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Archived Storm Damage Blog Posts

Myrtle Beach Homes Damaged by Powerful Summer Storm?

8/27/2024 (Permalink)

A powerful storm surge sends waves crashing along the coastline. We are storm damage restoration leaders in Georgetown County.

Our local teams in Georgetown and Horry Counties restore storm damage in Myrtle Beach every year. Storm damage can severely damage your property when severe weather strikes, requiring prompt and professional restoration services. Our storm damage restoration services are designed to address the destruction caused by high winds, heavy rain, and flooding, ensuring your home is returned to its pre-storm condition.

We offer 24/7 emergency storm service because we understand storm damage doesn’t wait for business hours. Our teams are available around the clock to assess the damage, secure your property, and begin restoration immediately, minimizing further damage and reducing recovery time.

Homeowners trust us for our comprehensive storm restoration services. Whether your property has suffered from fallen trees, water intrusion, or structural damage, our highly trained storm and flood damage cleanup teams have the skills and experience to handle any situation. We use specialized equipment and advanced technology to remove debris, dry out water-damaged areas, and repair your home, ensuring a thorough restoration.

We also can assist with the insurance paperwork and process. Our team makes the claim process easier by working closely with your insurance company.

Call Us Today!

When your Myrtle Beach home or commercial business has storm damage, our local teams in Georgetown and Horry Counties are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 843-236-6278.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

When should I buy Flood Insurance in Horry County?

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

Be Prepared. Flood Insurance!

The simple answer to the question: When should I buy flood insurance is ... NOW!

That answer of now is of course totally dependant on if you live in a flood zone or not. If you do, you absolutely should already have a flood insurance policy in place. If you do not live in a flood zone but live in low lying areas or in close proximity to rivers or lakes that could flood, well then you too should look into a flood insurance policy.

The thing about a flood insurance policy and why it is so important to have one in place is because they normally take about 30 days to activate so if you are trying to buy one when a hurricane is announced to be heading your way chances are that policy will not be in effect in time to help you should that hurricane cause you flood damage because most hurricanes only give you a week or two notice.

So in short talk to an insurance agent ASAP if you even think you might need flood insurance.

If you have sustained flood damage, call SERVPRO we can help!

Let SERVPRO Weather Your Storm

11/1/2021 (Permalink)

Have you or someone you know been affected by storm damage? SERVPRO specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained, and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Being locally owned and operated means we are right around the corner, and able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. Why is it important to respond to an emergency quickly you ask?

  • Lessens the damage
  • Limits further damage
  • Reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit our area, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,700 Franchises locations across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

We at SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry County are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Whether you have an emergency or in need of general cleaning, we will be faster to any sized disaster with the training and resources to handle damages ranging from single family homes to skyrise building structures.

Have Storm or Flood Damage?

Call Us Today 843-236-6278

Floods Strike Everywhere

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

The Experience

            With over 45 years of experience, SERVPRO professionals have restored flood-damaged homes and businesses from coast to coast. SERVPRO’s Disaster Recovery Team is trained and equipped to handle the largest storms and the highest flood waters. If a flood does strike your home or business give SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties a call. Even minor floods have the potential to cause major damage to a structure when not treated quickly and properly, and the cleanup is often an overwhelming task. The SERVPRO system is prepared to handle any size disaster and help make it “Like it never even happened.”

Floods abound 

            Floods rank as one of the most common and widespread natural disasters in the US. Whether you live near a coastline, along city streets, in the mountains, near a river or even in the desert, there is a potential for suffering flood damage. In fact, nearly 25% of last year’s claims paid by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) were for polices in moderate to low risk communities. According to the NFIP, houses in the US have a 26% chance of being damaged by a flood during the course of a 30-year mortgage, while businesses face similar risks by flooding. On average, floods cost $6 billion in annual losses in the US.

The Dangers of Mold

            If flood damage is not promptly mitigated, lingering moisture from floodwater may elevate the risk of mold growth. SERVPRO professionals can properly remediate mold damage in your home or business.

SERVPRO as a company has sent disaster recovery teams to respond to flood and storm situations all over the country in recent years. From as recent as the Houston floods in 2016, taking it back  all the way back to Hurricane Katrina back in 2005.

The Storms You Don't See Coming

9/7/2021 (Permalink)

In the restoration industry many storm events can be a big ordeal for local franchises. A lot of times when the storm topic is brought up many think of hurricanes, heavy sweeping rainstorms and arctic blast. Most of the time these events can be forecast ahead of time allowing for many Franchises to prepare trucks, stage equipment and map deployment routes.

But what about the unpredictable events? Living in the South this can be an all too common occurrence. April showers can lead to unprecedented rain totals causing basement and sub surface living quarters to flood. Those hot August days can bring monsoon type 5 o’clock storms with damaging blowing rain along with tree limbs crashing down and toppling trees instantly wreaking havoc on homes and businesses faster than a lightning strike. Before you know it, here comes Autumn. Warm temperatures begin to exit and mix with the incoming cold air leading to what many in our region are familiar with,  the microburst, that can have tornado like force and strike as fast as it disappears damaging roofs and other structural pieces.

