon Enough.

One of our taglines at SERVPRO is 'Faster to any size disaster.' This isn't just a fancy and good sounding branding effort, it is because arriving and acting fast is a critical aspect of effective water damage restoration. Water tends to spread fast, traveling behind walls, cabinets, appliances, and underneath flooring. Once that happens, mold can grow and further damage walls, furniture, and other materials. Mold can begin to grow less than 24-48 hours after water exposure depending on other circumstances in the home (humidity level, pre-existing water damage, temperature, etc.). 

To quickly find the source of the water damage and shut it off, and then to immediately begin the water extraction and drying process is crucial for your home's restoration. Calling a professional water damage cleanup and restoration company is the best way to do that. 

Mistake #3: Not Taking Safety Precautions.

Being in a home that recently suffered from a recent water damage evet can be dangerous, especially if the water damage came from flood waters, sewage back up or other 'category 3' type sources. Along with potential biohazard contaminations, potential slips and falls from wet flooring and stairways can also create a dangerous situation. Care must be taking when operating any electronic device or appliance because turning on electronics or touching electronic devices can result in electric shocks or further damage to the property. 

Saturated building materials can fail, and debris can lead to slips and falls.  The best thing a homeowner can do after eliminating the source of the water (if possible) and calling a water restoration company is to leave the building and stay out.

Mistake #4: Not Realizing the True Amount of Damage to Your Home.

The amount of damage caused by a water damage event isn’t always immediately visible. If you take the "Do It Yourself" approach and only clean up the visible water, you will most likely discover mold or unpleasant odors lingering in furniture, floors, and walls in the near future. 

To properly evaluate the true amount of damage from a water event, you must follow through with industrial standards for cleanup and deodorization. This may include antimicrobial treatments or sanitization processes and is something a professional restoration company is best suited to handle. 

A proper evaluation of the damage is also vital for insurance reasons. Some insurance providers will deny claims where homeowners attempt repairs themselves or delay calling a professional to document the damage. The best way to ensure a policy covers the full cost of a restoration is to work with a reputable restoration company and contact them immediately.

SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Counties works with all local, state, and national insurance companies, and is a preferred vendor for many of them. If your home suffers from a water damage event, call us 24/7 365 days a year at 843-236-6278. We are here to help.

Summer Showers can Relief from the heat but may also bring flooding.

8/1/2022 (Permalink)

Nature can be unforgiving

If you are in an area of Horry County that constantly floods and you were worried about who to call if we do suddenly get a large amount of rain this August call SERVPRO. If all the rain causes severe flood damage, then call us and let SERVPRO put your fears to rest.

The professionals at SERVPRO have high-grade equipment that includes extraction pumps, industrial vacuums and the technology to make your water damage disappear quicker than a spring puddle.

Call SERVPRO today for a plan that includes what to do if an emergency does happen and you are stuck with massive flood damage.

Commercial Experts - Cleanup & Restoration

7/1/2022 (Permalink)

Flooding and water damage events at Horry and/or Georgetown commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and efficient team of specialized professionals. Whether we are dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large-scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So, when an emergency situation suddenly arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties

We specialize in the emergency cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after water, fire, or mold related damages occur. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration as well as content manipulation when necessary. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the know how and the resources to restore your property to preloss condition.

Let SERVPRO Help You Expand Your Business

5/13/2022 (Permalink)

Upgrade or Addition, SERVPRO Can Help!

Commercial building construction, 5 tips to know before you go

1. Check your options

The scale of any construction project demands a major commitment from a company. Remember that the time and energy invested in commercial building construction could also be put into the business itself.

2. Make the correct projections

A bank advisor can help you determine the cost of your project, how much money you'll need from start to finish and the right financing options for your build.

3. Make sure your building permits are in order

Be sure that you've satisfied all local rules with the right permit. Do this as early as possible, since building without a permit is not an option. Check with your city to see exactly what you're allowed to do with and without a permit.

4. Get a good architect

Good ones cost money and because of this some companies will sometimes skip the step of hiring a good architect. While you might think you're saving money up front, you will lose in the end because of problems not originally planned on .

5. Be realistic

Companies often lose business during construction projects because management is less focused on performance and too worried about the new building.

Bottom line is we can help. Call us today 843-236-6278

Water Damage in Pawleys Island? Hire the best!

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County. There when you need us most!

You may have read before in our blog post titled "Water Damage In My House" some great tips about water damage cleanup.

SERVPRO knows you do not always have the resources to do the water damage cleanups and restorations yourself and we want to let you know that in Georgetown County, we have been cleaning up and drying out water damages for decades and that includes Pawley's Island!

SERVPRO has helped many families and businesses in Pawley's Island when water damage or flooding had struck their properties.

We have repaired and restored buildings and homes of all sizes in Pawley's Island and want you to know that your water damage will be in professional hands once you call SERVPRO to dry you out!

If you have suffered water damage in Georgetown County in particular Pawley's Island, call SERVPRO now we can help! 843-236-6278

Every second counts when you have a fire!!

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

Every second matters!

During a fire, people have as little as two minutes to escape a burning home before it’s too late to get out.

In a matter of minutes, a small fire can produce a major flame problem, making it critical to be prepared and have an escape plan in place.

A survey conducted by the American Red Cross shows only 26 percent of families and businesses have developed and practiced a fire escape plan.

Once a family or employee plan is developed, it is critical everyone in the home or office understands the plan. The best way to do this is to develop some muscle memory by practicing the escape plan at least twice a year. This will increase your chance of surviving a fire by ensuring you have working smoke detectors in place, building an escape plan, and then practicing it.

The following are a few suggestions to help you develop an emergency escape plan. (*Tips and statistics provided by the American Red Cross)

  • Draw a map of each level of your home or business and show all the doors and windows. Find two ways to get out of each room. Make sure all doors and windows that lead outside open easily.
  • Consider escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second and third floors. Only purchase collapsible escape ladders evaluated by a recognized testing laboratory. Store them near the window where they will be used.
  • Choose an outside meeting place a safe distance in front of your home where everyone can meet after they’ve escaped. Make sure to mark the location of the meeting area on your escape plan.
  • Teach children how to escape on their own in case you cannot help them. Plan for everyone in your home or office, with special considerations for elderly or disabled individuals.
  • Practice your fire escape plan during the day and at nighttime.

If you do suffer fire damage to your unit call SERVPRO when the coast is clear, we can help! 


Pollen Season is Here!

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

Horry and Georgetown counties are green just in time for St Patricks Day!

You might have noticed outside that the cars in town have begun to take on their slightly green tone already this year. Although the weather can take a turn to cold at any given moment it seems that Spring is almost here.

Pollen can wreak havoc on allergy sufferers, checking the pollen levels in your area is a helpful tool for those suffering from allergies and hay fever you can do so by clicking here.

One thing that can definitely help you inside your home is having a qualified professional like SERVPRO clean your HVAC unit and ducts.

Clean ducts mean a cleaner home with less worry about dust and pollen as well as energy cost savings due to the unit running more efficiently.

To have SERVPRO come clean your ducts give us a call today!

Will your business survive a disaster?

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

What will you do if disaster strikes. Be ready!

Where is the emergency shut off valve? Where are the fuse boxes and control panels? What do we do first?

These are just some of the questions that you could be left asking and NOT knowing the answers to if there is an emergency at your commercial building, office space, warehouse or factory.

SERVPRO has a program called ERP. That stands for Emergency Ready Profile and here are just some of the benefits to setting one up for your commercial space:

It is FREE. This means there is no need to stress about cost, giving you a great value at no financial requirement.

All of your emergency information in one easy to read document. It will only take a small fraction of time to complete and will not require you to leave your current projects.

A follow-up guide to get you back on track after a disaster. This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action.

Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas, and priority contact information.

To learn more about having SERVPRO setup the ERP for your commercial business call us now, 843-236-6278!

When should I buy Flood Insurance in Horry County?

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

Be Prepared. Flood Insurance!

The simple answer to the question: When should I buy flood insurance is ... NOW!

That answer of now is of course totally dependant on if you live in a flood zone or not. If you do, you absolutely should already have a flood insurance policy in place. If you do not live in a flood zone but live in low lying areas or in close proximity to rivers or lakes that could flood, well then you too should look into a flood insurance policy.

The thing about a flood insurance policy and why it is so important to have one in place is because they normally take about 30 days to activate so if you are trying to buy one when a hurricane is announced to be heading your way chances are that policy will not be in effect in time to help you should that hurricane cause you flood damage because most hurricanes only give you a week or two notice.

So in short talk to an insurance agent ASAP if you even think you might need flood insurance.

If you have sustained flood damage, call SERVPRO we can help!

Keeping Mold At Bay Is Our Business!

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

Stopping Mold In Its Tracks!

Mold naturally occurs in our environment.

Fungi produce some very useful results. Even though some forms of mold can add value to our lives, other forms can be very harmful.

Excessive amounts of mold, different types of mold, and/or exposure to molds may present health concerns for some people.

The intrusion of water into your home or place of business can result in mold growth. Water intrusions can result from storm damage, plumbing or equipment failures, long-standing leaks and poor humidity control.

When water intrusions are not fixed right away, the resulting damage can present an increased risk of harmful mold growth. Some amount of mold spores are normally present in most environments. If the humidity and moisture levels in a water-damaged environment are not promptly returned to normal, mold spores may grow and multiply.

Organic materials found inside a building, such as wood, paper, drywall, and insulation, provide food sources for mold to flourish. Excessive mold growth can lead to indoor environmental conditions that pose a health threat.

Stop mold in its tracks by calling SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Experienced a fire damage? Here's why hiring a highly trained professional makes all the difference in the world

2/7/2022 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry County will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Us Today – 843.236.6278

Electrical Fires

2/7/2022 (Permalink)

Most electrical fires are caused by faulty electrical outlets and or old, outdated appliances. The following are the most common reasons why electrical fires happen:

  1. Old electrical sockets and unsafe appliances

Appliances that are old and overused and those that fall short of modern safety standards are the worst culprits. Frayed electrical cords, self-jointed wires, and worn out sockets that are not properly grounded are major causes of fires. They become ready outlets for directing heat and fire to carpets, rugs, curtains and combustible plastic. Older appliances draw more power than the wall sockets can handle.

  1. Using light fixtures that exceed the permissible wattage

A very common cause of fires is plugging lights, lighting appliances and bulbs into electrical sockets that cannot handle higher wattage levels. Antique lighting appliances may have defective wiring that makes the appliance unstable by overheating. Decorating lights with colored paper and cloth shades can increase the risk of fire when the material or fabric heats up.

  1. Using multiple appliances plugged into an extension cord

Unrestricted use of extension cords is a major fire hazard. The risk of fire increases when your TV, home theatre, computer and other appliances are all plugged into a single extension cord. This creates excessive power load on a single socket which may not be designed to handle that load.  So, there is a social and economic cost to damaged wiring!

  1. Locating portable heaters near combustible materials

Portable space heaters that use coils are potentially dangerous when they are positioned carelessly near curtains and rugs and adjacent to beds and cloth covered furniture. The chances of inflammable material coming into contact with the red-hot coils increase the risk of fire.

  1. Wiring that becomes defective with the passage of time

Over a period of time you add more electrical appliances such as wide screen televisions, home theatre, microwave oven, refrigerator and air conditioners. The outdated home wiring cannot handle the increased power load. Older wiring tends to heat up quickly and catches fire. If the breaker boxes are themselves defective, they cannot prevent overheated electrical panels from catching fire.

If you become the unfortunate victim of an electrical fire call in the pro's here at..

SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry County 843.236.6278

Water Damage: Timeline of destruction

2/7/2022 (Permalink)

Untreated Water Damage

What's a little water going to hurt anything, you say? Structures continue to deteriorate when water damage is left untreated. Left to sit, water damage goes through a general timeline:

Within Minutes

  • Carpets, padding beneath flooring, subflooring becomes saturated.
  • Furniture on wet carpets starts to leach and stain.
  • Wood/wood products start absorbing water.
  • Personal belongings may be completely destroyed.

Within Hours

  • Humidity starts to make the house stink.
  • Particleboard cabinetry and furniture distorts and the integrity of the material weakens, crumbling over time.
  • Dyes from non-colorfast fabrics bleed (clothing stored together, upholstery, etc.).
  • In 48 hours or less, clean or grey water can deteriorate to black water, and areas that experience water intrusion clean water can rapidly become toxic.

Within Days

  • Mold becomes visible and causes musty odors
  • Allergen sensitivities can be caused by microbial organisms.
  • Wood may severely warp and cup, making most wooden floors unsalvageable.
  • Painted walls blister and wallpaper begins to peel away.
  • Structural wood within home, such as framing, begins to swell and split.

Within Weeks

  • Home is hazardous to human health and must be evacuated.
  • Mold infests organic materials, rendering it unsalvageable.
  • Drywall crumbles while the home’s structural integrity declines.
  • Damage to the foundation becomes apparent.
  • Home may be salvageable but may need to be gutted down to the studs.

Within Months

  • Damage to the foundation may be significant.
  • The cost of repairs is likely more than the value of the home.
  • Damage that could have been prevented over time (i.e., neglect) disqualifies the owner from insurance claims.
  • The home may be unsalvageable

Don't go at it alone. Just because it "looks dry" doesn't mean it is dry.

Call the pro's at SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry County today 843.236.6278

You Can't Think of Everything. Here's some tips to get you through 2022

2/7/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry County want you to kick the New Year off right by taking some steps to help insure a safe and happy 2022. 

Take a look at these tips straight from the pro's..

  1. Don't wait for daylight savings time to check your smoke detector.  All smoke detectors have a manufacturing date on them.  If that date is over 10 years old, replace it!  Also if your home has gas or oil heat it is a good idea to invest in a carbon monoxide detector.
  2. What was learned with the Gatlinburg fire is that there is not always time to gather things when an evacuation is required. Keep a pre-packed bag handy with some cash, changes of clothes, medications, copies of important documents, etc. 
  3. Have your family practice fire drills to make sure everyone knows how to escape, what to do and where to meet should a fire occur. 
  4. If you are traveling and will be away for several days, turn off your water so you don't come home to any surprises. *Also, lower your thermostat but do not turn off the heat if there is a chance of freezing temperatures.
  5. If you are using rubber hoses for the water supply to your washing machine, they need to be replaced every 5 years. Consider using steel braided hoses as they are much more durable than rubber ones.
  6. Periodically check the water supply lines on ice makers and dish washers for signs of wear and replace when needed.
  7. Keep a properly rated fire extinguisher in your kitchen and be sure to have them checked periodically by a professional.
  8. Make sure you know where the critical shutoffs are in your home for main power, water and gas if applicable.

SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry County wishes you a wonderful and prosperous 2022!!

Expect Advanced Technologies and Techniques From SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties

1/18/2022 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties, we stay up-to-date and with the most advanced technology and techniques. With these advancements, SERVPRO can restore your property swiftly, reliably, and to its preloss condition. You can count on a turnaround, whether using SERVPRO for your commercial or residential needs in South Carolina. Practical standards for cleaning and restoration are in place by The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). Some of the equipment that helps SERVPRO adhere to the standards and stay true to the technological advancements are as follows:

Moisture Detection and Measurement

Specialized equipment detects, measures, and monitors a property’s moisture levels to fit certain scientific drying principles. Recent technology, like infrared cameras, helps us find water through a wall, ceiling, or floor.

  • For thorough water removal, an infrared camera may be used to identify water location.
  • To measure the extent of saturation, we use sensitive moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters.

Water Extraction

Powerful extraction equipment removes most of the water from your home or business, which accelerates the drying process. For continuous draining of high-level water, we use submersible and gas-powered pumps. For efficient water removal, we prefer truck-mounted and portable extraction units.

  • For continuous draining of high-level water, we use submersible and gas-powered pumps.
  • For efficient water removal, we prefer truck-mounted and portable extraction units.


The remaining moisture from ceilings, walls, and floors of your home or business removes by using industrial strength fans and dehumidifiers. Proper drying techniques help to avoid swelling and warping of floors, walls, and furniture.

  • High-speed fans quickly evaporate excess moisture
  • Industrial-grade dehumidifiers extract water vapor from the air.

Odor Removal

With water and fire damage, powerful odors follow. Our advanced machines eliminate airborne contaminants and control the air quality during the restoration and cleanup procedure.

  • Air scrubbers
  • Thermal foggers and deodorization cleaners

Sanitizing Agents, Germicides, and Antimicrobial Treatments

To fully clean and remove odors and/or contaminants on your property, OSHA-approved cleaning agents may be required.

  • Deodorization products control smells from an abundance of moisture.
  • Disinfectants and bacteria, fungi, mildew, and other harmful microorganism growth.

We will provide you with the most advanced technology and techniques. With these advancements, SERVPRO can swiftly restore your property, reliably, and more effectively to its preloss condition.

 Call SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties for restoration and cleaning services for your home or business.

We cover a range of restoration and cleaning services for your commercial or residential property. When the unexpected happens, you can count on us to make it "Like it never even happened."


  • Fire, Smoke, and Soot
  • Water Removal & Dehumidification
  • Mold Mitigation & Remediation
  • Catastrophic Storm Response
  • Move-Outs & Contents Restoration
  • Electronics & Equipment
  • Document Drying
  • Contents Claim Inventory Service
  • Lead Abatement (RRP)


  • Air Ducts & HVAC
  • Biohazard & Crime Scene
  • Vandalism
  • Carpet & Upholstery
  • Drapes & Blinds
  • Ceilings, Walls & Hard Floors
  • Deodorization
  • Dumpster & Debris Removal
  • Dry-Cleaning
  • Data Center Cleaning
  • Vandalism & Graffiti
  • Trauma & Crime Scene
  • Sewage & Toilet Overflow

No matter what your restoration or cleaning needs are, you can count on SERVPRO to get things back into working order. Give us a call today at (843)236-6278!

Had a Water Damage... What now?

1/12/2022 (Permalink)

When homeowners find themselves faced with water from a flood or bursting pipes, they often want to know how long the restoration efforts will take. The answer depends on the extent of the damage, the type of water to invade the home and materials used throughout the affected area. Our SERVPRO water restoration team may tell homeowners to expect the process to take anywhere from two to three days, but to not be surprised if it takes as many as seven. Some factors that affect the time it takes to dry out a home include:

  • The type of water to flood the home
  • The size of the area affected
  • The building materials affected

Type of Water

Clean water is easier to clean up than black water, as the former doesn’t require special Hazmat materials or equipment. If your problems stem from bursting pipes, the solution may be as simple as fixing the pipes and drying out the area. If you do so within 24 to 48 hours, you can prevent mold and bacteria growth as well.

Size of Affected Area

The type of water isn’t the only factor to affect restoration times. The size of area plays a huge part as well. If the size of the affected area is relatively small, less than ten square feet, restoration efforts can take as little as two days, and you may even be able to perform them yourself. However, if your entire ground floor is flooded, it could take several days of professional efforts.

Materials Impacted

If it is just your carpet that is affected, restoration efforts shouldn’t require much of your time at all. However, if your drywall, insulation and/or framing are impacted, you may need to do more than fix a broken pipe. Restoration efforts in the latter instance could take as long as 10 days or more.

Every situation is different, and the water damage caused by bursting pipes could be far more severe than damage from, say, a leaking pipe. Talk to your local SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown water damage restoration team to learn more about what to expect

Cleaning Clothing Items after a Fire or Smoke Damage

12/29/2021 (Permalink)

Although flames from the fire may not have reached your clothing items, soot and/or smoke odor may have left visible signs on your wardrobe 

Closed drawers and closet doors provide marginal protection against residue and odor. Plastic coverings provide minimal protection from soot residue while actually increasing probability of odor.

Our trained crews collect ALL clothing for specialized deodorization and cleaning. Fine furs and leathers are carefully inspected and processed by the finest experts in the area. Everything in your family's wardrobe is thoroughly deodorized and expertly cleaned so that all garments are free of the lingering smell of smoke. Selected clothing items will be rushed to you for your immediate needs while the remaining clothing will be delivered within several days. 

Our guarantee to you means that our services for restoration will never exceed the value of a new item. These valuable dollars saved through restoration will be an asset for use in replacing non-restorable items. 

Cleaning Ceilings & Walls after a fire or smoke damage

12/28/2021 (Permalink)

"Will my ceilings and walls ever be the same?" We hear this question frequently after a smoke or fire damage. There are no shortcuts to doing the job right. Using SERVPRO's recommended steps and materials, your ceiling, walls, and woodwork will always be restored to your satisfaction. 

Your SERVPRO technician will pre-test to analyze the extent of the damage. SERVPRO will save you money by expertly cleaning lighter soot without the expense of repainting. When there are higher concentrations of soot, SERVPRO will clean the area with specific techniques to prepare the surface for smooth painting. 

We know you want the appearance of your home returned to the way it was before the damage occurred. We work to make sure the cleaning and painting can be done properly to ensure the value of your home. 

Cleaning Carpets & Oriental Rugs After a Fire or Smoke Damage

12/28/2021 (Permalink)

Your carpeting and area rugs will need a deep-down thorough cleaning after a smoke or fire damage. Residue from smoke or soot will settle on the fibers and be ground in every time someone walks on them. You can rely on the countless years of expertise that your local SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County team has cleaning even the most expensive carpets. 

In most situations, SERVPRO will do a showcase cleaning method of cleaning to be sure your carpet is completely free of all smoke and residue. The showcase method consists of gently agitating the carpet fibers with a machine that applies a highly-effective detergent and then rinsing the carpet with a top-of-the-line water extraction unit. As an added benefit the carpet will also be deodorized, leaving a fresh scent. 

Whether it be wall-to-wall carpeting or the most expensive oriental rug on the market, SERVPRO is an expert at cleaning all types of carpet fibers. 

Cleaning Draperies & Upholstery After a Fire or Smoke Damage

12/28/2021 (Permalink)

Cleaning fine fabrics such as drapery and upholstery materials after an unfortunate smoke or fire loss is where SERVPPRO of Horry and Georgetown counties excel. 

All fabrics are carefully inspected and tested to determine which one of our five cleaning methods is most appropriate. 

Our technicians are trained to use machines made specifically for cleaning fine fabrics. Wet or dry cleaning methods can be done as required by the fabric content and the manufacturer's recommendation. 

You can be confident in SERVPRO's abilities, knowing we invented the machine that cleans fabrics on location. SERVPRO leads the industry with the finest equipment and products available.

Call us today (843)236-6278 

The SERVPRO Difference

12/28/2021 (Permalink)

Fire and smoke Damage?

Water or Flood Damage?

Mold Problems? 

It will be okay!

Protect Your Investment

When damage affects your home, you want to know it will be restored to preloss condition. You can not afford to let the marketability of your home be affected. That is why SERVPRO has been professionally restoring property since 1969. 

Your SERVPRO Professional - Trained and Experienced, Arrives With a Van Full of Clean.

SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown counties will do it right!

  • Minimize customer interruptions
  • Complete the job properly the first time
  • Provide regular updates on progress
  • Restore the property to preloss condition

Our Goal: To make you feel "Like it never even happened." 

Highly Trained Technicians in Myrtle Beach

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

Only the Best for Myrtle Beach!

At SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Counties, our technicians are certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), the non-profit certifying body for the cleaning and restoration industry. Employee training includes:

  • IICRC Training
  • Employee Certification Training
  • Initial Franchise Training
  • e-Learnings
  • Continuing Education Classes


  • AMRT - Applied Microbial Remediation Technician
  • ASD - Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • CDS - Commercial Drying Specialist
  • ECTP - Employee Certification Training Program
  • FSRT - Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration Technician
  • IICRC Certified Firm
  • OSHA - 10-hour General and/or Construction Industry Training Program
  • RRRP - Lead-Based Paint Activities and Renovation
  • WRT - Water Damage Restoration Technician


All employees have access to web-based training. This training is voluntary and is designed to be an ongoing training series for SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County employees. These training courses are comprised of video presentations and support materials, followed by a knowledge test at the end of each module. Web-based training allows our technicians and office team to stay up-to-speed on industry standards and best practices for the cleaning and restoration industry.

Call Us Today!

When your Myrtle Beach home or commercial business needs emergency restoration services, SERVPRO has a team of highly trained technicians on-call and ready to respond 24-hours a day. Call us today at 843-236-0487

Let SERVPRO Weather Your Storm

11/1/2021 (Permalink)

Have you or someone you know been affected by storm damage? SERVPRO specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained, and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Being locally owned and operated means we are right around the corner, and able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. Why is it important to respond to an emergency quickly you ask?

  • Lessens the damage
  • Limits further damage
  • Reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit our area, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,700 Franchises locations across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

We at SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry County are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Whether you have an emergency or in need of general cleaning, we will be faster to any sized disaster with the training and resources to handle damages ranging from single family homes to skyrise building structures.

Have Storm or Flood Damage?

Call Us Today 843-236-6278


10/6/2021 (Permalink)

Serving others is at the heart of SERVPRO's vision to be the premier cleaning and restoration company in the world. Whether it's a home or business, SERVPRO knows that the most important job is helping each customer put their life back together.

Our number one goal is returning damaged property and items to preloss condition, doing all we can to help you regain control following a disaster. SERVPRO is dedicated to restoring both the property and the lives of the customers we help...

  • Like it was never dirty
  • Like it never overflowed
  • Like it never caught fire
  • Like it never spilled
  • Like it never smoldered

Whatever the case, with SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties, our goal is to make it "Like it never even happened." 

With every flood comes a flood of emotions. Lot's of time we meet our customers on their worst day. We know that you had the choice to chose anyone you wanted to help you with your situation. we take EXTREME pride in knowing that you chose us! If your home or business experiences a loss, big or small.. call us - you'll be happy you did! 

Floods Strike Everywhere

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

The Experience

            With over 45 years of experience, SERVPRO professionals have restored flood-damaged homes and businesses from coast to coast. SERVPRO’s Disaster Recovery Team is trained and equipped to handle the largest storms and the highest flood waters. If a flood does strike your home or business give SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties a call. Even minor floods have the potential to cause major damage to a structure when not treated quickly and properly, and the cleanup is often an overwhelming task. The SERVPRO system is prepared to handle any size disaster and help make it “Like it never even happened.”

Floods abound 

            Floods rank as one of the most common and widespread natural disasters in the US. Whether you live near a coastline, along city streets, in the mountains, near a river or even in the desert, there is a potential for suffering flood damage. In fact, nearly 25% of last year’s claims paid by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) were for polices in moderate to low risk communities. According to the NFIP, houses in the US have a 26% chance of being damaged by a flood during the course of a 30-year mortgage, while businesses face similar risks by flooding. On average, floods cost $6 billion in annual losses in the US.

The Dangers of Mold

            If flood damage is not promptly mitigated, lingering moisture from floodwater may elevate the risk of mold growth. SERVPRO professionals can properly remediate mold damage in your home or business.

SERVPRO as a company has sent disaster recovery teams to respond to flood and storm situations all over the country in recent years. From as recent as the Houston floods in 2016, taking it back  all the way back to Hurricane Katrina back in 2005.

Commercial Services You Can Count On

10/1/2021 (Permalink)

Wondering how SERVPRO could help you and your business? Take a look at some of our commercial standard service offerings below. 

- Catastrophic Storm Response

- Water Removal and Dehumidification
- Mold Mitigation and Remediation
- Building Stabilization and Climate Control

- Smoke and Soot Cleanup
- Pretesting (For Best Cleaning Methods)

- Vandalism Cleanup

- Air Ducts and HVAC Cleaning
- Carpet, Upholstery, Drapes and Blinds
- Ceiling, Walls and Hard Floors
- Odor Identification and Deodorization
- Post Construction Cleanup and Demolition
- Reconstruction and Construction Drying
- Specialized Media Blasting

- Move Outs and Contents Restoration
- Electronics/Equipment Cleaning & Restoration
- Art and Document Restoration
- Data Recovery
- Contents Claim Inventory Service
- Cargo Recovery (Trucking Industry)

- IICRC Certified
- Mobile Command Centers
- Electronic File Documentation
- Online Data Reporting
- Mitigation Performance Validation

- Detailed Estimates and Digital Pictures
- Expense Reporting

The Storms You Don't See Coming

9/7/2021 (Permalink)

In the restoration industry many storm events can be a big ordeal for local franchises. A lot of times when the storm topic is brought up many think of hurricanes, heavy sweeping rainstorms and arctic blast. Most of the time these events can be forecast ahead of time allowing for many Franchises to prepare trucks, stage equipment and map deployment routes.

But what about the unpredictable events? Living in the South this can be an all too common occurrence. April showers can lead to unprecedented rain totals causing basement and sub surface living quarters to flood. Those hot August days can bring monsoon type 5 o’clock storms with damaging blowing rain along with tree limbs crashing down and toppling trees instantly wreaking havoc on homes and businesses faster than a lightning strike. Before you know it, here comes Autumn. Warm temperatures begin to exit and mix with the incoming cold air leading to what many in our region are familiar with,  the microburst, that can have tornado like force and strike as fast as it disappears damaging roofs and other structural pieces.

These phenomena are scenarios that your local SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties train and always prepare for. We are constantly keeping multiple trucks stocked and ready to respond for emergency services twenty-four hours a day seven day a week.  We make sure that any equipment that is not kept on a vehicle, is easily accessible to load on the appropriate truck. SERVPRO is always checking and rechecking that all equipment is in working and fully functional condition.

Last but not least, we here at SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties are constantly keeping open lines of communication with neighboring franchises in case of mass influx of damage to our community to help those in need of assistance.

To our fellow neighbors in our beautiful community, please know that here at SERVPRO we are #oneteam and we are #heretohelp


9/1/2021 (Permalink)

Hurricane season is upon us and believe us it only takes one storm to change your life and our community. Tropical cyclones are among nature’s most powerful and destructive phenomena. If you live in an area prone to tropical cyclones, you need to be prepared. Even areas well away from the coastline can be threatened by dangerous flooding, destructive winds and tornadoes from these storms.

Determine Your Risk

Hurricanes bring many hazards to U.S. coastlines and inland areas, including storm surge along the coast, inland flooding due to heavy rainfall, tornadoes, strong wind, rip currents and large waves.


Develop an Evacuation Plan

Find out today if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone. Plan where you’ll go and how you would get there. Leave immediately if ordered to evacuate and be sure to plan for your pets.

Assemble Disaster Supplies

Get your supplies before hurricane season begins. Have enough food and water for each person for at least one week. Be sure to fill your prescriptions and have medicine on hand. Radios, batteries and phone chargers are also must haves. Gas up your vehicle and extra cash on hand.

Get Insurance Checkup

Check in with your insurance agent well before hurricane season, remember that flood insurance must be obtained separately. Prepare your home/vehicles according to your policy, and know where your insurance documents are located – take them with you if you evacuate. Visit floodsmart.gov for more information. 

Strengthen Your Home

There is a lot you can do around your home to help protect it from the strong winds that come with hurricanes. Well ahead of the approaching storm, trim trees on your property, shop for approved window coverings, collect loose outdoor items, secure all doors on you property, and find a safe location for your vehicle.

Help Your Neighbor

Many people reply on the assistance of neighbors before and after hurricanes. Help your neighbors collect the supplies they’ll need before the storm. Assist them with evacuation if ordered to do so or check on them after it’s safe for you to head outside.

Complete your Written Plan

Writing down your plan will help you avoid mistakes when faces with an emergency and ensure everyone in your home is prepared for the next storm


7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of Georgetown and Horry Counties we are always here to help and we want you to ALWAYS be prepared. Here are some tips from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) for preparing your home or business for a flood.

Before the Flood:

  • Have a qualified professional elevate the furnace, water heater and electric panel if susceptible to flooding.
  • Install “check valves” in sewer traps to prevent flood water from backing up into the drains of your home or business.
  • Seal walls in basements with waterproofing compounds to help avoid seepage.

During the Flood:

  • Turn off utilities at the main switches or valves if instructed to do so.
  • Disconnect electrical appliances .
  • Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.
  • Do not walk through moving water. Even six inches of moving water can make you fall.

After the Flood:

  • Listen for news reports to learn if the community’s water supply is safe to drink.
  • Avoid floodwaters. Water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline or raw sewage. Water may also be electrically charged.
  • Stay out of any building if it is surrounded by floodwaters.
  • Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe to do so.

The SERVPRO Customer Experience (Water Damage)

7/8/2021 (Permalink)

Many of our customer's have gone through life never having to deal with water intrusion to their home or business. Knowing this, we here at SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties take pride in making sure our customers are informed from day one. Here is a general outline of how we address water damages...

Identify Source

We will check for the source of moisture in your building. The source must be stopped before any restoration or drying of the building can be successful. 

  • Stop the Source
  • Check for contaminated water

Identify Type of Water

We will identify the category and classification of water damage to ensure we restore your property based on industry guidelines. The level of contamination of water will affect the specific restoration process we use. 

  • Clean
  • Grey
  • Black

Survey Extent of Damage & Inspect the Premises

We inspect and test the damaged area to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration. 

  • Survey Damage
  • Complete Safety Inspection

Furniture Moved and Blocked in Place

We move furniture and property contents and block items to help prevent rust or furniture stains on wet carpet

  • Block Furniture

Emergency Water Extraction

We remove as much excess water as possible from affected areas

  • Remove Excess Water

Carpet Pad

We check whether the carpet pad should be removed to save or protect the subfloor

  • Inspect Carpet Pad
  • Remove Carpet Pad if Needed


Our process may utilize deodorizers as odor treatments or EPA registered disinfectants as antimicrobial treatments 

  • Apply Deodorizer or Disinfectant 

Floor and Wall Inspection

We check the extent of wet flooring, subfloors and walls

  • Inspect Floor
  • Inspect Walls


We examine carpet for damages and remove damaged carpet with guidance from you and the your adjuster 

  • Inspect Carpet
  • Removal Carpet if Needed

Measure Temperature/Humidity for Drying Analysis

We monitor the temperature and humidity levels to make sure conditions are conducive for drying

  • Measure Temperature
  • Measure Humidity


Drying equipment removes moisture and brings the relative humidity level back to normal. We monitor moisture in wet materials until the materials return to acceptable drying goals 

  • Utilize Drying Equipment 
  • Utilize Monitoring Equipment

Commercial Emergency Cleanup & Restoration Experts

6/21/2021 (Permalink)

Flooding and water damage events at Horry and/or Georgetown commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and efficient team of specialized professionals. Whether we are dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large-scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So, when an emergency situation suddenly arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Counties

We specialize in the emergency cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after water, fire, or mold related damages occur. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration as well as content manipulation when necessary. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the know how and the resources to restore your property to preloss condition.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned – a defensive cleaning program

5/24/2021 (Permalink)

Let us help you get back to business

As our communities re-open, we’re all moving back toward a new kind of normal. The expectations of visitors, customers, and employees who come into our establishments have evolved, and staying safe and well is a top concern. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, and we’ve developed a program to help your business meet the new higher standard of clean that is now expected.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive cleaning program we’re offering to businesses and commercial locations to address the current COVID-19 pandemic. This proactive viral pathogen cleaning program goes well beyond janitorial or carpet cleaning. By choosing Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you, your employees, your customers, and your community can rest assured that you’ve selected a higher cleaning standard – you are Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Extensive training and specialized products

As the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration*, we stand on more than 50 years of experience and expertise to help your business become Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.  Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO professionals are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination and chemical spills – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities.

From formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products, like SERVPROXIDE, at our headquarters in Gallatin, TN, to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

3 C’s – Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We’ve cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned reflects our unique experiences and capabilities. The program is grounded with our unique 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

Consult – Every business is different, which is why you’ll be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touchpoints, foot traffic and congestion points.

Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough, deep clean, using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our employees have years of experience, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible.

Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers. And because we add the day, month, and year to that proprietary stamp of clean, your guests will know that not only did you choose Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, but that your location is being cleaned regularly at this standard.

Call today for a Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities we all call home.

Call SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown today at  [843-236-6278] for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

What to know before you begin exterior painting in Myrtle Beach

5/10/2021 (Permalink)

4 Things to think about when painting the exterior of your commercial building in Myrtle Beach:

1. Check the forecast -

Paint needs time to dry for maximum effectiveness. Make sure you paint your exterior when it is not the rainy season. (Good luck finding a dry stretch to paint the exterior in Myrtle Beach)

2. Now is not the time to get cheap -

Some things you can get the cheaper brand with but exterior paint is not one of them. Trying to go cheap and save yourself money now will cost you more in having to redo the painting sooner than you needed to.

3. Scratch the surface -

Paint likes smooth surfaces so make sure you sand down or scrape any rough patches or chips in your building’s exterior.

4. Primetime -

The rule of thumb has always been to apply a good coat of primer, sand, then apply your color coats. You could also use the paint and primer in one, either way make sure you prime your building.

Exterior Painting takes lots of time and needs to be done right, call SERVPRO and save yourself the hassle. 843-236-6278

Restoring Commercial Property After Mold Damage

5/7/2021 (Permalink)

Mold growth inside of a vanity

Mold damage events in Myrtle Beach commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small mold cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Co.

SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Co. specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a mold damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet Our Crew


ASD - Applied Structural Drying Technician

OSHA - 10-hour General and/or Construction Industry Training Program

WRT - Water Damage Restoration Technician

SRT - Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration Technician

IICRC Certified Firm

AMRT - Applied Microbial Remediation Technician

ECTP - Employee Certification Training Program

RRRP - Lead-Based Paint Activities and Renovation

HST - Health and safety Technician

CCT - Carpet Cleaning Technician

CMR - Council-certified Microbial Remediator

UFT - Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician

What to do until help arrives: Vandalism Damage

4/8/2021 (Permalink)

Vandalism is a damage type that is often over looked by the normal property owner. This makes it even more difficult to deal with when your business is spray painted or damaged. Often times attempting to deal with vandalism yourself results in further damage to our building exterior. In order to avoid that additional damage SERVPRO has three things to do and not to do until your local franchise arrives.


  • Hose or wash egg damage from building exterior as soon as possible.
  • Vacuum glass particles from carpet and upholstery.
  • Save containers which could reveal the ingredients of spilled inks, cosmetics and paints.


  • Attempt to remove ink, paint or cosmetic stains.
  • Operate damaged lamps or appliances.
  • Discard furniture wood chips, broken pieces from porcelain, furniture or art objects.

What to do until help arrives: Contaminated Water Damage

4/8/2021 (Permalink)

As unthinkable it might be, contaminated water such as sewage does happen often and requires a lot of caution. Unlike clean water, contaminated water brings much more risk and therefore should be avoided at all costs. Most homeowners instinctively will want to clean up any water that starts to congregate on their floors, this action will only worsen the damage and bring massive risk to yourself. If you do happen to have contaminated  water in your home it is vital you follow these do's and don'ts.


AVOID all contact with sewage and items contaminated by sewage

Wash your hands thoroughly after contact with contaminated items.


Spread contaminated water by walking unnecessarily on damaged or wet areas.

Turn on the HVAC system if there is a possibility of spreading contaminated air.

Use household fans to dry the structure and spread contaminants.

Use products for personal hygiene and cleanliness if exposed to the contaminated areas. 

What to do until help arrives: Clean water damage

4/7/2021 (Permalink)

Water damages to your home or businesses come unexpectedly and with haste. That is why it is always best to know what to do and what not to do when clean water damages your building.


  • Shut off the source of water if possible or contact a qualified party to stop the water source.
  • Turn off circuit breakers for wet areas of the building, when access to the power distribution panel is safe from electrical shock.
  • Remove as much excess water by mopping or blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions for even drying.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Remove to a safe, dry place any paintings, art objects, computers, documents and other materials that are valuable or sensitive to moisture.   
  • Use wooden clothespins to keep furniture skirting off damp floors.
  • Hang draperies with coated hangers to avoid contact with wet carpeting or floors.
  • Hang furs and leather goods to dry separately at room temperature.


  • Enter rooms with standing water where electrical shock hazards may exist.
  • Enter affected areas if electrical outlets, switches, circuit breakers, or electrical equipment are exposed to water. Always avoid electrical shock hazards.
  • Leave books, newspapers, magazines or other colored items on carpets to cause staining.
  • Leave Oriental rugs or other colored rugs on wet wall-to-wall carpets to cause staining.
  • Use your household vacuum cleaner to remove water, possibly causing electrical shock or damage to the vacuum cleaner.
  • Use TVs or other appliances while standing on wet carpets or floors, especially not on wet concrete floors.
  • Turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet or enter room where ceilings are sagging from retained water. 

Fire, Smoke, Water, And Mold Damage Restoration in Horry & Georgetown Counties

3/17/2021 (Permalink)

One of the most profound losses that business people and homeowners experience is mainly caused by fire, water, mold, or smoke damages. Witnessing your home and precious belongings being consumed by water or fire can be traumatizing. After such a disastrous loss, the only reassurance you can have is obtained from having clear support and guidance in rescuing as much property as possible.

In the indoor environment, water is the only long-term most catastrophic material. Structures and other personal properties can deteriorate rapidly as a result of too much flooding or moisture.

We have successfully restored many water, fire, and smoke-damaged structures in Horry & Georgetown Counties.

We have a wide variety of residential and commercial services for our clients. We have a team of certified and fully trained professionals ready to respond to all emergencies at any given time.

Our company can tackle any disaster since we have all the necessary fire, smoke, and water mitigation equipment.

Some of the services that we provide are as follows,

• Fire damage restoration

• Restoration of water damage

• Restoration of storm destruction

• Mold damage restoration and others.

As a leading restoration firm, we can handle it all, from damage restoration to water removal to the cleanup of fire damage.

If not handled carefully and immediately, natural disasters can cause extensive destruction to your property. That's why you need a fully equipped company and experienced to restore your property to its initial condition. SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County is the company you need for quick mitigation of any form of natural disaster.

Our emergency support team is on standby 24/7, so you shouldn't hesitate to give us a call night or day.

Call us today at (843) 236-6278, and we respond immediately.

How Quickly Can Mold Grow in My Myrtle Beach Facility?

3/8/2021 (Permalink)

If you have water damage to your roof in Horry & Georgetown County, you are probably wondering if you will soon have black mold in your facility. The answer is probably yes if you don't take action right away to mitigate the damage. Here is some information about mold growth.

What Causes Mold To Grow?

Mold needs only a few ingredients to thrive:

  • Water
  • Oxygen
  • Food (organic material like wood)
  • Suitable temperature

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, once moisture from a ceiling leak begins to accumulate, black mold and other mold types can start growing in 24 to 48 hours. Mold spores are present in most environments and travel by air currents and water. They can also hitch a ride on clothing and fur. They can survive in conditions that don't support mold growth. Once they find moisture, it doesn't take long for them to settle in and thrive, forming colonies known as mycelium.

How Can I Prevent Mold Growth?

Once you know you have a roof leak in your building, act right away to identify the source and stop water from entering. A professional mold remediation company can help you by inspecting the damage and finding hidden sources of water. If mold is detected, technicians will isolate the contaminated area with physical barriers or negative air chambers. They will use vacuums and other specialized equipment to prevent the spread of mold spores.

If surfaces have been contaminated by mold, technicians will use antimicrobial and antifungal treatments to remove colonies. Any porous materials that are too damaged, such as carpeting or drywall, can be removed and replaced. If your facility needs significant repairs, areas can be remodeled and reconstructed.

If you suspect your facility's roof in Horry & Georgetown County has been compromised, it's best to call for help right away to prevent potential black mold damage.

Fire Safety: Space Heater Edition

3/5/2021 (Permalink)

Horry & Georgetown looks for ways to make chilly areas warm and comfortable in the colder months of the year. While space heaters can be useful to keep small areas warm, it's essential to use them with caution. Using a space heater can be safe if you follow these simple recommendations.


  • Have a three-foot "kid-free zone" around open fires and space heaters.
  • Supervise children when a fireplace, fire pit, or other space heater is being used. Use a sturdy, metal screen to prevent contact burns, which are even more common than flame burns.
  • All heaters need space. Keep things that can burn, such as paper, bedding, or furniture, at least 3 feet away from heating equipment.
  • Use heating equipment that has the label of a recognized testing laboratory.
  • Never use your oven for heating.
  • According to the local codes and manufacturer's instructions, install stationary space heating equipment, water heaters, or central heating equipment.
  • Install and maintain carbon monoxide alarms to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Maintain heating equipment and chimneys by having them cleaned and inspected annually by a qualified professional.

Portable electric space heaters

  • Turn heaters off when you go to bed or leave the room.
  • Use and purchase portable space heaters with an automatic shut-off, so they will shut off if they're tipped over.
  • A place space heater on a stable, flat surface.
  • Plug power cords directly into outlets and never into an extension cord.
  • Inspect for cracked or damaged, broken plugs, or lose connections. Replace before using.

Fuel-burning space heaters

  • Always use the proper fuel as specified by the manufacturer.
  • When refueling, allow the appliance to cool and refuel outside or in a well-ventilated area.
  • When using the heater, open a window to ensure proper ventilation.
  • In portable kerosene or other liquid-fueled space heaters, always use the proper grade of the appropriate fuel.
  • All new unvented gas-fired space heaters have an oxygen depletion sensor that detects a reduced level of oxygen in the area where the heater is operating and shuts off the heater before a hazardous carbon level monoxide accumulates. If you have an older heater without this feature, replace it.
  • If your gas heater's pilot light goes out, allow 5 minutes or more for the gas to go away before trying again, do not allow gas to accumulate, and light the match before you turn on the gas to the pilot to avoid the risk of flashback.
  • If you smell gas in your gas heater, do not attempt to light the appliance. Turn off all the controls and open doors and windows. 

SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County is here to help you recover from any fire. Our trained technicians will remove the smoke and soot from your home. Call us at 843-236-6278 for any fire restoration needs!

Congratulations Brendan Shupe of the Carolina Forest area recently completed his Eagle Scout for the achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.

2/22/2021 (Permalink)

The Boy Scouts of America have a long and proud tradition. From cub scouts up to Eagle Scout, young men learn life skills like teamwork, project management, and accountability. With the help of his team, Brendan Shupe of the Carolina Forest area recently completed his Eagle Scout Project required to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.

Brendan chose to give back to a place that has meant so much to him and his family. The Carolina Forest Community Center/ Sports Ministry has been a home for Brendan both on and off the playing field. He recognized the dugouts and concession area needed some work and decided to refurbish his Eagle Scout project.

Boy Scouts teaches you that you cannot achieve everything on your own, and Brendan needed a lot of help to make this project work. Financially Brendan was required to raise money to pay for the project materials and other expenses. He expected costs to be over $1000.00 and reached out to local businesses for help.

David Wellons of Johnson & Wellons LLC was quick to help. Having been a part of the Carolina Forest Community Center and an Eagle Scout himself, he understood the value of what Brendan was doing and made a gracious monetary donation. Many thanks to David Wellons and his team.

Another local company saw the value in the project as well. Anderson Brothers Bank has been a pillar in the community for decades and was quick to find the time to listen to what Brendan wanted to accomplish. After presenting his project, Brendan was contacted and informed that multiple locations had made donations. A special thanks to Susan Grant, Holly West, and Tamra Cannon for helping Brendan achieve his goal.

The help didn't stop there. Lowes home improvements store was quick to offer assistance as well, donating materials needed for the project. A massive deal in bringing this project to fruition. Seaboard Signs donated the sign placed on the worksite. They have a history of helping their community many do not know about—what a great company.

The final piece to bring this project together was for Brendan to assemble a team of volunteers to plan the test. Many of Brendan's fellow Boy Scouts showed up on a cold Saturday morning to get to work. Many adults helped out as well. A big shout out to Adam, Anthony, Michelle, Tiger, Craig, and all the other parents that came out! A lifelong supporter of Boy Scouts Tim Davis and his son, also an Eagle Scout, Ben Davis, came out to assist. Finally, his Boy Scout leaders were there to show support.

With such a massive outpouring of assistance, Brendan expanded his project that morning and completed another project at the Community Center he recognized needed to be done. Work finished eight hours after it started. All of the benches in the dugouts had their seats and backs replaced and their metal framing sanded, primed, and painted. Many of the old material was donated to a local family building a treehouse while the remaining was removed and properly disposed of. And… they were able to replace the stairs and handrail on the side of the concessions stand, something not in the original project. Below are pictures of the project in motion.

Here's Why SERVPRO Can Handle Anything - Myrtle Beach 29572

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

When it comes to average-sized homes suffering water damage, local SERVPROs such as SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County are so familiar with handling the challenges that arise when dealing with the restoration process that we could probably do it with our eyes closed (don’t worry, we won’t). 

However, what about the challenges that come when restoring a 150,000 square foot facility following a disastrous fire? Or a 600,000 sq. ft. commercial building damaged by strong winds and storm damage. Or even a community that’s been devastated and destroyed after a hurricane. You know to call SERVPRO for your “contained” disasters. But who do you call when the world around you is turned upside down?

The answer is simple: it’s still SERVPRO

Yes, SERVPRO franchises are independently owned and operated, but when it comes to rebuilding cities and regions after extreme losses, we work together like a well-oiled machine. 

When hurricane season hits southernmost parts of the United States, when wildfires rage in California, or when cold fronts overwhelm the north, or even when your state of the art fire suppression system accidentally goes off in your facility, there is nothing we can’t handle. Call SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County for all your disaster needs, whether large or small; we have an army at our disposal. 

New Homeowners: Watch for These Common Causes of Water Damage -Georgetown County 29440

1/6/2021 (Permalink)

They say it's a buyer's market in the real estate industry, which means plenty of first time home buyers are making the jump from renting to property ownership. If this is you, congratulations! While homeownership's thought is exciting and filled with endless possibilities of design and dreams of the memories you'll create in your new space, there are also endless possibilities for all kinds of disasters to occur. Below are a few common causes of water damage that SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County is often called to. Make sure to look out for:

  1. Air Conditioners

Make sure your A/C unit is serviced regularly, at least once a year. As the A/C removes moisture from the air, it can build up in the unit and leak into the flooring and drywall, potentially ruining it and causing a mold problem. 

  1. Dishwasher

If your dishwasher isn't properly sealed, this could be because the latch is broken or the wrong soap was loaded. Address any leaks immediately and repair or replace your unit if needed. 

  1. Washing Machine

Check the underbelly of your washing machine to ensure it is not leaking beneath the unit. Performing regular checks and inspections will also go a long way in preventing more serious water damages from occurring.

  1. Leaking Pipes

Probably the most obvious cause of water damage on the list. A good way to keep an eye out for leaky pipes and faucets is keeping track of your water bill. If you noticed a spike in the bill recently, it could be cause for concern. Contact your plumber to inspect the pipes as there could be a quick fix as easy as tightening bolts. 

  1. Clogged Drains

Clogged drains can cause more than water damage. These issues can lead to mold growth if not properly and timely addressed. Clogged drains can cause all kinds of nasty backup problems in the toilet, showers, and sinks. The best way to avoid this stinky disaster is by calling a plumber to check your drains if they are frequently clogged. 

Don't let the excitement of homeownership keep you from the responsibilities that come with it. However, if you find yourself in muddy waters (that's probably not actually mud) or with any water damage on your hands, feel free to call SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County to make all your water damage issues "Like it never even happened."

Tip for Cooks - Georgetown County 29440

12/29/2020 (Permalink)

I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised if we told you that cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires in the United States. 

If you ever cooked a meal, you can understand how easy it is to get distracted or carried away with other kitchen tasks. But even with the high probability of something catching on fire and spreading throughout the kitchen and the home, cooking is still something we do every day without hesitation. The truth is, we’ve gotten comfortable controlling the kitchen; fire, flames and all.

While it’s always nice to be a great cook, it’s often that comfort level that can lead to a laid-back approach in the kitchen. 

The next time you decide to “chef it up” in the kitchen, make sure to use the same level of care and caution as you did when it was your first time whipping up a meal. There’s no such thing as too much attention when a fire of any size is involved. In the way you give your meal extra care and attention, our technicians at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County do the same with their work in providing our fire and smoke damage restoration services

If it gets too hot in the kitchen, you can be certain that our crews are familiar with the heat. If you find yourself cooking up more than a meal, give SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County a call. We’re Here to Help!

Your Nose Knows - Pawleys Island 29585

12/21/2020 (Permalink)

Osmophobia is the fear of bad smells. So if you’ve ever been in a room you couldn’t get out of with a horrible stench, chances are you’ve felt attacked by the odor in the air. While the smell is creeping in and taking over the room, your first inclination is to get out! But what if that room happens to be your home or office and you can’t exactly “run away” from the smell?

That’s when you decide to fight back. 

Not just by lighting a candle or plugging in a diffuser, some smells need to be kicked out, not masked!

This is why SERVPRO Horry & Georgetown County offers deodorization services on top of the many clean-up and restoration services we provide. Not only do we help you get to the bottom of the smell, or the top if it’s coming from the attic, we’ll also be there to help guide you and your nose back to the clean and fresh air that your nose knows it needs. We also offer air duct cleaning services to ensure you’re breathing better and fresher with every whiff you take! 

If you’re smelling something that shouldn’t be, give our office at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown a call, and we’d be happy to help! 

Beware of Secondary Water Damage - Myrtle Beach 29572

12/13/2020 (Permalink)

The funny thing about water damage is even if an area doesn’t look wet, there’s always a chance that the place where the water damage occurred hasn’t properly dried.

Once water damage happens, it’s important to call a professional water damage restoration technician, like those at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County, to get to work right away to restore the damage. 

The more time spent between the damage occurring and getting a professional on-site to restore, the less likely it is that we’ll be able to prevent secondary water damage. 

This can include: 

  • Mold growth
  • Electrical damage, 
  • Corrosion of metal materials
  • Wood rot
  • Material damage of laminate or hardwood flooring 

A good rule of thumb to follow after any disaster is this: call a professional as soon as you are aware of the damage. The longer you wait, the more damage the disaster will cause, and the less likely it will be restorable. 

Our technicians are available 24/7/365 to assist with all emergency disasters. Call our office after your water damage to ensure it is properly dried and to prevent secondary damage. SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County is Here to Help. 843-236-6248

Tips to Prevent Dryer Fires in Your Horry County Home - 29526

12/10/2020 (Permalink)

Did you know that dryer vent fires are the second leading cause of residential fires in the nation? If you’re not regularly servicing your dryer, you run the risk of falling victim to a dryer vent fire. Here are some things to keep in mind to ensure that your dryer keeps the heat inside:

  1. Use a professional installer 
  2. Regularly service your equipment
  3. Keep the surrounding area free of flammable materials 
  4. Clean the lint filter before and after each load of laundry
  5. Use only rigid or flexible metal venting material
  6. Ensure air exhaust vent pipe is unrestricted
  7. Do no overload
  8. Inspect Gas Lines
  9. Use the correct plug and outlet
  10. Never run the dryer when you leave home or are sleeping. 

While these steps are simple and pretty easy to carry out, they are also crucial in preventing a dryer fire. If you find yourself dealing with the heat outside of the dryer, call SERVPRO Horry & Georgetown County (843) 236-6278 for our fire and smoke damage restoration services. We’d be glad to help!

Lighten the Mood Not Your Myrtle Beach Home - 29572

12/10/2020 (Permalink)

No matter what kind of mood you’re in, candles have a special power of turning a regular Tuesday into a relaxing night of self-care and aromatherapy. 

It’s no secret that candles are a great way to get us relaxed and even invite some romance in the air. But, if you’re not careful, candles can set a completely different mood if not handled properly. 

Candles are one of the top leading causes of home fires. As with any open fires, they are not on a “set it and forget it” schedule. Despite their small flame, a fire of any size poses a threat. It can quickly set a curtain on fire, or a mishap can cause it to fall and spread the flame. As a general rule of thumb, fires, candles included, should be closely monitored at all times. Make sure to keep it away from any flammable materials such as fabric, and keep it away from children and pets. If you are leaving the room, make sure to snuff out the fire.

Fires are traumatic disasters, and many times, it can be totally preventable. While the technicians at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County are trained in fire and smoke damage restoration, they’re not known for setting a romantic mood when called into your home. But they will make you fall in love with the way we can make your disaster look “Like it never even happened.” 

Fire, Soot, and Water Damage in Horry & Georgetown County

12/1/2020 (Permalink)

The most versatile fire extinguisher type for home use is the dry chemical fire extinguisher is recommended for normal fires and grease fires, and electrical fires. Unfortunately, dry chemical extinguishers come with a downside. When used, a dry chemical extinguisher coats the surrounding area in a layer of chemicals that, while great for smothering flames, makes a huge mess and can damage electronic equipment. With these instructions, you can minimize the mess and efficiently clean the chemicals from this fire extinguisher.

Fire extinguishers are generally looked upon as being a safety device, so not many people think about the potential dangers they hold. As with anything you bring into a home or workplace, it's important to understand the devices used fully. While fire extinguisher powder is non-toxic, it is not entirely safe. The chemicals used are considered appropriate for home use, but you should take precautions to avoid touching or inhaling too much powder. After a fire, the residue left by a fire extinguisher needs to be cleaned up. Many areas do not permit phosphates or sulfates to be added to the water table. Since most fire extinguishers contain ammonium phosphate and/or ammonium sulfate, you need to be careful about cleaning up. The chemicals can irritate the skin, so use gloves and avoid inhaling by using a dust mask.

What To Do After A Fire

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with a light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of leaves.
  • Change HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

What NOT To Do After A Fire

  • Don't attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces or shampoo carpet or upholstery without contacting us.
  • Don't attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire, heat, or water without consulting an authorized repair service.
  • Don't use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near the fire, heat, or water.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet. The wiring may be damaged.
  • Don't send garments to an ordinary dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set a smoke odor.

Have Smoke or Fire Damage? Call (843) 236-6278

SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown Available 24/7/366

11/27/2020 (Permalink)

Ever wish you had more time in the day? Well, this year, you have a whole extra day! While most people dream of days where they can relax and unwind, stress and worry-free, sometimes that isn’t quite what happens. 

For you, disasters may be a freak accident; for us at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County, however, it’s just another day at the office. And because we know disasters don’t take days off (not even when the year gives them an extra day!), we don’t either. Leap years won’t change that. 

This is why your local SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County is open 24/7/366. No matter the hour you call, you and trust that you will be attended to and cared for in your emergency disaster situation. As we always say, we are Here to Help. 

Fire Safety Tips For Your Horry & Georgetown County Home

11/25/2020 (Permalink)

As the cool fall weather starts to roll in, it is important to practice fire safety in the home to ensure your holiday season goes uninterrupted. Things like heating, holiday decorations, and candle burning can all leave room for disaster if not addressed properly.

Home Heating Safety Tips

Central Heating

If you heat your home centrally, it is important to have your system inspected and cleaned of any build-up before starting the fall season. A blocked air duct can be a potential fire hazard waiting to happen. Make sure to get your system routinely checked by a certified HVAC professional, and call SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County for any cleanings it may require.


It would help if you had your chimney inspected every year to ensure it's in safe, working condition. When necessary, utilize your local Chimney Sweeper and have any cracks within the foundation of the chimney filled if need be. It is also advised that a fireplace screen be used to keep sparks within the pit and unwanted debris out. Finally, you should never use gasoline or any other combustible substance to start a fire and, most importantly, never under any circumstances, leave a fire unattended!

Space Heater

Space heaters are a great resource for heating areas of the home that otherwise don't receive many airflows. There are many precautions to follow when relying on a space heater, though, which include making sure there is at least a 3-foot radius of space between your space heater and any other objects. You should also never place clothing or any other flammable articles on your space heater, and avoid putting it near furniture or curtains. Lastly, you must turn off and unplug your space heater when leaving the house or going to bed to avoid the possibility of fire. 

Decisions, Decisions - Choose SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown County

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

Life is made up of choices. Some are expected: what career you will choose, where you will live; who will be your life partner; how many kids you will have, and the list goes on!

There are, however, unexpected choices that life will throw your way. These choices can be little blips on the road, or they can involve huge detours. We call those detours: disasters. 

Sometimes, all it takes is a little burst pipe to qualify for those disasters. Which of these unexpected events come an unexpected choice: who will you call? If you don’t deal with these kinds of things regularly, it can be a stressful time. Between figuring out: who to call, how did this happen, and how can I make it stop, there are many choices involved in the disaster restoration process. This is why SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown makes it easy for you: choose us. 

Choose the best restoration company in the world. 

Choose trained and industry certified technicians.

Choose the crew that’s available 24/7/366.

Choose to make it, “Like it never even happened.”

Choose SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown. We’re Here to Help. 

When Storms Come Horry & Georgetown, So Do We

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

Storms can be scary and unpredictable, but instead of panicking, we encourage you to prepare for the worst that could happen.
That can mean stocking up on non-perishable food items such as canned goods and plenty of water. But it can also mean knowing who to call in case something happens.
When disasters of any kind strike, SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown County is available to help restore your home or commercial property following a loss.
This includes water extraction caused by flooding or leaks in your roof or basement; contents restoration; fire damage that may have been caused by circuit shortages or electrical outbreaks; downed trees that damaged property. If it’s damage to your home, commercial property, or structure, chances are we can help you.
If you’ve ever been affected by a storm or natural disaster, you’d know that SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown County is never far behind. SERVPRO has often been called to assist in numerous local and national restoration efforts such as Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Harvey, and Hurricane Ike, to name a few. So when it comes to restoring your home or commercial property, we know what we’re doing.
We encourage you always to be prepared, just like we are.
Ready for whatever happens.

Beware of Secondary Water Damage in your Georgetown home

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

The funny thing about water damage is even if an area doesn’t look wet, there’s always a chance that the place where the water damage occurred hasn’t properly dried.

Once water damage happens, it’s important to call a professional water damage restoration technician, like those at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County, to get to work right away to restore the damage. 

The more time spent between the damage occurring and getting a professional on-site to restore, the less likely it is that we’ll be able to prevent secondary water damage. 

This can include: 

  • Mold growth
  • Electrical damage, 
  • Corrosion of metal materials
  • Wood rot
  • Material damage of laminate or hardwood flooring 

A good rule of thumb to follow after any disaster is this: call a professional as soon as you are aware of the damage. The longer you wait, the more damage the disaster will cause, and the less likely it will be restorable. 

Our technicians are available 24/7/365 to assist with all emergency disasters. Call our office after your water damage to ensure it is properly dried and to prevent secondary damage. SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County is Here to Help. 843-236-6278

Learn About Hurricanes In Horry & Georgetown County

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

Hurricane season is winding down this year, but we are not out of the woods yet.

It has been about a month now since Hurricane Florence hit North Carolina and South Carolina, but the impact is still being felt even now.

It was a lot of rain and a few hours without power for many people, but for some, it was life-changing and very destructive.

It is important to learn from disasters like these so that you can be better prepared the next time tragedy and mother nature strikes.

Here are a few things to think about having ready or doing well before next Hurricane Season:

  • Make sure you locate and get educated on all of your important documents and insurance policies and procedures.
  • Have an emergency plan in place for if evacuation is necessary.
  • Make digital copies of as many important documents as you can and keep them safer by uploading them to a cloud service or device.
  • Organize a kit that has essential supplies and gear if you are going to weather the storm.

These are just a few things you can do to make sure you are more prepared for the next storm that comes to the Grand Strand.

If you have suffered storm damage, please call SERVPRO today!

Make Sure to Prepare for a Storm

11/1/2020 (Permalink)

In recent years, many different types of disasters have affected the United States. Flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, and blizzards are natural disasters that can threaten your home, business, and community. During National Preparedness Month, your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals want you and your customers to be aware of the steps to take to help prepare for Mother Nature's worst. 

    National Preparedness Month is the perfect opportunity to review your emergency plan. Emergencies can happen unexpectedly in communities just like yours, to people just like you. Tornado outbreaks, river floods, flash floods, historical earthquakes, and even water main breaks and power outages in U.S. cities affecting millions of people for days at a time. 

    Now is the time to think about the basics, things you will need in advance of an emergency, how you will communicate, what supplies you will need to keep in your home, car, or office. Use the list provided here to build an emergency supply kit to ensure your family is equipped and ready for any disaster type. The more you know about what to do in an emergency, the more confident and secure you will feel in your abilities to manage through a disaster. 

    Preparation is the key to making it through any size disaster, whether it is a small water leak, a large fire, or an area flood. The best time to plan for such events is not when the event happens, but well before it happens. No one ever plans on a disaster, but now, you can plan for it. Contact your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals for more information and tools to help you be "Ready for whatever happens." 


How quickly your company can get back to business after a tornado, fire or flood often depends on today's emergency planning. Th e regular occurrence of natural disasters demonstrates the importance of being prepared for any emergency. While each situation is unique, your organization can be better prepared if you plan carefully, put emergency procedures in place, and practice for all kinds of emergencies. The following are common-sense measures business owners and managers can take to start getting ready. A commitment to begin planning today will help support your employees, customers, the community, the local economy, and the country. It also protects your business investment

and gives your company a better chance for survival.

Review the following questions to learn if your company is prepared.

Be Informed.

Do you know what kind of emergencies might affect your company? Do you know what you will do in an emergency?

Develop a Business Continuity Plan.

Do you know which staff, procedures, and equipment are necessary to keep operating? Do you have back-up plans for those operations? Do you know what you will do if your building or plant is not accessible? Do you know what you will do if a disaster impacts your suppliers? Are you ready for utility disruptions?

Prepare your Emergency Plan.

Do you have an evacuation and shelter-in-place plan? Do you have a plan to communicate with employees before, during, and after an incident? Do you have copies of buildings and site maps with utilities and emergency routes marked? Are your employees trained for medical emergencies?

Practice the Emergency Plan.

Have you practiced your plan recently? Do you practice and coordinate with other businesses in your building or industrial complex? Have you reviewed your plans in the last 12 months?

Review of Insurance Coverage.

Have you reviewed your insurance coverage recently to see if you're covered in a disaster?

Secure Your Facility and Equipment.

Have you secured all the ways people, products, and supplies get into your building? Have you conducted a room-by-room walk-through to determine what can be strapped down?

Improve Cyber Security.

Do you regularly install patches to your software? Have you installed a firewall on your computer? Do you regularly update your antivirus software? 

Promote Family and Individual Preparedness.

Do you encourage employees to have a personal

emergency supply kit and a family communication plan?

If you answered "No" to any of these questions, visit ready.gov or call SERVPRO and learn how to prepare your business better. 

Why Realtors Should Choose SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County

10/1/2020 (Permalink)

Currently, we are in a time where the real estate market is hot. Houses are selling faster than they can be listed. We see interest rates dropping to an all-time low, and what a better time to have an edge with a reputation for having quality listings, whether it be a commercial or a residential listing. SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County understands that you want to move a sale quickly to get your commission. How your listing looks is everything to a potential buyer, and we can assist in making that happen. It doesn’t matter what shape or situation your listing is in, the SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County team can assist you in many different ways to make this sale quick and the most profitable for you! Our team can help you inspect a crawlspace/attic area for mold, water, or biohazard damage and fix this damage efficiently. Our team can even assist in estate sales in hoarder cleanouts with optional inventory itemization and cleaning services. A SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County professional would be happy to attend your next sales meeting to discuss how to recognize the potential for mold and what to do in case of a fire or water emergency.

Summer Time Means Storm Damage In Myrtle Beach

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

Summer storms wreak havoc all over the world and Myrtle Beach is no different.

Summer storms can lead to fires, floods, power outages, lightning strikes, wind damage and more. To make sure you and your family stay safe during the summer storms in Myrtle Beach follow these 5 important tips and procedures!

1. Have a Summer Storm Damage Survival Kit.

2. Stay inside and away from windows if possible.

3. Use flashlights and head lamps instead of candles.

4. Unplug as many appliances as possible.

5. Try not to open refrigerators or freezers while the power is out.

When the summer storm settles and power is restored do a survey of everything that might be broken or missing. Also make sure all family members and pets are accounted for.

If your house has sustained significant water or fire damage call the local authorities first, then call SERVPRO. We will help anyway we can.

Water Damage In My Georgetown House

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

What should I do if my home has water damage? 

Water damage—from a broken pipe, a leaky roof or a sink overflow—can cause significant damage to your home, especially if the damage is not properly repaired. 

There are some simple steps you can take until help arrives:

• If the source of water is still leaking, identify the source and stop it if you can.

• If the water is coming from a burst or leaking pipe, turn off the water at its source.

• If the water is coming through the roof or broken windows, try to cover them to prevent further damage.

• Move wet items to drier areas.

• Place aluminum foil coasters or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.

• Save damaged items and any parts you may need to replace— your claims representative may want to inspect them.

• Do not use electrical equipment or appliances while standing on wet carpet or floors.

• To document the damage, make a list of the temporary repairs you make and take photographs.

• Make sure to save your receipts

SERVPRO specializes in water damage restoration and clean up, call us today if you need help. 843-236-6278

Flood Facts

8/31/2020 (Permalink)

There is always a potential for flood damage, no matter where you live. According to the American Red Cross, floods cause more damage in the United States every year than any other weather-related disaster. The American Red Cross offers these flood safety tips:

-Stay away from floodwaters. If you come upon a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, stop, turn around and go another way. Six inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off of your feet.

-If you approach a flooded road while driving, turn around and go another way. If you are caught on a flooded road and waters are rising rapidly around you, get out of the car quickly and move to higher ground. Most cars can be swept away by less than two feet of moving water.

-Keep children out of the water. They are curious and often lack judgment about running water or contaminated water. 

If a flood occurs and affects you, call SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County. Even minor floods have the potential to cause significant damage. We are faster to ANY size disaster. Let us help you get your life back in order.

Thunderstorm Damage To My Myrtle Beach Home

8/24/2020 (Permalink)

Thunderstorm Damage To My Myrtle Beach Home

We all know that thunderstorms can actually cause major damage to your homes.

But who do you call when the clouds roll out?

SERVPRO has been fixing storm damaged homes in the Grand Strand area for decades. Our highly trained technicians are qualified to handle almost anything wicked storms can throw at them.

They have the experience, training and equipment to handle a small flood to massive thunderstorm damage resulting in holes in your roof, water damaged floors and even fire damage caused by lightning.

Why trust the process of putting your home and sometimes your family back together to any old person with a truck and a few tools. SERVPRO is licensed and insured to give you the ultimate peace of mind that you are in good hands.

Call us today 843-236-6278

The Mold after a Storm

8/20/2020 (Permalink)

A little while ago, SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown County traveled to another city to repair some storm damage. While storm damage was the main priority, we also had some other issues to address in the area. Unfortunately, when there is storm and water damage, sometimes it causes mold to grow. This is what happened in this instance. Luckily, SERVPRO quickly tackled the part of the ceiling affected by mold. Before too long, our customer was able to get back to business.

A lot of the time, it can be confusing what exactly causes mold. One might question- Why would it arrive on your ceiling in the aftermath of a storm? Well, the most common causes of mold happen when water meets cold surfaces. Mold has tiny spores. These spores begin to reproduce and grow when landing on moist surfaces. Any moisture at all will help the growing process of mold.  

However, it is nice to know, if you ever run into a "mold problem" call SERVPRO. We are happy to help! 

What is Crawl Space Encapsulation, and Do I Need It?

8/11/2020 (Permalink)

Did your home experience water damage? Call SERVPRO. This is just some of the equipment at our disposal to restore your home.

SERVPRO Techs can Extract, Dry and Repair Your Myrtle Beach Crawl Space

If your Myrtle Beach home did not get an encapsulated crawl space at the time of construction, there is a good chance that during the area's service life, water damage may be an issue. When ventilation is an issue or seepage occurs, the closed-in design of a crawl space creates the perfect environment for mold and dampness to affect the area of the home above with damage such as mold appearing from under floor tiles. When water loss signs appear, it is an excellent time to get your home professionally dried and get encapsulation.  

Can I Do My Water Removal in My Crawl Space? 

When the need for water removal occurs in your Myrtle Beach property, it is best to bring in a professional restoration services company whether or not your crawl space is encapsulated. SERVPRO technicians have extensive training handling basement and crawl space water damage situations and avoid dealing with issues such as:

Water collecting on a raw, unfinished crawl space ground creating a muddy mess 

  • Removal of both water and ambient humidity 
  • Remediation of any mold growth found

How Does Encapsulation Avoid Water Issues?   

While the installation of crawl space encapsulation cannot protect your home 100% from a water damage situation, it can help diminish the potential. The encapsulation is a vapor barrier installed over the unfinished (usually dirt) crawl space. It assists in negating mold, dampness, and foul odors, which can create problems in the home above. There are different types of encapsulation methods to develop the needed vapor barrier, including:  

  • Do-it-Yourself plastic sheeting placed over the floor usually has a limited service life  
  • Professional encapsulation uses multi-layered, strength-reinforced polyester sheeting
  • Installation of concrete flooring over the dirt

Getting the Water Out of a Crawl Space

When standing water or high-moisture conditions get established in a crawl space, they generally do not go away on their own and instead compound until mitigation of the problem happens. SERVPRO technicians remove the water using their professional equipment, including submersible pumps, if needed for water more significant than two inches in depth or the use of truck-mounted units. 

Careful measurements of the air within the crawl space get taken to determine the current interior humidity levels and goals get set. Although each job site is unique, the air moisture levels generally get set below 50%, as this is unsustainable for the germination of airborne spores and the growth of mold colonies.

Drying the crawlspace can present specific challenges due to the number of air movers and the dehumidification equipment's sheer size. SERVPRO technicians create custom tubing or venting as needed using plastic sheeting to direct the airflow as required for the best outcome. 

Bringing down the interior moisture in the crawl space goes a long way towards eliminating the musty odors that can accompany this issue. Further proactive treatments include cleaning surfaces with professional-strength antimicrobial cleaning agents and sealants to inhibit any return of previously remediated mold problems.   

Whenever any residual odors remain behind after drying and cleaning, SERVPRO techs have numerous types of odor control methods to handle the smell. Scents can get divided into two basic types: caused by airborne particulate and caused by embedded particulate. Whether it is bacteria or mold spores, different kinds of methods get applied. For example, within a crawl space, drying the area may be affected. However, should odors penetrate the subfloor above, thermal fogging can get used to go into the wood and eliminate the odor at the molecular level. When the odorous particles are airborne, air scrubbers do an excellent job of capturing them. Hydroxyl generators are a safe way to eradicate airborne odors using UV rays to render them inert and zero chance of causing unpleasant scents in the future. 

Once the water damage mitigation efforts complete, SERVPRO techs go over the actions taken with the homeowner and provide a detailed report that includes any losses due to the water in the crawl space, including photos to assist with any insurance claims getting filed. If the homeowner wants, the techs can also offer advice on the best way to keep water from entering the home and connect them with a trusted partner to perform any needed repairs or encapsulation of the crawl space. 

Consider our services to install a sump pump and a permanent dehumidifier after the encapsulation completes. Indoor air conditions can be enhanced in the above living space when the crawl space moisture levels align with the norms for the geographic and climatic conditions.

When your crawl space needs water removal, contact SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown County at (843) 236-6278. The technicians have the experience and professional equipment to remove the water loss and return the area to its preloss condition. 

Buckled Floor? Call us ASAP!

7/12/2020 (Permalink)

What Causes Hardwood Floors to Buckle?

Floor buckling is the most extreme reaction to moisture in a hardwood floor. Buckling occurs when the wood flooring pulls up from the subfloor, lifting several inches in one or more places. Fortunately, this is not a common occurrence.

If caught early, spot repair and replacement may be possible. Once the standing water is removed, several boards can be taken up from the floor so that the air can circulate across and below the floor. When the floor has dried to a more stable moisture level, repairs can usually be made.

What can SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown do?

  • Set up floor protection, drying mats and drying equipment
  • Wear PPE
  • Clean all affected areas
  • Content Manipulation, full Pack out and Storage
  • Removal of buckled floorboards

Additionally, our upcoming Reconstruction Division will be able to replace the flooring for you, professionally. Call SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown today at 843-236-6278!

Knowledge is Power - Thunderstorms

7/8/2020 (Permalink)

Knowledge is invaluable when disaster strikes.  Having a plan in place can keep us safe.

Here our some tips from the American Red Cross concerning Thunderstorms: 


Severe thunderstorms produce hail with a diameter of at least 1 inch or wind gusts of at least 58 mph. Lightning produced by thunderstorms kill more people each year than tornadoes or hurricanes. Widespread power outages caused by high winds which damage homes, blow down trees and utility poles. Flash flooding can be caused by heavy rains during thunderstorms.

What’s the Difference? Storm Watch vs. Storm Warning

A severe storm watch is when there is a possibility for severe thunderstorms in and near the watch area. It is advised to remain informed and ready to act in the event of a severe thunderstorm warning is issued.

A severe thunderstorm warning is when there has been reports of severe weather by spotters or radar. Warnings indicate an imminent danger to life and property. 

People are seriously injured or killed by severe thunderstorms every year despite advance warning. While some may not be informed on such warnings, there are those who hear the warning but do not heed to it; therefore, it is vital to stay engaged and have a plan in place in the event of a severe thunderstorm and if evacuation is necessary. The information in this section, combined with timely watches and warnings about severe weather, may help save lives.

For more information about storms visit the National Weather Service.

If you need us in the event there is property damage, feel free to reach out at 843-236-6278. We are available 24 hours a days, 7 days a week, 365 days out of the year, "Like it never even happened."

Here to Help YOU

6/22/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Certified Cleaning

This pandemic has caused fear and worry among our community members and you may be thinking to yourself “How can I keep my exposure minimal?” or “How do I combat this virus before it enters my home?” SERVPRO can help you in being proactive! We have several levels of proactive cleaning services that we offer to our customers year round that can help minimize exposure by thoroughly disinfecting businesses and homes. As a company, we follow CDC guidelines when performing these services. All our employees are all highly trained and maintain correct certifications to get the job done to the highest standard. 

Several businesses have already contacted us to perform proactive cleanings of their office spaces, restaurants, theaters, and much more. The best part is that you do not need to vacate your home or business for an extended period of time.  Unlike you would if you were to have a bug fogging service performed. Our cleaning products are Hospital grade, EPA registered and not harmful to you, your pets, or your customers once the cleaning has been performed. Meaning whether you are having a home or your restaurant cleaned, we can have you back in the structure and living your life quickly without having to worry about a place to stay, work, or harm to guests or pets. 

As an industry leader, SERVPRO of Horry &Georgetown County has been performing services like these for years to proactively clean against everything from SARS, Swine flu, to the common cold! If you or someone you know is interested in having these services performed or obtaining an estimate for these services, please don’t hesitate to give us a call today! 

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.

Professional Cleaning for your Myrtle Beach Business

3/23/2020 (Permalink)

Professional Cleaning

When it comes to having your business office cleaned, do not trust the job to any old happy maid service.

Your commercial building and office space deserves the utmost care and respect possible. Your documents are vulnerable and you need peace of mind that the company picking up after your employees and deep cleaning every inch of your office space are going to do an amazing job.

The professional technicians at SERVPRO are certified and trained by the best in the business. They use top quality machines and equipment that is unparalleled in the cleaning industry. So have the men and women in green come take care of your workplace or commercial office building in Myrtle Beach and the surrounding areas.

If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown Counties 


We are Cleaning Experts

3/17/2020 (Permalink)

We are the cleaning experts

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

Specialized Training

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis.

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning

If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown Counties 


8 Tips on how to use a pressure washer

3/6/2020 (Permalink)

Pressure washer

8 Tips on how to use a pressure washer:

  1. Choose a pressure washer that is best for the job. Different housing materials can withstand various water pressures.
  2. Protect your house's exterior fixtures, like lights, landscaping shrubs and plants, from harmful water pressure. Cover with drop cloths or plastic covering.
  3. Manually scrub any visible dirt and grime from the surface you are power washing with a brush.
  4. Mix the cleaning solution and fill the pressure washer's soap dispenser.
  5. Connect a hose hooked to your water supply to the pressure washer.
  6. Test how close you have to be to pressure wash a house by holding the pressure washer nozzle with both hands about 3 feet from the wall. Walk it in closer until you feel the spray is strong enough to remove dirt but not cause any damage.
  7. Start at the top of the house and move down just like when you paint. 
  8. Rinse from the top down with plain water. Allow the house to dry at least 2 days before painting.

If this sounds like too much work just call SERVPRO, we will do it for you. 843-236-6278

Does and Don'ts for Pediatric Scolds

3/4/2020 (Permalink)

Scold damage from burns

Here are a few tips from the American Burn Association's website regarding Pediatric Scalds:


Set water heater temperature to no higher than 120°F/48°C, or just below the medium setting ?

Create a “no kid zone” in the kitchen around stoves, ovens and hot items ?

Keep hot drinks away from the edge of tables and counters ? Use a travel mug with a tight-fitting lid for all hot drinks ?

Place pots and pans on the back burner with handles turned away from the edge of the stove


Leave a child unattended in the bathtub; if you must leave, take the child(ren) with you ?    

Allow young children to adjust the water   temperature or sit near faucet handles ?

Set anything hot on tabletops within reach of young children who can pull them down ?

Allow appliance cords (slow-cookers, deep-  fryers, coffeemakers) to dangle over the counter edge

If a burn injury does happen to you or your child …

1)   Cool the burn with COOL (not cold) water to stop the burning process

2)   Remove all clothing and/or diaper from the injured area

3)   Cover the area with a clean dry sheet or bandages

4)   Seek medical attention

If you have fire damage call the professionals at SERVPRO 843-236-6278.

Is Your Horry County Home Affected by Mold?

2/25/2020 (Permalink)

Mold can grow undetected

Stachybotrys chartarum is the type of mold often called “black mold” or “toxic mold”. Sensational news reports warn about the dangers of black mold and these stories can be alarming and confusing. Any mold in your home should be treated with caution – stay out of affected areas and don’t touch or disturb the mold.

How Do I Tell If It’s Black Mold?

Since many types of mold can produce allergens and irritants, you should contact a qualified mold remediation company regardless of the color or type of mold. In many instances, multiple types of mold can exist in the same house or structure. If you suspect that you have a mold problem, contact a SERVPRO Franchise Professional immediately.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today 843-236-6278

When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

  •  Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  •  Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  •  Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce toxins harmful to humans and pets.
  •  Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise the mold may return.
  •  Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  •  Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

Is your Horry County office winter ready?

1/23/2020 (Permalink)

Don't let cold offices slow you down!

Winter is hitting the Horry County area and that means it’s time to turn up the heat!

Is your businesses HVAC System ready for the challenges that winter brings?

Here are 6 maintenance tips from SERVPRO that will help you enjoy a warm and comfortable works space all winter long.

  1. Clean and/or Replace the Air Filter
  2. Clean the Air Vents
  3. Add Some Insulation
  4. Check Your Thermostat
  5. Cover the Outdoor AC Unit if needed
  6. Schedule an Inspection from SERVPRO

Does your business need a hand with  HVAC maintenance in the Horry or Georgetown County area?

SERVPRO is here to assist you. Through maintenance and repair, the experienced, professional, and friendly technicians at SERVPRO will make sure your business's heating system is ready for the upcoming winter season. 843-236-6278

Protect your Horry County Home from Breached Pipes

1/6/2020 (Permalink)

Breached pipe caused by water pressure.

Happy New Year! We at SERVPRO would like to start of the year with helpful household tips.

According to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), a breach in pipes can cost up to $5,000 or more in damage expenses. Pipe insulation, which you can install yourself around any exposed copper or PVC water pipe, costs as little as 50 cents per linear foot.

Places to Inspect

  •  Use it under sinks,
  •  Attics
  • crawl spaces
  • pipes along exterior wall

Signs of Breached Pipes 

  • Wet spots in yard 
  • Slow draining and clogs throughout your home 
  • Foul sewer odors from your yard  

Make sure you know where your home’s water main shut off valve is as a precaution. this shut off valve is usually located outside the house. 

If you do experience a water damage because of a pipe burst call SERVPRO right away! 843-504-3334

SERVPRO 1st Responders Bowl

12/31/2019 (Permalink)

What a game, what an experience!


This year the SERVPRO 1st Responders Bowl featured the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers versus Western Michigan Broncos!

In this close match up that took place on December 30th, 2019 the Hilltoppers of Western Kentucky narrowly beat the Broncos of Western Michigan by 3 points.

Our General Manager Don Shupe was kind enough to escort the brave winners of our First Responder Contest to the game for an amazing experience for everyone involved.

Our winners included Horry County Police Officers and Surfside Beach Firefighters and their families. There were activities throughout the day as well as mentions at the game itself.

All in all the experience was one for the record books and it was an absolute honor to share this event with those who fight and protect us humbly and without question day in and day out.

Check out our Facebook Page here for more great pictures and videos of the experience!


200 Fire Calls On Christmas Eve

12/28/2019 (Permalink)

Fire prevention is so much easier than fire restoration!

200 Fire Calls On Christmas Eve ... that is how many Horry County Firefighters received this year!

We wrote a few blog posts earlier this month concerning the heightened risks of fires during the holiday season one about candle safety, one about general fire hazards and one about holiday fire precautions.

Two hundred calls for help with fires is very high on one night that is why we here at SERVPRO stress fire prevention!

No one wants to deal with the danger and messy aftermath of fires, especially during the holidays. It is absolutely crucial that everyone in your family be aware of these elevated circumstantial risks and be vigilant about taking every measure to ensure safety for the whole household!

If you or someone you know has had fire damage this holiday season call SERVPRO we can help!

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Happy Holidays From Your Friends At SERVPRO

12/23/2019 (Permalink)

Happy Holidays!


One of the greatest joys of this season is the opportunity to say THANK YOU to our past and present customers and to wish you the very best for the New Year.

Our family wishes you and all those close to you a joyous holiday season and a new year filled with happiness and hope for a world at peace.

The best part of the season is remembering those who make the holidays meaningful. We wish you all the love and happiness this season can bring, and may it follow you throughout the coming new year.

To those we love and see each day and other loved ones far away, to all good friends who mean so much and those with whom we’re out of touch… Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

- Your Team at SERVPRO of Georgetown and Horry Counties


Cold Weather Tips For Your Grand Strand Home

12/19/2019 (Permalink)

Checking now so you are prepared later!


Although we do not stay cold very long here on the Grand Strand, cold weather does happen here so it is always best to be prepared!

Here are a few tips (from the good people over at Liberty Mutual) to make sure your Grand Strand home is ready when the cold weather comes:

1. Protect Your Pipes: If the water inside your pipes freezes, it will expand, as well, which can cause your pipes to crack and burst.

2. Check the Heat: Check your furnace or HVAC by turning on the heat and the blower to be sure they're operating as they should, do this BEFORE it gets too cold.

3. Inspect the Fireplace and Chimney: A professional chimney sweep can clean out soot and other debris that could catch fire, do this especially if it has been a while since you last used it.

4. Seal Windows and Doors: Caulk around windows and install weather stripping around doors as needed. This should be checked every year like clockwork.

Doing these 4 simple tasks will have you way ahead of the game if and when cold weather does strike the Grand Strand this winter!


5 Damages You Can Get From Flooding

12/12/2019 (Permalink)

Floods damage your whole life.


When you experience flood damage it is way more than just a wet carpet!

Here are 5 areas that can sustain major problems and issues when water damage from flooding strikes your home:

Drywall and trim - Drywall can absorb a lot of moisture which will ruin the integrity of your walls. They can also be the perfect breeding ground for mold if left untreated.

Your Foundation - Too much water settling in under and around your home can cause the ground to become unstable and lead to massive cracking your foundation.

Appliances - These are a major item inside your home that gets used on a daily basis. Your appliances can fall victim to floods because they are usually sitting on the ground at some level and water can seep into them and destroy how they work.

Insulation - If your home has a crawl space that is insulated a flood can cause major damage to the insulation and its ability to work effectively. It also can become a safe haven for mold growth!

Furniture - Like your appliances, furniture is present all throughout your home and sits connected to the floor. Although many items of furniture can be cleaned, most pieces become destroyed.