These phenomena are scenarios that your local SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties train and always prepare for. We are constantly keeping multiple trucks stocked and ready to respond for emergency services twenty-four hours a day seven day a week.  We make sure that any equipment that is not kept on a vehicle, is easily accessible to load on the appropriate truck. SERVPRO is always checking and rechecking that all equipment is in working and fully functional condition.

Last but not least, we here at SERVPRO of Georgetown & Horry Counties are constantly keeping open lines of communication with neighboring franchises in case of mass influx of damage to our community to help those in need of assistance.

To our fellow neighbors in our beautiful community, please know that here at SERVPRO we are #oneteam and we are #heretohelp


9/1/2021 (Permalink)

Hurricane season is upon us and believe us it only takes one storm to change your life and our community. Tropical cyclones are among nature’s most powerful and destructive phenomena. If you live in an area prone to tropical cyclones, you need to be prepared. Even areas well away from the coastline can be threatened by dangerous flooding, destructive winds and tornadoes from these storms.

Determine Your Risk

Hurricanes bring many hazards to U.S. coastlines and inland areas, including storm surge along the coast, inland flooding due to heavy rainfall, tornadoes, strong wind, rip currents and large waves.


Develop an Evacuation Plan

Find out today if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone. Plan where you’ll go and how you would get there. Leave immediately if ordered to evacuate and be sure to plan for your pets.

Assemble Disaster Supplies

Get your supplies before hurricane season begins. Have enough food and water for each person for at least one week. Be sure to fill your prescriptions and have medicine on hand. Radios, batteries and phone chargers are also must haves. Gas up your vehicle and extra cash on hand.

Get Insurance Checkup

Check in with your insurance agent well before hurricane season, remember that flood insurance must be obtained separately. Prepare your home/vehicles according to your policy, and know where your insurance documents are located – take them with you if you evacuate. Visit floodsmart.gov for more information. 

Strengthen Your Home

There is a lot you can do around your home to help protect it from the strong winds that come with hurricanes. Well ahead of the approaching storm, trim trees on your property, shop for approved window coverings, collect loose outdoor items, secure all doors on you property, and find a safe location for your vehicle.

Help Your Neighbor

Many people reply on the assistance of neighbors before and after hurricanes. Help your neighbors collect the supplies they’ll need before the storm. Assist them with evacuation if ordered to do so or check on them after it’s safe for you to head outside.

Complete your Written Plan

Writing down your plan will help you avoid mistakes when faces with an emergency and ensure everyone in your home is prepared for the next storm


7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of Georgetown and Horry Counties we are always here to help and we want you to ALWAYS be prepared. Here are some tips from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) for preparing your home or business for a flood.

Before the Flood:

  • Have a qualified professional elevate the furnace, water heater and electric panel if susceptible to flooding.
  • Install “check valves” in sewer traps to prevent flood water from backing up into the drains of your home or business.
  • Seal walls in basements with waterproofing compounds to help avoid seepage.

During the Flood:

  • Turn off utilities at the main switches or valves if instructed to do so.
  • Disconnect electrical appliances .
  • Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.
  • Do not walk through moving water. Even six inches of moving water can make you fall.

After the Flood:

  • Listen for news reports to learn if the community’s water supply is safe to drink.
  • Avoid floodwaters. Water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline or raw sewage. Water may also be electrically charged.
  • Stay out of any building if it is surrounded by floodwaters.
  • Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe to do so.

When Storms Come Horry & Georgetown, So Do We

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

Storms can be scary and unpredictable, but instead of panicking, we encourage you to prepare for the worst that could happen.
That can mean stocking up on non-perishable food items such as canned goods and plenty of water. But it can also mean knowing who to call in case something happens.
When disasters of any kind strike, SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown County is available to help restore your home or commercial property following a loss.
This includes water extraction caused by flooding or leaks in your roof or basement; contents restoration; fire damage that may have been caused by circuit shortages or electrical outbreaks; downed trees that damaged property. If it’s damage to your home, commercial property, or structure, chances are we can help you.
If you’ve ever been affected by a storm or natural disaster, you’d know that SERVPRO of Horry and Georgetown County is never far behind. SERVPRO has often been called to assist in numerous local and national restoration efforts such as Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Harvey, and Hurricane Ike, to name a few. So when it comes to restoring your home or commercial property, we know what we’re doing.
We encourage you always to be prepared, just like we are.
Ready for whatever happens.

Make Sure to Prepare for a Storm

11/1/2020 (Permalink)

In recent years, many different types of disasters have affected the United States. Flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, and blizzards are natural disasters that can threaten your home, business, and community. During National Preparedness Month, your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals want you and your customers to be aware of the steps to take to help prepare for Mother Nature's worst. 

    National Preparedness Month is the perfect opportunity to review your emergency plan. Emergencies can happen unexpectedly in communities just like yours, to people just like you. Tornado outbreaks, river floods, flash floods, historical earthquakes, and even water main breaks and power outages in U.S. cities affecting millions of people for days at a time. 

    Now is the time to think about the basics, things you will need in advance of an emergency, how you will communicate, what supplies you will need to keep in your home, car, or office. Use the list provided here to build an emergency supply kit to ensure your family is equipped and ready for any disaster type. The more you know about what to do in an emergency, the more confident and secure you will feel in your abilities to manage through a disaster. 

    Preparation is the key to making it through any size disaster, whether it is a small water leak, a large fire, or an area flood. The best time to plan for such events is not when the event happens, but well before it happens. No one ever plans on a disaster, but now, you can plan for it. Contact your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals for more information and tools to help you be "Ready for whatever happens." 