If you have suffered a major loss due to water damage call SERVPRO today, we can help!

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121


Congratulations To These 1st Responders

12/12/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO 1st Responders Bowl

SERVPRO has sponsored the 1st Responders Bowl for College Football again this year, so we wanted to honor some great people here locally!

Our local SERVPRO franchise has been working hard fielding nominations from locals all over the Grand Strand telling us about heroic 1st responders in our area and the amazing feats of selflessness they perform on a daily basis in order to win a FREE trip to the 1st Responders Bowl game in Dallas, TX.

We would like to thank all the first responders that were nominated for their services in our counties and communities.

Be sure to follow up with all your responders and thank them for their commitment to making our communities a safer place.


Chad Dubarr - Surfside Beach Fire Department
Bill Hyatt - Surfside Beach Fire Department
Westley Foushee - NWB Police Department
James Vreeland - NWB Fire Department
Ben Lawson - Horry County Rescue
Kent Wright - Loris FD
Captain Kenneth Harlow - Myrtle Beach Police Department
Michael Mabe - Horry County Fire Rescue
Jonathan Fairfield - Pawleys Island Police Department
Roberto Zaldivar - Myrtle Beach Fire Department

We will be sending the following 1st responders to the game from our amazing group of local emergency responders:

Horry County Police Officers: Matthew Treitler and Christian Fletcher

Surfside Beach Fire Department: Michael Miller

Thank you to all who serve and protect us on a daily basis and we have the utmost respect for each and every one of you!

Holiday Fire Hazards

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

Fire hazards increase during the holidays.

Holidays are supposed to be a time for fun and celebration, but fires can happen fast during the winter season.

Here are 3 areas to concentrate your safety efforts this holiday season to avoid extra fire causing hazards.

  1. Candles: Candles are used a lot more during the holidays to provide a festive and fragrant decor all around homes and businesses. Use caution in the placement and lighting or burning of candles to avoid fire risk.
  2. Dry Christmas Trees: If you are putting up a real Christmas tree please remember to water it frequently and at the very least check the levels of water daily! A dry tree will catch fire so quickly!
  3. Overloaded Outlets: We tend to use a lot more things that need electricity during the holiday season. Everything from lights to heaters jam up every outlet around your dwelling. Please make sure you do not overload your outlets.

Using these tips and exercising common sense you should be just fine this holiday season! If you do have fire damage call SERVPRO!

Fire Facts For Winter Months

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

Fires happen a lot more frequently in the winter.


When it comes to the winter months fires happen much more frequently.

Here are a few facts for you to consider to help you keep your home and family safe.

Info provided by the NFPA.

Winter holiday fire facts

Christmas trees

  • Between 2013-2017, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 160 home fires that started with Christmas trees per year.
  • These fires caused an average of three deaths, 15 injuries, and $10 million in direct property damage annually.


  • On average, 22 home candle fires were reported each day between 2013-2017.
  • Three of every five (60%) candle fires started when something that could burn, such as furniture, mattresses or bedding, curtains, or decorations, was too close to the candle.

Holiday cooking

  • Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day and Christmas Eve.
  • Cooking equipment was involved in one of every five (19%) of home decoration fires. This can happen when a decoration is left on or too close to a stove or other cooking equipment.

If you have suffered a loss from fire damage call SERVPRO today, we can help!


Hurricane Season Is Over ... For Now

12/1/2019 (Permalink)

Hurricane Season is officially over but there is always a chance of storms!


Hurricane Season is officially over for the year as of November 30th, 2019!

This date marks the end of the very active 2019 hurricane season.

The 2019 hurricane season produced 18 named storms out of the 21 available. Of those named storms, six became hurricanes and three were “major” (Category 3, 4 or 5) hurricanes. -WMBF News

NOAA’s hurricane season outlook called for 10-17 named storms, 5-9 hurricanes, and 2-4 major hurricanes. So we were right on target with their predictions!

The three major hurricanes this season were Dorian, Humberto, and Lorenzo.

Dorian set records for its strength. At its peak somewhere near the Bahamas, Hurricane Dorian produced sustained winds of 185 mph!

Four storms made landfall in total in the U.S. during the 2019 Hurricane Season: Barry, Dorian, Imelda, and Nestor.

Remember just because the dates are "officially over" does not mean you should let your guard down, weather is unpredictable but SERVPRO's ability to get you back on track after storm damage is extremely reliable!


Holiday Candle Fire Safety

12/1/2019 (Permalink)

Candles can cause massive fire damage!


Candles are an open flame that means that it can easily ignite anything that is flammable in its area if left unattended.

Lit candles that are positioned in close proximity to dry holiday trees are a HUGE danger and can cause massive fire damage to rooms in a matter of seconds!

Candle fire facts -
During the five-year period of 2012-2016:

  • Candles caused 2% of reported home fires, 3% of home fire deaths, 7% of home fire injuries, and 4% of the direct property damage in home fires.
  • Roughly one-third (37%) of home candle fires started in bedrooms. These fires caused 30% of the associated deaths and 50% of the associated injuries.
  • Falling asleep was a factor in 11% percent of the home candle fires and 21% of the associated deaths.
  • On average, 23 home candle fires were reported per day.
  • Three of every five (60%) of home candle fires occurred when some form of combustible material was left or came too close to the candle.
  • December is the peak time of year for home candle fires. In December, 12% of home candle fires began with decorations compared to 4% for the rest of the year.

Source: NFPA's Applied Research

If you suffer fire damage this holiday season call SERVPRO, we can help!


We Are Thankful For You, Our Customers

11/27/2019 (Permalink)

We are thankful for you!


We are Thankful for you!

This Thanksgiving we wanted to reach out to all of our past and present customers to let you know how much we appreciate the fact that you chose SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown Counties to get you through your fire, water, storm or mold damage.

In this day and age where competition is fierce and choices are plenty you gave us the opportunity to earn your business and we appreciate that so very much!

We want you to know that this Thanksgiving we will be keeping you in mind as we reflect on what it is that we are thankful for. We hope that you do not ever need us again in an emergency capacity but it gives us comfort to know that in your time of need you trusted us and we were there for you and that you were there for us too.

Happy Thanksgiving and we hope that you have plenty to be thankful for this year as well.


10 Thanksgiving Safety Tips

11/25/2019 (Permalink)

These 10 tips should keep you out of harm's way this Thanksgiving!


Extra family members are staying over and dinner time is closing in, it is easy to see how things can get overlooked and safety issues can arise at a moment's notice.

Here are 10 Thanksgiving Safety Tips from the National Fire Protection Association to mind during the next few days to help keep you and your family safe:

  1. Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking on the stove so you can keep an eye on all of the food.
  2. Stay in the house when cooking.
  3. Keep small children away from the stove and out of the kitchen if possible. 
  4. Also, make sure kids stay away from hot food and liquids when they are served. The steam or splash from vegetables, and or gravy could cause serious burns.
  5. Keep knives and sharp utensils out of the reach of children.
  6. Be sure electric cords are not accessible to children or pets.
  7. Keep your matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
  8. Never leave children alone in the room with a lit candle.
  9. Keep the floor clear so you don’t trip over kids, toys, game consoles or bags.
  10. Make sure your smoke alarms are working. Test them by pushing the test button and replace batteries if necessary.

So basically watch the kids and pets when holiday cooking is being done!


Pipe Freeze On The Grand Strand

11/13/2019 (Permalink)

Frozen pipes can lead to some serious damage!


YES! Pipes can still freeze here on the Grand Strand!

Temperatures do not often get below freezing here in Myrtle Beach or the surrounding Grand Strand areas, but it is possible.

When temperatures drop below freezing (35 degrees Fahrenheit) for a few days in a row your pipes have a significantly higher chance of freezing up. Since this kind of weather is not extremely common here on the Grand Strand, most residents do not plan accordingly and end up with enormous messes in their homes or businesses due to pipes exploding and flooding their properties!

Here is a link to a post we wrote a few years back on the prevention of pipe bursts.

We recognize that cleaning up water damage here on the Grand Strand is what we do if we can help you prevent a disaster along the way we feel good about that too.

If your pipes do freeze and end up bursting resulting in water damage on the Grand Strand call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121.


Cold Weather Tips On The Grand Strand

11/13/2019 (Permalink)

Keep warm with these cold-weather tips.


As freezing temperatures and ice-cold weather approach, there are a few things you can do around the house to make sure you and your family stay warm and safe all winter. 

Here are a few tips and areas to concentrate on before it gets too cold!

  • 1. Protect Your Pipes: Water expands as it freezes. If water inside your pipes freezes, it will expand, which can lead to your pipes cracking and/or bursting.
  • 2. Check Your Heat/HVAC: Check your HVAC by turning on the heat and the fan to be sure they're operating as they should before temperatures drop too low.
  • 3. Inspect Your Fireplace and Chimney: Before you light up that first fire, make sure your fireplace and chimney are clean, clear and object/animal-free.
  • 4. Seal Windows and Doors: Cracks around windows and doors can make it hard to keep your house warm all day in the winter. Caulking around windows and installing weather stripping around doors can drastically help with drafty areas.

SERVPRO is here to help should you need an expert to come and service your home before winter weather strikes!


A Message From Our GM

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

An all-expenses-paid trip to Dallas TX is up for grabs!

Hey, good afternoon my name is Don Shupe, I'm the general manager of SERVPRO Horry and Georgetown Counties.

I wanted to take a couple of minutes with you today just to share with you a program that we're doing here at SERVPRO we're part of a large national organization SERVPRO is a national company and they've decided at a national level to sponsor the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl it's a college football game that's gonna happen December thirtieth in Dallas Texas.

We thought what a great idea for somebody such as ourselves who's an emergency service business to be a sponsor for our first responder's bowl to honor those folks that are putting their lives on the line every day to keep us safe. We're thinking about how can we locally tie into that? What can we do?

What we decided was we wanted to send some of our first responders to Dallas this December to be honored on that national stage!

So what we did was we reached out to the firemen and the police chiefs and fire chiefs we told them what we wanted to do and asked them to please get these nomination forms out to all of your people because we wanted the firemen and the policemen to nominate folks that they work with who are exceptional at their jobs exceptional and taking care of our community!

So that's what they've done we've been receiving these nomination forms in and we wanna make sure that we have an opportunity to honor all of those that deserve to be nominated.

So I'm reaching out today attached to this post there's a link for the nomination form if you know somebody that needs to be nominated please print it out and email it back to me.

Every nominee will be honored here locally but a select few are gonna get an all-expense-paid trip to Dallas Texas on December 30th to go be part of this great SERVPRO first responder bowl!

We're excited about it it's great that we're able to give back for all these folks that do a wonderful service for our community and show a little appreciation for what they do!

Click here for the nomination form: t.ly/10wDE

Turkey Day House Cleaning From The Pros

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

Thanks for giving SERVPRO a chance to clean your holiday mess!


The leftovers are piled up, the dishes are all dirty and your family left a mess everywhere!

Sound like your holiday dinner?

When you have your family and friends over for the Thanksgiving feast things are going to get messed up, especially if there are kids and pets present! Let SERVPRO come over and deep clean your home after the Thanksgiving meal and leave all the cleanup the stress to us.

Give SERVPRO a shot at showing you how we can work our wonders on your rugs and carpet, nobody likes deep cleaning after a huge holiday gathering but luckily for you, SERVPRO is amazing at it!

We have professional-grade equipment that is delicate enough for your most cherished rugs. Our technicians are specially trained in the art and science of drying so your home can look better than ever after our workers are finished.

You have enough on your plate "so to speak" before the meal, let SERVPRO take care of things after the meal so you can actually enjoy your family and friends this Thanksgiving Turkey Day!

Call SERVPRO to make your after holiday carpet cleaning appointment today!

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121


Peak Hurricane Season Is Slowing Down, But It Is Not Over

10/31/2019 (Permalink)

There is still a month left in the Atlantic Hurricane Season.


Peak hurricane season usually hits the Atlantic coast in mid-September and lasts until late October, we have been lucky so far!

With only one major hurricane impacting us so far it is safe to say we have made it past the peak hurricane season!

Although we are not completely out of the woods yet because the Atlantic Hurricane Season as a whole lasts until the end of November with the latest hurricane ever being formed on December 30, 1954 (Hurricane Alice).

You still have time to make sure your home insurance is up to date and if you live in an area that is prone to flooding, your flood insurance policy is active and updated.

Make sure all of your paperwork is easily accessible and backed up digitally and stored externally if possible, this provides maximum protection and ease of use if needed during an emergency.

If you do sustain flood damage here on the Grand Strand call SERVPRO when it is safe to do so, we will help!

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121


Turkey Fryer Safety Tips

10/31/2019 (Permalink)

It is turkey season, let's stay safe!

Turkey frying has become more and more popular over the years, especially here on the Grand Strand where temperatures stay warmer longer and provide a great opportunity to cook outside!

With this new trend, emergency calls for fires, burns, and accidents from frying turkeys has drastically increased as well. We try to educate the public on turkey safety whenever possible.

Here are a few TURKEY FRYING SAFETY TIPS to help you and your family stay safe this year during Thanksgiving, or whenever you fry a turkey:

  • Never leave the turkey fryer unattended while it is hot. This is the quickest way to come back to a fire that has spread out of control.
  • Keep children and pets away from the turkey fryer at all times. This may seem like a no brainer but you would be surprised how many times a child or pet playing near a hot fryer has caused an unfortunate accident!
  • Defrost your turkey COMPLETELY – and dry it BEFORE immersing it in hot oil. Those little ice crystals can cause a very big disruption to your dinner timetable!
  • Keep a grease-rated fire extinguisher within arms reach of your work area at all times. Grease fires are much harder to put out than other fires, practice the use of the fire extinguisher as well.
  • Do not overfill the oil in the turkey fryer. Do a dry practice run and fill the fryer with water and place the turkey inside and make a mark to act as a guide for when you pour in the oil.

As always, should you find yourself on the receiving end of a turkey fryer fire damage, call SERVPRO when the smoke clears. We can help!

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Is Your Grand Strand Business Setup With An ERP?

10/30/2019 (Permalink)

Sign up for our ERP program today and be ready tomorrow!


Where is the emergency shut off switch? Where are the breaker boxes and control panels? What do we do first in the event of an emergency?

These are just some of the questions that you could be left asking and NOT knowing the answers to if there is an emergency at your commercial building, office space, warehouse or factory.

SERVPRO has a program called ERP. That stands for Emergency Ready Plan and here are just some of the FREE benefits to setting one up for your commercial space or office property:

  • It is FREE. This means there is no need to stress about cost, giving you a great value with no financial requirement.
  • All of your important and emergency information in one easy to read document. It will only take a fraction of your day to complete and will not require you to leave your current projects.
  • A follow-up guide to getting you back on track after a major event or disaster. This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action to implement.
  • Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas, and priority contact information.

To learn more about having SERVPRO set up the ERP for your commercial business call us now, 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121


Halloween Party Clean Up On The Grand Strand

10/28/2019 (Permalink)

We clean up after your spooky friends!


SERVPRO of Georgetown, East, and West Horry Counties = The Best Halloween Party Cleaners around!

Halloween is almost here. Everyone knows that it is all about that wild and crazy celebration style! Things can get a bit out of control at your house with all of those cumbersome costumes and spooky punch drinking! 

When you close the door after the last party guest leaves and you turn around to face the horror of a stained carpet and soiled furniture, do not panic, call in the professional team of SERVPRO!

Luckily for you, SERVPRO does not take holidays off (and Halloween is no exception) so if your carpet has bloody salsa covered tortilla chips ground into it from all that celebrating and outright ghoulish snacking give us a shout!

If the punch bowl was full of slime and now your rugs are full of red wine stains, give us a scream!

SERVPRO has been cleaning up after the Grand Strand's messy guests for decades. We have the technology and equipment to get in and out faster than you can say BOO!

Call us today to schedule your carpet cleaning: 843-236-6278 or 843-436-2121


SERVPRO First Responder Bowl Nomination Form

10/19/2019 (Permalink)

Nominate a fellow 1st responder who has gone above and beyond!

SERVPRO First Responder Bowl Nomination Form

Who do you know that is exceptional at their job as a first responder? Who deserves to be honored by their peers and a grateful nation on a national stage? Who leads by example, shares their passion for serving and is an inspiration to others around them?

Tell us their story.

Tell us why they are the one who needs to go to Dallas to represent you and other first responders from this area.

The nomination due date is November 15th!!!

Please email your nomination to Dshupe@SERVPROofhorrycounty.com or deliver to our office at 418 Bradley Circle, Myrtle Beach.

We will be contacting you and the nominees to let them know they have been nominated, to interview them further, and to confirm their availability and desire to attend the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl.

To download the nomination form CLICK HERE!


What Can Cause Mold Growth In Your Myrtle Beach Home?

10/19/2019 (Permalink)

These are just some of the things that can cause mold.


What can cause mold growth?

There are quite a few things that can cause mold growth in your Myrtle Beach home.  

For starters, water damage that is not properly mitigated could definitely be ground zero for mold growth. Mold can start to grow in as little as 48 hours so that is why you should hire a professional water damage mitigation company like SERVPRO of Georgetown and Horry Counties to clean it up right the first time. 

Another thing that can cause mold growth is high humidity. Of course, we all know that Myrtle Beach is a prime location for humidity! 

Lack of proper ventilation and blocked HVAC ducts can make your home a suitable environment for mold growth, so make sure you check on those frequently. 

Also think about leaks that are not properly repaired, if left unattended mold can definitely grow in a wet untreated area. 

These are just a few examples. If you have a mold issue in your Myrtle Beach home, call SERVPRO today! 

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121 


Fall Weather Fire Safety On The Grand Strand

10/10/2019 (Permalink)

Make sure your campfires are out completely!

With cool fall weather comes the increased use of fires, which also leads to an increase in wildfire probability!

Here is a quick tip to make sure you extinguish your campfire completely.

There is just something about the cool crisp air that makes a bonfire or campfire or even just a small backyard fire seem so much more enjoyable.

While the idea of a fire can be appealing, the thought of putting the fire out does not really come into play for most people until the evening winding down. At this point you are tired and just want to be done with the fire so you half-heartedly pour some water on the fire and call it a night.

Do not do this!

To properly extinguish a campfire you need to plan ahead. You will need a shovel and a few gallons of water.

When it is time to wind things down, start the fire smothering process by adding enough water to make what is called camp soup (muddy water). Then use your shovel to mix the embers until they are safely extinguished.

You should be able to hold the back of your hand over the fire at about 4 inches above and not feel intense heat. If you can not do this keep adding water and mixing.

When the fire is out safely you can get a good night's sleep knowing that you have not inadvertently endangered anyone or anything in your area, and that is how to practice fire safety here on the Grand Strand (or wherever you build a fire)!

If you ever need restoration and or repair help due to fire damage, call the experts at SERVPRO!

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

With A Fire, Every Second Counts

10/9/2019 (Permalink)

Sometimes you only have seconds.


Every second counts during a fire.

During a fire, people have as little as two minutes to escape a burning home before it’s too late to get out.

In a matter of minutes, a small fire can produce a major flame problem, making it critical to be prepared and have an escape plan in place.

A survey conducted by the American Red Cross shows only 26 percent of families and businesses have developed and practiced a fire escape plan.

Once a family or employee plan is developed, it is critical everyone in the home or office understands the plan. The best way to do this is to develop some muscle memory by practicing the escape plan at least twice a year. This will increase your chance of surviving a fire by ensuring you have working smoke detectors in place, building an escape plan, and then practicing it.

The following are a few suggestions to help you develop an emergency escape plan. (*Tips and statistics provided by the American Red Cross)

  • Draw a map of each level of your home or business and show all the doors and windows. Find two ways to get out of each room. Make sure all doors and windows that lead outside open easily.
  • Consider escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second and third floors. Only purchase collapsible escape ladders evaluated by a recognized testing laboratory. Store them near the window where they will be used.
  • Choose an outside meeting place a safe distance in front of your home where everyone can meet after they’ve escaped. Make sure to mark the location of the meeting area on your escape plan.
  • Teach children how to escape on their own in case you cannot help them. Plan for everyone in your home or office, with special considerations for elderly or disabled individuals.
  • Practice your fire escape plan during the day and at nighttime.

If you do suffer fire damage to your unit call SERVPRO when the coast is clear, we can help! 

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121


National Preparedness Month Should Be Every Month

10/1/2019 (Permalink)

Prepared, Not Scared


National Preparedness Month should be every month not just for the month of September!

National Preparedness Month is every September. The theme for this year's National Preparedness Month was " Prepared, Not Scared". 

The fine people over at READY.GOV have put together some ideas to help you in your evacuation strategy, your prep for disaster and other emergency need to knows.

Here are a few of the ways they have segmented those ideas:

  • Week 1: Save Early for Disaster Costs
  • Week 2: Make a Plan
  • Week 3: Youth Preparedness
  • Week 4: Get Involved in Your Community’s Preparedness

Obviously you should dig deeper into what actionable steps you and your family can and will do in the event that something life-changing does happen.

These procedures should be practiced all year long so they become muscle memory and can be done basically in your sleep! This way you will always be prepared!


Why Should I Call SERVPRO to Clean My Carpet

10/1/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO has been cleaning carpets for decades!


Why Should I Call SERVPRO to Clean My Carpet? Well simply put ... we have decades of experience!

Whether it is a quarterly maintenance cleaning or a holy cow someone help get these Sunday Night Football Party stains out of my carpet kind of cleaning SERVPRO has your back!

We offer a range of specialized cleaning methods:

Bonnet Cleaning: A less aggressive method for short piled carpets.
Hot Water Extraction: A deeper cleaning method for all carpet types.
Deluxe Precondition and Rinse: Helps restore deeply soiled areas.
Showcase Premier Cleaning: The most thorough cleaning method in the industry.
Dry Cleaning: When color-fastness is an issue.

You should call SERVPRO to clean your carpet because we have the professional equipment and technical know-how to do the job right the first time!

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121


Who Do I Call For Odor Removal in Myrtle Beach

10/1/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO will make that smell go BYE BYE!

Who Do I Call For Odor Removal in Myrtle Beach?

SERVPRO that's who!

When it comes to deodorization and odor removal the friendly staff at SERVPRO are experts! We are trained to identify and eliminate odors in your home, car, workplace or anywhere odors can take up residence.

The highly trained and certified staff at SERVPRO know that masking and other workarounds simply will not cut it on serious odors.

By identifying the cause of the odor, and determining the conditions where it makes contact with surfaces, the odor can often be removed over time. Our technicians have access to a few different odor removal products capable of penetrating deep into surfaces to neutralize an unpleasant odor thoroughly and completely.

If you have an unpleasant odor bothering your nose, call SERVPRO today! 

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Fire Prevention Week Is Here

10/1/2019 (Permalink)

Fire prevention is better than fire cleanup!

Fire Prevention Week Is Here, Sunday, October 6th, 2019 until Saturday, October 12th, 2019 is officially Fire Prevention Week!

This year’s theme is “Not every hero wears a cape. Plan and Practice your escape!” Be a hero in your own home: Make a home fire escape plan with your family and practice it!

A few areas to also give some time discussing with family members are:

  • Smoke alarms at home
  • Home fire sprinklers
  • Home safety for people with disability
  • Smoke alarms for people who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Heating safety
  • Cooking safety

There are some safety tip sheets that you can download by going here: NFPA.org

If you do end up having a fire in your home, call SERVPRO we can help restore your belongings and your home so you can move forward.

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Why You Should Let SERVPRO Clean Your Fire Damage

9/19/2019 (Permalink)

Even the smallest fire damage should be cleaned professionally!

Question: I had a fire at my home, can’t I just clean the smoke and soot myself?

Answer: Technically yes, you can clean the fire damage yourself, it may seem simple especially if there was no extensive damage. We suggest you call SERVPRO.

We would not suggest a home or business owner trying to clean even small fire damages by themselves. It might look or seem like an easy task on the surface to handle alone but we can assure you that in order to do it properly it definitely is not.

The residue that remains from the soot and the smoke smell can remain in your home without the proper chemicals and techniques for removal.

With our extensive fire damage, training and professional odor eliminating equipment SERVPRO can return your home to its preloss condition.

Give SERVPRO a call if you have even the slightest bit of fire damage, we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Do You Want To Go To The First Responders Bowl ... For FREE?

9/19/2019 (Permalink)

Let us help show our appreciation.

Would you like to win an all-expense-paid trip to the annual SERVPRO First Responder Bowl in Dallas, Texas?

We here at SERVPRO of Georgetown, East, and West Horry Counties want to honor local first responders who are exceptional at performing their duties and have been recognized by their peers and the public they serve.

We are currently taking nominations of those who received recognition from their station or community. From those nominations, we will select a couple of individuals who will be rewarded with an all-expenses-paid trip to be honored at the annual SERVPRO First Responder Bowl in Dallas, Texas this coming December. 

This trip includes all tickets, transportation, lodging, and food for two. 

You will be honored and recognized at the bowl game for your outstanding representation of first responders everywhere.

We at SERVPRO of Georgetown, East, and West Horry Counties also want to honor our local First Responders by helping those that help others.

We understand that First Responders are a tight-knit family of professionals who stick together through good and bad. We here at SERVPRO want to help them take care of their own.

SERVPRO will continue to be an available resource when individual responders in our community need help.  We can assist in fundraising to help an injured first responder pay their medical bills, offer vehicles and manpower to help with charity events that directly benefit the families of injured or fallen first responders, use our voice in the community and online to spread the word about efforts needing attention and offer services for recently disabled First Responders who need accommodations made in their homes as part of dealing with their injuries.

We want to be your resource when individual first responders in our community need help. We need you, the first responders, to let us know who needs helps. To let us know how we can help. To let us give back to those that give so much to their community.

Call SERVPRO at 843-236-6278 or email us at Admin@SERVPROofhorrycounty.com to let us know that you are a First Responder and you know someone who needs our help.

Grand Strand Flood Damage Cleanup After A Hurricane

9/8/2019 (Permalink)

We are here to help once the water recedes!

Hurricanes bring floodwaters!

It is no surprise that hurricanes can cause major flooding. Hurricanes can even impact areas with flooding that are not even in a flood zone. 

Luckily with hurricanes, you have plenty of time to make preparations at your home or business. You can move furniture, equipment, and belongings up to a second floor if available. You can order sandbags and plywood to thwart the wind-driven rain or floodwaters from easily coming into your home or business. And you can develop a plan for after the storm passes to begin drying your unit out thoroughly.

We here at SERVPRO hope that A. you do not ever need us but more importantly B. we hope that we are your first call when you have water damage.

SERVPRO has the tools and manpower to drey your Grand Strand floodwater damage quickly!

The Drying Process on The Grand Strand After A Hurricane

9/8/2019 (Permalink)

The right equipment can make all the difference.

What does the drying process entail for when you have flood or water damage after a hurricane on the Grand Strand?

Your whole life seems to be turned upside down when you have major flood damage. You are not going to be able to properly dry your home or business out yourself if you do not have the right equipment or know-how.

That could lead to mold growth quickly (in as little as 48 hours as a matter of fact)!

  • We will come in and assess the damage.
  • We will develop a course of action keeping you fully involved and in the loop throughout the entire process.
  • We will begin work as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • We will help you get your home and or business back together as quickly as possible.

SERVPRO has been helping families and businesses with water damage repair here on the Grand Strand for decades, call us if you need help today!

Flood Insurance Is A Before Thought Not After Thought

8/30/2019 (Permalink)

Flood Insurance is usually way cheaper than Flood Damage!

The cost of Flood Insurance is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of Flood Damage! 

- *** FEMA.org

Most people do not realize that flood insurance is usually not included with an average homeowner's insurance policy. It would be wise to check with your current homeowner's insurance policy to see if flood insurance is included and if not ask if it is something they offer. If they do not offer it, in most cases you can purchase a flood policy from an independent agency, just ask around for a reputable one.

Heading into peak hurricane season (early to mid-September on the East Coast) you should already have a policy in place.

You can technically buy a policy for floods at any time but there is usually a 30-day waiting period for the policy to take effect and if you incur damage during that waiting period you will probably be out of luck!

If you do have flood damage give SERVPRO a call!

Flood Damage Cleanup After A Hurricane on the Grand Strand

8/30/2019 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO when the coast is clear!

The direct hit of a tropical storm or hurricane can be absolutely life-changing! 

Question: Who do you call when the flood water recedes?

Answer: SERVPRO of Georgetown, East and West Horry Counties!

As we enter the peak hurricane season here on the East Coast, it is always a good time to remind you that hurricanes cause massive flooding but we also want you to remember that SERVPRO cleans water damage!

SERVPRO has access to an extremely large network of amazing professionals called the Storm Team. We can mobilize what sometimes feels like an entire army of dedicated water restoration experts to swoop in and start putting your flood-damaged life back together as soon as the coast is clear!

We pride ourselves in the ability to help hundreds of Grand Strand residents with their flood damage cleanups!

Give SERVPRO a call when the water subsides, you will be glad you did!

We Are Entering Peak Hurricane Season

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

Storms could be about to start ramping up!

As if regular "Hurricane Season" was not scary enough, there is actually a "Peak Hurricane Season" and it is quickly approaching!

The Hurricane Season peaks on or around September 11th of all days. The season really ramps up for the following few weeks and the risk of tropical storm and hurricane formations will increase substantially compared to its midsummer past.

This is definitely a good time to go over your hurricane supply checklist and replenish any expired or outdated supplies, food and equipment. If you do not have a hurricane supply kit, this is a great time to make one.

Also, make sure you are aware of any and all evacuation routes and zones so that if a major storm threatens landfall here along the Grand Strand you will have a plan in place already!

We hope the storms do not damage us again this year but if you do sustain damage to your property call SERVPRO when the coast is clear and we will help put you back together! 

What Are The Different Categories Of A Hurricane?

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

Categories 1- 5 determine how strong a hurricane is.

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale is what is used to determine the strength of a Hurricane.

Here are the 5 Categories that let us know what to expect when it comes to hurricane strength and damage.

Category 1:

Winds 74 to 95 miles per hour. Damage mostly to shrubbery, trees, and unanchored mobile homes; no real damage to other structures. Some damage to poorly constructed signs. Some pier damage; some small craft in exposed anchorages torn from moorings.

Category 2:

Winds 96 to 110 miles per hour. Considerable damage to shrubbery and trees, some trees will be blown down. Major damage to exposed mobile homes; most likely no major damage to buildings; some damage to roofing materials of buildings; some window and door damage. Extensive damage to poorly constructed signs. Considerable damage to piers, marinas flooded. Small craft in protected anchorages may be torn from moorings.

Category 3:

Winds 111 to 129 miles per hour. Foliage is torn from trees, large trees could be blown down. Mobile homes destroyed, some structural damage to small buildings; some damage to roofing materials of buildings; some window and door damage. Practically all poorly constructed signs blown down. Storm surges 9 to 12 feet above normal tide heights and an increased chance of river flooding.

Category 4:

Winds 130 to 156 miles per hour. Shrubs and trees could be blown down; all signs down. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Extensive damage to roofing materials, windows, and doors. Complete failure of roofs on small buildings. Major damage to lower floors of near-shore structures due to flooding and battering by waves and floating debris. Some damage to upper units of buildings close to the impact zone due to wind-driven rain.

Category 5:

Winds greater than 157 miles per hour. Shrubs and trees will be blown down; all signs down. Extensive shattering of glass in windows and doors; complete failure of roofs on many residences and industrial buildings. Complete destruction of mobile homes; small buildings overturned or blown down; some complete failures of other structures. Very dangerous storm damage to basically everything in its direct path!

This information is served to educate you now before a storm comes and helps you evaluate what plan of action you need to take.

If you sustain damage from a hurricane, tropical or severe thunderstorm call SERVPRO ASAP!

Building A Ramp - Creating Hope

8/16/2019 (Permalink)

We are here to Create Hope in our community!

Every quarter we donate our own time and resources to help out a person or family that has had a sudden life-changing issue and needs some sort of construction type job done to improve their quality of life, it is called our Creating Hope program.

This quarter we partnered with Lowes and helped a wonderful lady named Ethel and her son Jason just outside of Georgetown, SC. 

Miss Ethel has limited mobility due to recent hip surgery and the ramp to get into her home was un sturdy and not up to code. 

The SERVPRO team decided to help her by building an amazing new ramp that would handle the day to day task of getting Miss Ethel in and out of her home in a wheelchair with the greatest of ease. 

The process was done quickly and efficiently by industry professionals. The end result was a beautiful, sturdy new ramp that will last for years to come! 

If you know of someone that could use a little help in the Grand Strand area due to a recent life-changing issue you can nominate them here at http://MyCreatingHope.com

What Exactly Is A Board Up?

8/16/2019 (Permalink)

We can secure your home and belongings!

After the fire is out and the crews have all left your home and belongings are still at risk!

Question: What is a board up?

Answer: Usually after a fire damage has occurred there is a possibility that windows have been broken, entrances to your home damaged, and openings in your property to allow the outside elements (and sometimes people) in.

SERVPRO's board up team can secure your home to ensure that your property and valuables are protected.

SERVPRO also has the ability to inventory each and every one of your personal items and furniture. Using state of the art software that enables us to accurately document each of your belongings and move them to a secured location.

These items can then be prepped for cleaning allowing us to remove any traces of smoke residue and smell.

We can also make sure your insurance company receives the necessary paperwork and documentation required with fire damage content restoration.

If you have been affected by a fire damage and need SERVPRO to help give us a call today! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

What is Water Mitigation?

8/7/2019 (Permalink)

You have water damage questions, SERVPRO has the answers!

Question: What is Water Mitigation?

Answer: Water mitigation is the act of preventing water from causing further damage to your property and provides moisture removal and control.

Let us talk about water damage statistics really quick. 

"When you consider the statistics, it becomes clear just how common and devastating a problem water damage can be. According to industry estimates, 14,000 people in the US experience a water damage emergency at home or work each day, and 98% of basements in the US will suffer from some type of water damage during their lifetime."

Luckily basements are not too common here on the Grand Strand but it does not take a basement to house water pipes and an estimated 250 gallons a day could leak from one 1/8 inch crack if left untreated.

Water Damage is serious business, call SERVPRO to help if you have water mitigation needs today!

Why Should I Hire SERVPRO For My Water Damage?

8/7/2019 (Permalink)

We train hard so you get the best care!

Water can cause major damage, especially if not treated properly. Mold can begin to grow after just 1 or 2 days, therefore proper mitigation is key.

Our SERVPRO technicians use moisture sensors and thermal imagers to verify where all the wet areas in your damaged Grand Strand home or business are located. They then make sure all the equipment is placed in the precise locations in order to maximize the drying process.

SERVPRO is a certified mitigation company in addition to our trained production team members, many of our office staff have received certifications in water damage related areas too. This means you start getting the most qualified help and answers from the minute we pick up the phone all the way through until the jobs are finished!

If you need help with your Grand Strand water damage call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Do You Want To Go To The First Responders Bowl Game

7/26/2019 (Permalink)

First Responders Mean A Lot To SERVPRO!

In a joint effort to honor the service and sacrifice of America’s First Responders, the annual college football bowl game played at Cotton Bowl Stadium in Dallas, Texas has been renamed the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl.  "We are truly grateful for all first responders’ sacrifice and service,” said Brant Ringler, Executive Director of the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl. “It is a tremendous privilege to honor these brave men and women who protect our communities 24/7/365. 

All-expense paid trip to the annual SERVPRO First Responder Bowl in Dallas, Texas.

We want to honor local first responders who are exceptional at performing their duties and have been recognized by their peers and the public they serve. This fall we will take nominations of those who received recognition from their station or community. From those nominations, we will select a few individuals who will be rewarded with an all-expenses-paid trip to be honored at the annual SERVPRO First Responder Bowl in Dallas, Texas this coming December. This trip includes all tickets, transportation, lodging, and food for two. You will be honored and recognized at the bowl game for your outstanding representation of first responders everywhere.

We at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County also want to honor our local First Responders by helping those that help others. It has been our experience that First Responders are a tight-knit family of professionals who stick together through good and bad. We here at SERVPRO want to help them take care of their own. SERVPRO will be an available resource when individual responders in our community need help.  We can assist in fundraising to help an injured first responder pay their medical bills, offer vehicles and manpower to help with charity events that directly benefit the families of injured or fallen first responders, use our voice in the community and online to spread the word about efforts needing attention and offer services for recently disabled First Responders who need accommodations made in their homes as part of dealing with their injuries.

How SERVPRO can help first responders and their families:

  • A first responder or their family member has had a recent life-changing event that requires their home to be modified to accommodate them. Changes such as wheelchair ramps, cabinets lowered, doors widened, etc. We can help make these changes a reality at no cost to the individual. Check out the web site MyCreatingHope.com. At this site, you or those in need can share the information we need to get things moving.
  • A local group of First Responders is putting on a charity event for someone dear to them. They need tables and tents delivered, supplies hauled from one location to another, food and beverages donated, announcements on social media or cleaning performed before or after the event. We can make these things happen at no cost to the individual. Call us to let us know how we can help.
  • A local group of first responders is having a celebration for the achievements of some of their peers. They need donations of food and beverages, awards or prizes, and acknowledgment on local media. We can make these things happen at no cost to the individual. Email us to let us know how we can help.

We want to be your resource when individual first responders in our community need help. We need you, the first responders, to let us know who needs helps. To let us know how we can help. To let us give back to those that give so much to their community.

Call SERVPRO at 843-236-6278 or email us at Admin@SERVPROofhorrycounty.com to let us know that you are a First Responder and you know someone who needs our help.

SERVPRO's First Responders Bowl

7/26/2019 (Permalink)

It Is Happening Again!

First Responders Honored at Bowl Game

This fall 1st Responders from around the country will be honored in Dallas Texas at the SERVPRO 1st Responder Bowl. It will be filled with 1st Responders just like you. They will be honored along with all 1st Responders around the county in the daylong celebration. 


The local SERVPRO is awarding a few deserving Fireman / Police Officers with an all-expense-paid trip to be a part of this incredible event. Teaming with their local Fire Departments, SERVPRO will be accepting nominations from every station house in Horry & Georgetown County. Many of those nominations will come from the Fireman of the year awards decided on each year.

The whirlwind trip starts at the airport. From there you and one other person of your choice will only need to worry about taking in the experience.  All food, drinks, entertainment, lodging and transportation arrangements will be handled for you. 

Enjoy the ride, enjoy the game, enjoy the honor.

Along with this incredible experience, your local SERVPRO is also thinking about those in need closer to home.  MyCreatingHope.com is a project run by SERVPRO here in Horry & Georgetown Counties that helps local citizens who find themselves disabled after a life-changing event.

The goal of My Creating Hope is to help with modifications that are needed to their homes to help them adjust to their changed life. Ramps, lowered cabinets, widened doorways are just a few of the modifications that can be done. If you know someone who is in need go to MyCreatingHope.com and nominate them for assistance. We will help everyone we can.

Building Conway

7/19/2019 (Permalink)

We build and rebuild in Conway!

Construction is active again all along the Conway area!

We here at SERVPRO have been working not stop with our construction division building houses, apartments and repairing buildings just like yours all over town.

You might think that SERVPRO is just an award-winning service provider that fights mold, cleans carpets and fixes water & fire damages. Well, you could paint us with that brush because we DO perform all of those services but we are capable of so much more!

When fires in Conway cause homes to burn down to the ground SERVPRO has the resources to rebuild the house or building from the ground up, start to finish.

So whether you are seriously thinking about that living room remodel or you happened to be extremely unlucky and lightning struck your home from one of our nasty coastal thunderstorms, burning it to the ground ... call SERVPRO first!

We can help Conway residents remodel and/or help you recover and rebuild! 843-236-6278

ReBuilding Pawleys Island

7/19/2019 (Permalink)

"Low Country Living" sometimes means flooding!

Does Your Pawleys Island Home Need Rebuilding ... No Job Is Too Large For SERVPRO!

King Tides, High Tides, Thunderstorms, Tropical Storms, and Hurricanes can all cause a significant amount of flooding in the low country area of Pawleys Island.

SERVPRO of Georgetown can help when those floodwaters creep into your home and cause massive amounts of water damage.

Flooding can happen fast and oftentimes you do not have time to move all of your precious furniture and belongings to higher, safer ground. SERVPRO specializes in restoring documents, furniture and other belongings with our state of the art equipment.

Once the waters recedes, mold can start to breed in as little as 48 hours, especially in the high humidity of those Pawleys Island Summers! Let the professionals at SERVPRO help you when floods threaten to destroy everything!

If your Pawleys Island home or business suffers a major loss or water damage, call SERVPRO today (843) 436-2121!

Are You Prepared For Major Flooding?

7/12/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO knows Flood Damage Repair 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Preparing for Flood Damage in Horry and Georgetown Counties.

If you know you live in an area prone to flooding, or you live in a highlighted area on FEMA’s flood map, then it pays to be prepared early.

The water from a flood comes in fast and furiously, it can destroy your whole neighborhood within a matter of hours.

Here are a few tips to get your preparations started before it is too late:

  • Get familiar with evacuation routes and procedures.
  • Have a plan already in place for when a flood threatens your area.
  • If you get surprised by the flood and can not evacuate, make sure you have a disaster kit available and up to date.
  • Be aware of your flood insurance policy and keep extra copies and any phone numbers and policy numbers in a waterproof bag just in case.

Once the water resides, call SERVPRO for any water damage repairs, we have been helping people just like you for decades here on the Grand Strand and we know what it takes to put the pieces back together!

Tropical Storm / Hurricane Checklist

7/12/2019 (Permalink)

Know what you need to do before you need to do it!

Tropical Storms and or Hurricanes give us a decent amount of time to prepare but it is best to have a plan in place before a storm even develops.

Prepare NOW, here is a list of actions to take now, straight from the ready.gov website:

  • Know your area’s risk of hurricanes.
  • Sign up for your community’s warning system. 
  • If you are at risk for flash flooding, watch for warning signs such as heavy rain.
  • Based on your location and community plans, make your own plans for evacuation or sheltering in place.
  • Become familiar with your evacuation zone, the evacuation route, and shelter locations.
  • Gather needed supplies for at least three days. Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medication. Don’t forget the needs of pets.
  • Keep important documents in a safe place or create password-protected digital copies.
  • Protect your property. 

If you do suffer damage from a tropical storm or hurricane this season, call the experts at SERVPRO to help you put your life back together!

Fourth of July Celebration Aftermath in Horry & Georgetown Counties

7/5/2019 (Permalink)

Free yourself from major cleaning and let SERVPRO do it for you!

SERVPRO of Georgetown, East, and West Horry Counties = The Best Fifth of July Cleaners around!

No that was not a typo, you read that correctly. The fifth of July is another day of realization ...

  • Realizing your friends are party animals perhaps?
  • Realizing that fireworks can cause burns to your roof and yard.
  • Realizing that the celebration of America's Independence may have gotten a bit out of control!

When you close the door after the last freedom celebrater leaves and you turn around to face the product of bad decisions, maybe of a slightly charred roof from those awesome bottle rockets or red white and blue punch stained furniture, do not panic, call in the professional team of SERVPRO!

Luckily for you, SERVPRO does not take holidays off (and the Fourth of July is no exception) so if you are in need of some freedom from the disastrous aftermath of an Independence Day Celebration give us a shout!

SERVPRO has been cleaning up after messy guests for decades. We have the technology and equipment to get in and out faster than you can say Sparkler!

Call us today to schedule your Fifth of July cleaning today: 843-236-6278 or 843-436-2121

Firework Damage Repair in Horry & Georgetown Counties

7/5/2019 (Permalink)

Fireworks are fun to watch but your house burning down is not, be careful!

SERVPRO of Georgetown, East and West Horry Counties has repaired our fair share of fire damage from fireworks.

Did you know:

"Fireworks have the ability to do some serious damage to your roof. Many types of fireworks are still burning as they rain back down from the sky, which can spell disaster for your home. Some people think that because their house has asphalt shingles (as opposed to the seemingly more flammable shake, or wood, shingles), their roof can “take it” without incident. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case. If your (asphalt shingled) roof has any cracked, broken, or missing shingles, the material underneath them (namely roof felt paper and wood decking) is extremely combustible – making your roof very susceptible to catching fire." -GRC

Roof damage is not the only thing you need to worry about when considering blowing off fireworks.

According to the National Fire Protection Agency, fireworks caused over 1,200 structural fires. Of every fire reported on Independence Day, about 2 of every 5 is a house fire that was the fault of consumer fireworks gone awry.

Here are just a few tips to help you stay safe when handling fireworks.

  • Make sure you have an area that is clear of obstructions when lighting off fireworks.
  • Read the directions carefully.
  • Make sure children, anyone who cannot move quickly and pets are a safe distance before using fireworks.
  • Have a fire extinguisher ready and nearby.

If your home or property does get damaged by fireworks, call SERVPRO we can help restore and or rebuild the damage caused by fireworks here on The Grand Strand!

Summer Safety Tips To Be Aware Of Here At The Beach

6/27/2019 (Permalink)

The beach can be fun AND dangerous, be responsible and stay safe!

Everyone loves going to the beach during the summer, the water is warm the weather is amazing the sun feels great ... but danger could be just a few steps away!

We here at SERVPRO of Georgetown, East and West Horry Counties know all about Summer Beach Fun, we live here! So we decided to help out the tourist and new locals with a few great summer beach tips to be aware of this year!

We first wrote about summer safety about four years ago but did not really mention the beach so here are a few tips to keep you safe while you are out on the sand having fun:

  • Look for and understand the warning flags.
  • Check the weather forecast, (it rains every day here during the summer)
  • Learn or know how to swim in an ocean.
  • Learn about rip currents.
  • Pick a spot close to a lifeguard tower.
  • Use sunscreen!

These are just a few safety tips you should learn and be aware of down here at the beach. Be smart and you will enjoy your visit to the beach much more!

5 More Home Reconstruction Tips Horry & Georgetown County

6/27/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO does reconstruction for you!

With another huge building boom going on here in Horry & Georgetown Counties we decided to give you a few pointers if you are looking to do a little reconstruction on your property!

In a previous post, we gave you 5 great tips on reconstruction here on The Grand Strand. Well here are 5 more to keep your wheels spinning:

  1. Bring in Natural Light Without Adding Windows - the use of light tubes are all the rage right now!
  2. Check the recycling center, Habitat for Humanity or even Goodwill for supplies, people are always donation doors and windows and other cool useful supplies.
  3. Do not use custom sized items, using stock sized items will greatly increase your chances of getting items quickly and reduce the amount you will pay for them.
  4. Make decisions before you start, there will be plenty that changes along the way but having a good foundation will help the project move smoothly.
  5. Hire SERVPRO, we have been building, reconstructing and remodeling homes and businesses here on The Grand Strand for years, we can help you too!

No matter what you decide when the time comes for home or business reconstruction do your homework up front so you do not fail the project big time!

Horry & Georgetown County Thunderstorm Power Outage Tips

6/21/2019 (Permalink)

Thunderstorms can be violent and dangerous, be prepared this summer!

Know what to do when a thunderstorm in Horry or Georgetown County knocks your power out!

A little while back we let you know a few steps to take when summer storms sideline you with a power outage in our " Summer Time Means Storm Damage " post.

Well, it is summer again here on the Grand Strand so we have a few more tips to keep you comfy until the lights come back on!

  • Keep cash on hand since a power outage may also affect the banks and ATM's.
  • Gas up your car when storm warnings alert you or at least make sure you have a half a tank or more so you can get somewhere safe if need be. 
  • If you are not in immediate danger resist the urge to call 911, they are busy handling emergencies and do not need the extra calls flooding the hotline. Use a battery powered radio for updates and news.
  • Turn off all lights but one, to let you know when power resumes. 

Using these tips and a few common sense tactics you should be more than fine to ride out the uncomfortable weather.

If you do sustain storm damage call SERVPRO when it is safe to do so and we will help repair your storm-damaged home or business in Horry and or Georgetown County! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Severe Weather Damage Repair On The Grand Strand

6/21/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO repairs storm-damaged homes and businesses here on the Grand Strand!

It seems like we get the severe storm warnings almost every day here in Horry and Georgetown Counties during the summer!

What is "Severe Weather" you might ask?

"Severe weather can happen anytime, in any part of the country. Severe weather can include hazardous conditions produced by thunderstorms, including damaging winds, tornadoes, large hail, flooding and flash flooding, and winter storms associated with freezing rain, sleet, snow, and strong winds." -ready.gov

The good part about severe weather is that it usually happens quickly and then it is over. The bad part is in those few moments lives and property can be damaged forever!

When the authorities have given the all clear and roads are back open and the fallen powerlines are fixed SERVPRO has already begun working on a solution to your storm-damage problem.

We are capable of having Storm Response Teams out to you as soon as it is safe to do so. SERVPRO has the knowledge, training, and equipment to make sure your damaged property is repaired as quickly as possible.

Call SERVPRO today if you have been affected by storms along the Grand Strand, we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Know Your Zone Updated Info For The Grand Strand 2019

6/11/2019 (Permalink)

Do you know your zone?

Know Your Zone in case of a hurricane evacuation in Horry and or Georgetown County South Carolina.

From the South Carolina Emergency Management Division's website:

The Know Your Zone campaign was developed by the Horry County Emergency Management Department as a result of the information contained in the South Carolina Hurricane Evacuation Study (HES) that was released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in 2012. Since it's creation, all coastal counties in South Carolina have adopted the Know Your Zone campaign as a way to let citizens know the best ways to prepare for the landfall of a major hurricane.

Visit this link: https://scemd.org/prepare/know-your-zone/ if you need important information about your zone BEFORE the hurricane comes along so that you can have a plan in place.

Too many people wait until the last minute to figure out the important details about an evacuation. Although hurricanes usually give you ample warning having a plane in place now and knowing your zone now will greatly improve your situation when emergencies do happen.

As always if you do suffer storm damage call SERVPRO when the coast is clear and we will help put your home or business back together! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

It Is Officially Hurricane Season On The Grand Strand Again

6/10/2019 (Permalink)

Be prepared this hurricane season!

June 1st is the official opening day for the Atlantic Hurricane Season which effects The Grand Strand every year.

Here is what you need to know about this year!

Direct from the experts at NOAA:

"NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center is predicting that a near-normal Atlantic hurricane season is most likely this year. This outlook forecasts a 40% chance of a near-normal season, a 30% chance of an above-normal season and a 30% chance of a below-normal season. The hurricane season officially extends from June 1 to November 30.

For 2019, NOAA predicts a likely range of 9 to 15 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which 4 to 8 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including 2 to 4 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher). NOAA provides these ranges with a 70% confidence. An average hurricane season produces 12 named storms, of which 6 become hurricanes, including 3 major hurricanes."

The named storms for the 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season are as follows: 

  1. Andrea
  2. Barry
  3. Chantal
  4. Dorian
  5. Erin
  6. Fernand
  7. Gabrielle
  8. Humberto
  9. Imelda
  10. Jerry
  11. Karen
  12. Lorenzo
  13. Melissa
  14. Nestor
  15. Olga
  16. Pablo
  17. Rebekah
  18. Sebastien
  19. Tanya
  20. Van
  21. Wendy

Now would be the best time to make a Hurricane Evacuation Plan or at the very least update your Hurricane Ready Kit if you live in a threated zone.

If you do experience any storm damage call SERVPRO right away. 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

How To Stop Mold From Growing In Your Horry & Georgetown Home Part 4

6/7/2019 (Permalink)

Surface cleaning helps stave off mold!

Stopping MOLD from growing in your Horry or Georgetown County home can sometimes feel like a full-time job!

There are not too many people that willingly let mold grow in their home. But when you use materials that are porous and living in South Carolina with all the moisture in the air, it can sometimes happen.

Here is a tip to eliminate the chances of mold taking up residence in your Grand Strand home!

Clean Mold Loving Surfaces Often

Mold spores fly through the air until they land on a surface like a damp window. Then they'll start spreading and growing. But the more often you clean mold loving surfaces, the less time any mold spores will have to hatch and grow before you wipe them off.

Use mold-killing cleaners before the mold is present to make sure it does not grow. You can not just wipe the mold away once it is present it will grow back almost every time!

If you do suspect you have a mold issue already call SERVPRO we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

How To Stop Mold From Growing In Your Horry & Georgetown Home Part 3

6/7/2019 (Permalink)

Let the sunlight in!

Stopping MOLD from growing in your Horry or Georgetown County home can sometimes feel like a full-time job!

There are probably not too many people that let mold grow in their home on purpose. But when you use materials like wood that are porous and living in South Carolina with all the moisture in the air, it can sometimes happen.

Here is a tip to eliminate the chances of mold taking up permanent residence in your Grand Strand home!

Open the curtains and blinds!

Sunlight does not directly kill mold but UV Rays do seem to help the fight in letting mold grow. Also, curtains can trap cool damp air giving mold a safe haven to breed like crazy!

If you do suspect you have a mold issue already call SERVPRO we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

How To Stop Mold From Growing In Your Horry & Georgetown Home Part 1

5/31/2019 (Permalink)

Dehumidifiers are a southern family's best friend!

Stopping MOLD from growing in your Horry or Georgetown County home can sometimes feel like a full-time job!

There are probably not too many people that let mold grow in their home on purpose. But when you use materials like wood that are porous and living in South Carolina with all the moisture in the air, it can sometimes happen.

Here is a tip to eliminate the chances of mold taking up residence in your Grand Strand home!

Use A Dehumidifier.

If you have a smaller home and your excess moisture is coming from a covered crawl space or basement, a bigger dehumidifier unit running in your basement or crawl space could help keep your humidity levels under control. The best humidity levels for limiting mold growth should be below 50% but don't go below 30%for other health reasons.

Smaller units are available as well for individual rooms but again monitor that moisture!

If you do suspect you have a mold issue already call SERVPRO we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

How To Stop Mold From Growing In Your Horry & Georgetown Home Part 2

5/31/2019 (Permalink)

Become a fan of fans in your home!

Stopping MOLD from growing in your Horry and/or Georgetown County home can sometimes feel like a full-time job!

There are probably not too many people that let mold grow in their home on purpose. But when you use materials like fabrics and bricks that are porous and living in South Carolina with all the moisture in the air, it can sometimes happen.

Here is a tip to eliminate the chances of mold taking up residence in your Grand Strand home!


A dehumidifier alone will not stop moisture from settling in smaller unreachable places. That is why you must incorporate fans as well to keep the air circulating and help aid the drying process.

If you need your home inspected call SERVPRO to schedule your appointment today, we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Is Your HVAC Unit Ready For Summer?

5/28/2019 (Permalink)

A Clean HVAC Is A Happy HVAC!

Is your HVAC unit ready for the grueling heat and workload this summer?

It's no secret that in the summer HVAC units seem to constantly be working overtime!

Every year you should make sure that your HVAC unit is cleaned an optimized for the grueling workload of the Grand Strand Summers.

This includes getting them inspected and serviced on a routine schedule. dust dirt and debris that can accumulate over the fall and winter months inside of your vents handlers and ducts can ruin an HVAC unit.

A clean and well-maintained HVAC system will be worth its weight in gold this summer. Keep on top of all the things that could go wrong so you are not left being a sweaty mess!

If you need your HVAC unit inspected call SERVPRO to schedule your appointment today, we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Found Mold In My Vacation Rental, Now What?

5/28/2019 (Permalink)

Let the trained technicians at SERVPRO get rid of your mold!

Mold can creep in if you leave your unit unattended!

Did you leave your vacation rental on serviced and unattended over the winter months and now you've made it back to the Grand Strand area and find that is infested with mold?

This happens all too often here in Myrtle Beach North Myrtle Beach, Pawley's Island, Murrells Inlet, and other Grand Strand communities.

Vacation rental owners pack up at the end of the summer and somewhere down the line excess moisture creeps into their unit. Since it is going to be months before the unit is occupied again the mold has nothing but time to grow!

You can fight this nasty fungus by calling the amazing award-winning team at SERVPRO.

If you need your vacation rental unit inspected call SERVPRO to schedule your appointment today, we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

How to make your Grand Strand area roof last longer. Part 3

5/20/2019 (Permalink)

Those gutters are not going to clean themselves!

You just had your Storm Damaged roof replaced by the awesome team at SERVPRO, so what is another area to help you to keep it in great shape?

The third suggestion we have to keep your roof in tip-top shape has to do with your gutters.


Just about anyone with a ladder and a bucket can remove the debris that gets caught in your gutters.

Using a hose or even a blower can help with some of the stubborn muck that can form. It is best to do this between fall and winter that way you can get all the leaves out after they are done falling from the trees and before the really cold weather hits.

Definitely check your seams and attachments while you are up there, look for rust or corrosion that can cause the gutters to snap and break.

If you do not want to get up on your roof yourself, call SERVPRO we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

How to make your Grand Strand area roof last longer. Part 4

5/20/2019 (Permalink)

A clean roof is a long-lasting roof!

You just had your Storm Damaged roof replaced by the amazing team at SERVPRO, so what is another area to help you to keep it in great shape?

The fourth suggestion we have to keep your roof in tip-top shape has to do with your cleanliness!


Keeping your roof clean and clear of tree branches, pine needles, leaves, and other debris will dramatically increase its lifespan.

Keep an eye out for dirt and rust and debris will give you peace of mind that your roof is in the best shape possible and it will be more effective at keeping your home and all of its contents covered for many more years!

Simple things like the tasks mentioned in these last 4 posts can offer you a few ways to ensure your roof serves you and your family the way it was intended to.

Call SERVPRO if your roof needs any help at all! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

How to make your Grand Strand area roof last longer. Part 1

5/12/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO can fix your roof!

You just had your storm damaged roof replaced by the awesome team at SERVPRO, so how are you going to keep it in great shape?

Unless you employ the use of a drone to fly above your home every day it is safe to say that your roof is not easy to see. Since you just spent all that precious time getting your roof replaced, you might want to take a few proactive steps to ensure its longevity.

The first area to concentrate should be routine inspections.


Try to inspect your roof regularly and especially after a storm. If you wait to see pieces of shingle or leaks inside your home it could be too late for a quick fix.

Make it a quarterly event to get up on a ladder and take a look around to see how things are holding up. If possible and if you are comfortable with it and can do so safely it might be beneficial to even walk around on the roof a bit to see if there are any soft spots and to get an idea of the condition.

If you do not feel up for the job call us here at SERVPRO and we can come out and inspect it for you and inform you on the best possible plan of action.

SERVPRO of Georgetown, East and West Horry Counties | 843-236-6278 & 843-436-2121

How to make your Grand Strand area roof last longer. Part 2

5/12/2019 (Permalink)

Tame those unruly branches!

You just had your Storm Damaged roof replaced by the awesome team at SERVPRO, so how are you going to keep it in great shape?

The second suggestion we have to keep your roof in tip-top shape has to do with the greenage around your home or business.


Landscaping definitely adds beauty and curb appeal to your home but if the trees and bushes are tall and close to your home that beauty might not be worth the hassle.

If a tree has overhanging branches they can cause damage in the wild Coastal storms when they hit your roof. They can tear up shingles and break your gutters. They can also give animals like squirrels to get up on your roof and make nests or burrow into your home!

Cutting back trees and bushes will allow your roof to survive a little bit longer in harsh conditions.

If you need help with your roof repair give SERVPRO a shout today! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Cinco De Mayo Party Cleanup In Horry & Georgetown Counties

4/30/2019 (Permalink)

Cinco de Mayo Party Cleaners!

SERVPRO of Georgetown, East, and West Horry Counties = The Best Cinco De Mayo Cleaners around!

Cinco de Mayo is all about that wild and crazy celebration style! Things can get a bit out of control at your house with all that salsa dancing and margarita drinking! 

When you close the door after the last party guest leaves and you turn around to face the musica of a soiled carpet and stained furniture, do not panic, call in the professional team of SERVPRO!

Luckily for you, SERVPRO does not take holidays off (and Cinco de Mayo is no exception) so if your carpet has guacamole covered tortilla chips ground into it from all that celebrating and irresponsible snacking give us a shout!

If the punch bowl was full of sangria and now your rugs are full of wine stains, give us a shout!

SERVPRO has been cleaning up after messy guests for decades. We have the technology and equipment to get in and out faster than you can say Andele!

Call us today to schedule your carpet cleaning: 843-236-6278 or 843-436-2121

Burn Bans In Horry & Georgetown Counties

4/30/2019 (Permalink)

If you have suffered fire damage call SERVPRO as soon as it is safe!

Burn Bans In Horry & Georgetown Counties are a necessity!

Due to Weather Conditions, Horry & Georgetown County Governments can initiate an outdoor burning ban effective whenever needed for the unincorporated areas of Horry and Georgetown Counties.

These bans can remain in place until conditions become stable enough to burn safely again.

The bans have been placed here in Horry and Georgetown Counties recently due to the extreme fire danger as a result of the low relative humidity and windy conditions.

Any and all outdoor burning, included permitted burns, are strictly prohibited during the bans, and those involved in any open burning would be in violation of the law.

For more information on the status of the burn ban, visit horrycounty.org in Horry County and georgetowncountysc.org in Georgetown County. Also if you plan on burning in your yard or on your property please call the county office you live in to notify them first, those numbers are Horry: 1-800-986-5404 | Georgetown: 1-800-986-5256.

Horry County's Highway 31 Fire ... 10 Years Later

4/22/2019 (Permalink)

Follow the proper burn procedures to reduce the risk of this happening again!

On April 22, 10 years ago, at 12:02 p.m., the first 911 call reporting a fire on Woodlawn Drive in Conway was made.

That enormous fire, dubbed the Highway 31 Fire, would become one of the largest and most destructive wildfires in South Carolina history - with more than 19,000 acres burned.

Located within the Buist Tract, a perfect mix of weather and flammable landscaping created a horrible scene for The Grand Strand and first responders.

Although we are grateful that no one was seriously injured or killed, the fire did destroy numerous structures and the damage costs reached into the tens of millions of dollars all over Horry County.

It is important to remember that Horry and Georgetown Counties do face wildfire risks, but that we can take measures to give ourselves and our property the best chance of survival during one.

If you have had fire damage to your home or business, call SERVPRO as soon as it is safe to do so, we can help!

Mold Removal In Pawley's Island

4/22/2019 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO at the first hint of mold in your Pawley's Island home!

I have mold in my Pawley's Island home.
Is removing mold easy?

There are a lot of opinions when it comes to removing mold. Many people think the task is easy until the mold keeps coming back again and again, then they realize they should call SERVPRO.

If you want the mold gone first you have to isolate it.

Next, step is to prevent mold spores from spreading to other sections of the home, SERVPRO specializes in mold removal and can do this for you.

Lastly you have to remember to replace porous items that may have been exposed to the mold.

You should definitely call an expert (SERVPRO) if:

  • There is possibly mold in your HVAC system.
  • If you have developed a mold issue from contaminated water or plumbing problems.
  • You have an excessive amount of mold present and viewable from somewhere in your home.
  • You have health issues that could get worse with the introduction of mold.

SERVPRO is available 24/7/365 to handle all of your mold removal needs, should the process be too complex, give us a call today 843-436-2121.

Earth Day Activities That Can Help Our Planet

4/15/2019 (Permalink)

Treat everyday like its Earth Day!

Earth Day Activities That Can Help Our Planet!

To help celebrate Earth Day which is on Saturday, April 22 this year, we are giving you some Earth Day activities that can help you make a positive impact in your community and our planet.

All across the world, people are giving back and doing their part to help the planet. Whether you’re looking for Earth Day activities for work or just some easy Earth Day activities for people who care about the planet, these activity ideas will inspire you to do your part to give back to the planet.

  1. Think about your personal impact on the planet. List your energy use and come up with ways you can reduce it.
  2. Volunteer with an organization that is doing something. Giving your most precious resource (TIME) to help an organization treat the planet better is a great way to help on EARTH DAY.
  3. Plant something. Whether its a tree, a bush, or even a full out garden, get those hands dirty!
  4. Recycle your items. This along with everything else in this article can and should be done every day.

The planet is in dire need of like-minded people who want to put it first for a  change. This is just a small list of what you can do to help, but you have to start somewhere!

Who Repairs Water Damage In Pawley’s Island

4/15/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Repairs Water Damages In Pawley's Island.

Question: Who Repairs Water Damage In Pawley’s Island?

Answer: SERVPRO of Georgetown and West Horry Counties does!

If you have been unlucky enough to suffer from a "Water Damaged Home in Pawley's Island" then you can understand how crucial the first few hours or cleanup can be. Mold can set in super quickly and then you have a whole other set of problems to deal with.

SERVPRO knows what to do if your Pawley's Island home is ever flooded or sustains massive water damage. We have the tools and technical know how to dry your Pawley's Island home out quickly and professionally.

We have been serving the Grand Strand for decades and have repaired water damaged homes up and down the coast with rave reviews from customers and clients just like you.

If and when water damage strikes your Pawley's Island home call the company with a proven track record of excellence in service in the Restoration Industry, call SERVPRO 843-436-2121!

Fire Damage In Pawley’s Island

4/5/2019 (Permalink)

Cleaning Up Fire Damage In Pawley's Island for Decades!

Fire Damage In Pawley’s Island, who fixes it and why you should hire a pro!

You may have read before in our blog post titled "Who Fixes Fire Damage In Georgetown County?" that we have been handling fire damage cleanup and restorations in Georgetown County for decades and we wanted to reiterate that includes Pawley's Island!

SERVPRO has helped many families and businesses up and down Pawley's Island when a fire had struck their properties.

We have repaired and restored buildings and homes of all sizes in Pawley's Island and want you to know that your fire damage will be in good hands once the fire department gives you the ok to move forward and you call SERVPRO to pick up the pieces!

If you have suffered fire damage in Georgetown County in particular Pawley's Island, call SERVPRO now we can help! 843-436-2121

Water Damage In Pawley’s Island

4/5/2019 (Permalink)

Cleaning up and drying out water damage in Pawley's Island for decades!

Water Damage In Pawley’s Island, who cleans and drys it and why you should hire SERVPRO!

You may have read before in our blog post titled "Water Damage In My House" some great tips about water damage cleanup.

SERVPRO knows you do not always have the resources to do the water damage cleanups and restorations yourself and we want to let you know that in Georgetown County, we have been cleaning up and drying out water damages for decades and that includes Pawley's Island!

SERVPRO has helped many families and businesses in Pawley's Island when water damage or flooding had struck their properties.

We have repaired and restored buildings and homes of all sizes in Pawley's Island and want you to know that your water damage will be in professional hands once you call SERVPRO to dry you out!

If you have suffered water damage in Georgetown County in particular Pawley's Island, call SERVPRO now we can help! 843-436-2121

Spring Cleaning In And Around Horry & Georgetown Counties

4/1/2019 (Permalink)

Its time to spruce up that home!

When it comes to "Spring Cleaning In And Around Horry & Georgetown Counties" we know a thing or two about how to be the most effective in your battle against dirt and grime here on the Grand Strand!

Here is where you start!

  • Wipe the walls and ceilings first. Doing this ensures the dirt and dust falls to the floor to be removed at a later time when you sweep and vacuum.
  • Dust and wipe all the counter/eye level surfaces. This also ensures that any dirt and dust from the wiped walls and ceilings also falls to the floors for sweeping and vacuuming or mopping.
  • Sweep, Mop and Vacuum the floors. Now that all the dirt and grime is where you want it, remove it with either your broom, mop or vacuum.
  • Clean your windows inside and out. Use different directions in case there are streaks and you can tell which side they are on to remedy it.
  • Clean all your upholstered furniture. Beat the dust out of removable pillows and cushions outside and then vacuum up and crumbs or dirt that has made its way into the cracks of your furniture.

Doing these 5 things at the minimum will have your home looking spring fresh in no time.

If you have a bigger task and can not handle it alone, call SERVPRO we can help!

Flood Zone Water Damage Clean Up In Horry & Georgetown Counties

4/1/2019 (Permalink)

Having a plan is key to a smooth rebuilding process when the floods come.

Do you live in and or around a dedicated "Flood Zone" here on the Grand Strand?

We have learned so many lessons from the past 2-3 hurricanes that have hit us here in Horry and Georgetown Counties. One of the main lessons is that if the initial impact does not do damage the aftermath of all the rain most certainly will if you are in a flood zone.

So what are some of the precautions you can take to make sure you are doing all you can to protect the contents of your home should the floods come again?

  1. Determine if you are in an actual flood zone. FEMA has a website dedicated to these types of questions.
  2. Talk to a qualified agent about flood insurance. A lot of times flood insurance is not included in homeowners insurance, make sure you are covered.
  3. Have SERVPRO come out and complete an ERP. This is a free service, do this so that you are in our system and ready to go should there be a flood that damages your Horry or Georgetown Count property!

We deal with flood victims all the time, and almost all of them wish they had a plan in place before the floods came. Call us now to set up your ERP!

4 More Things to Think About When Painting The Exterior Of Your Horry or Georgetown County Building

3/23/2019 (Permalink)

It is exterior paint season again!

4 More Things to Think About When Painting The Exterior Of Your Horry or Georgetown County Home ...

A few years ago we gave you 4 things to think about when painting the exterior of your Horry or Georgetown County commercial building. Now that we are into a full blown building boom again, we figured we would give you four more things to think about when painting exteriors.

  1. Consider getting a pressure wash. All of the past years' dirt, pollen and old paint should be set free of the exterior before you begin painting.
  2. Make sure the caulking and seals around doors and windows are still good and free of chips gaps or cracks. You do not want caulk ruining your new exterior paint job.
  3. Do a pre-paint inspection walkthrough. You do not want to get halfway done and find problems that need to be addressed, it helps to plan ahead.
  4. Tape off the windows. As with any paint job the painting of your exterior commercial building should not be any different, tape off those windows!

If you need a professional team to come paint the exterior of your Horry or Georgetown County commercial building call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Commercial Water Cleanup In Horry & Georgetown County

3/23/2019 (Permalink)

We can handle huge water damages!

Commercial water clean up and dry outs should be left to the professionals at SERVPRO!

We can handle huge factories and commercial properties all over Horry and Georgetown Counties.

What would happen to all of your merchandise or supply if you could not get a flood or water accident cleaned up and dried out in time?

How much money and time would you waste trying to handle this kind of massive mess in house?

SERVPRO has access to a large number of team members from all over the country to help aid the recovery of a large loss here on the Grand Strand.

We are certified, licensed and insured to make sure you breathe easier and provide peace of mind that qualified professionals are taking care of your commercial building during a water damage.

Call SERVPRO today for your commercial water cleanup in Myrtle Beach today! 843-236-6278

Puff Back Cleanup In Horry & Georgetown Counties

3/15/2019 (Permalink)

Puff Backs Can Be Hazardous!

Cleaning up Puff Backs!

A puff back can be a serious problem and should not be treated lightly! You may remember an article we wrote about soot damage last year titled "Who Cleans Soot Damage From Gas Fireplaces In Horry County", well this is a different event altogether.

A Puff Back happens when extra fuel builds up in the combustion chamber of your furnace.

The extra built up fuel then explodes the next time your furnace starts up, this explosion can severely damage your furnace and your home.  You may hear what seems to be a loud noise (the explosion) followed by noticing dust or soot all over your furniture and or walls. You will probably smell a strong smoke odor as well.

If you have damage relating to soot and or a puff back call SERVPRO right away.

Check Your Smoke Alarms Here In Horry & Georgetown Counties

3/15/2019 (Permalink)

Checking smoke alarms is easy and necessary!

Every month! That is how often you should check your home and or business smoke and or fire alarm.

Fire alarm maintenance can literally be lifesaving. To check to see if your smoke alarm or smoke detector as they are often referred to is working properly press the test button located on your alarm. If it does not beep, refer to your owners manual as there can be a number of issues causing it to malfunction.

You may need to check and change the batteries as well. Old or depleted batteries can render a smoke detector useless and can severely increase the danger element in any household or business.

You also may need to clean the smoke alarm as dust and dirt tend to settle in the nooks and can cause the alarm to malfunction as well.

If you do have fire damage to your home or business call SERVPRO as soon as possible.

Building Boom For Horry & Georgetown Counties

3/7/2019 (Permalink)

Short or Tall we can build them all!

The Grand Strand's rapid growth is usually seen in communities like Carolina Forest, but a lot more houses are also being built all over the area!

SERVPRO has been building more and more homes over the years for both customers that have suffered an enormous or total loss due to Fire or Water Damage but also for clients that want us to build a new construction home for them to live in here on the Grand Strand.

"Our metropolitan statistical area is the second-fastest growing in the country," City spokesperson Mark Kruea says like the city's overall economy, the housing market is also doing well. -Source News 13 Article

The housing market in and on the Grand Strand has been booming for a few years now. If you are in the market for a new home or even an extensive remodel, give SERVPRO a call today!

Pollen Season Is Here In Horry & Georgetown Counties

3/7/2019 (Permalink)

Pollen is awesome ... Outside!

Horry and Georgetown counties are green just in time for St Patricks Day!

You might have noticed outside that the cars in town have begun to take on their slightly green tone already this year. Although the weather can take a turn to cold at any given moment it seems that Spring is almost here.

Pollen can wreak havoc on allergy sufferers, checking the pollen levels in your area is a helpful tool for those suffering from allergies and hay fever you can do so by clicking here.

One thing that can definitely help you inside your home is having a qualified professional like SERVPRO clean your HVAC unit and ducts.

Clean ducts mean a cleaner home with less worry about dust and pollen as well as energy cost savings due to the unit running more efficiently.

To have SERVPRO come clean your ducts give us a call today!

Restoring Horry & Georgetown County After The Storm

3/4/2019 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO when the storm is over!

Weather conditions can change at the drop of a hat here on the Grand Strand.

When the winds start ramping up and trees and yard debris start becoming flying projectiles the storm damage in Horry & Georgetown County can add up quickly!

SERVPRO can help with the aftermath and the destruction a serious storm can cause. We have been digging residents out of trouble (literally) for decades now. Having access to a dedicated "Storm Team" which we can call upon during large losses is what truly sets us apart from any other "local" restoration company. 

With one call we can have as many additional trained and certified SERVPRO technicians out to your storm damaged area as soon as it is safe to do so.

SERVPRO has a proved track record of being the best in the industry, why would you rust your home, business or precious belongings to any old guy in a truck company?

Call SERVPRO today if you have storm damage and you need help getting restored here in Horry and / or Georgetown County.

Burn Season Is Upon Us In Horry & Georgetown Counties

3/4/2019 (Permalink)

Fires can spark seemingly from nowhere!

As we approach spring, wildfire risk will increase. Stay alert and make a plan.

What is a wildfire?

A wildfire is an unplanned fire that burns in a natural area such as a forest, grassland, or prairie.

What do you do after the fire is over? Here are some important instructions straight from the Ready.gov website.

If you have survived the wildfire then please follow these directions:

  • Listen to authorities to find out when it is safe to return, and whether water is safe to drink.
  • Avoid hot ash, charred trees, smoldering debris, and live embers. The ground may contain heat pockets that can burn you or spark another fire. Consider the danger to pets and livestock.
  • Send text messages or use social media to reach out to family and friends. Phone systems are often busy following a disaster. Make calls only in emergencies.
  • Wear a NIOSH certified-respirator dust mask and wet debris down to minimize breathing dust particles.

  • Document property damage with photographs. Conduct an inventory and contact your insurance company for assistance.

  • Wildfires dramatically change landscape and ground conditions, which can lead to increased risk of flooding due to heavy rains, flash flooding and mud-flows. Flood risk remains significantly higher until vegetation is restored—up to 5 years after a wildfire. Consider purchasing flood insurance to protect the life you've built and to assure financial protection from future flooding.

If you need your property restored due to fire damage here on the Grand Strand give SERVPRO a call today!

Spring Moisture Breeds Mold In Horry County

2/11/2019 (Permalink)

Be proactive in the fight against mold!

Spring is just around the corner here in Horry County.

We are luckier than most in that we get warmer weather a lot sooner. We also get the rain that comes with the spring temperatures too!

Many people do not plan for the wet weather here in the springtime and end up paying dearly when excess moisture from the rain ends up giving them mold issues.

The best plan when dealing with mold is an offensive one. If you can deter mold from even forming in the first place you and your cohabitants will be much better off.

So use a few or all of these tips to make sure your dwelling stays mold free as long as possible.

  1. Find the likeliest spots that mold would form.
  2. Dry any wet or moist areas around your unit as quickly as possible.
  3. Make sure you have good ventilation in humid and moist areas of your home.
  4. Monitor the moisture levels in your home if possible.
  5. Clear out your gutters!

Having a good proactive mold plan with ensure you stay as close to mold free as you can.

If for some reason you still have a mold issue please call SERVPRO as soon as possible! 843-236-6278

Burn Awareness Week Is Here In Horry County

2/4/2019 (Permalink)

Burns can happen fast!

Burn Awareness Week, is usually observed during the first full week in February, is a chance for organizations and families to become educated about burn, and fire prevention.

Burn Awareness Week is an excellent opportunity to kick off a year full of burn awareness education.

Here are 16 awesome tips and facts right from the American Burn Association's website:

  1. Lack of safe play areas for children can increase the risk of scald burns. Establish a “No Kids Zone” in the kitchen. Safe play areas should be out of the traffic path between the stove and sink, where children can play and be supervised.
  2. Did you know? Steam in popcorn bags is hotter than 180°F and burn you in less than a second! When opening microwave popcorn bags, allow the bag to sit for at least a minute before opening it away from your face.
  3. Children grow fast and can reach new dangerous things every day that can burn them. Learn burn prevention tips at our Burn Prevention page.
  4. Supervision is the single most important factor in preventing tap water scalds. If you must leave the bathroom while a bathing a child, take them with you.
  5. It takes only 2 seconds of exposure to 148°F (64°C) water to cause a burn serious enough to require surgery! Coffee is often served at 175°F (79°C), making it high-risk for causing immediate severe scald burns.
  6. Did you know? When microwaving food, steam inside covered containers can quickly reach over 200°F and burn your hands and face. Pro Tip: Puncture plastic wrap or use vented containers to allow steam to escape while cooking. Or, wait at least one minute before removing the cover. When removing covers, lift the corner farthest from you and away from your face and hands.
  7. Don’t make hot coffee, tea, or hot chocolate in a mug that a child normally uses. Consider using mugs with tight-fitting lids, like travel mugs, when children are around instead. Got a kid? Get a lid!
  8. Older adults and babies have thinner skin meaning they are at risk for deeper burns and lower temperatures and shorter exposure times.
  9. Steam reaching temperatures greater than 200°F builds rapidly in covered containers. When removing lids from hot foods, lift the cover or lid away from your face and arms to avoid burns from steam contact.
  10. Microwave ovens are thought to be safe than conventional ovens, but microwaves can still cause scald burns. Microwaves heat foods and liquids to very high temperatures and can cause scald burns from spills, steam, and splashes.
  11. Microwaved foods and liquids may reach temperatures greater than boiling without the appearance of bubbling. Also, food heats unevenly in microwaves. Jelly fillings may be extremely hot, even if the outside of the food is warm.
  12. Did you know? It takes less than a second to get a third-degree burn from hot coffee!
  13. Unlike air temperatures maintained by thermostats, water temperatures can fluctuate a great deal. The temperature of hot water can depend on the distance the heater is from the tap.
  14. It only less than a second to get a third-degree burn from 155°F (68°C) heated water.
  15. Did you know? Water pressure may fluctuate due to running water in other parts of the home. Avoid flushing toilets, running water, or using the dishwasher or washing machine while someone is showering to prevent sudden surges of scalding water.
  16. Test the temperature of the water in the bathtub with your elbow or hand with spread fingers. The water should feel warm, NOT hot to touch.

If you have suffered fire damage at your home or office, call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Surviving A Polar Vortex In Horry County

2/4/2019 (Permalink)

These tips could get you warmer quicker.

Ok chances are you will not suffer from a Polar Vortex in Myrtle Beach anytime soon.

Just to be on the safe side, here is a little more information that could help you in the event that you find yourself traveling to a region that may be affected by one.

Question: What exactly is a Polar Vortex?

Answer: "A polar vortex is a low-pressure area—a wide expanse of swirling cold air—that is parked in polar regions. During winter, the polar vortex at the North Pole expands, sending cold air southward. This happens fairly regularly and is often associated with outbreaks of cold temperatures in the United States." - Scijinks.gov

Here are 3 tips to help you survive a cold weather Polar Vortex event.

  1. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well. Being hydrated helps to constantly regulate your body temperature and eating something makes blood rush to your stomach which in turn moves it all over your body keeping you warmer.
  2. Learn to layer. Sweat cools the body so make sure the base layer moves sweat away from your skin then work from lighter layers to heavier ones. Do not forget about your head and feet either!
  3. Move around. Even if its just running in place or jumping jacks, create a little extra heat so that it can carry over for a bit and jumpstart getting or keeping you warm.

SERVPRO can help fix cold weather-related storm damage to your home or office, call today! 843-236-6278

Superbowl Party Cleanup In Horry County

1/28/2019 (Permalink)

We will clean after the game for you.

This year, you decided to go the distance by hosting a big game bash that guests will be cheering about until next season's opening-day kickoff.

A Superbowl Party like no other!

You have snacks, decorations, a huge TV, and plenty of seating. The invites went out and your friends and family are super excited ... mostly because they will not have to clean up the mess after everyone leaves!

You should not have to stress about cleaning up either.

SERVPRO can help you deep clean your carpets when your Horry County neighbor spills the salsa during a heated first-quarter drive.

SERVPRO can help with the rest of the house too from removing food that landed on your wall from an immature reenactment of that game-winning touchdown pass to restoring your favorite chair because your friend's soda was not in a covered container when they celebrated a little too hard!

So this Superbowl Party enjoy yourself like everyone else and then call SERVPRO to come to clean everything the next day! 843-236-6278

Keep Cold Weather Out Of Your Horry County Business

1/21/2019 (Permalink)

Keep the cold out and profits in!

Cold weather is here on the Grand Strand area and that means turning on the heat!

Is your Heating System ready for the strains that harsh freezing winter temperatures bring?

Here are a few maintenance tips from SERVPRO that will help you keep your heating system in good running condition so that you can stay warm in your business unit all winter long!

  • Air filter cleaning and or replacing
  • Cleaning your air vents
  • Adding some insulation to your office or warehouse
  • Adjust your thermostat for optimum heating throughout the unit
  • Schedule an Inspection from your local SERVPRO

Do you need a hand with your Business's heating system maintenance on the Grand Strand?

SERVPRO is here to assist you. Through maintenance and repair, the experienced, professional, and friendly technicians at

SERVPRO will make sure your business's heating system is ready for the upcoming winter season. 843-236-6278

Icicles Can Do Damage In Horry County

1/14/2019 (Permalink)

Watch out when temperatures drop.

We don't get ice damage very often here on the Grand Strand, but when we do it can be dangerous!

Icicles and ice dams can damage your home and be very dangerous to people who walk under them unaware.

We all know what an icicle is but what exactly is an ice dam?

*** An ice dam forms when snow melts and the water runs downs the surface of the roof. As the melted snow hits cooler parts of the roof near the eaves, it freezes.

This process continues and eventually creates a dam of ice on the roof. As more snow melts, the dam stops the water, which freezes, making the dam bigger and backing up the meltwater, allowing it to leak under the shingles into the attic or eaves.

This can lead to water stains in the ceiling, structural damage and mold growth inside the home.

The biggest culprit to creating ice dams is heat loss from your attic. So it is best to keep an eye on your roof every year especially during the snow storms, to make sure ice dams are not forming.

If you do have water damage or mold damage from the ice on your roof this winter, call SERVPRO today!

*** Source: NDSU News Release

Space Heaters Can Burn Homes Down In Horry County

1/9/2019 (Permalink)

Stay safe while staying warm this winter!

Space heaters can be extremely dangerous to your Horry County home!

As temperatures drop here along the Grand Strand more and more people turn to those tiny little space heaters to help provide some extra warmth around the house.

There are two main types of portable space heaters, electric, and gas. The gas heaters should not be used indoors because the can emit harmful carbon monoxide. Electric heaters are not toxic but still pose a serious fire risk if handled unsafely.

*** Here are a few tips to make sure you are staying warm and safe when the weather gets cold.

  • Electric heaters should be plugged directly into the wall outlet. If an extension cord is necessary, use the shortest possible heavy-duty cord of 14-gauge wire or larger. Always check and follow any manufacturer’s instructions pertaining to the use of extension cords.
  • Buy a unit with a tip-over safety switch, which automatically shuts off the heater if the unit is tipped over.

If you do suffer from fire damage this winter please call SERVPRO right away!

*** Source: Energy.gov

Trees Can Burn Fast If Left Unattended in Horry County

1/3/2019 (Permalink)

Do not forget the water!

Do not forget about your Christmas tree!

Now that the holidays are over chances are you still have your Christmas decorations up and if you bought a real Christmas tree you probably put watering it lower on the list now.

Please do not forget that these trees are extremely flammable when they get dried out and lead to over 13 million dollars of damage annually!

*** Here are some tips to help you when you have a real Christmas tree:

  • Fresh trees are less likely to catch fire, so look for a tree with vibrant green needles that are hard to pluck and don’t break easily from its branches.
  • The tree shouldn’t be shedding its needles readily.
  • Always place your tree away from heat sources like fireplaces, radiators, candles, heat vents or lights, and keep the tree base filled with water to avoid a dry out.
  • Make sure all your indoor and outdoor Christmas lights have been tested in a lab by the UL or ETL/ITSNA for safety, and throw out any damaged lights.
  • Any lights you use outdoors must be labeled suitable for exterior placement, and be sure to plug them into a ground-fault circuit interrupter protected receptacle.
  • Keep all your holiday candles away from your Christmas tree, surrounding furniture and décor.
    Bedtime means lights off! ­ Don’t forget to turn your Christmas tree lights off each night.

If you do have fire damage from a Christmas tree fire call SERVPRO right away!

*** Source: Christmas Tree Association

Stop Freezing Pipes In Their Tracks This Winter

12/17/2018 (Permalink)

Preventing is better than fixing!

Pipes will freeze in your walls if there is not proper insulation!

If there are signs of water damage, mold or even moisture buildup when you open a wall up that might be evidence that a pipe burst sometime in the past.

This most likely came from improper insulation. The best thing to do if you find evidence of a burst pipe from freezing is to add more insulation before the temperatures drop below freezing!

Here are a few more tips to prevent frozen pipes this winter:

  • Insulate the sides of your water tank
  • Update your pipes and tanks if needed
  • Fix any dripping pipes before the cold weather comes

If you have been a victim of water damage due to frozen pipes bursting or any other reason, call SERVPRO today!

Fix Frozen Pipes With These Tips

12/17/2018 (Permalink)

If your pipes burst, do this ...

A burst water pipe can cause serious damage to your home and property.

When pipes freeze, the water expands, which can cause the pipes to burst and then the thawed water starts a leak.

If you know what to do when a frozen pipe bursts you can be two steps ahead of a bad situation.

Helpful tips:

  • Turn off the water at the main as soon as you notice the damage. 
  • Turning on all your hot and cold taps, this will help drain the system.
  • Thaw any exposed pipes with a hairdryer if possible.
  • If the damage has gone unnoticed for some time due to an absence in the unit, there could be significant issues with safety. Call the professionals at SERVPRO.

SERVPRO has been dealing with water damages on the Grand Strand for decades, we can help you when you need it most!

Your Horry County Office Needs To Run Smooth

12/10/2018 (Permalink)

Protect Your Office!

Your office is ground zero for all of your business functions!

What would happen if there was a fire in your office kitchen or a flood in your records room from a faulty sprinkler valve?

Would you be able to handle this messy and dangerous cleanup yourself and still maintain quality service for all of your important clients?