How quickly your company can get back to business after a tornado, fire or flood often depends on today's emergency planning. Th e regular occurrence of natural disasters demonstrates the importance of being prepared for any emergency. While each situation is unique, your organization can be better prepared if you plan carefully, put emergency procedures in place, and practice for all kinds of emergencies. The following are common-sense measures business owners and managers can take to start getting ready. A commitment to begin planning today will help support your employees, customers, the community, the local economy, and the country. It also protects your business investment

and gives your company a better chance for survival.

Review the following questions to learn if your company is prepared.

Be Informed.

Do you know what kind of emergencies might affect your company? Do you know what you will do in an emergency?

Develop a Business Continuity Plan.

Do you know which staff, procedures, and equipment are necessary to keep operating? Do you have back-up plans for those operations? Do you know what you will do if your building or plant is not accessible? Do you know what you will do if a disaster impacts your suppliers? Are you ready for utility disruptions?

Prepare your Emergency Plan.

Do you have an evacuation and shelter-in-place plan? Do you have a plan to communicate with employees before, during, and after an incident? Do you have copies of buildings and site maps with utilities and emergency routes marked? Are your employees trained for medical emergencies?

Practice the Emergency Plan.

Have you practiced your plan recently? Do you practice and coordinate with other businesses in your building or industrial complex? Have you reviewed your plans in the last 12 months?

Review of Insurance Coverage.

Have you reviewed your insurance coverage recently to see if you're covered in a disaster?

Secure Your Facility and Equipment.

Have you secured all the ways people, products, and supplies get into your building? Have you conducted a room-by-room walk-through to determine what can be strapped down?

Improve Cyber Security.

Do you regularly install patches to your software? Have you installed a firewall on your computer? Do you regularly update your antivirus software? 

Promote Family and Individual Preparedness.

Do you encourage employees to have a personal

emergency supply kit and a family communication plan?

If you answered "No" to any of these questions, visit ready.gov or call SERVPRO and learn how to prepare your business better. 

Summer Time Means Storm Damage In Myrtle Beach

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

Summer storms wreak havoc all over the world and Myrtle Beach is no different.

Summer storms can lead to fires, floods, power outages, lightning strikes, wind damage and more. To make sure you and your family stay safe during the summer storms in Myrtle Beach follow these 5 important tips and procedures!

1. Have a Summer Storm Damage Survival Kit.

2. Stay inside and away from windows if possible.

3. Use flashlights and head lamps instead of candles.

4. Unplug as many appliances as possible.

5. Try not to open refrigerators or freezers while the power is out.

When the summer storm settles and power is restored do a survey of everything that might be broken or missing. Also make sure all family members and pets are accounted for.

If your house has sustained significant water or fire damage call the local authorities first, then call SERVPRO. We will help anyway we can.

Flood Facts

8/31/2020 (Permalink)

There is always a potential for flood damage, no matter where you live. According to the American Red Cross, floods cause more damage in the United States every year than any other weather-related disaster. The American Red Cross offers these flood safety tips:

-Stay away from floodwaters. If you come upon a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, stop, turn around and go another way. Six inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off of your feet.

-If you approach a flooded road while driving, turn around and go another way. If you are caught on a flooded road and waters are rising rapidly around you, get out of the car quickly and move to higher ground. Most cars can be swept away by less than two feet of moving water.

-Keep children out of the water. They are curious and often lack judgment about running water or contaminated water. 

If a flood occurs and affects you, call SERVPRO of Horry & Georgetown County. Even minor floods have the potential to cause significant damage. We are faster to ANY size disaster. Let us help you get your life back in order.

Thunderstorm Damage To My Myrtle Beach Home

8/24/2020 (Permalink)

Thunderstorm Damage To My Myrtle Beach Home

We all know that thunderstorms can actually cause major damage to your homes.

But who do you call when the clouds roll out?

SERVPRO has been fixing storm damaged homes in the Grand Strand area for decades. Our highly trained technicians are qualified to handle almost anything wicked storms can throw at them.

They have the experience, training and equipment to handle a small flood to massive thunderstorm damage resulting in holes in your roof, water damaged floors and even fire damage caused by lightning.

Why trust the process of putting your home and sometimes your family back together to any old person with a truck and a few tools. SERVPRO is licensed and insured to give you the ultimate peace of mind that you are in good hands.

Call us today 843-236-6278

Knowledge is Power - Thunderstorms

7/8/2020 (Permalink)

Knowledge is invaluable when disaster strikes.  Having a plan in place can keep us safe.

Here our some tips from the American Red Cross concerning Thunderstorms: 


Severe thunderstorms produce hail with a diameter of at least 1 inch or wind gusts of at least 58 mph. Lightning produced by thunderstorms kill more people each year than tornadoes or hurricanes. Widespread power outages caused by high winds which damage homes, blow down trees and utility poles. Flash flooding can be caused by heavy rains during thunderstorms.

What’s the Difference? Storm Watch vs. Storm Warning

A severe storm watch is when there is a possibility for severe thunderstorms in and near the watch area. It is advised to remain informed and ready to act in the event of a severe thunderstorm warning is issued.