SERVPRO has been handling cleanup for offices and warehouses just like yours for decades here on the Grand Strand. We know how important it is for you to be back up and running in the shortest amount of time possible. We understand that every minute that slips by without any productivity is more money being lost. 

We will get your business back up as fast as possible, let us worry about the cleanup and you can stick to taking care of your clients!

Call in SERVPRO of East Horry County! 843-236-6278

Winter Storms Can Be Dangerous In Horry County

12/3/2018 (Permalink)

Don't let those pipes freeze!

Granted we do not get blankets of snow covering the Grand Strand for months like our neighbors to the North do ... but we do have freezing temperatures at times!

When we have bands of cold weather coming through in our winter season your home could be at risk of pipes freezing or even worse bursting!

It will take a few days at a constant below freezing temperature (32° F) before your pipes will start to freeze so if you take the proper precautions you should be in the clear!

* Here are 4 telltale signs that your pipes are frozen:

  1. There is a strange smell from your faucet or drain.
  2. Little to no water coming from the faucet.
  3. There is frost on your pipes.
  4. The water temperature stays cold.

If you have water damage from a frozen pipe that bursts call SERVPRO right away!

*Source: https://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-to-tell-if-your-pipes-are-frozen-2124985

Is Your Horry County Business ERP Ready?

11/26/2018 (Permalink)

Sign up for our FREE ERP program today!

Where is the emergency shut off valve? Where are the fuse boxes and control panels? What do we do first?

These are just some of the questions that you could be left asking and NOT knowing the answers to if there is an emergency at your commercial building, office space, warehouse or factory.

SERVPRO has a program called ERP. That stands for Emergency Ready Profile and here are just some of the benefits to setting one up for your commercial space:

It is FREE. This means there is no need to stress about cost, giving you a great value at no financial requirement.

All of your emergency information in one easy to read document. It will only take a small fraction of time to complete and will not require you to leave your current projects.

A follow-up guide to get you back on track after a disaster. This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action.

Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas, and priority contact information.

To learn more about having SERVPRO setup the ERP for your commercial business call us now, 843-236-6278!

Let Us Clean Up After Your Myrtle Beach Thanksgiving

11/19/2018 (Permalink)

One less thing to stress about!

The dishes are piled up, the leftovers are put away and your guests left stains everywhere!

Sound familiar? When you have larger gatherings for the holidays and there are food, children, and pets involved, things are bound to get messy. Let SERVPRO come over and deep clean your home after the holidays and leave the stress to us.

Give us a chance to show you how we can work our magic on your carpets and rugs, nobody likes deep cleaning but fortunately for you, we are amazing at it!

We have professional grade equipment that is still delicate enough for your most expensive rugs. Our technicians are trained in the art and science of drying so your home will look better than ever after our skilled workers are finished.

You have enough to worry about before the meal, let SERVPRO take care of things after your meal so you can actually enjoy your family and friends this year!

Call SERVPRO to make your after holiday carpet cleaning appointment today! 843-236-6278

What Can You Learn From Hurricanes In Horry County

11/14/2018 (Permalink)

You can learn a lot!

Hurricane season is winding down this year but we are not out of the woods yet.

It has been about a month now since Hurricane Florence hit North Carolina and South Carolina, but the impact is still being felt even now.

For many people, it was a lot of rain and a few hours without power, but for some, it was life-changing and very destructive.

It is important to learn from disasters like these so that you can be better prepared the next time tragedy and mother nature strikes.

Here are a few things to think about having ready or doing well before next Hurricane Season:

  • Make sure you locate and get educated on all of your important documents and insurance policies and procedures.
  • Have an emergency plan in place for if evacuation is necessary.
  • Make digital copies of as many important documents as you can and keep them safer by uploading them to a cloud service or device.
  • Organize a kit that has essential supplies and gear if you are going to weather the storm.

These are just a few things you can do to make sure you are more prepared for the next storm that comes to the Grand Strand.

If you have suffered storm damage please call SERVPRO today!

Lets Talk Turkey In Horry Co

11/9/2018 (Permalink)

Talking Turkey Fryer Safety

Turkey Fryer and Kitchen Safety for Thanksgiving

As we get ready to cook some turkeys this year, we have to remember that things can turn deadly very fast if we don't take the proper precautions while putting together our Thanksgiving meal.

Turkey fryers are a southern tradition when it comes to Thanksgiving Day, but they can also be very dangerous if not used properly.

Here are some turkey frying safety tips to remember this holiday season from our local Fire Department:

  • Make sure that you don't overfill the pot by measuring the proper level with the turkey in water first and then add the oil after you've measured the level once the turkey has been removed.
  • Once the oil has been heated to the proper level turn the burner off before adding the turkey so that if the oil does spill out it doesn't start a fire, and never put a frozen turkey into hot oil.
  • Make sure that you are using oven mitts and safety glasses when handling the turkey, and after you're done cooking allow the oil to cool sufficiently before disposing of it.
  • If you're working in the kitchen make sure that you are not wearing clothes with long sleeves, and that you are turning the pot handles in so that they don't get knocked over by accident.
  • Also, it's a good idea to keep kids and pets out of the kitchen while things are being prepared.

SERVPRO of East Horry County hopes that everyone has a great and safe Thanksgiving this year and we are thankful to serve our Grand Strand community!

It Is Never Too Early To Talk About Thanksgiving Safety In Horry Co

10/31/2018 (Permalink)

Stay safe and be grateful this Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is one of the peak days for home fires and injuries related to cooking in America!

Let's talk about some safety tips that you and your family can practice to make sure you can continue to be thankful for a roof over your head.

  • Keep an eye on the turkey and food, stay close while it is cooking.
  • Keep young children away from the stove. The stove will be hot and kids should really stay as far away as possible.
  • Keep the floor clear so you don’t trip over items that can cause you to spill hot liquids.
  • Keep all sharp objects out of the reach of children.
  • Never leave children alone in the room with a lit candle or unattended fire.
  • Make sure your smoke alarms are working. Test them by pushing the test button. Just a reminder most modern smoke detectors are good for about 10 years after that it is better to just replace the whole unit not just the batteries.

If you follow these tips and use common sense you should have a grateful and safe holiday season.

If you do experience a fire damage this Thanksgiving call SERVPRO as soon as possible!

What Water Is Capable Of In Horry County

10/23/2018 (Permalink)

You would be surprised at what water is capable of!

Surging flood water is capable of collapsing an entire community of homes ... but that is just the beginning!

The news is filled with images lately of the damage that rising flood waters have produced after the recent hurricanes and storms.

Not only is water a universal solvent which means it is capable of dissolving many materials but the speed at which it can move is stunningly aggressive.

Take for example the record-breaking cresting of the local rivers in our area. The damage produced from these unprecedented water levels included sinkholes, destruction of roadways and bridges as well as collapsing entire communities of homes.

We here at SERVPRO have the tools and knowledge to fix many of the different water damages to your homes and businesses. 

If you have suffered severe water damage call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278!

The Drying Process After A Major Flood In Horry County

10/17/2018 (Permalink)

The drying process is a trying process, so call SERVPRO!

The flood waters are gone ... what now?

It is hard to know what to do and what to expect when the flood waters from a major water damage finally recess. 

You WILL have questions:

  • Are there going to be obstacles you are not ready for?
  • Will it ever get back to the way it used to be?
  • Where do I start?
  • Who do I turn to?

The good news is that SERVPRO has been helping families and businesses just like yours for decades here on the Grand Strand. We have systems in place and technology on our side.

SERVPRO's expert technicians can help in every stage of the damage. With that being said the rules of cleanup vary from state to state and even county to county especially after a major flood that has impacted tens of thousands of residents.

SERVPRO has to adhere to the proper rules and regulations which can often change temporarily during emergencies when it comes to disposing of the trash and waste material as well as your belongings that are no longer salvageable.

This means that there will be some unsightly piles of items from time to time in neighborhoods all along the affected area. SERVPRO can work as quickly as the local municipalities allow and will always make sure they do their best to leave things better than the way they found them.

If you have severe water damage from flooding call SERVPRO today!

How To Wash Mold Out Of Clothes After A Flood In Horry County

10/10/2018 (Permalink)

Clean everything as soon as possible!

After a severe flooding recedes and the cleanup process begins you are left with many questions.

One of the first and biggest issues to tackle is your clothes. Since you obviously need clothes to participate in everyday life you are going to want to get you and your family's clothes clean as soon as possible.

Here are a few tips to help make sure that your soiled moldy clothes get back to their pre-flood gloriousness.

First, check if your machines need to be cleaned. If they do follow this procedure:

  • Set the washer to the largest load capacity and fill with hot water.
  • Add one cup chlorine bleach.
  • Set the washer to a full cycle with a hot water rinse. Allow the washer to run through the entire cycle.
  • Clean the exterior of the washer and all other surfaces in the laundry room with a solution of chlorine bleach and hot water. Rinse with clean water.
  • Of course, if the machines are broken call a technician to come to help you first!

Now comes the washing of the clothes part ...

You can use vinegar to remove the mold and musky smell that your flood-damaged clothes may have. *Vinegar kills 82% of mold species and can usually kill the mold growing on clothes. Vinegar will also remove the moldy smell from the clothes.

How to wash your clothes with vinegar:

First, make sure you knock off and spray away any mud or large portions of debris from your clothing as this may jam up your machine.

  • To kill mold on your clothes using vinegar, put your clothes in the washing machine along with detergent and let the machine fill with water.
  • Then add about a cup or two of vinegar to your washing.
  • Let the washing machine run through its cycle as normal.
  • Alternatively, soak clothes in vinegar:
  • Let your clothes soak in a solution of one cup of white vinegar in a bucket of water for about an hour.
  • After soaking, wash the clothes with laundry detergent in your washing machine to wash away the mold and vinegar.
  • You might need to repeat the process to remove all the traces of mold and any moldy smell from your clothes.

If you or someone you know has been affected by flood damage and need help with your home, call SERVPRO now!

*Source: Moldpedia.com

When Should I Buy Flood Insurance In Horry County

10/4/2018 (Permalink)

Get a policy in place ASAP!

The simple answer to the question: When should I buy flood insurance is ... NOW!

That answer of now is of course totally dependant on if you live in a flood zone or not. If you do, you absolutely should already have a flood insurance policy in place. If you do not live in a flood zone but live in low lying areas or in close proximity to rivers or lakes that could flood, well then you too should look into a flood insurance policy.

The thing about a flood insurance policy and why it is so important to have one in place is because they normally take about 30 days to activate so if you are trying to buy one when a hurricane is announced to be heading your way chances are that policy will not be in effect in time to help you should that hurricane cause you flood damage because most hurricanes only give you a week or two notice.

So in short talk to an insurance agent ASAP if you even think you might need flood insurance.

If you have sustained flood damage, call SERVPRO we can help!

When The Water Recedes The Mold Will Breed In Horry Co

9/27/2018 (Permalink)

Don't overlook the mold!

The rivers have crested and now the flood waters have started to recede ... now the mold will start to grow!

The hurricane is over and gone, the rains and winds have subsided and the flooding rivers and waterways have stopped rising but just when you thought you finally had everything under control and you could start to go back to everyday life ... you see mold!

Mold can start to grow in just 48 hours in dark wet areas in and around your homes and office structures.

Mold can grow at a rapid pace and could possibly get out of hand very quickly.

When you have had significant water damage like the people in Horry County have had after the devastating effects of Hurricane Florence and the flood that took place in the rivers afterward the last thing you want to worry about is mold.

Let the trained professionals of SERVPRO help you in this time of need!

Horry Co Flood Damage Cleanup After A Hurricane

9/20/2018 (Permalink)

Stay Safe and Move to Higher Ground!

For some, the hurricane is just the beginning.

If you live in an area that is prone to flooding then you know that a major thunderstorm, tropical storm and or a hurricane can mean only the beginning of a long wet process.

All along the Grand Strand people live in waterfront areas whether it is the beach, the intercoastal waterway, or one of the major rivers we have flowing through our beautiful coastal area.

When there is a significant rainfall like ones experienced during Hurricane Florence your home may be at risk of major flooding from quick rising rivers and the grounds inability to drain the water quick enough.

If water damage does happen to you, know that SERVPRO is here to help as soon as it is safe to do so. We have been helping families put their lives back together after major storms for decades here in Horry County and we are not stopping now. 

Educate yourself about the possible and projected flood areas by clicking here on this interactive flood map to see if you are in harm's way!

We are here to help once the water recedes!

Hurricane Evacuation Zone Information Horry County

9/11/2018 (Permalink)

Know Your Zone!

Know Your Zone!

For emergency situations where evacuations are necessary especially during hurricanes, it is important to know your zone.

Here is a list to reference so you can make the best possible decision.


About Zone A
Evacuation areas for ZONE A include:

All areas east of U.S. Business 17 up to the intersection with US 17
All areas east of U.S. 17 to the northern county line
Also includes all flood-prone areas along the Waccamaw River and the Great and Little Pee Dee Rivers, as well as all mobile home residents within Horry County.


About Zone B
Evacuation areas for ZONE B include:

Areas South of Highway 707 and Longwood Drive
All areas in Longwood Plantation to the Waccamaw River
All areas east of US 17 Bypass to US 17
All areas east of US 17 to the northern county line
Also includes all flood-prone areas along the Waccamaw River and the Great and Little Pee Dee Rivers, as well as all mobile home residents within Horry County.


About Zone C
Evacuation areas for ZONE C include:

Areas between Hwy 701 and Hwy 544
South of Brown's Chapel Avenue and Hwy 814
All areas east of Highway 31 (Carolina Bays Parkway) to Hwy 90
All areas east of Highway 90 to US 17 to the northern county line
Also includes all flood-prone areas along Waccamaw River and Great and Little Pee Dee Rivers, as well as all mobile home residents within Horry County.

For more information visit: https://www.horrycounty.org/Departments/Emergency-Management/Hurricanes/Know-Your-Zone

Foreclosed Home Cleanup in Myrtle Beach

9/7/2018 (Permalink)

You buy it we'll clean it!

You have bought that foreclosed home in Myrtle Beach only to discover there are mold and trash everywhere inside ... who do you call to help you clean up all that filth?

SERVPRO that is who you call! Not only are we experts at cleaning and eliminating mold and trash, we have experience helping out even the most seasoned of real estate home or building flippers.

We can help with a bunch of different tasks ranging from a simple patch and mud job to total construction of an unsafe dwelling.

Let the company that has been helping investors and teams all along the Grand Strand for years give you the peace of mind that your investment in a foreclosed unit will be looking great and be structurally sound in no time!

Call SERVPRO the next time you buy that foreclosed property!

Why Do I Have Mold In My Myrtle Beach Home?

8/21/2018 (Permalink)

We'll eliminate your mold!

You do not know you have mold unless it is too late!

Your best bet for not finding mold in your Myrtle Beach home is to make sure you do not have excess water or moisture issues in your home.

If left untreated a water leak or excess moisture situation can turn into mold growth in as little as 48 hours. Especially down here on the Grand Strand when conditions are almost always warm and humid, mold loves that environment!

If you suspect you have water leakage or excess moisture issues in your home call SERVPRO today. We have the tools, training, and manpower to restore your home back to its wonderful self again. 

If you see or smell mold then you should definitely call SERVPRO right away, we are experts in riding your home of that pesky problem!

We can do it all, call us today!

Crawl Space Water Damage Myrtle Beach

8/17/2018 (Permalink)

Don't be scared of your crawl space ... call SERVPRO!

Crawl spaces are notorious for water damage, especially here on the Grand Strand!

If your Myrtle Beach home has a crawl space and a pipe breaks or starts leaking you may not even know until it is too late!

Think about it, how often do you open up one of those little side doors and brush away the cobwebs and then go exploring under your home? If you are like us then the answer is probably never!

So how are you going to know if you have water damage in your crawl space ... you call the fearless technicians at SERVPRO that is how!

Our brave experts can navigate even the scariest of crawl spaces and report back to you what is going on under your home as well a plan to fix it if need be.

When you are just not interested in crawling under your home, call SERVPRO we will do it for you!

Does My Pool Have Mold Myrtle Beach

8/10/2018 (Permalink)

Is this mold or algae?

Summer is here and in full swing! 

That means pools and swimming. Your pool might at times look like it has mold around the outside or rim. It is most likely algae and not mold.

Algae can grow when the chlorine levels drop in your pool and then the sun is strong. It can turn a perfectly clear pool and make it greener than the Hulk in what seems like overnight.

If the algae are inside your pool call a pool technician to service your water if the algae are outside your pool, give it a few sprays with a bleach /water combo and if it doesn't go away in a day or two you might have mold.

If it turns out to be mold call SERVPRO today!

To be 100% sure call the experts at SERVPRO of East Horry County at 843-236-6278 for any pool mold concerns in Myrtle Beach today!

Rodents In Your Ducts Myrtle Beach

8/2/2018 (Permalink)

Mice can be mighty ...Harmful!

SERVPRO has been cleaning air ducts in your area for decades!

One of the most necessary times to get your ducts cleaned is after a rodent infestation.

Often times mice and or rats can make their way into your home through a small crack somewhere in your roof or foundation and then set up shop in your HVAC pipes/vents.

When you have a professional exterminator remove the rodent issue you still want to go the extra step and have your HVAC system cleaned well! The rodent urinates often and that mixed with their droppings can cause health issues in some people due to it getting airborne in your system.

SERVPRO has the equipment and manpower to clean your air ducts quickly and professionally.

Even if you have not had a rodent issue it is still a good idea to do a yearly cleaning just to be on the safe side, so call to schedule yours today!

Biohazard and Crime Scene Cleanup In Myrtle Beach

7/26/2018 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO before you touch anything Biohazardous!

Biohazard, Vandalism, & Crime Scene, Cleanup and Restoration Services

Recognized as a leading fire, water, and mold cleanup and restoration provider by hundreds of insurance companies nationwide, SERVPRO offers fast, reliable biohazard and crime scene cleanup and restoration services to residential and commercial property owners.

Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences for building occupants, employees, and customers. A failure to properly handle and safely remove such hazardous substances can contribute to unhealthy and even dangerous environments.

Your local SERVPRO Professionals are trained to safely and effectively remove biohazardous substances and prepare waste for proper disposal according to OSHA, EPA and state and local health regulations. Equipped with the necessary safety equipment and cleaning products, SERVPRO Professionals help turn unsafe environments into clean, safe homes and offices.

SERVPRO can help with the following:

  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Crime Scene Residues
  • Arson
  • Vandalism
  • Sewage Backups
  • Black Water Intrusions
  • Mold Mitigation and Remediation
  • And much more ...

If you need help cleaning up any of the above-mentioned items give us a call! (843) 236-6278

Cabinet Install and Restore In Myrtle Beach

7/20/2018 (Permalink)

From design to install, we can handle it all!

Cabinets can make or break the look of that awesome kitchen you have!

Actually, the cabinets can make an old kitchen look new or completely change the look, feel and flow of your entire space!

When it comes to cabinets few do it yourselfers get it one hundred percent right. There is the measuring, the planning, the shopping, the pickup or delivery, the inspection, the mounting, the leveling and then the actual enjoying.

If there was any part of that process that just does not seem worth it ... you should call SERVPRO.

SERVPRO has been dealing with cabinets for years. We handle all of the above-mentioned tasks almost on a daily basis when restoring or remodeling a kitchen after a disaster. So why not call us to help with your cabinets even if your house did not burn down?

We have the tools, manpower and know how to handle your Myrtle Beach cabinet job right the first time!

Drywall Services Myrtle Beach

7/10/2018 (Permalink)

Don't get walled in by other company's bad work!

Who does drywall in Myrtle Beach? SERVPRO does!!

We perform the task of drywalling and mudding almost daily. Our repair technicians are constantly having to rebuild walls due to fire, water and or mold damage. They are experts in drywall repair and remodeling.

Why not call SERVPRO to help you even if it is not an emergency? We have the equipment and the manpower to handle any sized job. We have been doing drywall all over the Grand Strand for decades, where else can you find that kind of service?

If you need drywall repaired, installed or removed call the team at SERVPRO now. You will be able to relax knowing that solid professionals are taking care of your needs and that you are in great hands!

Call to schedule your estimate today! (843) 236-6278

Building Myrtle Beach

7/6/2018 (Permalink)

We are building Myrtle Beach!

Construction is booming again all along the Grand Strand!

We here at SERVPRO have been working not stop with our construction division building homes and repairing homes just like yours all over town.

Many people only know SERVPRO as award-winning service providers that fight mold, clean carpets and fix fire & water damage but we are capable of all of that and so much more!

When homes burn down to the ground SERVPRO has the equipment, manpower and know how to rebuild the house or building from the ground up.

So if you are seriously thinking about that kitchen remodel or you happened to be extremely unlucky and lightning struck your home burning it to the ground ... call SERVPRO first!

We can help you recover and then help you rebuild!

Carpentry In Myrtle Beach

6/25/2018 (Permalink)

We Build In Myrtle Beach!

When you think of SERVPRO you probably think amazing fire, water, and mold restoration and you would be right ... but did you know we can build houses too?

We rebuilt a house from the ground up not too long ago when one of our client's home burned down to the ground from an oxygen tank explosion!

We handled the process from start to finish and the owner was amazed at the carpentry skills that SERVPRO displayed on this home!

SERVPRO of East Horry County can provide this service for you too by supervising a full range of restoration services that will bring a building back to full functionality.

  • Board Up
  • Carpet Repair and Installation
  • Drywall Installation
  • Drywall Removal
  • Electrical
  • General Contracting
  • Hardwood Floor Repair
  • HVAC Services
  • Linoleum Floor Repair
  • Marble Floor Repair
  • Move Out
  • Painting
  • Plumbing
  • Portable Power
  • Roof Tarp
  • Roofing Services
  • Scalable Resources
  • Temporary Fencing
  • Temporary Warehouse Space
  • Tile Floor Repair

Call us today if you need award-winning service on your home!

Positive 1st Impressions Carpet Cleaning Horry Co

6/21/2018 (Permalink)

We Know Carpets!

Even before your sales team greets a customer, they’re greeted by the appearance of your business.

Make no mistake about it; first impressions are an important part of the sales process. When the first impression is that of a clean and organized business, it puts your customer at ease, and it makes it easier for them to say yes!

That’s why regular commercial carpet cleaning is so important. Maintaining your office carpet in pristine condition lets your customers and sales team know that you’ve taken care of all the details, down to the carpet.

A clean carpet is also hygienic. Accumulation of dirt and grime along with pollen and animal dander that is tracked in by foot traffic can make for an unpleasant and allergenic work environment.

Regular carpeting cleaning is also an opportunity for spot-checking for damaged and worn areas in the carpeting, potentially avoiding accidents.

Businesses should aim for focused carpet cleaning about once every quarter for high traffic areas in addition to the twice-yearly deep cleaning of the entire covered area. 

Call SERVPRO to schedule your home or business carpet cleaning today!

Painting Your Horry County Home After A Storm

6/12/2018 (Permalink)

We can paint your home!

Sometimes the last thing you want to do after a major storm repair is paint!

Hurricane season is upon us and sometimes we luck out and just get minimal damage that involves only a few patch jobs to a wall or the exterior side of the house. 

After you finish repairing the damage you really do not feel like painting, it can be a real hassle if you do not have the right equipment.

Lucky for you SERVPRO has the manpower and resources to do all sorts of different sized jobs from one bedroom apartments to a 100 plus unit condo tower and everything in between.

So the next time you just do not feel like painting that front wall for the third time or slapping on another coat to the second floor bedrooms because a tree came through the wall, give SERVPRO a call 843-236-6278!

Is This Black Mold In My Horry County Home?

6/5/2018 (Permalink)

Don't mess with mold, call SERVPRO!

Stachybotrys chartarum is the type of mold often called “black mold”.

How Do I Tell If It’s Black Mold In My Home?

Since many types of mold can produce allergens and irritants, you should contact a qualified mold remediation company like SERVPRO regardless of the color or type of mold. In many cases, multiple types of mold can exist in the same house or structure. If you suspect that you have a mold problem, contact a SERVPRO Franchise Professional immediately. 

What Do I Need To Know About Mold?

When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold spores are microscopic, they float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even come indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores love moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow when exposed to water. 
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed and dried out. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold can often produce a strong, musty odor.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today 843-236-6278

Flooring Services In Horry County

5/30/2018 (Permalink)

When it comes to flooring we never cut corners!

Flooring is the foundation of a great home ... literally!

Flooring can be carpet, wood, concrete or other kinds of building materials but they are all subject to damage from water, fire and or mold.

When your flooring becomes damaged you can try to fix it yourself and some people have a small level of success but you have to ask yourself do I know enough about the science of drying to make sure the flooring I'm putting down is going on a completely dry surface that will not become mold infested because I'm trapping moisture underneath and then have to completely redo the whole process again?

If you do know about moisture control and the science of drying, by all means, do that labor intensive time investing and all around not fun project yourself. If you do not think you can pull it off, call SERVPRO.

SERVPRO has the know-how and equipment to have your flooring project done right and fast!

Restoration Services In Horry County

5/23/2018 (Permalink)

Let SERVPRO Restore More Than Your Faith!

No Job Is Too Large

There's never a good time for fire or water damage to strike your building or business. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and or time spent doing business operational duties. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we'll be there quickly with the help you need and the name you trust.

The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is made up of our best of the best in restoration.

Our industry-leading large-loss specialists are pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the country to handle any size disaster. Every large loss is over seen by a commercial operations manager to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation.

If your business suffers a major loss, call (843) 236-6278.

Cleaning And Repair For Educational Buildings In Horry County

5/15/2018 (Permalink)

Schools Out But What About The Dirt?

Now that everyone has graduated, who is going to deep clean and repair your institution?

Disasters at an educational building are highly complex and require a knowledgeable and flexible response.

Whether we’re dealing with a small school campus or an institute of higher education, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area so that normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Our professional team of technicians is trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area.

Our experience in handling educational facilities cleanups has given us the ability to provide a variety of detailed services for the following educational facilities: K-12 Schools, Colleges & Universities, Dormitories, Private Schools, Libraries, Daycares / Pre-K Facilities

From county school systems to large accredited colleges and universities, SERVPRO works to make your education facility disaster “Like it never even happened.”

May 6-12th Is Hurricane Preparedness Week In Horry County

5/8/2018 (Permalink)

Be Prepared This Hurricane Season

Hurricane Preparedness Week

From the desk of the Community Risk Reduction Officer for our local Fire Dept:

During Hurricane Preparedness Week, make sure you have a hurricane evacuation plan.

The first thing you need to do is find out if you live in a storm surge hurricane evacuation zone or if you're in a home that would be unsafe during a hurricane.

If you are, figure out where you'd go and how you'd get there if told to evacuate. You do not need to travel hundreds of miles. Identify someone, perhaps a friend or relative who doesn't live an evacuation zone or unsafe home, and coordinate with them to use their home as your evacuation destination.

Be sure to account for your pets, as most local shelters do not permit them.

Put the plan in writing for you and those you care about- share your plan with your neighbors.

Find evacuation zones here: http://flash.org/hurricane-season/evacuation-zones/find-your-evacuation-zones.pdf.

And as always SERVPRO is here for you when the storm is over to help put your life back together!

Stopping Mold In Its Tracks In Horry County

5/2/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Helps Fight Mold

Mold naturally occurs in our environment.

Fungi produce some very useful results. Even though some forms of mold can add value to our lives, other forms can be very harmful.

Excessive amounts of mold, different types of mold, and/or exposure to molds may present health concerns for some people.

The intrusion of water into your home or place of business can result in mold growth. Water intrusions can result from storm damage, plumbing or equipment failures, long-standing leaks and poor humidity control.

When water intrusions are not fixed right away, the resulting damage can present an increased risk of harmful mold growth. Some amount of mold spores are normally present in most environments. If the humidity and moisture levels in a water-damaged environment are not promptly returned to normal, mold spores may grow and multiply.

Organic materials found inside a building, such as wood, paper, drywall, and insulation, provide food sources for mold to flourish. Excessive mold growth can lead to indoor environmental conditions that pose a health threat.

Stop mold in its tracks by calling SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

The Best Cinco De Mayo Party Cleaners

4/25/2018 (Permalink)

It's not a celebration when you have to clean up!

When you throw a Cinco De Mayo Party you really know how to go over the top!

But once the party is over and the mariachi band leaves, the cervezas and margaritas are all gone ... who is going to clean that messy carpet?

Fortunately for you, SERVPRO does not take holidays off so if your carpet has 8 layer bean dip ground into it from all that dancing and irresponsible eating give us a call.

If the pinata was full of candy and now your rugs are full of chocolate stains, give us a call!

SERVPRO has been cleaning up after messy partygoers for years. We have the knowledge and equipment to get in and out faster than you can say ARIBA!

Call us today to schedule your carpet cleaning: 843-236-6278

Reduce Your Chance Of Getting Mold In Horry County

4/22/2018 (Permalink)

Eradicate the mold!

Reducing Your Exposure to Mold

Mold and mildew are common nuisances in our humid South Carolina community. However, you cangreatly reduce the risk of infestation in your home. It’s worthwhile to consider because reducing exposure to mold in Myrtle Beach is important for both you and your home’s health and well-being. 

Mold spores in the home environment have been known to cause adverse health effects. In addition, mold colonies can cause unsightly damage to your home, like staining of furniture and carpeting. On top of that, mold can weaken the walls and foundation of your home, leading to structural deterioration.

While completely eradicating mold spores in your Horry County home environment is not possible, you can lessen the chance of mold infestation in your home.

Reduce your exposure to mold by following these three helpful tips from the remediation experts at your local SERVPRO:

1. Repair leaks quickly. 
2. Use a dehumidifier. 
3. Use cleansers that kill mold and mildew. 

If you find that mold or mildew grows inside your home, it could be signs of a more serious problem.

Call SERVPRO today to schedule an inspection: 843-236-6278

Too Much Rain In April Is Not Always A Good Thing

4/11/2018 (Permalink)

Rain and Flood Damage Specialists

April showers might bring May flowers to the Grand Strand but it might bring flooding too.

If you are in an area of Horry County that constantly floods and you were worried about who to call if we do suddenly get a large amount of rain this April call SERVPRO. If all the rain causes severe flood damage, then call us and let SERVPRO put your fears to rest.

The professionals at SERVPRO have high-grade equipment that includes extraction pumps, industrial vacuums and the technology to make your water damage disappear quicker than a spring puddle.

Call SERVPRO today for a plan that includes what to do if an emergency does happen and you are stuck with massive flood damage.

We are here to help you stay dry 843-236-6278!

April Means Earth Day In Horry County

4/4/2018 (Permalink)

Earth Day Is In April

Earth Day is April 22, 2018, this year!

Although the best strategy to help the world is to practice environmental consciousness every day, a dedicated national observance day to honor the earth comes in a close second.

We here at SERVPRO are constantly cleaning up disasters and damages all over the planet so we would like to take this time to remind you to do something healthy and proactive for the survival of our precious planet!

There are always activities in your area that need help and amazing opportunities to volunteer your time and resources.

If you can get out there and plant a tree or take some recycling to the recycle center or even make some sandwiches for the volunteers that are working hard for earth day.

Also, it is a great reminder that you should start to think about the spring cleaning and maintenance of your home so that you do not get stuck with faulty equipment.

If you need our help call us today at 843-236-6278

Commercial Cleaning on the Grand Strand

3/27/2018 (Permalink)

Cleaning even the smallest fire damage isn't easy.

You don’t have time to worry about the common wear and tear that gradually soils your office.

When cleaning fire or water damages go beyond the scope of you or your regular janitorial staff, call in your local SERVPRO Professional. Whether it’s removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can rely on SERVPRO to make your workspace look it's very best.

SERVPRO will get the job done right and get it done quickly because the SERVPRO Advantage includes these benefits: Award-Winning Training, Nearly 50 Years of Experience and Exclusive Cleaning Products.

Specialty Cleaning Services

We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include the following: Air Ducts and HVAC, Biohazard, Carpet and Upholstery, Ceilings, Floors, and Walls, Drapes, and Blinds, Odor Removal, Sewage, Trauma and Crime Scene and Vandalism.

HELPING TO MAKE FIRE AND WATER DAMAGE “Like it never even happened.”

Who Cleans Soot Damage From Gas Fireplaces In Horry County

3/20/2018 (Permalink)

Gas Fireplaces Can Leave Soot Damage Too

Don't be confused. It's not a puff back.

A puff back is when you have an oil based heating system and when oil that is burning in the system builds up it pops back into the house. 

We handle a whole other kind of fireplace soot damage.

Sometimes, gas lines on the gas fireplace will produce soot damage when either of the logs was installed incorrectly or if they had been moved by a homeowner so they weren't sitting correctly or the unit had run out of gas then the soot in that gas tank will come out and land all over everything in the home.

So we have to go through the house and find all the areas where the soot had gotten to and more often than not, we find that it got to every corner of the home. In closets when we remove clothes you could see where the clothes are pushing against the wall because it was outlined with soot.

It leaves outlines around pictures too. We have to clean everything top to bottom all contents and all of the structure. Most clients had to have the clothes sent out for cleaning too.

If you have had this kind of gas fireplace soot damage, call SERVPRO today: 843-236-6278

Spring Air Ducts and HVAC Cleaning in Horry County

3/13/2018 (Permalink)

Is Your Unit Ready For Spring?

Pollen and dirt can wreak havoc on your HVAC!

Inspecting the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit (HVAC) is a service offered by SERVPRO here on the Grand Strand.

Keeping the HVAC system and ductwork clean can extend the lifespan of the equipment by allowing it to operate at peak condition and reduce the chances of a fire starting, which may save you money. SERVPRO uses a portable ventilation and air duct cleaning system to remove years of dust, pollen, and grime. 

We will inspect your HVAC system and ductwork and make recommendations about the best way to address any indoor air quality concerns. The inspection can save you money in the long run and provide peace of mind on the health of your HVAC system and ductwork. 

The SERVPRO system is the difference - we can help:

  •      Remediate bacteria, fungi, and mold
  •      Reduce potential for mold growth
  •      Restore peak energy efficiency
  •      Eliminate offensive odors

Call us today to schedule your Spring HVAC inspection: 843-236-6278

Storm Damage Aftermath in Horry County

3/6/2018 (Permalink)

Don't let Storm Damage scare you!

Thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flash flooding are common with severe weather in the Horry County area.

Because of this, you’ll find many storm damage restoration companies servicing Horry County. And with so many choices, it can be confusing to know which is the best at handling emergency residential restoration services.

Beyond looking at costs, it’s important also to consider how trustworthy a company is and what track record they have. Use this helpful guide below to help you accurately compare storm damage restoration business in Horry County:

  • Experienced In Emergency Storm Damage Cleanup and Restoration. It’s important to ask if the company is well equipped and experienced with storm damage and not just water damage. Storm damage could mean layers of mud in the living room, a tree through your roof, sewage in the basement, and so much more than the usual water damage. SERVPRO is familiar and experienced in dealing with aspects of flood damage restoration --especially the unexpected kind.
  • Community and Better Business Bureau Affiliation. Businesses that make an effort to be a part of their community often take bigger strides in servicing their neighbors. SERVPRO of East Horry County is a member of several professional leagues and organizations in Horry County as well as part of the prestigious BBB. If you're unsure if a home restoration company is IICRC certified or part of the BBB, visit their respected websites and search the listings. 

Call on SERVPRO for the fastest and most complete flood damage restoration for both residential and commercial. For a 24-hour emergency response to storm damage call 843-236-6278.

Is This Black Mold Horry County

2/13/2018 (Permalink)

Is This Black Mold?

Do you know what the signs of Black Mold are?

Usually, you can smell mold before you will ever see it. Mold can be extremely harmful to you, your family and/or your friends.

If you experience sudden health-related problems, you might have a black mold problem.

We suggest you call a mold specialist at SERVPRO to come inspect your home or office and let the franchise professional decide if there is indeed a mold problem or not. SERVPRO has professional grade equipment to handle black mold so your mind can rest.

After the inspection and mitigation of the mold make sure you have the SERVPRO specialist come back out and follow up on the fact that the mold has been removed.

If you need a qualified company to remove the mold call SERVPRO at 843-236-6278

Burn Awareness Month In Horry County

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

Practice burn awareness every month.

From the desk of Community Risk Reduction Officer/ PIO Jonathan Evans, Myrtle Beach Fire Department.

We thought it was a good time to share some tips that could keep you and your family safe from getting burned.

Scalds are one of the leading causes of burns in children under the age of 9 in the United States.

  • To prevent your children from being scalded by hot water make sure that you are checking the temperature of their bath water before placing them in the bathtub.
  • To ensure that your water won't be too hot adjust your Hot Water Heater to no more than 120 degrees F so that the chance of having water hot enough to scald someone is drastically reduced.
  • Before giving them a warm drink like Hot Chocolate, make sure that it is cool enough for them to drink or hold before handing it to them.
  • When cooking, make sure you turn your pot handles in over the counters so that they don't get knocked over by you or your kids by accident.

If you do get burned the best thing you can do first is to place the burned area under cool (not cold) water for a few minutes to lessen the severity of the burn. If the burn is serious it is advised that you report to an emergency medical office to seek further treatment.

If any scalds are from the result of a fire and the damage is too much for you to clean yourself, call SERVPRO (843) 236-6278.

Who Can Restore My Documents After A Fire

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

Sometimes your documents can be saved!

Who can restore documents and paperwork in Myrtle Beach after a lightning storm fire?

SERVPRO of East Horry County can!

SERVPRO of East Horry County uses a process called Sublimation when saving your important documents. What we do is first stabilize your documents by freezing them and then inventory takes place.

The actual process of sublimation is a freeze-drying technique that causes the ice in the frozen documents to convert directly to vapor using a combination of temperature control and pressure. The vapor is then immediately extracted which allows the vapor to bypass the liquid state and ensures your document will be dry.

Most documents will never look pristine again, but the document restoration service SERVPRO provides does produce a usable document that can then be restored or filed and reused in its original capacity.

For your document restoration needs in Myrtle Beach, call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278 

Providing Fire Damage Repair For Our Chili Cook-off

1/30/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO doing damage control with these chili's!

It is a good thing that SERVPRO knows how to handle fire damage repair.

That is because some of the chili's that were entered into this year's 1st Annual Chili Cook-off were blazing hot!

On January 19th our two franchises SERVPRO of East Horry County and SERVPRO of West Horry and Georgetown Counties decided to have a little interoffice contest to see who's culinary skills would reign supreme!

There were 4 different entries this year with our General Manager Don Shupe ultimately taking home first prize with his award-winning recipe. We think it is safe to say that the real winners in this event were everyone that had gotten the chance to sample these amazing chili's!

If you or someone you know needs fire damage repair due to hot chili or any other fire-related damage call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Who To Call For A Large Water Damage Repair Horry County

1/22/2018 (Permalink)

Be Ready For Tragedy, SERVPRO is!

If you have a large water damage that you need to be repaired as soon as possible because you are a business that people rely on, call SERVPRO first!

One of our beautiful resort style hotels learned first hand of the power and speed of the SERVPRO network when it came to getting an enormous water damage repaired here on the Grand Strand.

It is hard to think clearly when you have a flood in one room of your home let alone an entire floor of your award-winning hotel.

Luckily SERVPRO makes it easy to access your information in case of an event (which happens every day, and when you least expect it) by providing a service called SERVPRO Ready Plan and it is a free service that you should have done for your business just in case tragedy strikes your building!

Download the app here now and SERVPRO will be in touch with soon!


4 Signs of Frozen Pipes - What to Watch For In Horry County

1/15/2018 (Permalink)

Are your pipes ready for freezing temperatures?

We are going to go through another bout of freezing temperatures here on the Grand Strand this week.

Here are 4 signs that your pipes have frozen:

Temperatures Are Below Freezing - Pipes cannot freeze if it is not cold enough outside for them to do so. 

Actual Frost on the Pipes - For pipes that can actively be seen, such as those under sinks, you may be able to see frost that has accumulated on the exterior of the pipe. 

Poor Water pressure Or No Water At All - Another sign that you may have a frozen pipe on your hands is lack of running water. 

Foul Smells - A fourth potential sign of a blocked pipe is an odd smell coming from a faucet or drain. 

Take Swift And Quick Action!
Once you are aware that a pipe is frozen, you must act quickly to thaw the pipe. Depending on the location of the pipe and your level of expertise, you can attempt to thaw the pipe yourself or you can contact a licensed plumber to thaw the pipe for you. It is important to thaw the pipe as soon as possible because it has the potential to burst and cause extensive damage to your property.

If your pipes do burst and you suffer a water damage please call SERVPRO as soon as possible 843-236-6278!

Filing A Flood Insurance Claim In Horry County

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

The process can be overwhelming, SERVPRO can help!

Use this simple guide to help you understand the flood insurance claim process. 

Contact your insurance agent. The first step in filing a flood insurance claim is to contact your insurance provider. While The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a government-funded program, you will be working with an insurance agent or adjuster in the claims process. If you cannot reach your agent immediately, be sure to leave a clear message with your contact number.

Contact SERVPRO. Likewise, you’ll want to call SERVPRO as soon as possible. Even you if are not able to speak to your insurance agent, East Horry SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your call. By contacting us early, you can reduce your losses. Within a few hours of your phone call, we are onsite to being the mitigation process.

Itemize losses. A critical part of getting the most out of your flood insurance claim is taking a detailed list of the damage. Your insurance agent or SERVPRO technician will assist you in itemizing and photographing all damaged items. With extensive training in flood damage restoration, SERVPRO technicians have a keen eye for knowing which items can be saved. Our goal is to repair whenever possible and replace when it can’t be restored. 

Begin the Restoration Process. Within 8 short hours of arrival to your home, a Stafford SERVPRO technician will provide you and your insurance agent with a detailed description of the losses, repairs needed, as well as the estimate. The SERVPRO CIC keeps a careful electronic record of all the information to ensure that no time is lost in the shuffling of paperwork.

After going being uprooted from your home and life, the last thing you want is the additional stress of not knowing what to expect next. Filing a flood insurance claim involves specific steps, but they ensure that every detail of the flood damage restoration process is thought of. With a team that reaches across the nation and a heart for our community, SERVPRO of East Horry County and Stafford is faster to any size disaster.

Call us today and let us know how we can help you. 843-236-6278

Guide to Fire Damage Recovery In Horry County

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

When fires strike, SERVPRO strikes back!

Your safety and that of your family are our primary concern, therefore do the suggested tips after you are out of danger and you’ve called 911. 

1. Contact Your Insurance Company. 
Your insurance company and SERVPRO of East Horry County have the same goal in mind --to get to work on repairing your fire damage as soon as possible. The sooner you contact your homeowners or renters insurance company, the faster your fire damage claim is processed.

2. Contact a Fire Damage Restoration Business. 
Fire damage restoration is a task that requires specialized equipment, advanced training, and the knowledge of safety protocols – not a job that even the most willing and helpful friends should be doing. You can count on SERVPRO. We proudly hold several certifications in home and commercial fire restoration.

3. Inventory Damaged Items. 
As best as you can, begin an itemized list of damaged and destroyed items. Give as much detail as you can as this will aid your insurance company process your claim. Also, keep a record of the items that are being professionally cleaned and restored. All of this can be a tedious process, and your locally owned Houston SERVPRO gladly assists with it all. From inventory to restoring your fire-damaged belongings, SERVPRO is here to help you recover quickly.

4. Seek Replacement of Important Documents. 
Depending on where the house fire is located, you may need to replace important documents. After receiving the “all-clear” from firefighters, cautiously look for documents such as medical records, financial records, deeds, passports, citizen documents, and the like. If these papers are destroyed or lost, don’t worry as they can be replaced. Call the appropriate agency to request a replacement as soon as possible. For those other hard to replace or critical items such as photos and computers, SERVPRO may be able to save them. We are known for our fire damage and water damage restoration abilities!

Call us today so we can start the healing and helping process now! 843-236-6278

Clearing Out Smoke Damage In Your Horry County Home

1/1/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke damage stinks!