A severe thunderstorm warning is when there has been reports of severe weather by spotters or radar. Warnings indicate an imminent danger to life and property. 

People are seriously injured or killed by severe thunderstorms every year despite advance warning. While some may not be informed on such warnings, there are those who hear the warning but do not heed to it; therefore, it is vital to stay engaged and have a plan in place in the event of a severe thunderstorm and if evacuation is necessary. The information in this section, combined with timely watches and warnings about severe weather, may help save lives.

For more information about storms visit the National Weather Service.

If you need us in the event there is property damage, feel free to reach out at 843-236-6278. We are available 24 hours a days, 7 days a week, 365 days out of the year, "Like it never even happened."

Hurricane Season Is Over ... For Now

12/1/2019 (Permalink)

Hurricane Season is officially over but there is always a chance of storms!


Hurricane Season is officially over for the year as of November 30th, 2019!

This date marks the end of the very active 2019 hurricane season.

The 2019 hurricane season produced 18 named storms out of the 21 available. Of those named storms, six became hurricanes and three were “major” (Category 3, 4 or 5) hurricanes. -WMBF News

NOAA’s hurricane season outlook called for 10-17 named storms, 5-9 hurricanes, and 2-4 major hurricanes. So we were right on target with their predictions!

The three major hurricanes this season were Dorian, Humberto, and Lorenzo.

Dorian set records for its strength. At its peak somewhere near the Bahamas, Hurricane Dorian produced sustained winds of 185 mph!

Four storms made landfall in total in the U.S. during the 2019 Hurricane Season: Barry, Dorian, Imelda, and Nestor.

Remember just because the dates are "officially over" does not mean you should let your guard down, weather is unpredictable but SERVPRO's ability to get you back on track after storm damage is extremely reliable!


Peak Hurricane Season Is Slowing Down, But It Is Not Over

10/31/2019 (Permalink)

There is still a month left in the Atlantic Hurricane Season.


Peak hurricane season usually hits the Atlantic coast in mid-September and lasts until late October, we have been lucky so far!

With only one major hurricane impacting us so far it is safe to say we have made it past the peak hurricane season!

Although we are not completely out of the woods yet because the Atlantic Hurricane Season as a whole lasts until the end of November with the latest hurricane ever being formed on December 30, 1954 (Hurricane Alice).

You still have time to make sure your home insurance is up to date and if you live in an area that is prone to flooding, your flood insurance policy is active and updated.

Make sure all of your paperwork is easily accessible and backed up digitally and stored externally if possible, this provides maximum protection and ease of use if needed during an emergency.

If you do sustain flood damage here on the Grand Strand call SERVPRO when it is safe to do so, we will help!

843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121


The Drying Process on The Grand Strand After A Hurricane

9/8/2019 (Permalink)

The right equipment can make all the difference.

What does the drying process entail for when you have flood or water damage after a hurricane on the Grand Strand?

Your whole life seems to be turned upside down when you have major flood damage. You are not going to be able to properly dry your home or business out yourself if you do not have the right equipment or know-how.

That could lead to mold growth quickly (in as little as 48 hours as a matter of fact)!

  • We will come in and assess the damage.
  • We will develop a course of action keeping you fully involved and in the loop throughout the entire process.
  • We will begin work as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • We will help you get your home and or business back together as quickly as possible.

SERVPRO has been helping families and businesses with water damage repair here on the Grand Strand for decades, call us if you need help today!

Flood Insurance Is A Before Thought Not After Thought

8/30/2019 (Permalink)

Flood Insurance is usually way cheaper than Flood Damage!

The cost of Flood Insurance is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of Flood Damage! 

- *** FEMA.org

Most people do not realize that flood insurance is usually not included with an average homeowner's insurance policy. It would be wise to check with your current homeowner's insurance policy to see if flood insurance is included and if not ask if it is something they offer. If they do not offer it, in most cases you can purchase a flood policy from an independent agency, just ask around for a reputable one.

Heading into peak hurricane season (early to mid-September on the East Coast) you should already have a policy in place.

You can technically buy a policy for floods at any time but there is usually a 30-day waiting period for the policy to take effect and if you incur damage during that waiting period you will probably be out of luck!

If you do have flood damage give SERVPRO a call!

We Are Entering Peak Hurricane Season

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

Storms could be about to start ramping up!

As if regular "Hurricane Season" was not scary enough, there is actually a "Peak Hurricane Season" and it is quickly approaching!

The Hurricane Season peaks on or around September 11th of all days. The season really ramps up for the following few weeks and the risk of tropical storm and hurricane formations will increase substantially compared to its midsummer past.

This is definitely a good time to go over your hurricane supply checklist and replenish any expired or outdated supplies, food and equipment. If you do not have a hurricane supply kit, this is a great time to make one.

Also, make sure you are aware of any and all evacuation routes and zones so that if a major storm threatens landfall here along the Grand Strand you will have a plan in place already!

We hope the storms do not damage us again this year but if you do sustain damage to your property call SERVPRO when the coast is clear and we will help put you back together! 

What Are The Different Categories Of A Hurricane?

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

Categories 1- 5 determine how strong a hurricane is.

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale is what is used to determine the strength of a Hurricane.

Here are the 5 Categories that let us know what to expect when it comes to hurricane strength and damage.