You’re relieved that the fire damage was minimal but shocked to find that the smoke damage is extensive.

It is easy to forget about the destructive power of smoke but we are quickly reminded of it by the horrible odor that is filling your home. The smoky pollutant irritates your eyes and airways, while the sticky residue on scorched walls and the layer of ashes begin to corrode your personal possessions. 

The urgency to clear out the smoke sets in as you realize that although the flames did not reach far, the smoke did massive damage. Smoke and ashes travel through doors and vents, reaching your entire home, penetrating your carpet, drapes, and furniture with the odor of smoke.

Even the paint on the wall is not safe! Microscopic molecules of smoke embed deep into the pores and crevices of almost anything. 

As you can see, a simple opening of windows, a wipe down with a household cleaner, and the passage of time will not be enough to fix this sort of smoke damage.

So call SERVPRO to come and put your life back together quickly and professionally. 843-236-6278

7 Step Horry County Fire Restoration Process

1/1/2018 (Permalink)

We know its overwhelming when you have a fire damage.

Most people do not know what to expect when it comes to calling someone to help you pick up the pieces after a fire.

Here is the 7 step process we take to make you and your family feel safe and secure after a major disaster.

Step 1: Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us.  

Step 2: Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment

We carefully inspect and test adjoining rooms of your property to determine the extent of the fire, smoke, and soot damage. 

Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service

To maintain security and to protect against further damage, we can board up missing windows and walls and place tarps on damaged roofs. 

Step 4: Water Removal and Drying 

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We then use dehumidifiers and air movers to remove the remaining water and complete the drying process. 

Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

We use specialized equipment and techniques to remove smoke and soot from ceilings, walls, and other surfaces. 

Step 6: Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean, sanitize, and disinfect all of the restorable items and structures that were damaged by the fire. 

Step 7: Restoration

Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet; or it may entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

Call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278

Tips To Help Winterize Your HVAC In Horry County

12/26/2017 (Permalink)

HVAC Maintenance Is The Key To Warm Winters

Winter is hitting the Horry County area and that means it’s time to switch on the heat. 

Is your HVAC System ready for the challenges that winter brings?

Here are 6 maintenance tips from SERVPRO that will help you enjoy a warm and cozy home all winter long.

  1. Clean and/or Replace the Air Filter
  2. Clean the Air Vents
  3. Add Some Insulation
  4. Check Your Thermostat
  5. Cover the Outdoor AC Unit if needed
  6. Schedule an Inspection from SERVPRO

Do you need a hand with your HVAC maintenance in the Horry or Georgetown County area?

SERVPRO is here to assist you. Through maintenance and repair, the experienced, professional, and friendly technicians at SERVPRO will make sure your heating system is ready for the upcoming winter season. 843-236-6278

What To Do When Your Pipes Burst In Horry County

12/18/2017 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO to clean up the water damage!

When water pipes freeze, the water expands, which can cause the pipes to burst and allow the thawed water to leak.

A burst water pipe can cause serious damage to your home and furnishings.

Knowing what to do in the event of a burst water pipe can limit the damage. Here are some tips:

  • Turn off the water at the main stop tap as soon as you notice a leak. You can usually find it under the kitchen sink where the service pipe comes in, so make sure you know where it is in case of emergency.
  • If you have a cold water tank, turn off the stopcock.
  • Drain the cold water system by turning on all your cold taps.
  • Turn off any water heating system, such as central heating or immersion heaters, and then drain the hot water system by turning on the hot taps.
  • Switch off the electrical mains if you think the water may have leaked near your electrics or electrical appliances. However, if the mains switch is wet DO NOT TOUCH IT.
  • Call a plumber to fix the leaking water pipe.
  • Call an electrician if you think your electrical wiring may have been damaged by the water. Never underestimate the dangers associated with electricity, especially when mixed with water!
  • A burst pipe can be particularly dangerous if water leaks through for some time before you notice. In that case, the water may have caused structural damage that could result in collapsed ceilings or weakened walls. If the ceiling is bulging, be careful because it may not be safe.

If you do experience a water damage because of a pipe burst call SERVPRO right away! 843-236-6278

How To Prevent Pipes From Bursting In Horry County

12/18/2017 (Permalink)

Prevention is key to avoiding water damage!

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to burst pipes.

You can take some simple measures to stop your pipes from freezing.

  • If you are going away during very cold weather, set the heating to come on for fifteen minutes a couple of times a day.
  • Replace an old boiler with a more modern one with a frost protect thermostat that turns on automatically if the temperature falls to a certain level.
  • Insulate your pipes and the sides of your water tanks.
  • Fix dripping taps because they block the pipes if the water freezes.
  • If you notice a water pipe starting to freeze, thaw it slowly and carefully with a hairdryer or heat gun. Start at the end of the pipe and open the tap if there is one.

A little expense now to protect your water pipes from the cold can save you a great deal of expense later.

Call SERVPRO today if you have any water damage from pipe burst! 843-236-6278

Trust Your Horry County Office to SERVPRO

12/11/2017 (Permalink)

Don't drop the ball when it comes to picking up the pieces!

Your offices are prime real estate for disasters!

Imagine that you work on the first floor of a large building such as an office building with many offices for insurances, brokers, medical groups, banks, whatever the case may be. Everybody leaves for the day, let's pretend it's a Friday.  Yay, Friday is finally here!  Everybody leaves for the weekend, the entire office building is secure.  

On the top floor in one of the kitchens/breakrooms, the hose to the ice maker springs a leak.  Maybe the plastic hose split.

When you return on Monday there is water everywhere.  Looking up, the ceiling is sagging, the light fixtures have water in them.  Everybody is outside wondering what to do?

Call in SERVPRO of East Horry County! 843-236-6278

We should be your first call since we have the manpower and equipment to tackle any jobs, large or small.  Our Disaster Recovery Team is standing by ready for anything that comes our way.  You will be amazed at how fast our team will be on site, analyzing your situation and getting your office building back to the way it was, "Like it never even happened."

Who Cleans Up Storm Damage In Horry County

12/4/2017 (Permalink)

Call Us When The Coast Is Clear!

Storms hit hard and fast in Horry County.

That is why SERVPRO provides immediate relief and response to your storm damage needs. We can have a team of technicians on site as soon as it is safe to do so.

We can help with a multitude of projects which also includes getting you emergency food and shelter and contacting friends and family.

Storms do not wait for normal business hours that is why you need to call the professionals here at SERVPRO who are available to you 24 / 7 / 365!

We understand the process of putting your life back together when tragedy hits. Let us show you what so many other families have already experienced ... our willingness to make your world normal again!

Call Us Today 843-236-6278!

Commercial Cleaning In Myrtle Beach

11/27/2017 (Permalink)

We clean offices daily!

When it comes to having your business office cleaned, do not trust the job to any old happy maid service.

Your commercial building and office space deserves the utmost care and respect possible. Your documents are vulnerable and you need peace of mind that the company picking up after your employees and deep cleaning every inch of your office space are going to do an amazing job.

The professional technicians at SERVPRO are certified and trained by the best in the business. They use top quality machines and equipment that is unparalleled in the cleaning industry. So have the men and women in green come take care of your workplace or commercial office building in Myrtle Beach and the surrounding areas.

Call Us NOW and sleep better at night! 843-236-6278

After The Turkey Is Gone Who Is Going To Clean My Carolina Forest Home?

11/20/2017 (Permalink)

Leave the mess to the pros!

The turkey is gone, the dishes are stacked and the people have all left your home ... who is going to clean this mess up?

Give yourself a break this holiday season and let SERVPRO deep clean those carpets and rugs.

We have professional grade equipment that is still delicate enough for your most expensive rugs. Our technicians are trained in the art and science of drying so your home will look better than ever after our skilled workers are finished.

So much of the holiday stress is dealing with the aftermath of the get-togethers and parties. Why don't you give yourself and your family an early present and let SERVPRO do all the dirty work for you.

Call to make your after holiday carpet cleaning appointment today! 843-236-6278

Proper Myrtle Beach Turkey Frying Techniques

11/13/2017 (Permalink)

Don't be a Turkey!

Every year deep fryer fires cause over $15 million in property damage!

Here are a few tips to ensure you maximize your chances of safely frying a turkey this Thanksgiving.

Keep Your Distance:

A good rule here is about 10 feet from any structure or tree.

Thaw and Dry The Turkey:

Make sure the turkey is not frozen and is free of any and all ice crystals and excess moisture.

Be Prepared:

Like any good Boy Scout have a fire extinguisher close at hand and make sure it works and you know how to use it properly.

Using these tips will give you a leg up on keeping fire risk at a minimum.

If you do have fire damage, call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

It Is Never Too Early For Christmas

11/6/2017 (Permalink)

Go support your local charities!

Every year SERVPRO donates a wreath to the local Dickens Christmas Show which gets auctioned off and the proceeds benefit an awesome charity.

This year was no exception. 

Pictured here are our Owners William & Lutricia Roehl as well as our Sales Manager David Gilbert.

Here is an excerpt from the Dickens Christmas Show website that will give you a bit more info in the event you would like to support them as well!

"In a faraway land... known as Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, a unique art, craft and gift show was created. Its inspiration was taken from Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”, The Dickens Christmas Show & Festivals has become the premier holiday event, attracting some 15,000 plus attendees from all over the southeast to the seaside resort town of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Held during the tourist “off-season”, this show generates business for all areas of the local hospitality industry including, but not limited to... restaurants, hotels, amusements, theaters, shops and much, much more. Leisure Time Unlimited is a 40-year-old company that is the Owner-Operator of the Dickens Christmas Show & Festival."

SERVPRO Supports The Georgetown Community

10/30/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Supports The Community!

Georgetown South Carolina is home to one of the most awesome wooden boat shows on the planet!

SERVPRO supports its community and this year was no different!

Crowds gather from all over Horry and Georgetown Counties to see amazing displays of marine creativity. Below is an excerpt from the Wooden Boat show website explaining the event in detail.

Wooden Boat Exhibit:
Over 140 classic wooden boats ranging in size from kayaks to yachts will be displayed in the water and on Front Street. Visitors will be able to meet and talk to wooden boat craftsmen, manufacturers, and owners. Maritime art, crafts, models and educational exhibits will also be on display.

If you have any fire, mold and or water damage, call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Who To Call For Water Damage Repair In Socastee

10/23/2017 (Permalink)

Don't wait until the floods happen to prepare!

Socastee gets flooded, period.

Everyone living close to the water the last two years in Socastee knows all about the flooding that occurs when the rivers get higher than normal.

There is significant damage to homes in these flood zoned areas time and time again. We are constantly proving our value to those needing water damage repair by providing amazing customer service, lightning fast response times, and professional grade equipment.

There are a few things to make treating water damages easier for yourself and for SERVPRO. If you know you are in a flood zone make a list of contents that you may be keeping in areas of your home or property that keep getting ravaged by the flooding to ensure everything is accounted for when disaster strikes.

Also, make sure you have copies of your insurance policies in a safe area or even digitized copies stored in the cloud.

As always if you have water damage that you need to be repaired, call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Commercial Mold Removal In The Myrtle Beach Area

10/16/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO sealed the deal on this moldy problem!

Mold in your business is a nightmare!

This local office called SERVPRO to help them with a major mold issue. They realized the value of swift, professional help when it comes to mold remediation. 

Upon arrival and investigating the office we felt the need to seal off each individual room due to the scale of the mold problem. 

We then took the proper steps to clean and sanitize the mold as we worked throughout the building making sure that each room was free of mold and ensuring the spread would not recontaminate the freshly cleaned areas by sealing with commercial grade plastic.

The work is nearing completion and the client will be able to get back to work in no time at all.

If you have a mold problem in your home or business in the Myrtle Beach area call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Hurricane Matthew On the Grand Strand A Year Later

10/9/2017 (Permalink)

Don't mess with Mother Nature, not even a little bit!

It is hard to believe that it has been one year since Hurricane Matthew hit the Grand Strand as a category one hurricane.

This storm reminded the residents of Horry County of two key things.

  1. The need for an emergency supply kit is always present during and after hurricanes, tropical storms and even some stronger thunderstorms. The kit should have enough supplies for each person in the dwelling to have for at least 2 weeks. I know that seems a bit exaggerated but as some of the residents of our neighboring communities in Nichols South Carolina could tell you 2 weeks is probably a good starting point.
  2. When evacuation orders are given it is best and safest to follow them to a tee. No deviations should be asserted due to the ever-changing road and storm conditions. Get out and stay put until the all clear is given!

If you or your family has suffered storm damage in Horry County call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Fire Prevention Week starts October 8 – 14 In Myrtle Beach

10/2/2017 (Permalink)

You can help prevent fires all year long with these tips.

“Every second counts, Plan 2 ways out!”

Fire Prevention Week reinforces why everyone needs to have a fire escape plan in their home and/or business. Key escape measures and tactics include:

  • Draw a map of your home and/or business (using this grid) and mark two exits from each room and a path outside from each exit.
  • Practice your fire drill twice a year. Conduct one at night and one during the day. Practice using different ways out each time.
  • Teach children how to escape on their own in case an adult cannot help them.
  • Make sure the number of your home and/or business is clearly marked and easy for the fire department to find.
  • Close doors behind you as you leave – this may slow the spread of smoke, heat, and fire.
  • Once you get outside, stay outside! Never go back inside a burning building.

If you have suffered Fire Damage to your Grand Strand home call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Smoke Detectors Are So Important To Your Grand Strand Home

9/25/2017 (Permalink)

Smoke Detectors Save Lives In Horry Co!

SERVPRO is running a series of 6 Fire Safety Tips in preparation for both "Back To School" and Fire Prevention Week which is in October this year.

This is the final fire safety tip #6, make sure your smoke alarms are working properly! Smoke detectors are so important to your Grand Strand Home because they are often the first line of defense if a fire or heavy smoke is present.

The loud alarm generated by these life-saving machines can be heard throughout the house which signals to the people in every room that a potential emergency is present.

Please check your smoke detectors at least once per month to ensure they are working properly, this includes checking the batteries. They should also be changed out every 10 years to make sure the unit stays fresh and works to save your life when you need it the most.

If you have had a fire damage in your Grand Strand home call SERVPRO today, 843-236-6278!

Never Play With Fire In Your Conway Home

9/18/2017 (Permalink)

Don't Ever Play With Fire!

SERVPRO is running a series of 6 Fire Safety Tips in preparation for both "Back To School" and Fire Prevention Week which is in October this year.

It should go without saying that you should not play with fire but the following statistics from Nationwide Children's website tells a different story:

Children and Fireplay Facts

  • Children playing with fire set more than 20,000 fires every year. That is an average of almost 400 fires each week.
  • Fires started by children playing cause an average of 150 deaths and nearly 1,000 injuries every year.
  • Children usually play with fire in a hidden place – such as a bedroom or closet. In these places, clothing, mattresses, and bedding can easily catch fire.

If you or your family's home has been destroyed from a fire call the experts at SERVPRO of Horry Co TODAY 843-236-6278!

Assign A Meeting Place During Your Grand Strand Fire

9/11/2017 (Permalink)

Assign A Meeting Place!

SERVPRO is running a series of 6 Fire Safety Tips in preparation for both "Back To School" and Fire Prevention Week which is in October this year.

This is tip #4 in our fire safety series, assign a place away from the danger and somewhere everyone can gather safely to meet up and be accounted.

The meeting place should be far enough away from the building that is on fire that there is no more immediate threat of danger should an explosion happen. However you also want it to be a place your younger children could locate alone if needed. Go over several options and pick the best one keeping everyone's limitations in mind.

If you have suffered fire damage to your Grand Strand home call SERVPRO of Horry Co now! 843-236-6278

Have An escape Plan, Myrtle Beach Fire Safety

9/4/2017 (Permalink)

Have an Escape Plan!

SERVPRO is running a series of 6 Fire Safety Tips in preparation for both "Back To School" and Fire Prevention Week which is in October this year.

Every home and building are different. If you are responsible for the safety in the dwelling you are at then you MUST have a fire escape plan in place to help usher everyone under your roof to safety.

Having an escape plan is as simple as knowing what routes to take to safely exit a room in the case of an emergency. Fires can be tricky so when designing your routes please account for the possibility of having multiple exits blocked. Should this happen you will have alternative ways to safely remove yourself and your family or others with you from harms way.

If you have suffered fire damage to your Myrtle Beach home call SERVPRO of Horry Co now! 843-236-6278

Get Out And Stay Out, Fire Safety In Carolina Forest

8/28/2017 (Permalink)

Get Out & Stay Out!

SERVPRO is running a series of 6 Fire Safety Tips in preparation for both "Back To School" and Fire Prevention Week which is in October this year.

We can not express the importance of once you have gotten out of a building on fire safely, DO NOT go back in for any reason!

So many parents and brave onlookers have been badly burned or even worse lost their lives due to the fact that they went back into a burning building to retrieve a loved one, a pet or even something like a family photo. Doing this puts you back in grave danger and should not be attempted at all.

Only once the fire fighters have deemed it safe for re entry should anyone not equipped to fight the fire step a foot back inside.

So remember, GET OUT AND STAY OUT!

If you have suffered fire damage to your Carolina Forest home call SERVPRO of Horry Co now! 843-236-6278

Get Low And Go, Preventing Smoke Inhalation In Myrtle Beach

8/21/2017 (Permalink)

Get Low And Go!

SERVPRO is running a series of 6 Fire Safety Tips in preparation for both "Back To School" and Fire Prevention Week which is in October this year.

Our first tip in the series concentrates on when there is a fire or you see and or smell smoke what steps should you take?

The first step is to get low then locate where you are in your home or building and go. Find the nearest safe exit from the room you are in. Getting low will give you an extra advantage when trying to navigate through a smoke filled room because the smoke rises. So when you see or smell smoke, Get Low And Go!

If you have sustained fire damage to your Horry County home please call SERVPRO today, 843-236-6278.

SERVPRO of Horry County Bowling Fun

8/14/2017 (Permalink)

Going on a different kind of strike at SERVPRO!

Teamwork is essential when you work as close as the employees here at SERVPRO do.

Bowling provides an amusing atmosphere in which members of your company can relax, have fun and get to know their fellow workers on a little more personal level. It provides an opportunity to discuss likes and dislikes, learn about each others families an home life as well as just unwind from the days activities.

Our franchise went bowling on Friday to have fun and reconnect the team. Every once in a while it is good to reset the company culture clock and have a good time without all the stress of having to remember you are doing a job.

Bowling was a great morale booster and was just what SERVPRO needed to start fresh and regain that team can do attitude once again.

If you need any help with fire, water or mold restoration please call the experts at SERVPRO 843-236-6278!

6 Helpful Tips To Start Planning For Mold Avoidance In Myrtle Beach

8/7/2017 (Permalink)

Avoid mold next year.

Summer is half over time to start thinking about preparing your home or vacation rental down here on the Grand Strand for the off-season and that means planning to avoid mold.

Mold seems to creep in every season when you come back to open your vacation home due to poor planning and lack of knowledge.

Here are a few basic tips on how to make sure your home is not going to be smelly and full of mold when you return next summer to enjoy your Grand Strand home.

1. Find common problem areas in your home and address them. 
2. Make sure all wet areas in your home are dried before you leave.
3. Avoid excesd moisture with proper ventilation.
4. Monitor humidity indoors and use your A/C. 
5. Clear or repair roof gutters. 
6. Improve air flow in your home. 

If you do have mold damage when you return next summer please call SERVPRO at 843-236-6278!

Hurricane Season Is Gearing Up In Myrtle Beach

7/31/2017 (Permalink)

We have your back after a storm.

We are well on our way to another active Hurricane Season this year!

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season is an ongoing event in the annual formation of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin. The season officially began on June 1, and will end on November 30, 2017. These dates historically describe the period of year when most tropical cyclones form in the Atlantic basin and are adopted by convention. However, as shown by Tropical Storm Arlene in April, the formation of tropical cyclones is possible at any time of the year.

*** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Atlantic_hurricane_season


Arlene Bret Cindy Don Emily Franklin Gert Harvey Irma Jose Katia Lee Maria Nate Ophelia Philippe Rina Sean Tammy Vince Whitney

If you do experience any storm damage call SERVPRO right away. 843-236-6278

Our Owner Is The New President!

7/23/2017 (Permalink)

The swearing in has commenced!

That's right our owner William Roehl who runs both SERVPRO of East Horry County, and SERVPRO of West Horry & Georgetown Counties has become the new President of the Surfside Beach Rotary Club!

This year Mr Bill will be taking on the lead role for the famous organization and handling everything from Turkey Trots to Spaghetti Dinners.

Club membership is always an important topic and they are always looking for interested people who would like to serve their community. 

"From Their Website"

Our club meets every Wednesday, with networking starting at 11:30 and the meeting starting at 12:00 noon-1pm, at the Prestwick Country Club (293-4100) just off 544 at 1001 Links Road in Myrtle Beach. We presently have 52 members of which 37 are Paul Harris Fellows and 52 are Paul Harris Sustaining members. Visitors welcome!

If interested please checkout the next meeting!

Don't Mess With Mold In Myrtle Beach

7/17/2017 (Permalink)

We remove mold the correct way.

Mold, in a home or business, can be damaging to both the structure of the building itself as well as the people who work or live in the building.

Are there Health Concerns?

YES. Some molds can be toxic and need to be removed as quickly as possible. They can lead to an unpleasant living or working situation and ultimately can make some people sick.

Structure Cleaning

Sometimes you can get away with simply cleaning the surface of the structure to get rid of mold. Most times it is better safe than sorry so you should call in Mold Removal professionals like SERVPRO who have the right tools and training to get the job done right the first time.

If you are overwhelmed by mold in your home or office make sure you call SERVPRO as quickly as possible. 843-236-6278

Commercial Building Restoration in Myrtle Beach

7/10/2017 (Permalink)

Commercial Restoration is our business!

Who would you call if your factory had a substantial fire or flood? What would you do if there was a mold discovery in your office building?

SERVPRO of Horry County has been solving big problems for factories and large building businesses for a few decades now. 

We have the manpower, technology, and insight to be able to turn your business back on its feet after a disaster and get your business being productive again as fast as possible.

Some companies say they can do it cheaper, but they do not have the same strict certifications and training processes that a technician from SERVPRO has. So sure they might be able to cut a few dollars off initially but in the long run you will be paying more and more if it is not fixed right the first time.

Why even risk it, call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278.

From Fast Food To Huge Hotels SERVPRO Services Them All

7/3/2017 (Permalink)

Being a Franchise is serious business!

SERVPRO is part of a huge network of franchises, so we know how important it is to do things by the book.

So when your franchised restaurant or hotel chain needs fire or flood damage restoration, mold cleaning and remediation, or just a good fresh painting give us a call.

We will take the time to go over the requirements that your franchises have so that you can relax knowing you are in good hands and we will follow procedures put in place by your corporate headquarters. We know what it is like to have policies and procedures put in place to maintain that amazing level of customer service and we want you and your franchise to be back up and running as quickly as possible!

Don't trust your franchise to just any old restoration company, trust it with the ones who know Franchise Procedures! Call SERVPRO Today 843-236-6278!

Myrtle Beach Fires & Floods Can Ruin Your Documents

6/26/2017 (Permalink)

We can help with Digitizing too!

Whenever there is a significant disaster to a home or building the last thing on your mind is all the papers!

Once the dust settles and the fire hoses stop spraying you are left with one heck of a mess. It is at this point that most people start to think about all those papers, files and important legal documents just completely ruined forever ... or are they?

SERVPRO has a state of the art Document Restoration Facility to bring your important papers back to life. In many water damage situations, like sewage or flood water, documents will be exposed to bacteria, viruses, pesticides, or other harmful chemicals. Our team uses a gamma irradiation process to safely and effectively sterilize your documents.

These are the types of documents SERVPRO can help you restore:

  • paper documents
  • books and magazines
  • manuscripts and files
  • photographs, films, negatives, and microfiche
  • x-rays
  • blueprints and maps
  • parchment

Call us today if you need document help because every second matters! 843-236-6278

Thunderstorm Damage To My Myrtle Beach Home

6/19/2017 (Permalink)

When lightning strikes and thunder rolls SERVPRO is standing by.

We all know that thunderstorms can actually cause major damage to your homes.

But who do you call when the clouds roll out?

SERVPRO has been fixing storm damaged homes in the Grand Strand area for decades. Our highly trained technicians are qualified to handle almost anything wicked storms can throw at them.

They have the experience, training and equipment to handle a small flood to massive thunderstorm damage resulting in holes in your roof, water damaged floors and even fire damage caused by lightning.

Why trust the process of putting your home and sometimes your family back together to any old person with a truck and a few tools. SERVPRO is licensed and insured to give you the ultimate peace of mind that you are in good hands.

Call us today 843-236-6278

What You Should Have In Your Myrtle Beach Hurricane Kit?

6/12/2017 (Permalink)

What's in your kit?

When disaster strikes it is too late to figure out the supplies you need to survive.

Here is a basic list of items you should have in your Hurricane Preparedness Kit for when you need a bit of help surviving.

  • An evacuation route plan.
  • A first aid kit
  • Flashlight and batteries
  • Drinking water
  • Blankets
  • Canned foods & can opener
  • Cash
  • Propane stove & propane
  • Candles
  • A whistle
  • Cell phone chargers

To find out more about what exactly should be in your list as well as a more detailed plan to building the kit and designing your protocols visit https://www.ready.gov/kit

If you or someone you know does need help putting your home back together after a disaster call SERVPRO. We have the knowledge and manpower to do the job right the first time. 843-236-6278

Removing or Replacing Fire Damaged Carpet in Conway

6/5/2017 (Permalink)

Don't try to clean the fire damaged carpet yourself, call SERVPRO

How do you know if you should remove or replace your fire/moldy damaged carpet?

We are going to assume two things in this post, 1. You have a fire/mold damaged carpet in Conway SC. and 2. You made the extremely smart move of calling SERVPRO to help you in your disastrous time of need.

When making the decision of whether or not to remove the carpet or replace it you have to factor in a few different things, SERVPRO has professional technicians who have been trained by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) can do the job properly and with the best results. This training will be the outlining factor of whether the carpet is too far gone to keep or if the damage is minimal and a good cleaning and restoration can be administered.

If your carpet is damaged from a fire and you need a professional to come make the decision of whether to remove or replace the carpet, give SERVPRO a call today 843-236-6278.

Who Fixes Storm Damage In Horry County?

5/29/2017 (Permalink)

Don't take a risk on a guy in truck to fix your storm damaged home!

Storm season seems to never end in Horry County!

Everyone who has ever lived in or visited Horry County has been privy to the amazingly intense but ever so brief storms here. It seems almost like out of nowhere they come spiraling out of the sky with ridiculously powerful winds and dumping gallons of rain by the second on the fair residents of the Grand Strand.

Once the storms pass everyone usually breathes a sigh of relief and goes on about their day like nothing ever happened. But what if something did happen? What if that 10 minute storm produced golf ball sized hail and pelted them through your windows and opened your home up to the torrential down pours that left your abode soaked to bone? What if lightning struck that old oak tree in the front yard and half of it came through your roof?

Who would you call to fix your storm damaged house in Horry County? 

You would call SERVPRO because we have been specializing in fixing storm damaged homes for decades. We have the tools and the talent to make your home look "Like it never even happened." Call SERVPRO at 843-236-6278

Myrtle Beach Restoration Company Owner Gets Recognized

5/22/2017 (Permalink)

Be nice, even when no one is looking.

It is important to continually give back when you are in a place to do so.

SERVPRO of East Horry County Owner Bill Roehl likes to stay under the radar, he likes to watch as his business and his team help those in need at some of the most disastrous times of their lives. 

Mr Bill also likes to help in the community when it has absolutely nothing to do with earning him money or giving his business any publicity, just the satisfaction of giving back to those in his community. He has pioneered such programs as FREE Entertainment in local schools with the SERVPRO Juggling Show, and the Community Outreach Program Creating Hope

So it is no surprise that a local paper spotted him paying for a group of veterans lunch at a local restaurant here on the Grand Strand and had to dig deep just to find out who he was.

We appreciate everything you do Mr Bill in making this community a better place to live and we are so proud to be working under your leadership!

Hurricane Season In Myrtle Beach

5/15/2017 (Permalink)

Do not wait until its too late to develop your Hurricane Plan!

Do you know when the official start to the 2017 Hurricane Season is?

JUNE 1st! That is just a few short weeks away. Now that does not mean we are immediately going to start receiving damaging winds and torrential downpours overnight, but it does mean that given the location of Myrtle Beach you should definitely start thinking about putting your evacuation plan in place.

Last year we witnessed the damaging effects of Hurricane Matthew which only hit as a Category 1 Hurricane. Click here to see some of the storm damage in and around Myrtle Beach South Carolina.

We here at SERVPRO of Horry County have become experts at dealing with the immediate and after effects that a storm or Hurricane like Matthew can cause.

If you have any storm related damage from any of the events that might hit Myrtle Beach this season give us a call immediately. 843-236-6278

Who is going board up my Grand Strand home?

5/7/2017 (Permalink)

Leave the boarding up to the pros at SERVPRO, its in our name.

After the fire is out and the firefighters are gone who is left to help you?

You home will be left wide open to show the entire world what is inside after the firefighters put out the fire. You will be at your most vulnerable stage in life, feeling empty and helpless but you still need to protect your home and your possessions.

SERVPRO understands this and will board your entrances and exits as well as your windows up for you safely, securely and professionally. Is this really the time you want to trust just any guy with a truck to board up your home with any personal items still left inside?

Let the professional fire damage restoration technicians at SERVPRO take your fears away, put your mind at ease and make you start to feel safe again. Call us today 843-236-6278

How Do I Clean The Mold In My Summer Rental?

5/1/2017 (Permalink)

How can I protect my vacation home from mold?

Summer is right around the corner, if you have a rental unit that has stayed unoccupied all throughout the off season here in Myrtle Beach then you might have mold.

Every year home owners from all over the United States come back to their Myrtle Beach rental unit and find the horrible smell of mold and mildew has taken over their awesome condo's and vacation homes.

One quick tip to help avoid arriving to the unwelcome smell of musky mold and mildew is to use those Air Conditioners and Dehumidifiers when it get extra wet outside. If you have the luxury of being able to check in on your unit during the off season, then the air conditioning an dehumidifiers can really help you keep your unit dry.

If you do not have the ability to monitor your vacation home everyday in the off season, call SERVPRO a few days to a week before you plan on opening the unit back up. We can fix your mold issues and have you enjoying your Grand Strand property in no time! 843-236-6278

Water Damaged Home In Pawley's Island

4/24/2017 (Permalink)

Stilted Homes Flood Too!

The Grand Strand is no stranger to rain or floods but what should you do if your Pawley's Island home gets water damage?

The answer is simple call the only restoration company that has over 1600 franchises nationwide and can service any size job, call SERVPRO. 

You home in Pawley's Island might be on stilts so you might think to yourself, my home will not flood. You would be wise to remember that although you might be up high enough to avoid storm related floods, but what if your water pipes or hot water heater decide to burst? You will be needing a repair and restoration expert at that time so you should remember the name SERVPRO as well.

We have expert technicians and professional equipment, so do not try to handle major flooding or water damage yourself, call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278!

Who Fixes Fire Damage In Georgetown County?

4/17/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO fixes fire damage in Horry & Georgetown Counties.

When you have a large amount of damage from a fire on your property, who can you call?

SERVPRO has been handling fire damage cleanup in Georgetown County for decades. When all the smoke clears and the dust settles people are often left with the important decision of what happens next. Most times once the emergency services responders turn the house back over to you the mess is just completely overwhelming.

You do not have to go through this process alone. SERVPRO will help you from rebuild and restore your building, your household items and your normal lives. The process starts as soon as you pick up the phone.

SERVPRO specializes in fire, flood and mold damage. We have the manpower, technology and equipment to handle any size job. Call us today 843-236-6278!

Emergency Services Myrtle Beach

4/8/2017 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO after you call 911.

You know to call 911 when there is an emergency in Myrtle Beach South Carolina.

Who do you call for emergency service in Myrtle Beach South Carolina after the smoke clears and the dust settles? After the water recedes and flooding stops?

SERVPRO has been providing 24/7/365 on call emergency service cleanup in the Grand Strand / Myrtle Beach area for decades now. We have been there through floods, fires, hurricanes and ice storms. Many times our on call technicians are the first to go in after the emergency is deemed safe and the last to come out when the job is complete.

If you have been a victim of an unfortunate disaster and you need fast reliable restoration help, call the company that has roots in your community. That company is SERVPRO.

We are here to help 843-236-6278

Emergency Services Horry County

4/8/2017 (Permalink)

When the dust settles, SERVPRO starts!

You know to call 911 when there is an emergency but who do you call after the emergency is over?

Who do you call for emergency service after the smoke clears and the dust settles? After the water recedes and flooding stops?

SERVPRO has been providing 24/7/365 on call emergency service cleanup in the Horry County area for decades now. We have been there through floods, fires, hurricanes and ice storms. Many times our on call technicians are the first to go in after the emergency is deemed safe and the last to come out when the job is complete.

If you have been a victim of an unfortunate disaster and you need fast reliable restoration help, call the company that has roots in your community. That company is SERVPRO.

We are here to help 843-236-6278

Emergency Service Conway

4/3/2017 (Permalink)

We have been with you through it all.

You know to call 911 when there is an emergency in Conway South Carolina.

Who do you call for emergency service in Conway South Carolina after the smoke clears and the dust settles? 

SERVPRO has been providing 24/7/365 on call emergency service cleanup in the Conway area for decades now. We have been there through floods, fires, hurricanes and ice storms. Many times our on call technicians are the first to go in after the emergency is deemed safe and the last to come out when the job is complete.

If you have been a victim of an unfortunate disaster and you need fast reliable restoration help, call the company that has roots in your community. That company is SERVPRO.

We are here to help 843-236-6278

Is Your Myrtle Beach Home Ready For A Duct Cleaning

3/27/2017 (Permalink)

Duct Cleaning Specialist In Myrtle Beach

Spring is coming time for that spring cleaning.

A lot of people don't realize that dust and mold and different allergens can build up in your ductwork. SERVPRO can inspect and clean the ductwork in your business or your home to make sure that you are not breathing in harmful pollutants and or dust and mold.

It is also important to clean your ducts every year so that there is not build up or any debris that may cause fires further down the line. The cleaner your unit is the more productive and efficient it can work for you.

So if you or someone you know who suffers from severe allergies would like SERVPRO to come look at your ducts just give us a call at 843-236-6278.

April Showers Brings May Flooding

3/27/2017 (Permalink)

Your Myrtle Beach Rain and Flood Damage Specialists

April showers bring May flowers the Grand Strand is no stranger to lots and lots of rain.

If you are in an area that constantly floods and you were worried about who to call if we do suddenly get a large amount of rain this April call SERVPRO. If all the rain causes severe flood damage, then call us and let SERVPRO put your fears to rest.

We have professional grade equipment that includes extraction pumps, industrial vacuums and the technology to make your water damage disappear quicker than a spring puddle.

Call SERVPRO today for a proactive plan that includes what to do if an emergency does happen and you are stuck with massive flood damage.

We are here to help you stay dry 843-236-6278!

Rebuilding Roof Damage In Conway

3/16/2017 (Permalink)

Let us help repair your roof!

You might ask yourself, who handles roof damage in Conway South Carolina? The answer is ... SERVPRO does.

Although we are not a roofing company many of our jobs and clients involve fixing a storm damaged roof. We are capable of rebuilding your damaged unit from the ground up and the roof is part of that procedure.

We are handling a larger sized commercial project in Conway right now. The workers are repairing the roof quickly and carefully because the weather is unpredictable so we need to get those tarps off and an actual structure on to make sure there is not more damage inflicted on the building.

So if your business or home needs roof repair along with other damaged areas ... Call SERVPRO NOW! We will help get you covered again! 843-236-6278

North Myrtle Beach St Patty's Day Parade

3/16/2017 (Permalink)

The green machine brings you luck when it shows up to fix your damage!

Luckily for you SERVPRO wears green everyday!

Its that time of year again for the annual North Myrtle Beach St. Patrick's Day Parade and Festival. There where so many amazing vendors and businesses that participated this year.

We are always a crowd favorite because of our green machine vans and trucks. This year our project manger Alex and mitigation specialist Dane took to the parade to toss out some shamrock beads and wave to fine folks in North Myrtle Beach.

Here is a fun video that we made of our participation in this years St. Patty's Day Parade. It was a bit chilly but the sun was out and everyone had a great time.

We hope to see everyone next year and do it all over again!

Who Fixes Fire Damaged Buildings In Conway?

3/8/2017 (Permalink)

We can fix larger scale fire damage problems too!

When you hear the word SERVPRO you might think carpet cleaner, water removal or fire damage fixers and you would be right ... but we can do so much more!

Here is a quick clip of just one of the larger scale projects we have going on in Conway South Carolina area that involves fire damage repair!

We have been involved in this massive apartment building rebuild from the time it caught fire (our Operations Manager was one of the first on the scene) to latest phase of rebuilding.

The job first called for gutting out 4 of the 12 units completely. Then we had to secure the buildings newly remodeled openings (thanks blazing hot fire) and wait for the structure and engineering team to create a plan.

Now we are smack dab in the middle of putting humpty dumpty together again and we are working harder than ever to make sure the units look "Like it never even happened."™

If you have fire damage and need a professional to come look at it, call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278!

Who Removes Drywall & Insulation In Conway?

3/7/2017 (Permalink)

Let SERVPRO remove your insulation problems for good!

The damage and mess left behind from the aftermath of a fire damage can often leave you feeling hopeless and overwhelmed.

SERVPRO cleans up what is left behind from first responders and the equipment they use to extinguish fires.

Here is a short clip of a creative yet effective way to get that pesky insulation down and out of your ceilings and attics. Our production manager Sean almost looks like he is having fun while blowing the leftover insulation out of the overhead compartments of this fire damaged home in Conway South Carolina.

This method of using a machine to blow or vacuum the insulation is truly effective and very productive because it saves a ton of time.

Please give SERVPRO a call should you ever need our Insulation Removal Services for your home, 843-236-6278.

General Contractor Services Conway

2/28/2017 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO if you need a General Contractor in Conway SC!

SERVPRO repairs larger buildings and homes too!

Here is a link to a quick video that showcases the ongoing work SERVPRO of East Horry County is completing in Conway SC.

The apartment building sustained severe fire damage a few months back and called on SERVPRO to handle the process from start to finish. This particular building completely lost 4 units and suffered smoke damage to the entire dwelling.

We came in and mitigated the fire and smoke damage and have now begun the process of putting the apartment building back together again.

This is a very large rebuild but having the building be part of an apartment community the design of the building is already set so we have the luxury of just putting the pieces back where they go.

If you have a construction project due to fire, water or mold damage call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278!

Who Cleans Up Fire Damage In Conway?

2/22/2017 (Permalink)

When your house has a fire call 911 first then call SERVPRO!

Who do you call when the fire department is gone and you are left with a huge mess to cleanup?

SERVPRO cleans up the fire damage left behind from brutal flames, smoke and that lifesaving firehose.

This quick clip is of a house that caught fire due to a fire pit out back that was left unattended for too long and ended up engulfing the whole back porch and all along the back of the house.

SERVPRO has been tasked with job of removing the debris, then demolishing the walls and removing that debris and then starting back over building the house from the inside out.

If you have suffered from a fire damage and do not know who to turn to, call SERVPRO today. 843-236-6278

We will walk you through the process every step of the way!

Fires & Floods Ruin Businesses In Myrtle Beach

2/9/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO can keep your business from being destroyed in the wake of a fire or flood!

Every year Myrtle Beach sits and waits to see if we will be hit by a hurricane or tropical storm. These storms cause massive amounts of flooding and sometimes fires pop up which cause more damage.

In 2016 Hurricane Matthew caused about 22 Million Dollars of flood and fire damage in Myrtle Beach alone!

SERVPRO has the ability to call on our Storm Team when large losses happen and when bigger businesses need fire and or water restoration services in Myrtle Beach. We can also tap into the surrounding franchises for help when the job is extremely large.

So if your Myrtle Beach business is on the verge of being ruined due to fire or flooding call the experts at SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Who Cleans Mold In Myrtle Beach?

2/9/2017 (Permalink)

Remove Mold In Myrtle Beach As Fast As Possible!

You cannot always see mold lurking in the walls or vents of your Myrtle Beach home, but sometimes you can smell it.

Myrtle Beach can be very humid most of the year which is great for mold it loves damp dark places to spread its spores. Although you may not be able to hide from mold it can definitely hide from you.

In many of our jobs mold comes with a musky almost damp smell that once detected needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible.

SERVPRO has professional grade equipment that eradicates mold and then we sanitize the affected areas to help keep the mold from returning and causing more problems.

If you think you might have an issue with mold in your business or residence, call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Document Restoration Services Myrtle Beach

2/6/2017 (Permalink)

We can save your records and paperwork after a disaster.

Who can restore important documents and paperwork for medical records or legal proceedings in Myrtle Beach?


SERVPRO uses a process called Sublimation when saving your important documents. What we do is first stabilize your records by freezing them and then inventory or cataloging takes place.

The actual process of sublimation is a freeze drying procedure that causes the ice in the frozen documents to convert directly to vapor using a combination of temperature control and pressure. The vapor is then immediately extracted which allows the vapor to bypass the liquid state and ensures your document will be dry.

Most documents will never look brand new again, but the document restoration service SERVPRO provides does produce a usable document that can then be restored or filed and reused in its original capacity.

For your document restoration needs in Myrtle Beach, call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278 

Commercial Water Cleanup Myrtle Beach

2/3/2017 (Permalink)

No commercial water cleanup job is too big for SERVPRO!

Commercial cleanups from fires and floods can be huge undertakings. We can definitely handle the big stuff!

In our latest commercial it shows what could happen if someone accidentally trips the sprinkler system in a factory. This scenario is all too familiar for commercial businesses in Myrtle Beach and happens a lot more than most people realize.

SERVPRO has the capacity to handle any sized water damage even gigantic factories, warehouses and office buildings. We have Storm Teams on standby for large losses that know exactly what to do for your company should a water cleanup job go beyond your mops and buckets.

Our team is trained to do the job right the first time with our professional grade equipment and our certified staff.

Call SERVPRO today for your commercial water cleanup in Myrtle Beach today! 843-236-6278

Water Cleanup In Myrtle Beach

1/27/2017 (Permalink)

Let the experts handle your Myrtle Beach water cleanup!

Who handles water cleanup in Myrtle Beach?

So many people try to get rid of a sizable water damage themselves to save money. It will end up costing you way more in the long run.

Lets take a look at what you will need to do to handle a water cleanup yourself.

  • You have to remove all the excess water. You might be able to handle this one if you or a neighbor has a submersive pump. SERVPRO has professional grade extraction equipment.

  • So that pump got you out of the jam, make sure it got ALL the water cleaned up. So that means getting out your infrared camera. Oh you don't have one laying around? SERVPRO does.

  • Now you have to dry the area that had all that water. SERVPRO has dehumidifiers, do you?

  • Ok you got it bone dry (took you long enough) but now mold is probably going to give you some problems. SERVPRO sanitizes when it cleans so you can feel comfortable the area is safe.

I think it is safe to say you should just call SERVPRO from the start to come handle your water cleanup issues in Myrtle Beach. 843-236-6278

Fire Clean Up In Myrtle Beach

1/25/2017 (Permalink)

Smoke and Heat Rise, Stay Low and Go!

Get Low and Go - Crawl under the smoke to get out safely.

We asked the local Fire Department for some fire safety tips and ways to prevent extra harm from fires. The tip about getting low and crawling out of a home or building seems a little bit drastic or unnecessary until you start breathing in the smoke.

So many of the victims that deadly fires have consumed have passed out from smoke inhalation, getting low gives someone a fighting chance to exit the building because smoke rises.

So please if you are caught in a fire and you can make your way out, make sure you stay low and yes even crawl if you have to. It might be the difference between life and death.