Category 1:

Winds 74 to 95 miles per hour. Damage mostly to shrubbery, trees, and unanchored mobile homes; no real damage to other structures. Some damage to poorly constructed signs. Some pier damage; some small craft in exposed anchorages torn from moorings.

Category 2:

Winds 96 to 110 miles per hour. Considerable damage to shrubbery and trees, some trees will be blown down. Major damage to exposed mobile homes; most likely no major damage to buildings; some damage to roofing materials of buildings; some window and door damage. Extensive damage to poorly constructed signs. Considerable damage to piers, marinas flooded. Small craft in protected anchorages may be torn from moorings.

Category 3:

Winds 111 to 129 miles per hour. Foliage is torn from trees, large trees could be blown down. Mobile homes destroyed, some structural damage to small buildings; some damage to roofing materials of buildings; some window and door damage. Practically all poorly constructed signs blown down. Storm surges 9 to 12 feet above normal tide heights and an increased chance of river flooding.

Category 4:

Winds 130 to 156 miles per hour. Shrubs and trees could be blown down; all signs down. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Extensive damage to roofing materials, windows, and doors. Complete failure of roofs on small buildings. Major damage to lower floors of near-shore structures due to flooding and battering by waves and floating debris. Some damage to upper units of buildings close to the impact zone due to wind-driven rain.

Category 5:

Winds greater than 157 miles per hour. Shrubs and trees will be blown down; all signs down. Extensive shattering of glass in windows and doors; complete failure of roofs on many residences and industrial buildings. Complete destruction of mobile homes; small buildings overturned or blown down; some complete failures of other structures. Very dangerous storm damage to basically everything in its direct path!

This information is served to educate you now before a storm comes and helps you evaluate what plan of action you need to take.

If you sustain damage from a hurricane, tropical or severe thunderstorm call SERVPRO ASAP!

Tropical Storm / Hurricane Checklist

7/12/2019 (Permalink)

Know what you need to do before you need to do it!

Tropical Storms and or Hurricanes give us a decent amount of time to prepare but it is best to have a plan in place before a storm even develops.

Prepare NOW, here is a list of actions to take now, straight from the ready.gov website:

  • Know your area’s risk of hurricanes.
  • Sign up for your community’s warning system. 
  • If you are at risk for flash flooding, watch for warning signs such as heavy rain.
  • Based on your location and community plans, make your own plans for evacuation or sheltering in place.
  • Become familiar with your evacuation zone, the evacuation route, and shelter locations.
  • Gather needed supplies for at least three days. Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medication. Don’t forget the needs of pets.
  • Keep important documents in a safe place or create password-protected digital copies.
  • Protect your property. 

If you do suffer damage from a tropical storm or hurricane this season, call the experts at SERVPRO to help you put your life back together!

Horry & Georgetown County Thunderstorm Power Outage Tips

6/21/2019 (Permalink)

Thunderstorms can be violent and dangerous, be prepared this summer!

Know what to do when a thunderstorm in Horry or Georgetown County knocks your power out!

A little while back we let you know a few steps to take when summer storms sideline you with a power outage in our " Summer Time Means Storm Damage " post.

Well, it is summer again here on the Grand Strand so we have a few more tips to keep you comfy until the lights come back on!

  • Keep cash on hand since a power outage may also affect the banks and ATM's.
  • Gas up your car when storm warnings alert you or at least make sure you have a half a tank or more so you can get somewhere safe if need be. 
  • If you are not in immediate danger resist the urge to call 911, they are busy handling emergencies and do not need the extra calls flooding the hotline. Use a battery powered radio for updates and news.
  • Turn off all lights but one, to let you know when power resumes. 

Using these tips and a few common sense tactics you should be more than fine to ride out the uncomfortable weather.

If you do sustain storm damage call SERVPRO when it is safe to do so and we will help repair your storm-damaged home or business in Horry and or Georgetown County! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Severe Weather Damage Repair On The Grand Strand

6/21/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO repairs storm-damaged homes and businesses here on the Grand Strand!

It seems like we get the severe storm warnings almost every day here in Horry and Georgetown Counties during the summer!

What is "Severe Weather" you might ask?

"Severe weather can happen anytime, in any part of the country. Severe weather can include hazardous conditions produced by thunderstorms, including damaging winds, tornadoes, large hail, flooding and flash flooding, and winter storms associated with freezing rain, sleet, snow, and strong winds." -ready.gov

The good part about severe weather is that it usually happens quickly and then it is over. The bad part is in those few moments lives and property can be damaged forever!

When the authorities have given the all clear and roads are back open and the fallen powerlines are fixed SERVPRO has already begun working on a solution to your storm-damage problem.

We are capable of having Storm Response Teams out to you as soon as it is safe to do so. SERVPRO has the knowledge, training, and equipment to make sure your damaged property is repaired as quickly as possible.

Call SERVPRO today if you have been affected by storms along the Grand Strand, we can help! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Know Your Zone Updated Info For The Grand Strand 2019

6/11/2019 (Permalink)

Do you know your zone?

Know Your Zone in case of a hurricane evacuation in Horry and or Georgetown County South Carolina.

From the South Carolina Emergency Management Division's website:

The Know Your Zone campaign was developed by the Horry County Emergency Management Department as a result of the information contained in the South Carolina Hurricane Evacuation Study (HES) that was released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in 2012. Since it's creation, all coastal counties in South Carolina have adopted the Know Your Zone campaign as a way to let citizens know the best ways to prepare for the landfall of a major hurricane.