If you have had fire damage in the Myrtle Beach area that needs to be cleaned up call SERVPRO to help put your life back together. 843-236-6278

Smoke Alarm Maintenance

1/20/2017 (Permalink)


We often forget that we should change the batteries in our smoke detectors often and not wait for the battery to run out of power.

If your home was constructed after July 1, 1995 it is important to remember that your smoke alarms are hard-wired, battery-backup, interconnected alarms (as required by code).  This means that they, too, need to have the batteries changed.  If the batteries in these units haven’t been changed and one battery begins to fail, it will cause not only that unit, but every alarm to sound.


Other maintenance tips include:


  • Monthly Testing of all Alarms
  • Cleaning, Dusting, Vacuuming of the unit to prevent buildup which could cause it to become non-operational
  • If you hear a chirping sound, IMMEDIATELY change the battery.
  • If your hard-wire unit begins to chirp, the entire unit needs replacing.
  • However, all smoke alarms have a 10-YEAR LIFE. This means that each unit, as it reaches 10 years old, must be replaced to be assured an adequate fire warning system. 


Along with having an operational smoke alarm, you MUST know how to exit your home in the event of a fire.  Practice home fire drills, sleep with bedroom doors closed tightly and be sure to have a designated meeting place.


If you have fire damage in Myrtle Beach call SERVPRO today, 843-236-6278

Is Your Myrtle Beach Home Fire Proof?

1/18/2017 (Permalink)

Fire Proofing Your Home Is The Smart Thing To Do!

We called in the help of the pros when dealing with fire safety and fire prevention in Myrtle Beach and here are just a few things you can do make sure you have the best odds of being fire proof in Myrtle Beach.


  • Create a fire safe zone around your home. Remove flammable vegetation and leaves at least 20’ from the house and at least 75’ if you live in a pine forest.
  • Inspect your home and yard asking: What can catch fire or carry it to your home?
  • Having nothing flammable within 10’ of the house. Occasional trees should be at least 10’ from the house
  • Evergreens catch fire easily and burn quickly. Prune lower limbs, thin out the trees or remove them from the safety zone.

For more information in Horry County South Carolina, contact Kathy Nieuwenhuis, Public Education Officer, Horry County Fire Rescue, 843-915-7061.

And as always if you have fire damage in your Myrtle Beach home call SERVPRO of East Horry County at 843-236-6278!

How To Prevent Frozen Pipes

12/15/2016 (Permalink)

Be Ready When The Freeze Happens!

Pipes Can Freeze Inside Walls That Do Not Have Enough Insulation

If there are signs of water damage, mold or even moisture buildup when you open a wall up that might be evidence of a pipe freezing and bursting in the past. The culprit most likely is the former builder improperly installed the insulation and or did not use enough insulation. The best thing to do if you find evidence of a burst pipe from freezing is to add more insulation, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Most often than not this will be more than sufficient for keeping your pipes from bursting due to freeze in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina but if you live somewhere that is in the Northern part of the country you might need to re route the pipes so that they can hit the warmer air of the temperature controlled portion of your home or business.

If your pipes freeze in Myrtle Beach call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278.

Exposed Pipes Can Freeze Even In Myrtle Beach

12/14/2016 (Permalink)

Harsh Conditions Can Even Exist In Myrtle Beach

Interior Plumbing That Is Exposed

Basement pipes that are exposed are not usually in danger of freezing because most basements are usually shielded from the elements. That being said there are not a whole lot of basements in South Carolina so plumbing pipes in areas, like an attic, crawl space, and garage, are often at risk of freezing.

In most cases in Myrtle Beach the temperatures do not dip below freezing and stay that way for long periods of time so you can most likely get away with just using some foam insulating pipe covers. If you are really worried about it and want an extra bit of protection you can wrap your pipes in heat tape, which activates when temperatures drop.

If you do happen to have a pipe burst and cause water damage please give SERVPRO a call 843-236-6278

How to Keep Your Pipes From Freezing In Myrtle Beach

12/13/2016 (Permalink)

Pipes Freeze ... Even In Myrtle Beach!

Cold Weather In Myrtle Beach?

Winter weather can cause water or sewage pipes to freeze and burst, which can cause flooding and expensive water damage to your home or business. Taking precautions before cold winter weather is upon us can drastically reduce the risk of your pipes from freezing.

Pipes that are most vulnerable to freezing are:

- Exposed pipes inside the home that are not insulated.
- Pipes in exterior walls that are not insulated.
- Any plumbing on the exterior of the home or underneath the home.

Preventing Pipe Freeze Outside

Make sure your garden hoses are disconnected from the spouts. Water trapped inside can actually expand and cause damage to the plumbing that it is connected to.

If you do fall victim to frozen pipe damage call SERVPRO of Horry today 843-236-6278 we can help!

Drywall Install in Myrtle Beach

11/30/2016 (Permalink)

Keeping walls smooth in Myrtle Beach!

Drywall is the foundation of a great room.

SERVPRO is capable of fixing your fire damaged home all the way through building you a new home from the ground up. We can handle the project from start to finish which means we come in mitigate the damage, complete the demo and then finish the repairs. Most people call that a one stop shop, we call it an average workday!

When it comes to doing the reconstruction and home or business repairs drywall installation will happen at some point. Installing drywall correctly is what determines how good the finished room is going to be so it is a step we here at SERVPRO take very seriously!

Take a look at this quick video about a project we had repaired due to a major fire damage in Conway. 


If you or someone you know needs a home or business repair, remodel or reconstruction call the professionals at SERVPRO 843-236-6278!

Home Reconstruction in Myrtle Beach

11/29/2016 (Permalink)

The taping and mudding means the process is almost complete!

SERVPRO specializes in fire damage restoration but not everyone knows exactly what that entails.

If a fire damage in Myrtle Beach gets passed along to SERVPRO we take measures to access the damage and see what actually needs to be done. If a home or business needs to be rebuilt somewhere down the line there will be new drywall installed.

This video is of a fire damage in the Myrtle Beach area that we are rebuilding from the ground up. This particular video is of the drywall gaps and seams being taped and mudded.

This is not a very glamorous process but usually gets everyone involved excited because it means the home is close to being finished. Take a look now at this quick video of SERVPRO's work in action. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO

If you have experienced a fire damage in Myrtle Beach please give SERVPRO a call: 843-236-6278

Who Paints Homes In Myrtle Beach

10/20/2016 (Permalink)

Cutting in and taping off, SERVPRO can paint those walls!

Sometimes you just do not want to paint that living room again!

Most people probably assume that of course SERVPRO paints as part of their fire damage restoration. It would be super tacky to just leave the walls unfinished. 

Those same people would probably be completely shocked to find out SERVPRO of Horry Co will come in and paint your interior walls as a completely separate service whether or not you have had any damage whatsoever.

SERVPRO has the manpower to do all sorts of different sized jobs from one bedroom apartments to a 100 plus unit condo tower and everything in between.

So the next time you just do not feel like painting that nursery for the third time or slapping on another coat to the second floor bedrooms, give SERVPRO a call 843-236-6278!

When The Mold Sets In

10/19/2016 (Permalink)

We have the right tools to fix your mold problems fast!

Once the winds have subsided and the water recedes, the mold starts to set in!

We here at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Co.'s know all too well what comes after a huge flood and or hurricane like the ones that hit us every year ... MOLD!

When the storm is over and everyone is left picking up the pieces of their homes and their lives a potential health risk is lying in the shadows waiting to be overlooked.

Most people do not realize how fast mold can set in after a significant flood or water damage. (Here's a hint its only a few days.) SERVPRO knows how to detect and treat mold in your house or business. We have the tools and knowledge to combat this quickly growing problem and help make your residence look "Like it never even happened."™

Call us today if you suspect you have a mold problem 843-236-6278!

Hurricane Matthew Storm Damage In Myrtle Beach

10/12/2016 (Permalink)

This tree never had a chance against category 1 hurricane wind gusts!

This was the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew in Myrtle Beach.

The storm damage in Horry County and the storm damage in Georgetown County was massive as seen in this quick video. SERVPRO is here to help and along with the Emergency Management Teams we have been leading the cleanup process!

Trees were up rooted, split in half and or knocked over completely. Homes and businesses were flooded and left without power for days. Category 1 hurricane wind gusts destroyed piers and beaches all over the Grand Strand.

SERVPRO has been helping victims of flood damage in Myrtle Beach get the water out of their homes and businesses since the storm has passed. Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by Hurricane Matthew and are now left to pick up the pieces.

If you need help with any storm damage in Myrtle Beach call SERVPRO of Horry County today 843-236-6278!

Cabinet Installation Myrtle Beach

10/5/2016 (Permalink)

Myrtle Beach Cabinet Installation

Mold went rampant in this Myrtle Beach vacation condo when a sewer back up went unnoticed for quite some time.

This unit had to be completely gutted and rebuilt on the inside. Once the carpet and drywall was removed it was discovered that there was a severe mold problem.

SERVPRO soda blasted the mold throughout the entire unit then coated it so the mold would not return.

This is a quick video of the cabinet installation that happened as part of the complete rebuild of this vacation property. The cabinets were custom ordered and came with a few upgrades like the slow close doors and drawers and high end pulls.

If you have a mold damage or and other household repairs in the Myrtle Beach area call SERVPRO now!

Storm Damage Myrtle Beach

9/26/2016 (Permalink)

Fixing Storm Damage in Myrtle Beach is what we do!

When an office building had a huge water damage they didn't panic, they called SERVPRO.

In this video you see some of our awesome managers taking care of this water damage in Myrtle Beach. Even the marketing guy helped out!

Due to a recent surge of tropical storms the Grand Strand area had been hit with a few weeks of continuous rain. One week in particular was exceptionally bad and hit an office building hard.

The buildings east wing was flooded which included 3 offices 2 hallways a storage closet and the server room.

SERVPRO was very busy that day with crews all over the Myrtle Beach area so this particular call came in and our Operations Manager, Production Manager and our Marketing Manager all pitched in and helped mitigate the damage.

Storm Damage in Myrtle Beach had met its match once again!

Insulation Installation In Myrtle Beach

9/26/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Horry County can install your insulation today!

SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown Co handles much more than just mitigation and repairs or fire damaged property in Myrtle Beach. They can rebuild your entire house from the ground up!

This is the link to a quick video on the installation of insulation in a house that is being rebuilt currently in the Myrtle Beach area. The house was subject to a fire due to an oxygen tank explosion and was damaged beyond repairs. So the owner decided to have SERVPRO of Horry County handle the entire process from removal of the existing structure to the complete rebuild of the new structure.

The insulation installation was extremely quick and efficient as seen in the video. So if you needed insulation installed in your Myrtle Beach home or office call SERVPRO of Horry County Today!


Dryer Vent Installation Myrtle Beach

9/8/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Does Dryer Vent Cleanings and Installations

Dryer vents need to be installed correctly if you want the machine to live a long healthy life.

Dryer vents remove moist and potentially hazardous air (could possibly contain carbon monoxide) from your home. SERVPRO can easily install most dryer vents for you. If you are going to do it yourself it is important to remember not to use screws as they can catch lint and potentially cause fires, use foil tape instead to seal any joints in the duct work.Most installs are pretty much the same five steps:


Here is a quick video of a beautifully installed dryer vent that SERVPRO just finished in one of our current jobs. 

SERVPRO Dryer Vent Install

If you need help with your Dryer Vent Installation in Myrtle Beach call SERVPRO of Horry today 843-236-6278!

Local High School Fire Damage

8/25/2016 (Permalink)

This was not a good way to start the season!

Sometimes SERVPRO saves the day and the game!

It was a Thursday night in a small town outside of Georgetown SC and the local high school's football locker room and fieldhouse caught on fire. They had a big game with their arch rival the next night and their facility was a mess from the smoke and fire damage not to mention the water damage from putting out the fire.

SERVPRO came in and went right to work containing the mess and the fire damage so that the team would have one less thing to worry about. 

The players fought like champions and beat the other team! The work is far from over but the fact that SERVPRO is there mitigating and repairing the smoke damage leaves everyone feeling a little better about the situation.

If you have a fire or smoke damage call SERVPRO today, 843-236-6278!

Who Do You Call When Trees Fall Through Your House

8/24/2016 (Permalink)

If a tree falls on your house ... call SERVPRO!

Storm damage comes more often than you would think.

Heavy rains and strong winds can accompany just about any thunderstorm and they can cause a ton of storm damage. Winds pick up debris and move it through the are sometimes landing in power lines and or on top of houses. Rain floods homes that sit low and can make things really messy really quick!

We recently had a bout of strong thunderstorms which caused one Conway SC resident to have to call us to help him with a huge tree branch that fell from a tree and through the roof of his house giving him a very unwelcomed skylight!

SERVPRO came in and packed out all of the residents belongings then did a major cleaning of the residence. We arranged for roofers to come in and mitigate and repair the roof and we loaded everything back in when the coast was clear!

If you have had storm damage in the Conway SC area and need help, give SERVPRO a call today! 843-236-6278

Ms. Dozier Was So Happy With SERVPRO!

8/24/2016 (Permalink)

Ms Dozier is so much happier now!

Water heaters break, sometimes when you are on vacation!

Ms Dozier called us in need of some immediate flood damage mitigation and repair in her Surfside Beach SC home. She was on vacation when her water heater burst and flooded her whole house. SERVPRO came in and rescued her house.

Her hot water heater was located on the 2nd floor and when it burst it caused flooding all throughout that floor and the first floor below. She heard about SERVPRO through our ads and decided to give us a call.

In the early stages Ms Dozier admits to not knowing where her shut off valve was if she had an ERP filled out things could have been alot smoother for her!

You can start your FREE ERP here: http://goo.gl/3MKuiS

CLICK HERE to see the video testimonial from Ms. Dozier!

SERVPRO Creates Hope

8/10/2016 (Permalink)

Our team worked fast and hard to get the job done as fast as possible!

In 2015 SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Co's developed a program called Creating Hope.

This program was designed to help those in need due to a sudden life changing event or loss that caused them to not be able to help themselves like they used to. We decided to take on small to mid sized projects around our community to help make life a little bit easier for those people who found themselves in uncharted waters.

Projects include but are not limited to widening a door frame to be able to get a wheel chair through, building a ramp to make coming home and leaving easier, lowering shelves and cabinets for those who are suddenly wheelchair bound and installing handrails throughout a property.

This past week it was the handrails that got the call when our candidate who just finished a 6 month long round of cancer treatments found out that she didnt qualify for an insurance policy because her back porch did not have handrails installed.

Our builders quickly visited our candidates house measured, bought materials, built the handrails and received tons of thanks and praise from our candidate. This is what our Creating Hope program is all about. 

If you know of someone in need and they fit the criteria and live in Horry or Georgetown Co. please nominate them by clicking here.

Sometimes SERVPRO Finds Pets

7/28/2016 (Permalink)

We go above and beyond when it comes to pets!

Sometimes when performing a biohazard or crime scene clean up we find pets.

Sometimes those pets are deceased and we remove them properly, but sometimes those pets are alive and need to be relocated.

Today our crews were cleaning up a biohazard situation in Garden City South Carolina where the occupant of an apartment had passed away and due to the fact of not having close friends or family, it had gone unnoticed for about 3 weeks until other occupants around the unit started to notice an extremely pungent odor. When our mitigation specialists showed up to begin the pack out and cleaning they noticed there was a cat in the unit.

The crew notified our office and our Adminitrative Assistant Lauren Labbate took the ball and ran with it. Lauren is a pet foster mom to several dogs so she knew exactly what to do. She began researching other foster companies around the Surfside Beach area that might be able to come help us out.

She came across a wonderful lady named Kelsey with Rudy's Rescue and she called and explained our situation. Kelsey agreed to help us out and has gone to the property and removed the cat to be placed in her foster program so that someone else can enjoy its company for many more years to come.

We would like to thank Kelsey and Lauren for both going above and beyond the normal call of duty and really rising to the occasion.

If you would like to help out Rudy's Rescue they have a GoFundMe Page that you can contribute to by clicking here

If you have a biohazardous situation because of a passing of a loved one and need help with the clean up call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278!

Fire Damage Repair in Myrtle Beach

7/27/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Horry Co can help you from start to finish with your fire damaged home reconstruction. Call us today 843-236-6278

Fire Damage Can Catch You Off Guard!

This is a total reconstruction project that SERVPRO of Horry Co is taking on after a freak accident caused this family's house to burn down beyond repair.

SERVPRO of Horry County handled all the demolition for this residence after the tragic fire had happened. The owner loved working with us so much that he decided to have SERVPRO take care of the entire reconstruction of the home as well.

So far the project has passed all inspections and looks to be a quick rebuild for the homeowner. This fire damage repair in Myrtle Beach is moving along at a great pace!

Here is a video of the early stages of reconstruction: Fire Damage Repair Video.

Call us today if you have had a fire damage! 843-236-6278

Flooded Ductwork Myrtle Beach Water Damage

7/22/2016 (Permalink)

If you have water damage in Myrtle Beach, call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Water can cause damage so many ways!

This is an instance where our customers water pipe had busted and it flooded the entire lower level of his home. Our customer has very nice hard wood floors that had to be completely removed and new ones had to be re installed.

Our customer called SERVPRO to fix the water damage and then decided to have SERVPRO finish the repairs as well. We were in and out in what seemed to be no time at all thanks to our qualified repair technicians!

This is a video link to the customer's ductwork in their crawl space that had been filled with water from a broken pipe.

SERVPRO of Horry County fixed the water damage, repaired the flooring and made the customer more than happy!

Flooded Ductwork Video

Is That Algae Or Mold on My Pool?

7/19/2016 (Permalink)

If you are wondering if that is algae or mold in your Myrtle Beach pool, read this article now!

Summer is here! Time to go for a dip in the pool to cool off for a bit!

Now that swim season is in full swing its time to take a closer look at those spots around you pool. If a pool is left untreated or without some sort of chlorine product algae and or mold can start to set in quick.

While algae is not hard to get rid of and is relatively harmless, mold can be a huge pain and massive ordeal if not taken care of quickly and efficently! Not to mention mold could become hazardous to your health.

If you happen upon a spot that might be algae or mold when cleaning your pool give it a few sprays with a water/bleach mixture and attack it with a scrub brush. If the stains do not go away it is probably mold and you should call SERVPRO of Horry County to come look into a proper mold remidiation service before you fill that pool back up.

To be 100% sure call the experts at SERVPRO of Horry County at 843-236-6278 for any pool mold concerns in Myrtle Beach today!

Water Damage Clean Up in Myrtle Beach

7/15/2016 (Permalink)

This is a government building, if they trust SERVPRO to handle their water damage, you should too!

Pipes Break, Drywall Rots, and Mold Sets In!

These are all facts you have to deal with when confronted with a water damage. Water can save your life in the dessert but can be a real pain when its gushing into your living room.

Once the source of the water damage is located and fixed you are not out of the woods just yet. Actually most consider this when the real work starts. You have to make sure the water is completely gone as soon as possible before mold sets in (which can be as quick as 48-72 hours).

SERVPRO of Horry County specializes in water damage clean up in the Myrtle Beach area. We have the right equiptment to handle any size job quickly and efficently. Our trained and certified technicians are here to help you out 24/7/365 for when you might be in over your head!

Call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278

Mold Removal Myrtle Beach

7/14/2016 (Permalink)

Don't mess with mold, let SERVPRO handle it!

I have mold in my Myrtle Beach home.

Is removing mold easy?

 There are alot of different opinions when it comes to removing mold. A lot of people think the task is easy until they keep getting the mold again and again, then they realize they should call SERVPRO. If you want the mold gone first you have to isolate it. Next, step is to prevent mold spores from spreading to other sections of the home, SERVPRO specializes in mold removal and can do this for you. And last you have to remember to replace pourous items that may have been exposed to the mold. You should definitely call an expert (SERVPRO) if: 
  • There is mold in your HVAC system.
  • If you developed mold from contaminated water or plumbing problems.
  • You have an excessive amount of mold.
  • You have medical issues that could get worse with the introduction of mold.

SERVPRO is available 24/7/365 to handle all of your mold removal needs, should the process be too complex, give us a call today 843-236-6278.


Summer Time Means Storm Damage In Myrtle Beach

7/12/2016 (Permalink)

Summertime means storms, if you have storm damage in Myrtle Beach call SERVPRO we can help! 843-236-6278

Summer storms wreak havoc all over the world and Myrtle Beach is no different.

Summer storms can lead to fires, floods, power outages, lightning strikes, wind damage and more. To make sure you and your family stay safe during the summer storms in Myrtle Beach follow these 5 important tips and procedures!

1. Have a Summer Storm Damage Survival Kit.

2. Stay inside and away from windows if possible.

3. Use flashlights and head lamps instead of candles.

4. Unplug as many appliances as possible.

5. Try not to open refridgerators or freezers while the power is out.

When the summer storm settles and power is restored do a survey of everything that might be broken or missing. Also make sure all family members and pets are accounted for.

If your house has sustained significant water or fire damage call the local authorities first, then call SERVPRO. We will help anyway we can.

Systems and Appliances Checklist

7/11/2016 (Permalink)

This infographic will help cure your appliance headaches.

It would be amazing if once you bought a major appliance or system that would be the extent of the issue and they would last forever. We all know that is not the case. Just like the systems and appliances in your home have shelf lives so do the systems and appliances in your office building.

We found this amazing infographic that will help guide you as to when you will need to start thinking about upgrading your items.

Use this infographic to see when common house systems like your heating, cooling, plumbing or electrical wear out, or how long your appliances like your oven, dishwasher, washer and dryer have before they need to be replaced. They’ve also included the average cost to replace each item.


Water Damage Self Cleaning Tips

6/27/2016 (Permalink)

All this flooring was lost in a water damage.

Water in unwanted places can cause a lot of damage. Not only can it ruin your prized possessions, but also the house in which they are stored. If you’re able to act quickly, you can minimize the damage and possibly save some of your possessions. Some of your success depends on how long the water’s been around, there might be pieces of furniture that can be saved, and sometimes, even carpet, but any electronics hit by water are probably doomed.

Don’t treat flood water in unwanted places lightly: even if it's just damp, it is the perfect breeding ground for mold. Mold growth not only ruins walls, furniture, carpets, flooring, etc., it can lead to poor indoor air quality causing respiratory problems including asthma, and can lead to severe illness. Preventing mold growth is key to keeping your home’s air clean and healthy. So in addition to calling your insurance company, here are a few tips to deal with your flooded home and minimize the water damage. (Call your insurance company before you do anything, and tell them what you want to do.)

  1. Disconnect the power, unplug any electronics, and remove electronics, furniture and movable items immediately. The faster you get items out of water’s way, the more likely you’ll be able to save them. Definitely move all electrical items first, and if you can, turn off your power leading into the affected area, especially if water rises above electrical outlets. Pull up any carpets (wall to wall and area rugs) and underpadding. You may be able to save the carpet if you get it cleaned and disinfected, however, it may shrink and be better off as an area rug afterwards. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to save the underpadding, which acts like a sponge and absorbs a lot of water.
  2. Get rid of the water. There are several ways to get rid of the water. If you don’t have power, or are worried about loose wires, the old-fashioned, manual way will work. Use old towels, buckets and mops to soak up as much water as possible. As long as sewers in your neighbourhood aren’t backed up, you can pour the water down the drain, otherwise, pour onto your lawn or other permeable surface. A wet/dry vacuum can be used too, note: be very careful to plug it into outlets far away from water. Don’t use an extension cord as the connection could also short out and give you a nasty shock. Water and electricity don’t mix! If your basement or other flooded area is overwhelming and you have power, consider renting (if available) a sump pump from your local Rent-all or hardware stores. Getting rid of all the water and drying out the area is the most important thing you can do to prevent mold growth.
  3. Dry out the affected area. Once you’ve mopped up all the water, use fans and  a dehumidifier to help dry out the area. If it’s stopped raining, open windows to allow for air circulation and faster drying. You want to dry the area out as soon as possible. If the drywall was affected, you’ll probably have to cut away the areas that were touched by water as the drywall will crumble and the paper backing is a good source of food for mold. If you have baseboard trim, take it up first, and if it’s made from pressboard it will likely not be salvageable. If it was wood, you might be able to save it.
  4. Disinfect. After the area has dried out, including wood beams, insulation, drywall, etc., use a good disinfectant to get rid of any bacteria that might have come up through sewers, toilets, etc.  Disinfect all areas affected by the flood waters including walls and wood and non-upholstered furniture that sat in flood water.
  5. Prevent mold growth. After you’ve disinfected and let the area thoroughly dry out, apply a mold control agent to the affected area according to directions. Once a thin layer is applied, let it dry overnight. If you’re spraying an entire room, you might want to consider renting a mister from a hardware store such as Home Depot. It’s easy to use and very fast.
  6. Dispose of damaged items responsibly: you’ll be tempted to throw everything into a dumpster and send it all away and out of site. But if you can organize damaged goods into piles and take what you can to recycling centres, you will help alleviate the pressure on your local landfill site. Go to your city or town’s waste management website to find out where to recycle old paints, stains, adhesives and other toxic liquids, any damaged electronics from cell phones to TVs and computers, furniture, and even drywall. You can also look through Earth 911 to find recycling centres in your neighbourhood



Summer Office Declutter Check

6/27/2016 (Permalink)

Clean desks lead to more productivity, more productivity leads to raises, raises lead to island vacations!

Put Some Clean In Your Summer 

Tips and tricks to help declutter your office.      

Divide Your Workplace Into Zones: Determine how you want and need to use the space and set up zones for your daily functions. You may require a workspace for your computer, a library area for your research, a storage area for supplies and a filing area for your archives. This will provide a foundation for a more efficient use of space.

Keep Only What You Need At Arm's Length: Boxes of pens, stacks of papers and old coffee cups need to go. Rid your desk of visual clutter by paring down the items on top to the essentials only. Supplies, paperwork and personal items should be kept in the zones you've established for them.

Create A Daily Paper System: Consider creating hanging files or baskets labeled "To Read", "To Do", and "To File". Establish set days for each, so that you don't get behind or feel the overwhelming need to do everything at once.

Sort Your Catch-All Drawer: Use drawer dividers to give everything a place, like compartments for paperclips and rubber bands. Go through the drawer every six weeks and clear out anything that is out of place or isn't being used.

Eliminate Digital Clutter: Digital clutter can be just as stressful as physical clutter. Organize digital files and your e-mail inbox just as you would paper files - with a system of logical and clearly labeled folders. Also, keep the icons on your desktop to a bare minimum, and trade in sticky notes on your monitor for calendar reminders.

Disinfect Regularly: Prevent the buildup of dust, dirt, food stains and fingerprints. Wipe down your desk, phone, keyboard and monitor once a week with disinfecting wipes.

Information courtesy of SERVPRO's Restoration Newsline Volume 26, Issue 4. Serving local residents, property managers, and business owners for over 20 years, SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown Counties offer fire and water restoration, water removal, biohazard cleanup, mold remediation, air duct cleaning, inventory services, carpet and hard floor cleaning and care.

Be Prepared For Any Emergency

6/27/2016 (Permalink)

Download this checklist to stay ahead of the game!

When disaster threatens a community, it is often too late to take the necessary steps to prepare homes, businesses and family members for the situation. Whether it's a blizzard, flood, hurricane or wildfire, disasters of all types often give little to no warning before they strike. The time to prepare for a storm is not as it approaches-the time to prepare is now. Inside this newsletter, you will find tips and information to help you be better prepared when severe weather strikes, including a list of items needed to create an emergency supply kit. No matter what part of the country you call home, we want to ensure you are prepared for any type of disaster. Whether you have damage caused by a hurricane, tornado, flash flood, or any other reason, your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals have the resources, experience and training to help get your home back in order or your doors reopened for business as soon as possible. 

In 2013, there were more than 440 weather-related fatalities and nearly 2,800 injuries. Deadly weather caused more
than $8 billion in property damage. Knowing your risk of severe weather, taking action, and being an example are just a few
steps you can take to be better prepared to save your life and assist in saving the lives of others.  

Know Your Risk. The first step to becoming weather-ready is to understand the type of hazardous weather that can affect where

you live and how the weather could impact you and your family. Check the weather forecast regularly, obtain a NOAA Weather Radio, and learn about Wireless Emergency Alerts. Severe weather comes in many forms and your shelter plan should include all types of local hazards.

  • A weather radio is the most reliable source for weather alerts. It is designed to alert you to dangerous weather situations such as an approaching tornado, allowing you to be warned ahead of approaching storms providing time to seek shelter. In 2012, a new nationwide text emergency alert system was launched, called Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). The WEA system is a huge step toward keeping our nation informed in crisis situations, however it does not alleviate the need to own weather radios. The new WEA system relies on cell towers to send alerts-if cell towers are knocked out during bad weather or are no longer sending a signal, you will not receive alerts. Television and radio broadcasts can also go down during a destructive event. Having a back-up such as a weather radio is critical to ensure you still receive information in the event media outlets can no longer broadcast or you are unable to receive the broadcast.
  • When selecting a weather radio, ensure it includes SAME alert programming-sounds an alert only when specific counties are threatened (allowing you to only receive alerts for your county) and review-able alerts (allowing you to turn off alerts you do not want to hear).
  • Contact your local National Weather Service Office for assistance programming your weather radio, or for additional information, including county codes for your state, visit the NOAA Weather Radio website at www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr
  • Take Action. Take the next step in severe weather preparedness by creating a communications plan for your home or business. Put together or purchase an emergency kit. Keep important papers and valuables in a safe place.

    Be an Example. Once you have taken action to prepare for severe weather, share your story with co-workers and family and friends on Facebook or Twitter. Your preparedness story will inspire others to do the same. 

    Preparation is the key to making it through any size disaster and having a plan in place may help minimize the amount of time your home or business is inactive and get you back in the structure faster following a disaster. Don't wait until disaster strikes. Call your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professional to establish an Emergency READY Profile® for your home or business and be "Ready for whatever happens."

    Wildfire Safety Tips

  • Clear leaves and other debris from gutters, eaves, porches and decks. Remove dead vegetation from under your deck and within 10 feet of the house. This prevents embers from igniting your home.
  • Remove anything stored underneath decks or porches. Screen or box-in areas below patios and decks with wire mesh to prevent debris from accumulating.
  • Ensure flammable materials (firewood stacks, propane tanks, dry vegetation) are more than 30 feet from your home or business's foundation and outbuildings.
  • Wildfire can spread to treetops. If you have trees on your property, prune so the lowest branches are 6 to 10 feet from the ground.
  • Keep your lawn hydrated and maintained. If it is brown, cut it down to reduce fire intensity. Dry grass and shrubs are fuel for wildfire.
  • Tips and information provided by the National Fire Protection Association's Firewise® program. 

    Dryer Vent Cleaning

    6/27/2016 (Permalink)

    Yearly maintenance is the key to clean ducts!

    Are Your Ducts/Vents In Order? 

    Your ventilation system is often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality.

    Inspecting the ductwork in your facility or home should be a high priority. In most cases, the HVAC system has been operating for some time without much attention. Dirty ducts can circulate odors, contaminants such as mold, and irritating dust throughout your building or home.

    A routine part of SERVPRO's service is inspecting the heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit (HVAC). Keeping the HVAC system and ductwork clean can potentially extend the life span of the equipment by allowing it to operate at peak condition, which may save you money. Duct cleaning may not always be necessary. SERVPRO will inspect your HVAC system and ductwork and make recommendations about the best way to address any indoor air quality concerns. This inspection can save you money and provide peace of mind on the health of your HVAC system and ductwork.

    In some circumstances, such as after fire, smoke or suspected mold growth, duct cleaning becomes an essential part of the cleanup process. In these cases, your SERVPRO Professional can often restore the HVAC system and ductwork to pre-damage condition.

    If you have a fuel burning furnace, stove or fireplace, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends they be inspected for proper functioning, and be serviced before each heating season to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning.

    The SERVPRO Duct Cleaning System is proven and cost efficient. Unlike the majority of duct cleaning services, your SERVPRO Professional uses a portable ventilation and air duct cleaning system to examine ductwork and make a clean sweep, removing years of dust and grime.

  • The process begins by using patented equipment including a roto-scraper, which automatically adapts to the duct's shape and diameter while traveling through the duct, removing debris and filth before vacuuming begins.
  • Next, a powerful push-pull air delivery and collection system transfers the debris from the ducting to a 16-gallon container.
  • Air is filtered through a HEPA filtration system, removing 99.97 percent of the particles in the airstream. HEPA filters capture debris and keep the indoor environment clean.
  • As an optional process, a sealant or coating product may be sprayed to address odor or microbial concerns.
  • Filters will either be cleaned or replaced to remove odor and dirt.
  • For more information or to schedule a duct or dryer vent cleaning appointment, contact SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown Counties at 843.236.6278.

    How Do You Get A Smoke Smell Out?

    6/27/2016 (Permalink)

    When the smoke smell is this bad you better just call SERVPRO!

     It happens to the best of us right. In the kitchen cooking your favorite dish, someone knocks on the door or the phone rings so you go answer it.  You walk back in the room and your stove is on fire! Smoke rolls through the house, the alarm is blaring but luckily you're a quick thinker. You reach for the fire extinguisher and put it out before there is too much damage.

    Even if there is not much fire damage in a situation like this many times you have to deal with the smoke smell that lingers long after in your house.  This week on our SERVPRO news feed I am going to provide you with some quick tips on how to get the smell of smoke out of your house. 

    Things You'll Need

    ·         Baking Soda

    ·         Vinegar and Water Solution

    ·         Heavy duty washing detergent


    1.      Throw open the windows and even a door or two as quickly as possible after the fire. The less time the smoke sits around the greater chance of getting rid of it quickly. Even if it is in the middle of winter, airing your house right away will disperse the smoke and prevent any more absorption. If the weather is nice, you might want to keep the windows open for a few days, at least during the daylight hours.

    2.     Launder your drapes and table linens as soon as possible; they will absorb the smoke odor rapidly. Wash them in the hottest water that the fabric can endure and heavy duty washing detergent. If the fabrics cannot be washed at home, take them to a drycleaner, which will have solutions that will make the fabric smoke free.

    3.      Clean your cabinets, walls, and floors with a one-part vinegar, one part warm water solution. Be sure to test this first but most surfaces are fine with this solution. Vinegar naturally absorbs odors so the smell of vinegar and smoke should go away in a few hours after using it.

    4.      Place bowls of baking soda around your kitchen, and even put a few inside the cabinets, pantry, and any other room that has an odor.  This too will help to absorb the odor in a few days time. Sprinkle the rugs and carpeting with baking soda and vacuum. Sprinkle the baking soda again and this time let sit for a few days time before vacuuming.

    5.      If the house still reeks of smoke or if you don’t want to mess with it in the first place, just call us here at SERVPRO and we’ll get it right out. 843-236-6278

    Hurricane Predictions 2016

    6/27/2016 (Permalink)

    Here are the major land falls in the last 10 years.

    In 2015, predictions regarding the hurricane season were very accurate so what are they projecting for 2016?  

    It's time to take a look at the SERVPRO storm update. While hurricane season 2015 was fairly uneventful, questions regarding the likely strength of a developing El Niño are complicating hurricane predictions for 2016.

    So what is in Store for 2016?

    The 2016 Atlantic hurricane season is expected to be the most active since 2012, according to a forecast released Friday by The Weather Company, an IBM Business.

    This is greater than the 30-year historical average of 12 named storms, six hurricanes and three major hurricanes for the Atlantic basin. A major hurricane is one that is Category 3 or stronger on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.

    Now don't panic just yet because several scenarios could still occur.

    We could have no impact or we could have several make landfall right here in Horry & Georgetown Counties.

    A total of 14 named storms, eight hurricanes and three major hurricanes are forecast during the coming season. So play it safe and make a plan!

    Here are some tips to prepare your home(courtesy ofhttp://emergency.cdc.gov/preparedness/kit/disasters/)

    1) Consider storing two weeks-worth of food supplies. You may be able to use many of the canned goods and dry mixes already in your cupboard.

    2) Store at least a 3-day supply of water for each member of your family – that means 1 gallon per person per day.

    3) Don’t forget about pets; they’ll need food and water too.

    5) Learn where your gas, electric, and water shut-off locations are and how to turn them off.  Call us at SERVPRO and ask about our ERP (Emergency Ready Profile) and we'll show you how to prepare this in just a few easy steps.

    Sources: https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2016-hurricane-season-forecast-atlantic-the-weather-channel

    Hurricane Season South Carolina

    6/27/2016 (Permalink)

    Don't wait until it is too late with Hurricanes!

    Here is an updated post from last year.

    A lot of people count on SERVPRO in Horry & Georgetown Co. to guide them back to a normal life after a distaster like a hurricane wreaks havoc on their property.

    To help you stay ahead of the curve please download this Hurricane Tracking Map and stay safe.

    -Original Post-

    Click here to download and print your hurricane tracking map which also includes your emergency kit check lists and Horry and Georgetown County Evacuation Zones. Print on legal size paper or size to page.

    hurricane tracking map

    Basic Preparedness Tips

    • Know where to go. If you are ordered to evacuate, know the local hurricane evacuation route(s) to take and have a plan for where you can stay. Contact your local emergency management agency for more information.
    • Put together a disaster supply kit, including a flashlight, batteries, cash, first aid supplies, and copies of your critical information if you need to evacuate
    • If you are not in an area that is advised to evacuate and you decide to stay in your home, plan for adequate supplies in case you lose power and water for several days and you are not able to leave due to flooding or blocked roads.
    • Make a family emergency communication plan.
    • Many communities have text or email alerting systems for emergency notifications.To find out what alerts are available in your area, search the Internet with your town, city, or county name and the word “alerts.”

    How To Fight Mold In Your Vacation Property

    6/24/2016 (Permalink)

    Is Mold Ruining Your Vacation?

    Having less mold means having a happier vacation property.

    The Grand Strand of Horry and Georgetown Counties is notorious for warm weather vacationing. Thousands of owners rent out their beach houses and condos to families from all over the world every year. 

    One of the biggest threat to to those vacation properties is mold. If you own a property that you use only as a vacation unit and when you leave or it is vacant you shut off the air conditioning to save money, you could be risking alot more than a few extra bucks on your power bill.

    Mold thrives in humid areas which the Grand Strand is also so famous for. So if your property is not managed by a profesional agency you might want to think about investing in an outdoor inverter unit or something like the NEST sysytem in order to keep the excess moisture out of your unit while you are away.

    No one likes dealing with mold, especially on vacation.

    If you do have mold damage give SERVPRO a call today, 843-236-6278.

    What Company Cleans Air Ductwork in Myrtle Beach SC?

    5/18/2016 (Permalink)

    It's Duct Cleaning not Duck Cleaning!

    We do Duct Cleaning not Duck Cleaning!

    Air Ducts and HVAC Cleaning to be specific.

    Duct Cleaning can lead to fewer allergies in your home or business, which in turn means less sick days, which allows for increased productivity.

    Dirty ductwork makes your HVAC system slower and less efficient. This will end up costing you more money down the line because your unit will have a shorter lifespan. Your unit will also not blow out as much so the limited airflow will cost you more money in energy bill because you will have to use the unit more often or at higher and lower temperatures.

    Do you really want years and years of dirt, pollen, dead skin cells, pet dander and hair flowing through your entire house on a daily basis? Just imagine how much easier life will be when you know your air feels and smells cleaner.

    Ventilation systems are often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality. Make it a priority to inspect the ductwork of your home or business.

    If your HVAC has been operating for some time without attention, it could be circulating one or more of the following:

    Dirt and debris
    And other contaminants

    SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County Professionals routinely inspect the heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit (HVAC).

    For more information on HVAC and air duct cleaning, call us today, (843) 236-6278.

    Restoring Your Myrtle Beach Commercial Property After A Mold Damage Event

    5/3/2016 (Permalink)

    Commercial Mold Damage Events Present Unique Challenges

    Mold damage events in Myrtle Beach commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small mold cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

    Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

    Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

    About SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Co.

    SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Co. specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a mold damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

    Meet Our Crew


  • ASD - Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • OSHA - 10-hour General and/or Construction Industry Training Program
  • WRT - Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • SRT - Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration Technician
  • IICRC Certified Firm
  • AMRT - Applied Microbial Remediation Technician
  • ECTP - Employee Certification Training Program
  • RRRP - Lead-Based Paint Activities and Renovation
  • HST - Health and safety Technician
  • CCT - Carpet Cleaning Technician
  • CMR - Council-certified Microbial Remediator
  • UFT - Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician
  • March Madness Winners

    4/14/2016 (Permalink)

    Winner Alert!

    March Madness Winner Alert!

    Every year we give all those on our email list a chance to win some cash. The people who guess the best will be rewarded.

    Thanks To All Who Played!

    We had a great turn out for our annual SERVPRO March Madness Bracket Challenge. We want to thank all of you who played and who would have thought that Villanova had it in them!

    A big CONGRATULATIONS goes out to our winners: 1st Place $100 Winner - Hunter Stokes from State Farm, 2nd Place $75 Winner Chad Bone from Align Chiropractor and Massage, and 3rd Place $25 Winner Jeff Brice from Tilghman Insurance.

    Give yourself a chance to be on list so you too can earn big bucks by beating the masses. Sign up for our monthly newsletter by clicking this link: SIGN ME UP PLEASE!

    And you will stay in the know for all things SERVPRO!

    Happy Easter From SERVPRO of Horry County

    3/23/2016 (Permalink)

    Happy Easter from SERVPRO of Horry County

    Here is a quick message from our owner.

    Spring is just about upon us and hopefully the cold weather will be behind us. It’s that time again to start getting ready for longer days as daylight savings will be here and Easter will be here before we know it.  Having said that I would like to share a few lines from Dr. Louis Johnson as he wrote about Home.

    Home has the ability to evoke many memories.  It is, at times, a location on a map. It may be a particular house that we recall. Those houses have a look, a light quality and maybe even an aroma.  It may be a special food remembered or the scent of your Mother or Father. The recollection is often enough to bring a tear or a smile. Whatever memory pops up it is endowed with Poignancy. The Mental process of dredging that memory is both visceral and spiritual. My Home is so much a part of me that I have no difficulty seeing the flaws I made in the door frame or the pattern of the paper on the wall. These are important things to me.

    More important are the times I spent with Family in that house. Each night we rehearsed the day that we had just experienced. We caught up with each other by telling our stories of the day. This would take place at the dinner table. These are treasure times that shaped my thinking and my dreams. They are Priceless.

    Home is also my early experience with community and church. In that Church I learned about God and the experiences of the love of Jesus Christ from persons who help me know about grace, mercy, trust, faith, and fellowship. I am who I am because they were who they were and nurtured me in the way of salvation. Friends, they were my evangelists. This is the way our story passes from one generation to another.

    Have a Happy Easter and God Bless


    SERVPRO Halftime Show

    3/3/2016 (Permalink)

    Call now if your school or organization needs quality entertainment.

    We have developed an awesome FREE entertainment program for local Horry and Georgtown County schools!

    The marketing department here at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Co. has partnered with the Fire Dept and local schools to provide an amazing educational and entertaining experience for children at school.

    Here is one of our many interactive options schools all across the Grand Strand get to choose from. We call it the SERVPRO Halftime Show.

    It entails a variety of different basketball tricks and finishes strong with some fantastic audience participation, leaving the child with a memory that will last a lifetime.

    We have other versions and options available to choose from, CLICK HERE for a better idea of what we have to offer. 

    Here is the link to our fun SERVPRO Halftime Show video: PLAY VIDEO

    Home Reconstruction Tips Myrtle Beach

    2/19/2016 (Permalink)

    Home reconstruction can be a nightmare, let SERVPRO do it for you.

    5 Don’ts when it comes to home reconstructions:

    1. Don't let kids or pets get in the way. It is not easy to try and work around the kids and pets. Keep them out and away from the construction, for safety and sanity.

    2. Don't live in the home. If at all possible get out of the home during remodel or reconstruction so you are not pulling double duty of cleaning up your personal daily life stuff and the tools and materials of the construction crew.