Visit this link: https://scemd.org/prepare/know-your-zone/ if you need important information about your zone BEFORE the hurricane comes along so that you can have a plan in place.

Too many people wait until the last minute to figure out the important details about an evacuation. Although hurricanes usually give you ample warning having a plane in place now and knowing your zone now will greatly improve your situation when emergencies do happen.

As always if you do suffer storm damage call SERVPRO when the coast is clear and we will help put your home or business back together! 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

It Is Officially Hurricane Season On The Grand Strand Again

6/10/2019 (Permalink)

Be prepared this hurricane season!

June 1st is the official opening day for the Atlantic Hurricane Season which effects The Grand Strand every year.

Here is what you need to know about this year!

Direct from the experts at NOAA:

"NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center is predicting that a near-normal Atlantic hurricane season is most likely this year. This outlook forecasts a 40% chance of a near-normal season, a 30% chance of an above-normal season and a 30% chance of a below-normal season. The hurricane season officially extends from June 1 to November 30.

For 2019, NOAA predicts a likely range of 9 to 15 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which 4 to 8 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including 2 to 4 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher). NOAA provides these ranges with a 70% confidence. An average hurricane season produces 12 named storms, of which 6 become hurricanes, including 3 major hurricanes."

The named storms for the 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season are as follows: 

  1. Andrea
  2. Barry
  3. Chantal
  4. Dorian
  5. Erin
  6. Fernand
  7. Gabrielle
  8. Humberto
  9. Imelda
  10. Jerry
  11. Karen
  12. Lorenzo
  13. Melissa
  14. Nestor
  15. Olga
  16. Pablo
  17. Rebekah
  18. Sebastien
  19. Tanya
  20. Van
  21. Wendy

Now would be the best time to make a Hurricane Evacuation Plan or at the very least update your Hurricane Ready Kit if you live in a threated zone.

If you do experience any storm damage call SERVPRO right away. 843-236-6278 | 843-436-2121

Restoring Horry & Georgetown County After The Storm

3/4/2019 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO when the storm is over!

Weather conditions can change at the drop of a hat here on the Grand Strand.

When the winds start ramping up and trees and yard debris start becoming flying projectiles the storm damage in Horry & Georgetown County can add up quickly!

SERVPRO can help with the aftermath and the destruction a serious storm can cause. We have been digging residents out of trouble (literally) for decades now. Having access to a dedicated "Storm Team" which we can call upon during large losses is what truly sets us apart from any other "local" restoration company. 

With one call we can have as many additional trained and certified SERVPRO technicians out to your storm damaged area as soon as it is safe to do so.

SERVPRO has a proved track record of being the best in the industry, why would you rust your home, business or precious belongings to any old guy in a truck company?

Call SERVPRO today if you have storm damage and you need help getting restored here in Horry and / or Georgetown County.

Surviving A Polar Vortex In Horry County

2/4/2019 (Permalink)

These tips could get you warmer quicker.

Ok chances are you will not suffer from a Polar Vortex in Myrtle Beach anytime soon.

Just to be on the safe side, here is a little more information that could help you in the event that you find yourself traveling to a region that may be affected by one.

Question: What exactly is a Polar Vortex?

Answer: "A polar vortex is a low-pressure area—a wide expanse of swirling cold air—that is parked in polar regions. During winter, the polar vortex at the North Pole expands, sending cold air southward. This happens fairly regularly and is often associated with outbreaks of cold temperatures in the United States." - Scijinks.gov

Here are 3 tips to help you survive a cold weather Polar Vortex event.

  1. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well. Being hydrated helps to constantly regulate your body temperature and eating something makes blood rush to your stomach which in turn moves it all over your body keeping you warmer.
  2. Learn to layer. Sweat cools the body so make sure the base layer moves sweat away from your skin then work from lighter layers to heavier ones. Do not forget about your head and feet either!
  3. Move around. Even if its just running in place or jumping jacks, create a little extra heat so that it can carry over for a bit and jumpstart getting or keeping you warm.

SERVPRO can help fix cold weather-related storm damage to your home or office, call today! 843-236-6278

Winter Storms Can Be Dangerous In Horry County

12/3/2018 (Permalink)

Don't let those pipes freeze!

Granted we do not get blankets of snow covering the Grand Strand for months like our neighbors to the North do ... but we do have freezing temperatures at times!

When we have bands of cold weather coming through in our winter season your home could be at risk of pipes freezing or even worse bursting!

It will take a few days at a constant below freezing temperature (32° F) before your pipes will start to freeze so if you take the proper precautions you should be in the clear!

* Here are 4 telltale signs that your pipes are frozen:

  1. There is a strange smell from your faucet or drain.
  2. Little to no water coming from the faucet.
  3. There is frost on your pipes.
  4. The water temperature stays cold.

If you have water damage from a frozen pipe that bursts call SERVPRO right away!

*Source: https://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-to-tell-if-your-pipes-are-frozen-2124985

How To Wash Mold Out Of Clothes After A Flood In Horry County

10/10/2018 (Permalink)

Clean everything as soon as possible!

After a severe flooding recedes and the cleanup process begins you are left with many questions.

One of the first and biggest issues to tackle is your clothes. Since you obviously need clothes to participate in everyday life you are going to want to get you and your family's clothes clean as soon as possible.

Here are a few tips to help make sure that your soiled moldy clothes get back to their pre-flood gloriousness.

First, check if your machines need to be cleaned. If they do follow this procedure:

  • Set the washer to the largest load capacity and fill with hot water.
  • Add one cup chlorine bleach.
  • Set the washer to a full cycle with a hot water rinse. Allow the washer to run through the entire cycle.
  • Clean the exterior of the washer and all other surfaces in the laundry room with a solution of chlorine bleach and hot water. Rinse with clean water.
  • Of course, if the machines are broken call a technician to come to help you first!

Now comes the washing of the clothes part ...

You can use vinegar to remove the mold and musky smell that your flood-damaged clothes may have. *Vinegar kills 82% of mold species and can usually kill the mold growing on clothes. Vinegar will also remove the moldy smell from the clothes.

How to wash your clothes with vinegar:

First, make sure you knock off and spray away any mud or large portions of debris from your clothing as this may jam up your machine.

  • To kill mold on your clothes using vinegar, put your clothes in the washing machine along with detergent and let the machine fill with water.
  • Then add about a cup or two of vinegar to your washing.
  • Let the washing machine run through its cycle as normal.
  • Alternatively, soak clothes in vinegar:
  • Let your clothes soak in a solution of one cup of white vinegar in a bucket of water for about an hour.
  • After soaking, wash the clothes with laundry detergent in your washing machine to wash away the mold and vinegar.
  • You might need to repeat the process to remove all the traces of mold and any moldy smell from your clothes.

If you or someone you know has been affected by flood damage and need help with your home, call SERVPRO now!

*Source: Moldpedia.com

When Should I Buy Flood Insurance In Horry County

10/4/2018 (Permalink)

Get a policy in place ASAP!

The simple answer to the question: When should I buy flood insurance is ... NOW!

That answer of now is of course totally dependant on if you live in a flood zone or not. If you do, you absolutely should already have a flood insurance policy in place. If you do not live in a flood zone but live in low lying areas or in close proximity to rivers or lakes that could flood, well then you too should look into a flood insurance policy.

The thing about a flood insurance policy and why it is so important to have one in place is because they normally take about 30 days to activate so if you are trying to buy one when a hurricane is announced to be heading your way chances are that policy will not be in effect in time to help you should that hurricane cause you flood damage because most hurricanes only give you a week or two notice.

So in short talk to an insurance agent ASAP if you even think you might need flood insurance.

If you have sustained flood damage, call SERVPRO we can help!

When The Water Recedes The Mold Will Breed In Horry Co

9/27/2018 (Permalink)

Don't overlook the mold!

The rivers have crested and now the flood waters have started to recede ... now the mold will start to grow!

The hurricane is over and gone, the rains and winds have subsided and the flooding rivers and waterways have stopped rising but just when you thought you finally had everything under control and you could start to go back to everyday life ... you see mold!

Mold can start to grow in just 48 hours in dark wet areas in and around your homes and office structures.

Mold can grow at a rapid pace and could possibly get out of hand very quickly.

When you have had significant water damage like the people in Horry County have had after the devastating effects of Hurricane Florence and the flood that took place in the rivers afterward the last thing you want to worry about is mold.

Let the trained professionals of SERVPRO help you in this time of need!

Painting Your Horry County Home After A Storm

6/12/2018 (Permalink)

We can paint your home!

Sometimes the last thing you want to do after a major storm repair is paint!

Hurricane season is upon us and sometimes we luck out and just get minimal damage that involves only a few patch jobs to a wall or the exterior side of the house. 

After you finish repairing the damage you really do not feel like painting, it can be a real hassle if you do not have the right equipment.

Lucky for you SERVPRO has the manpower and resources to do all sorts of different sized jobs from one bedroom apartments to a 100 plus unit condo tower and everything in between.

So the next time you just do not feel like painting that front wall for the third time or slapping on another coat to the second floor bedrooms because a tree came through the wall, give SERVPRO a call 843-236-6278!

May 6-12th Is Hurricane Preparedness Week In Horry County

5/8/2018 (Permalink)

Be Prepared This Hurricane Season

Hurricane Preparedness Week

From the desk of the Community Risk Reduction Officer for our local Fire Dept:

During Hurricane Preparedness Week, make sure you have a hurricane evacuation plan.

The first thing you need to do is find out if you live in a storm surge hurricane evacuation zone or if you're in a home that would be unsafe during a hurricane.

If you are, figure out where you'd go and how you'd get there if told to evacuate. You do not need to travel hundreds of miles. Identify someone, perhaps a friend or relative who doesn't live an evacuation zone or unsafe home, and coordinate with them to use their home as your evacuation destination.

Be sure to account for your pets, as most local shelters do not permit them.

Put the plan in writing for you and those you care about- share your plan with your neighbors.

Find evacuation zones here: http://flash.org/hurricane-season/evacuation-zones/find-your-evacuation-zones.pdf.

And as always SERVPRO is here for you when the storm is over to help put your life back together!

Storm Damage Aftermath in Horry County

3/6/2018 (Permalink)

Don't let Storm Damage scare you!

Thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flash flooding are common with severe weather in the Horry County area.