    3. Don't be a distraction. If you hired a professional don’t get in their way. They have a job to do and it will not help anyone if you are constantly bothering or lurking over them.

    4. Don't ignore what the house wants. Maybe we should say don’t ignore what the house needs. Cosmetic improvements are fantastic but they should not be at the cost of the basic fundamental house needs like framing and foundation work.

    5. Don't work without a design. A design gives you a plan and it sets the pace for the remodel, don’t go into the project blindly!

    You can always skip the hassle of trying to things yourself and give SERVPRO a call, we’ll do it for you. 843-236-6278

    Commercial Building Additions

    2/18/2016 (Permalink)

    Commercial Building Services take alot of planning, we can help.

    Commercial building construction, 5 tips to know before you go

    1. Check your options

    The scale of any construction project demands a major commitment from a company. Remember that the time and energy invested in commercial building construction could also be put into the business itself.

    2. Make the correct projections

    A bank advisor can help you determine the cost of your project, how much money you'll need from start to finish and the right financing options for your build.

    3. Make sure your building permits are in order

    Be sure that you've satisfied all local rules with the right permit. Do this as early as possible, since building without a permit is not an option. Check with your city to see exactly what you're allowed to do with and without a permit.

    4. Get a good architect

    Good ones cost money and because of this some companies will sometimes skip the step of hiring a good architect. While you might think you're saving money up front, you will lose in the end because of problems not originally planned on .

    5. Be realistic

    Companies often lose business during construction projects because management is less focused on performance and too worried about the new building.

    Bottom line is we can help. Call us today 843-236-6278

    Home Repairs Myrtle Beach

    2/18/2016 (Permalink)

    Home repairs done right.

    5 Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself

    Prep Your Paint Jobs

    Grab a damp cloth and wipe down moldings and trim. Then remove everything from the walls and place all the furniture in the middle of the room. Mask any molding, built-ins and baseboards with painter's tape and start laying down drop cloths. Then you are good to go.

    Noisy Doors

    No likes a squeaky door. If your doors make noise every time you enter or exit it might be time to lube them up. First put a cloth under the door to catch the drips, then apply a few drops of oil or lubricant to each hinge. That should fix the squeak.

    Caulking 101

    First remove the old caulk or else the new caulk won’t stick. The make sure you cut the tip of the cauld tube at an angle and make sure the hole is big enough to fit the widest part of the gap your filling. Then it is literally like drawing a straight line along your gap.

    Repairing a Faucet

    In most instances, addressing a leak by changing out the washer is the most logical place to start diagnosing the problem.

    Clogged Toilet

    Get familiar with a plunger and snakes. The flanged plungers work the best because they create the best seal.

    SERVPRO fixes simple things like this everyday let us help you. 843-236-6278

    Home Remodeling Myrtle Beach

    2/17/2016 (Permalink)

    Don't forget we do remodeling!

    5 Home Remodeling Don'ts

    Whether you do the work yourself or you let a qualified professional from SERVPRO do your home remodel, you should heed these warnings:

    1. Don’t procrastinate making decisions. Try to think about all the details before hand and make up your mind early.

    2. Don't flip flop.  Changing your mind too much will make your budget grow and grow.

    3. Don't buy your own supplies. Contractors will mark up prices of course but they still get better deals to start with.

    4. Don't overdo it. Make sure you are not doing crazy interior remodels like top shelf counters and floors when your frames are rotting away.

    5. Don't start without a backup fund. Things are going to pop up along the way and those things will cost money. 

    You can call SERVPRO and we can remodel your home for you. 843-236-6278

    Exterior Pressure Wash Myrtle Beach

    2/16/2016 (Permalink)

    Messing with soap and hard water can be difficult, let us do it for you!

    8 Tips on how to use a pressure washer:

    1. Choose a pressure washer that is best for the job. Different housing materials can withstand various water pressures.
    2. Protect you house's exterior fixtures, like lights, landscaping shrubs and plants, from harmful water pressure. Cover with drop cloths or plastic covering.
    3. Manually scrub any visible dirt and grime from the surface you are power washing with a brush.
    4. Mix the cleaning solution and fill the pressure washer's soap dispenser.
    5. Connect a hose hooked to your water supply to the pressure washer.
    6. Test how close you have to be to pressure wash a house by holding the pressure washer nozzle with both hands about 3 feet from the wall. Walk it in closer until you feel the spray is strong enough to remove dirt but not cause any damage.
    7. Start at the top of the house and move down just like when you paint. 
    8. Rinse from the top down with plain water. Allow the house to dry at least 2 days before painting.

    If this sounds like too much work just call SERVPRO, we will do it for you. 843-236-6278

    Paint My House Myrtle Beach

    2/16/2016 (Permalink)

    SERVPRO paints homes everyday, let us paint yours!

    4 Tips to consider before you paint your house:

    1. Get it together -

    Mixing multiple cans of the same color of paint into a larger container, such as a five-gallon bucket, will help ensure a uniform color is applied to your home's exterior.

    2. Up Down Daniel-San -

    When you paint from top to bottom you are controlling streaks and you can clean up drips more effectively allowing you to have a professional finish.

     3. Lock it up -

    Follow this pro tip and make sure your paint lids are hammered on tightly after use. It will save the paint and your wallet!

    4. Be aware of your surroundings -

    Cover plants and bushes and make sure furniture is moved or draped as well. It’s easy to forget how messy painting can be until it’s too late.

    House Painting takes lots of time and needs to be done right, call SERVPRO and save yourself the hassle. 843-236-6278

    Exterior Painting Myrtle Beach

    2/16/2016 (Permalink)

    We will paint your commercial building for you!

    4 Things to think about when painting the exterior of your commercial building in Myrtle Beach:

    1. Check the forecast -

    Paint needs time to dry for maximum effectiveness. Make sure you paint your exterior when it is not the rainy season. (Good luck finding a dry stretch to paint the exterior in Myrtle Beach)

    2. Now is not the time to get cheap -

    Some things you can get the cheaper brand with but exterior paint is not one of them. Trying to go cheap and save yourself money now will cost you more in having to redo the painting sooner than you needed to.

    3. Scratch the surface -

    Paint likes smooth surfaces so make sure you sand down or scrape any rough patches or chips in your building’s exterior.

    4. Primetime baby -

    The rule of thumb has always been to apply a good coat of primer, sand, then apply your color coats. You could also use the paint and primer in one, either way make sure you prime your building.

    Exterior Painting takes lots of time and needs to be done right, call SERVPRO and save yourself the hassle. 843-236-6278

    Creating Hope

    2/15/2016 (Permalink)

    Nominate someone today!

    Creating Hope

    Do you know someone that has gone through a major life change and it has left them handicap and their home unmanageable? We need your help! After a major life change such as a sudden injury that leaves you unable to walk, adjusting to life and even your home can be difficult.  We want to bring hope back to these individuals! 

    Each quarter we will choose one person to receive a free home adjustment.  This could be anything from widening a doorway, putting in a wheelchair ramp, lowering cabinets and many other home adjustments to make life easier for these individuals. Please nominate someone and and tell us why you think they would greatly benefit from a home adjustment.    

    ·         We are looking for anyone who has had a sudden life changing injury or disability.

    ·         We will evaluate each nominee and access what our volunteers and vendors can provide to the nominees and we will pick the best fit.

    ·         We will allow all the nominees to carry over for each quarter if they are not chosen for as long as we provide this service.

    ·         We will provide a helpful service like some of the following: building a wheelchair ramp to their door, lowering a few cabinets, widening a doorway etc…

    ·         This will not be a complete home rebuild or makeover but will be a helping jumpstart to getting things back to a new normal.

    To nominate visit: MyCreatingHope.com

    To Volunteer as a Vendor Contact:

    Bryan Fulton | Marketing Manager

    Cell: 843-995-1792 or email: Marketing@SERVPROofHorryCounty.com

    Community Entertainment Available From SERVPRO

    2/12/2016 (Permalink)

    FREE Entertainment for Schools in Myrtle Beach!


    These entertainment options will serve as an outreach program to gain more end users in the residential market coupled with efforts to increase the brand awareness of SERVPRO in the Horry and Georgetown County areas. They will be marketed to schools initially and will be fun, interactive and educational. We will focus on co-sponsorship opportunities with the local fire departments in Horry & Georgetown Co.’s to present the educational portion of the program (i.e. Fire Safety, Tips & Tricks etc) when needed.


    1. To increase the brand awareness of SERVPRO by engaging in face to face

    community relations as well as educating the community about our services.

    2. To provide entertainment options that will set SERVPRO apart from its

    competitors and provide value to schools searching for free and educational


    3. To increase participation of schools in the Fire Department's activities.


    Service Offered to School:

    FREE SERVPRO Juggling Show: High Energy, Family Friendly, and Interactive

    • Show length can be customized to fit your time frame (15-45 minutes)
    • News Outlets both Video and Print invited as well as press releases written
    • Includes blasts on all our social media platforms

    FREE “Mitigation Man” Stilt Walker Character

    • Used for Meet & Greets during school/community functions
    • Can provide morale boost wake up to students during morning drop offs
    • Perfect for athletic events and pep rallies

    FREE SERVPRO Halftime Show

    • Basketball spinning show perfect for Varsity Games with lots of attendance
    • Hat tricks show, good for all ages and levels
    • Bucket Balance YMCA show great for audience engagement

    Services Needed from School:

    We would like to have marketing collateral from SERVPRO and our Fire Dept. co sponsors to be handed out to all the children to be taken home.

    We would like to be able to hang a banner/signage year round in the gym or other high traffic area.

    We would like to have an ad in your PTA or Weekly news bulletins.

    We would like to have an agreement set for one of our Sales Reps to come talk about an ERP and a commitment to participate at one of the Fire Department’s functions.

    About the SERVPRO Juggling Show

    Bryan Dangerous Bio:

    A graduate from Patapsco's Center for the Performing Arts, as well as the Ringling Bros. Circus’ esteemed Clown College, he has been trained in improv & has developed a wide variety of circus skills that are used to deliver a show that will leave your guests crying with laughter! With appearances on MTV, Comedy Central, "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno, and 100's of national, regional, and local news and radio shows he brings his unique brand of clean corporate comedy juggling, and high energy interactive routines to meetings, trade shows and special events everywhere.

    Whether you are looking to add a punch of variety to your assembly roster or maybe you just want a headlining entertainer that is going to make your students, teachers, and co-workers remember this years program forever because they saw one of their Administrators get pulled up on stage and "take one for the team", you can trust that Bryan Dangerous will enhance your experience through the use of family friendly comedy juggling that will be customized and personalized for each event, and make you look like a ROCKSTAR for booking him!

    Show Rundown:

    I. Fire Dept. presentation

    II. Comedy Juggling Show

    • Intro
    • Ball & Club Juggling
    • Hat Juggling w/ Audience Member
    • Basketballs w/ Audience Member
    • Fireman Strong Man Gag w/ Audience Members
    • Balancing objects
    • Toilet paper magic w/ Audience Member
    • Bucket balance finale w/ Audience Members
    • “Like it never even happened” clean up

    About the SERVPRO “Mitigation Man” Stilt Walker Character

    Stilt Man Rundown:

    Stand Tall with SERVPRO and be READY for the day!

    This nearly 10 foot tall robo stilt man will be handing out high fives and fist bumps to children of all ages. When used in the morning drop off situation, Mitigation Man will provide that initial wakem up jolt to your students instantly increasing morale and setting the tone for a fantastic school day.

    Another great way to use this amazing stilt character is for community festivals and fundraisers. He makes a great backdrop for taking fun and unique pictures. He will meet and greet your guests and attendees ensuring your event will be the talk of the town.

    Mitigation Man is a perfect way to set your event apart from all the rest. He can walk in up to 45 minute sets, taking 15 minute breaks every hour.

    About the SERVPRO Halftime Show

    Show Rundowns:

    Choose from up to 3 different professional level halftime shows for your sporting event.

    The basketball spinning show features tricks performed by Bryan Dangerous whose talents have taken him around the world performing for millions of people of all nationalities. It has been featured in NBA, WNBA and NCAA games all across the United States.

    The hat trick show brings stylish routines performed to high energy music ending with a long distance hat catch that your students and their families will remember for a lifetime! This halftime show is very interactive and brings the crowd to their feet every time.

    If you choose the YMCA show your guests actually become the show. This routine features 4 audience members dancing and having a blast to the famous song YMCA and the ending is an exercise in teamwork not to be missed. Your crowd will love joining in the finale!

    If you or your company/school is interested in booking one of SERVPRO's entertainment options please call us today 843-995-1792!

    Water Damage and Insurance Claims

    2/12/2016 (Permalink)

    What could be lurking in your water?

    Did you know...

    When water invades your home, it can damage the structure, harm personal belongings and cause distress. Water damage, whether large or small, interrupts your day-to-day life, potentially causing undue stress to you and your family. Despite the shock, you also know the problem needs to be resolved quickly.

    When calling your insurance provider to report the damage, ask for a SERVPRO Franchise Professional to cleanup the damage and restore your home and personal belongings. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals understand the physical and emotional strain this type of damage can cause. Staff will work with you and your insurance company to help ensure the water damage is cleaned quickly and properly. 

    Upon arrival to your home, a SERVPRO Franchise Professional takes great care to ensure a water damage is handled properly by completing the following steps:

    Inspection - SERVPRO Franchise Professionals will inspect affected areas of your home to determine the extent of damage. They will also review the inspection with you and answer your questions before beginning any work.

    Emergency Services - Next, the SERVPRO Franchise Professional will take immediate steps to protect your home and personal belongings from further damage by extracting the water and preparing your home for drying. The Franchise Professional will explain the needed emergency services to you step-by-step.

    Monitoring - To ensure your home and personal belongings are dried to appropriate industry standards, a SERVPRO Franchise Professional will monitor the drying process. Written monitoring reports will document the drying process. The results will be communicated to you throughout the monitoring process.

    Restoration Services - A SERVPRO Franchise Professional will repair property, reinstall carpets and clean affected areas of your home and personal belongings. A final walk-through will be conducted with you to ensure your property was restored to preloss condition when possible. 

    Call SERVPRO today 843-236-6278

    Mardi Gras Madness

    2/10/2016 (Permalink)

    SERVPRO cares about our community!

    Mardi Gras Parade at Barefoot Landing

    Here at SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Co. we love participating in local community events, especially when they are for a good cause. So when the fine folks over at Dicks Last Resort asked us to drive in their Mardi Gras Parade to benefit the Lowcountry Food Bank it was a no brainer for us.

    We joined forces with some amazing local Myrtle Beach and North Myrtle Beach businesses to help restock the reserves for the food bank so the people of Horry county do not go hungry this winter.

    We had a blast participating in the parade at Barefoot Landing and will definitely be back every year that they continue to have the event!

    Do not forget if you have a mold, fire or water damage call SERVPRO today!


    Frozen Pipes Burst

    2/4/2016 (Permalink)

    What a great testimonial and review of SERVPRO's services.

    When the winter weather sets in your pipes can freeze and burst, what will you do if the flood is major?

    Mr Bill Doar experienced that very problem last winter. He owns a property in Pawleys Island SC and had the misfortune of having his pipes freezing then bursting in his home. The water damage was way too much for a simple mop and towel so he decided to call SERVPRO.

    He had never worked with SERVPRO before but something tells us that any Myrtle Beach water damage he experiences in the future will go directly to us again.

    Click here to watch a quick video testimonial for the water damage and clean up services SERVPRO provided.

    If your pipes burst this winter, heed Mr. Doar's advice and call the professional water restoration experts at SERVPRO, 843-236-6278.

    Water Damage In My House

    2/3/2016 (Permalink)

    Water Damage? We’ll bail you out.

    What should I do if my home has water damage? 

    Water damage—from a broken pipe, a leaky roof or a sink overflow—can cause significant damage to your home, especially if the damage is not properly repaired. 

    There are some simple steps you can take until help arrives:

    • If the source of water is still leaking, identify the source and stop it if you can.

    • If the water is coming from a burst or leaking pipe, turn off the water at its source.

    • If the water is coming through the roof or broken windows, try to cover them to prevent further damage.

    • Move wet items to drier areas.

    • Place aluminum foil coasters or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.

    • Save damaged items and any parts you may need to replace— your claims representative may want to inspect them.

    • Do not use electrical equipment or appliances while standing on wet carpet or floors.

    • To document the damage, make a list of the temporary repairs you make and take photographs.

    • Make sure to save your receipts

    SERVPRO specializes in water damage restoration and clean up, call us today if you need help. 843-236-6278

    Get The Lead Out!

    2/3/2016 (Permalink)

    Does Your Property Contain Lead?

    What you need to know about LEAD PAINT!

    Does your home contain lead paint?

    Older homes, older child care facilities, schools and other buildings are more likely to contain lead-based paint. Homes may be private, government-assisted or public housing. Schools are preschools and kindergarten classrooms. They may be urban, suburban or rural.

    Percentage of homes likely to contain lead: 

    Built between 1960-1978 = 24%

    Built between 1940-1960 = 69%

    Built before 1940 = 87%

    Here are some quick facts about LEAD PAINT.

    Lead-based paint was used in more than 38 million homes until it was banned for residential use in 1978.

    Lead can affect children’s brains and developing nervous systems, causing reduced IQ, learning disabilities and behavioral problems.

    Even children who seem healthy can have high levels of lead in their bodies.

    Lead is also harmful to adults and the elderly.

    Lead in dust is the most common way people are exposed to lead. People can also get lead in their bodies from lead in soil or paint chips. Lead dust is often invisible.

    Projects that disturb lead-based paint can create dust and endanger you and your family.

    In most cases, lead-based paint that is in good condition is not a hazard. 

    Know the law.

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires firms performing renovation, repair, and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in pre-1978 homes, child care facilities and schools be certifi ed by the EPA. These firms also must use certified renovators who are trained by EPA-approved training providers to follow lead-safe work practices. According to EPA requirements (40 CFR Part 745) contractors must use lead-safe work practices and follow these three simple procedures:

    1. Contain the work area.
    2. Minimize dust.
    3. Clean up thoroughly

    We here at SERVPRO know how to keep you and your loved ones safe during the Lead Paint Removal Process, call us now at 843-236-6278.

    Mold! Don't Let It Grow.

    2/1/2016 (Permalink)

    The need to address the presence of mold can only be determined by an on-site, indoor environmental inspection.

    Health concerns may arise when excessive mold grows indoors. 

    People most at risk include:

    • Infants and children.
    • Pregnant women.
    • The elderly.
    • People with compromised respiratory systems or asthma and allergies.
    • People with weakened immune systems. 

    SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals handle water damages every day and know prompt action is required to prevent mold growth. Mold is more likely to spread when an environment has been subject to moisture for a long period of time.

    If your property has sustained a recent water damage, it is vital to remove excess water and dry the structure promptly. If there is an ongoing moisture problem in the building, it is important to be alert for:

    • The presence of visible mold.
    • Strong musty odors which may indicate mold is present.
    • Any evidence of past moisture problems that might have caused undetected mold growth.
    • Excessive humidity.

    These conditions may require the expertise of a qualified Indoor Air Quality/Environmental Professional to inspect the building for mold growth and water damage problems. 

    Call us today if you have a mold problem 843-236-6278

    Cleaning Up After A Fire Can Be Worst Than The Fire Itself

    2/1/2016 (Permalink)

    The first 48 hours after a fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing your property and personal belongings.

    Where to start cleaning after a fire in your home.

    A backdraft of emotions often sweeps over the homeowners after a fire ravages a home. Fear, uncertainty, stress and doubt about the future of the property can overwhelm the homeowner long after the flames have been extinguished and the smoke has cleared.

    So after the first wave of heroes have rescued the property, let your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professional help you restore it. With the industryapproved training to employ rapid response, the utmost professionalism, cutting-edge technology and open communication, we strive to restore not only the home, but the customer’s peace of mind, as well.

     What You Can Do Until Help Arrives

    • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from spreading and additional damage from occurring.
    • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs and high traffic areas and upholstery.
    • Coat chrome faucets, trim and appliances with petroleum jelly or oil. n Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpet.
    • Do not wash any walls or painted surfaces.
    • Do not shampoo carpet or upholstery.
    • Do not clean any electrical equipment.
    • Do not send clothing to a dry cleaner since improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

    So, before you risk doing further damage by attempting to clean up the damage yourself, call the fire damage cleanup and restoration professionals at 843-236-6278. SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals have worked for over 40 years to help make fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

    Burn Awareness Week

    2/1/2016 (Permalink)

    The average annual cost of scald injuries is $44 million.

    Burn Awareness Week is February 1-7. 

    Burn Awareness Week, observed the first full week in February, is designed to provide an opportunity for burn, fire and life safety educators to unite in sharing a common burn awareness and prevention message in our communities. Burn Awareness Week, celebrated early in the year, is an excellent opportunity to “kick off” a year full of burn awareness education.

    This year the focus is on scalds. Here are a few tips from the American Burn Association's website regarding Pediatric Scalds:


    Set water heater temperature to no higher than 120°F/48°C, or just below the medium setting ?

    Create a “no kid zone” in the kitchen around stoves, ovens and hot items ?

    Keep hot drinks away from the edge of tables and counters ? Use a travel mug with a tight-fitting lid for all hot drinks ?

    Place pots and pans on the back burner with handles turned away from the edge of the stove


    Leave a child unattended in the bathtub; if you must leave, take the child(ren) with you ?    

    Allow young children to adjust the water   temperature or sit near faucet handles ?

    Set anything hot on tabletops within reach of young children who can pull them down ?

    Allow appliance cords (slow-cookers, deep-  fryers, coffeemakers) to dangle over the counter edge

    Download the full PDF on their website here.

    If a burn injury does happen to you or your child …

    1)   Cool the burn with COOL (not cold) water to stop the burning process

    2)   Remove all clothing and/or diaper from the injured area

    3)   Cover the area with a clean dry sheet or bandages

    4)   Seek medical attention

    If you have fire damage call the professionals at SERVPRO 843-236-6278.

    Sewage Backup Clean Up

    1/27/2016 (Permalink)

    Sewage is serious, let SERVPRO help.

    Sewage backups and black water intrusions are more than nasty, smelly deposits – these damages also introduce harmful microorganisms into a structure. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals remove the sewage, contaminates and moisture, disinfecting as they clean. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals help ensure the structure is properly cleaned, disinfested and deodorized.

    Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences for building occupants, employees, customers and owners. A failure to properly handle and safely remove such hazardous substances can contribute to unhealthy and even dangerous environments.

    What diseases/illnesses can you get from exposure to sewage-contaminated water?

    Gastro-enteritis is the most commonly reported illness associated with oral exposure to contaminated water. Gastro-enteritis is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract, also known as the “stomach flu.” Gastroenteritis is characterized by cramping stomach pains, diarrhea and vomiting.

    The following is a list of some disease – causing organisms that can be transmitted by contact with flood water or sewage:

    ·         Campylobacteriosis

    ·         Giardia

    ·         Solmonella

    ·         Cryptosporidium

    ·         E. Coli

    ·         Hepatitis A

    ·         Shigella

    ·         Most common diarrheal illness in the U.S.A

    The safest plan of action is to just let the qualified professionals at SERVPRO handle the clean up for you. Call us 24/7 if you need help 843-236-6278!

    Crime Scene Residue Clean Up

    1/27/2016 (Permalink)

    If you have to deal with the aftermath from a crime scene, give us a call we can help.

    From fingerprint powder and evidence-gathering chemicals to tear gas and pepper spray residues, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals can clean and restore your property and contents.

    If you happen to get pepper spray on yourself here is what the contributors at RedHotPepperSpray.com suggest you do immediately:

    If you get pepper spray on yourself, don’t panic. Water, soap and time are all that is needed to decontaminate you. Exposure to fresh air should help, too. Remove all contaminated clothing. Flush the affected area with cool water. Warm water may intensify the burning and inflammation. Do not rub your face! Wash the affected area with non-oil or cold cream based soap. Don't apply oily lotions--they will trap OC resin onto your skin. Have a physician examine the exposed area if any irritation or pain persists after the decontamination procedures.

    If you have a room or area that has been contaminated by these kinds of sprays, give SERVPRO a call today, we will clean it right. 843-236-6278

    Bloodborne Pathogens Can Be Deadly

    1/27/2016 (Permalink)

    Don't risk cleaning mass amounts of blood up yourself.

    SERVPRO Franchise Professionals remove and dispose of bodily fluids, tissue and other potentially pathogenic substances resulting from accicent, trauma, crime or death. Trained SERVPRO Franchise Technicians thoroughly clean, disinfect and deodorize the structure for you.

    Body fluids, including blood, feces, and vomit are all considered potentially contaminated with bloodborne or other germs. Therefore, spills of these fluids should be cleaned up and the contaminated surfaces disinfected immediately.

    The CDC suggests you use bleach to clean bodily fluids that could contain bloodborne pathogens from hard surfaces in this article. They even have 10 Tips to help you out.

    Clean-up Procedure Using Bleach Solution

    1. Block off the area of the spill from patrons until clean-up and disinfection is complete.
    2. Put on disposable gloves to prevent contamination of hands.
    3. Wipe up the spill using paper towels or absorbent material and place in a plastic garbage bag.
    4. Gently pour bleach solution onto all contaminated areas of the surface.
    5. Let the bleach solution remain on the contaminated area for 20 minutes.
    6. Wipe up the remaining bleach solution.
    7. All non-disposable cleaning materials used such as mops and scrub brushes should be disinfected by saturating with bleach solution and air dried.
    8. Remove gloves and place in plastic garbage bag with all soiled cleaning materials.
    9. Double-bag and securely tie-up plastic garbage bags and discard.
    10. Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water.

    We suggest you leave clean up of this nature to us here at SERVPRO, we will do it right the first time. Call us to come help you clean today 843-236-6278!

    Vandalism Clean Up

    1/26/2016 (Permalink)

    Don't let graffiti get you down, SERVPRO can clean it for you.

    SERVPRO Franchise Professionals are recognized as leaders at helping property owners recover quickly from fire and water damage.

    SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown Co. also provides general cleaning and deodorization services for situations resulting from vandalism including graffiti, egg, spoiled foods and human or animal waste.

    Here are a few Vandalism Damage Do's and Don'ts:


    • Hose or wash egg or other residue damage from the building exterior as soon as possible.
    • Carefully vacuum glass particles from carpets and upholstery.
    • Save containers revealing the ingredients of products used in vandalism damage.
    • Record all damage and photograph when possible.


    • Attempt to remove ink, paint or cosmetic stains.
    • Operate damaged lamps or appliances.
    • Discard broken or damaged pieces from porcelain, furniture or other contents that may be used for repair.

    For a few more tips and services we provide click here.

    If you have experienced vandalism and need it cleaned as soon as possible, call SERVPRO at 843-236-6278. We'll make it look "Like it never even happened.®"

    Smoke Alarms Save Lives

    1/22/2016 (Permalink)

    Smoke detectors save lives, don't get caught without one.

    Smoke alarms play a vital role in saving lives, and when properly installed, can reduce the risk of fire injury in half.*

    The National Fire Protection Association recommends smoke alarms be installed in every bedroom, outside all sleeping quarters and on every level of the house. Business owners should consult the local Fire Marshall to ensure specific building fire codes and smoke detector requirements are met.

    Smoke alarms work best when paired with a fire escape plan. A plan allows your family, employees or clients to escape quickly and safely in an emergency situation.

    Review the following tips regarding smoke detector installation and maintenance. For more on emergency preparedness, contact your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals.

    1. Install smoke alarms on every level of the home, including the basement.
    2. Smoke alarms should be installed away from the kitchen to prevent false alarms. Generally, they should be at least 10 feet from a cooking appliance.
    3. Test smoke alarms at least once a month using the test button.
    4. Replace batteries in all smoke alarms at least once a year. If an alarm “chirps,” the battery is low and should be replaced right away.
    5. Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old.

    Just The Facts: Smoke Alarms

    • Three out of five fire deaths occur in homes with no smoke alarms or when the alarms are not working.
    • Smoke alarm failures usually result from missing, disconnected, or dead batteries.
    • More than one-third (37 percent) of home fire deaths result from fires in which no smoke alarms are present.
    • The risk of dying in a home fire is cut in half in homes with working smoke alarms.

    *Statistics and tips provided by National Fire Prevention Association.

    How To Fix A Water Damaged Phone

    1/21/2016 (Permalink)

    Water damaged phones are no fun, neither are water damaged homes.

    These are the items you'll need to help dry out and fix your cell phone.

    Paper towels, A box of uncooked rice, A container or zip-top bag

    Here are 6 quick and easy steps to bringing your water damaged phone back to life:

    Step 1: Remove parts of the water damaged phone.

    The first step you must do is power off the phone. Then you have to take out the battery and remove the back cover if possible.

    Step 2: Dry off phone all over immediately.

    You have to then dry off the contents of the phone such as the battery, back, and front, and whatever areas got damaged.

    Step 3: Fill Container or Bag.

    Next step is to fill the container or bag almost to the top with the dry rice.

    Step 4: Put phone and battery in the rice container/bag.

    Put the phone and battery in the rice container and leave it in there with the lid over it for about 1-3 days to dry and take out all the moisture from the water damaged phone.

    Step 5: Take phone out of container/bag.

    The phone is still buried in the rice. After 1-3 days take the phone out, wipe the rice dust off and put the battery and back phone cover onto the phone.

    Step 6: Turn phone on.

    Turn the phone on and it should work fine with no problems whatsoever.

    This post was borrowed from Instructables.com

    If you need to fix a house that has water damage, that process is even easier: JUST CALL SERVPRO!


    Mold Damage Tips

    1/20/2016 (Permalink)

    Don't attempt to handle the mold yourself.

    What you can do until help arrives:

    In as little as 48 hours, mold can quickly become a problem in your home or business when there’s a water intrusion, like a roof leak or leaking water line. Mold can cause health effects and can also cause significant damage to your property. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals have the training, protective gear, and specialized equipment necessary to handle your mold problem.

    Have a Mold Problem? Call Today 843-236-6278

    If you have a mold problem in your home or business, your primary focus should be safety:

    • Significant mold growth can occur in 48-72 hours.
    • Mold may present a greater risk to children, the elderly, and anyone with respiratory problems.
    • A strong, musty odor may indicate hidden mold behind drywall or under carpeting.

    What to Do:

    • Stay out of affected areas.
    • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
    • Contact a SERVPRO Franchise Professional for mold remediation services.

    What NOT to Do:

    • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
    • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
    • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
    • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

    What Is Black Mold?

    1/20/2016 (Permalink)

    Call a SERVPRO Professional to help eliminate black mold today!

    Stachybotrys chartarum is the type of mold often called “black mold” or “toxic mold”. Sensational news reports warn about the dangers of black mold and these stories can be alarming and confusing. Any mold in your home should be treated with caution – stay out of affected areas and don’t touch or disturb the mold.

    Checkout these tips for more info on what to do if you find mold.

    How Do I Tell If It’s Black Mold?

    Since many types of mold can produce allergens and irritants, you should contact a qualified mold remediation company regardless of the color or type of mold. In many instances, multiple types of mold can exist in the same house or structure. If you suspect that you have a mold problem, contact a SERVPRO Franchise Professional immediately. 

    If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today 843-236-6278

    Understanding Mold

    When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

    •  Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
    •  Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
    •  Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce toxins harmful to humans and pets.
    •  Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise the mold may return.
    •  Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
    •  Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

    Keep Safe While You Are Keeping Warm This Winter

    1/7/2016 (Permalink)

    Burning wood in your fireplace causes soot build up, have your chimney checked every year!

    The winter season is in full swing! The days are shorter and the temperatures are lower. No matter where you live, winter brings a change in the weather. In an effort to keep our homes and workplaces cozy, many people use alternative heat sources like fireplaces, portable space heaters, and wood burning stoves.

    According to the National Fire Protection Association, heating equipment is responsible for an estimated $893 million in property damage annually. Heating is the second leading cause of residential fire deaths, making it important to review ways to help reduce the risk of a heating-related fire.

    50% of all residential heating-related fires are reported during the months of December, January & February


    Here are 7 quick tips to make sure you keep safe while you keep warm this winter:

    1.     Keep anything flammable at least three feet away from heating equipment, like the furnace, fireplace, wood stove, or a portable space heater. Have a three foot “kid-free zone” around open fires and space heaters.

    2.     Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed.

    3.     Always use the right kind of fuel, specified by the manufacturer, for fuel burning space heaters.

    4.     Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying into the room. Ashes should be cool before putting them in a metal container. Keep the container a safe distance away from your home.

    5.     Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional.

    6.     Have a qualified professional install stationary space heating equipment, water heaters or central heating equipment according to the local codes and manufacturer’s instructions.

    7.     Test smoke alarms monthly.

    Merry Christmas to Our Family and Friends

    12/16/2015 (Permalink)

    Have a safe holiday season.

    Hello friends, it is that time of the year again. A time to step back and look at another year that has gone by way to quickly! All the times that tested you and challenged you. All the times that made you proud of yourself, your team, and your company. All of those times that define who you are as an individual, family and team member.  We here at SERVPRO certainly had those moments, whether it was the freezing winter nights that caused damage or the horrible floods that came upon us way too fast we definitely were tested.

    In the coming year there are so many opportunities to look forward to, and if this past year was any indication, there will be a handful of challenges as well. We know that that each of us will be working hard to meet those challenges and setting new goals for the future.

    At this time of Christmas let us all be thankful for what Christmas means to each of us. For us it means the life of Christ and the gifts of salvation, eternal life and grace.

    So from my family to yours have a safe holiday season and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!


    Bill and Lou Ann Roehl


    8 Tips to Avoiding Holiday Hazards

    12/3/2015 (Permalink)

    Candles can be a holiday hazard, always use caution.

    Candles, pretty lights and decorations are just a few of the items that add to the charm and cheer of the holiday season-however, if they are not used carefully your holidays may go from festive to frightening very quickly.

    Review the following simple safety tips, provided by the National Fire Protection Association, to greatly reduce the fire risk in your home or business this holiday season.

    1. Two out of five home decoration fires are started by candles. Keep candles at least 12 inches away from anything that burns.

    2. Use sturdy candle holders that are not likely to tip over and place candles on clear, uncluttered surfaces. Consider using flameless candles instead of real candles.

    3. Make sure your tree and decorations are at least three feet away from heat sources like fireplaces, radiators, space heaters, candles or heat vents.

    4. Make sure you have the correct type of lights for your desired decor. Some lights are designed for only indoor or outdoor use, but not both.

    5. Carefully inspect light strands before placing them. Replace any string of lights with worn or broken cords or loose bulb connections. Connect no more than three strands of light sets.

    6. Remember to turn off outside decorative lights and Christmas tree lights before leaving or going to bed.

    7. Get rid of your tree after Christmas or when it is dry. Dried-out trees are a fire danger and should not be left in the home or garage, or placed outside against the home. Check with your local community to find a recycling program.

    8. Bring outdoor electrical lights inside after the holidays to prevent hazards and make them last longer.

    Your local SERVPRO Franchise Professionals wish you a safe and happy holiday season! 

    Make your holiday safe

    11/12/2015 (Permalink)

    SERVPRO wants you to be safe this Thanksgiving.
    Each November, families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving by preparing a delicious feast, but if you don't practice safe cooking habits, your happy holiday could become hazardous very quickly. According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking is the main cause for home fires and injuries, with Thanksgiving being the peak day for cooking-related fires. Review the following safety tips to ensure you can enjoy a safeholiday.

    1) Never leave cooking food unattended.
    Stay in the kitchen when frying,
    grilling or broiling food. If someone
    must leave the kitchen for even a
    short period of time, they should
    turn off the stove.

    2) Keep the kids away from the cooking
    area. Enforce a "kid-free zone" and
    make them stay at least three feet
    away from the stove.

    3) Keep anything flammable-pot
    holders, oven mitts, wooden utensils,
    paper or plastic bags, food packaging,
    and towels-away from the stove,
    oven or any other appliance in the
    kitchen that generates heat.

    4) Do not wear loose clothing or
    dangling sleeves while cooking.

    5) Clean cooking surfaces on a regular
    basis to prevent grease build-up.

    6) Purchase a fire extinguisher to keep in the kitchen.

    7) Always check the kitchen before going to bed or leaving the home to make sure all stoves, ovens, and small appliances are turned off .

    8) Install a smoke alarm near the kitchen, on each level
    of the home, near sleeping areas, and inside and outside

    A fire loss can result in complex damages because of the unique behavior of smoke. Here are some facts you may not know about smoke: 

    1) Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and
    upper levels of a structure.
    2) Smoke flows around plumbing systems,
    seeping through the holes used by pipes to
    go from floor to floor.
    3) The type of smoke may greatly affect the
    restoration process.

    There are two different types of smoke-wet and
    dry. As a result, there are different types of soot
    residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, a
    SERVPRO® Franchise Professional will test the
    soot to determine which type of smoke damage
    occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be
    based on the information identified during
    pretesting. Here is some additional information
    regarding the various types of smoke.

    Wet Smoke (Plastic and Rubber)
    Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky,
    smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

    Dry Smoke (Paper and Wood)
    Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises
    therefore smoke rises.

    Protein Fire Residue (Produced by
    evaporation of material rather than
    from a fire) Virtually invisible, discolors paints and
    varnishes, extreme pungent odor.

    Fuel Oil Soot (Furnace Puff Backs) While "puff backs" can create havoc for homeowners, 

    SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals can, in most cases, restore the contents and structure quickly.

    Other Types (Tear gas, fingerprint powder and fire extinguisher residue)
    Special loss situations require special care. SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals are trained to handle even the toughest losses. If your home or business sustains fire or smoke damage, contact your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals to help make it "Like it never even happened." 

    Make sure to prepare

    9/24/2015 (Permalink)

    Know where to start, after disaster strikes.

    In recent years, many different types of disasters have affected the United States. Flooding, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires and blizzards are natural disasters that can threaten your home, business and community. During National Preparedness Month, your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals want you and your customers to be aware of the steps to take to help prepare for Mother Nature's worst. 

            National Preparedness Month is the perfect opportunity to review your emergency plan. Emergencies can happen unexpectedly in communities just like yours, to people just like you. Tornado outbreaks, river floods, flash floods, historic earthquakes, and even water main breaks and power outages in U.S. cities affecting millions of people for days at a time. 
           Now is the time to think about the basics, things you will need in advance of an emergency; how you will communicate, what supplies you will need to keep in your home, car or office. Use the list provided here to build an emergency supply kit to ensure your family is equipped and ready for a any type of disaster. The more you know about what to do in an emergency, the more confident and secure you will feel in your abilities to manage through a disaster. 
            Preparation is the key to making it through any size disaster, whether it is a small water leak, a large fire, or an area flood. The best time to plan for such events is not when the event happens, but well before it happens. No one ever plans on a disaster, but now, you can plan for it. Contact your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals for more information and tools to help you be "Ready for whatever happens." 


    How quickly your company can get back to business after a tornado, fire, or flood often depends on the emergency planning done today. Th e regular occurrence of natural disasters demonstrates the importance of being prepared for any emergency. While each situation is unique, your organization can be better prepared if you plan carefully, put emergency procedures in place, and practice for all kinds of emergencies. The following are common sense measures usiness owners and managers can take to start etting ready. A commitment to begin planning today will help support your employees, customers, the community, the local economy, and even the country. It also protects your business investment

    and gives your company a better chance for survival.
    Review the following questions to learn if your company is prepared.

    Be Informed.
    Do you know what kind of emergencies might affect your company? Do you know what you will do in an emergency situation?

    Develop a Business Continuity Plan.
    Do you know which staff , procedures and equipment are absolutely necessary to keep operating? Do you have back-up plans for those operations? Do you know what you will do if your building or plant is not accessible? Do you know what you will do if your suppliers are impacted by a disaster? Are you ready for utility disruptions?

    Prepare your Emergency Plan.
    Do you have an evacuation and shelter-in-place plan? Do you have a plan to communicate with employees before, during and after an incident?Do you have copies of building and site maps with utilities and emergency routes marked? Are your employees trained for medical emergencies?

    Practice the Emergency Plan.
    Have you practiced your plan recently? Do you practice and coordinate with other businesses in your building or industrial complex? Have you reviewed your plans in the last 12 months?

    Review Insurance Coverage.
    Have you reviewed your insurance coverage recently to see if you're covered in a disaster?

    Secure Your Facility and Equipment.
    Have you secured all the ways people, products and supplies get into your building? Have you conducted a room-by-room walk through to determine what can be strapped down?

    Improve Cyber Security.
    Do you regularly install patches to your software? Have you installed a firewall on your computer? Do you regularly update your antivirus software? 

    Promote Family and Individual Preparedness.
    Do you encourage employees to have a personal
    emergency supply kit and a family communication plan?
    If you answered "No" to any of these questions, visit ready.gov or call SERVPRO and learn how to better prepare your business. 

    Hurricane Season, Be Prepared

    8/21/2015 (Permalink)

    Hurricanes give you warning, but you still have to be READY!

    No matter where you live, it is important to be informed and prepared for any natural disaster that may occur. Natural disasters often strike without warning, leaving behind a trail of destruction and devastation. Though Mother Nature's disasters are often unpredictable, there are steps you can take to ensure you are prepared. 
           Contact your local SERVPRO® Franchise
    Professionals to establish an Emergency READY Profile™ (ERP) for your property. SERVPRO's ERP serves as a quick reference document, detailing important building and contact information for your property in the event of an emergency. The ERP is an ideal supplement to any existing preparedness plan, or may be used as a standalone document. Knowing what to do and who to call in advance is the key to timely mitigation, and can minimize the effects of any weather-related disaster, water or fire damage to your business. 
             When disaster strikes, make sure you have
    experienced professionals on the line. No matter how big or small, your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals will be ready to help make your property damage "Like it never even happened." ? Independently Owned and Operated SERVPRO.com

    Hurricane Information 
    Peak Time of Year
    June-November (Atlantic)
    May-November (Pacifi c)
    From 74-155+ miles per hour
    Best Resource for Safety Information
    For more info, please see
    Cost of Damage
    Hurricane Sandy caused nearly
    $62 billion in damage in the
    United States. Sandy is the
    nation's most expensive storm
    since Hurricane Katrina,
    which caused $128 billion in

    Flood Information
    Peak Time of Year
    Year-round threat in the U.S.,
    though fl oods are most likely
    in the spring.
    Cost of Damage
    According to FloodSmart.gov,
    total fl ood insurance claims
    averaged nearly $4 billion per
    year from 2003-2012.
    Best Resource for Safety Information
    FloodSmart.gov has extremely
    helpful preparedness tips
    and information including
    flood maps and how to obtain
    flood insurance. Log on to
    www.floodsmart.gov for more

    Summer Safety Tips

    7/20/2015 (Permalink)

    Grill fires are a serious threat, don't leave the grill unattended for extended periods of time.

    Summer is synonymous with barbecues, parades and fireworks displays; but along with all the festivities are plenty of visits to emergency rooms-especially during July. 

     In 2013, eight people died and about 11,400 were injured badly enough to require medical treatment after fireworks related incidents, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. In addition to causing injury, fireworks are also responsible for thousands of house fires each year with millions of dollars in property damage.  There is nothing like firing up the grill during the summer months! Did you know, July is the peak month for grill fires? A backyard barbecue can become dangerous quickly if proper safety precautions aren't considered. Your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals want you to have an enjoyable and safe summer.  Consider the following tips to ensure your summer celebrations are disaster-free!
    • Propane and charcoal BBQ grills should only be used outdoors.
    • The grill should be placed well away from the home, deck railings and out from under eaves and overhanging branches.
    • Keep children and pets away from grill area.
    • Keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grill.
    • Never leave your grill unattended. 
    • When using a charcoal grill, let the coals completely cool before disposing in a metal container.
    • Anyone using fireworks or standing nearby should wear protective eye wear.
    • Do not try to re-light or handle malfunctioning fireworks. Keep a bucket of water nearby to fully extinguish fireworks that don't go off or in case of fire.
    • The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public display conducted by trained professionals.    


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