Because of this, you’ll find many storm damage restoration companies servicing Horry County. And with so many choices, it can be confusing to know which is the best at handling emergency residential restoration services.

Beyond looking at costs, it’s important also to consider how trustworthy a company is and what track record they have. Use this helpful guide below to help you accurately compare storm damage restoration business in Horry County:

  • Experienced In Emergency Storm Damage Cleanup and Restoration. It’s important to ask if the company is well equipped and experienced with storm damage and not just water damage. Storm damage could mean layers of mud in the living room, a tree through your roof, sewage in the basement, and so much more than the usual water damage. SERVPRO is familiar and experienced in dealing with aspects of flood damage restoration --especially the unexpected kind.
  • Community and Better Business Bureau Affiliation. Businesses that make an effort to be a part of their community often take bigger strides in servicing their neighbors. SERVPRO of East Horry County is a member of several professional leagues and organizations in Horry County as well as part of the prestigious BBB. If you're unsure if a home restoration company is IICRC certified or part of the BBB, visit their respected websites and search the listings. 

Call on SERVPRO for the fastest and most complete flood damage restoration for both residential and commercial. For a 24-hour emergency response to storm damage call 843-236-6278.

Who Can Restore My Documents After A Fire

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

Sometimes your documents can be saved!

Who can restore documents and paperwork in Myrtle Beach after a lightning storm fire?

SERVPRO of East Horry County can!

SERVPRO of East Horry County uses a process called Sublimation when saving your important documents. What we do is first stabilize your documents by freezing them and then inventory takes place.

The actual process of sublimation is a freeze-drying technique that causes the ice in the frozen documents to convert directly to vapor using a combination of temperature control and pressure. The vapor is then immediately extracted which allows the vapor to bypass the liquid state and ensures your document will be dry.

Most documents will never look pristine again, but the document restoration service SERVPRO provides does produce a usable document that can then be restored or filed and reused in its original capacity.

For your document restoration needs in Myrtle Beach, call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278 

Who Cleans Up Storm Damage In Horry County

12/4/2017 (Permalink)

Call Us When The Coast Is Clear!

Storms hit hard and fast in Horry County.

That is why SERVPRO provides immediate relief and response to your storm damage needs. We can have a team of technicians on site as soon as it is safe to do so.

We can help with a multitude of projects which also includes getting you emergency food and shelter and contacting friends and family.

Storms do not wait for normal business hours that is why you need to call the professionals here at SERVPRO who are available to you 24 / 7 / 365!

We understand the process of putting your life back together when tragedy hits. Let us show you what so many other families have already experienced ... our willingness to make your world normal again!

Call Us Today 843-236-6278!

Hurricane Matthew On the Grand Strand A Year Later

10/9/2017 (Permalink)

Don't mess with Mother Nature, not even a little bit!

It is hard to believe that it has been one year since Hurricane Matthew hit the Grand Strand as a category one hurricane.

This storm reminded the residents of Horry County of two key things.

  1. The need for an emergency supply kit is always present during and after hurricanes, tropical storms and even some stronger thunderstorms. The kit should have enough supplies for each person in the dwelling to have for at least 2 weeks. I know that seems a bit exaggerated but as some of the residents of our neighboring communities in Nichols South Carolina could tell you 2 weeks is probably a good starting point.
  2. When evacuation orders are given it is best and safest to follow them to a tee. No deviations should be asserted due to the ever-changing road and storm conditions. Get out and stay put until the all clear is given!

If you or your family has suffered storm damage in Horry County call SERVPRO today! 843-236-6278

Hurricane Season Is Gearing Up In Myrtle Beach

7/31/2017 (Permalink)

We have your back after a storm.

We are well on our way to another active Hurricane Season this year!

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season is an ongoing event in the annual formation of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin. The season officially began on June 1, and will end on November 30, 2017. These dates historically describe the period of year when most tropical cyclones form in the Atlantic basin and are adopted by convention. However, as shown by Tropical Storm Arlene in April, the formation of tropical cyclones is possible at any time of the year.

*** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Atlantic_hurricane_season


Arlene Bret Cindy Don Emily Franklin Gert Harvey Irma Jose Katia Lee Maria Nate Ophelia Philippe Rina Sean Tammy Vince Whitney

If you do experience any storm damage call SERVPRO right away. 843-236-6278

Thunderstorm Damage To My Myrtle Beach Home

6/19/2017 (Permalink)

When lightning strikes and thunder rolls SERVPRO is standing by.

We all know that thunderstorms can actually cause major damage to your homes.

But who do you call when the clouds roll out?

SERVPRO has been fixing storm damaged homes in the Grand Strand area for decades. Our highly trained technicians are qualified to handle almost anything wicked storms can throw at them.

They have the experience, training and equipment to handle a small flood to massive thunderstorm damage resulting in holes in your roof, water damaged floors and even fire damage caused by lightning.

Why trust the process of putting your home and sometimes your family back together to any old person with a truck and a few tools. SERVPRO is licensed and insured to give you the ultimate peace of mind that you are in good hands.

Call us today 843-236-6278

What You Should Have In Your Myrtle Beach Hurricane Kit?

6/12/2017 (Permalink)

What's in your kit?

When disaster strikes it is too late to figure out the supplies you need to survive.

Here is a basic list of items you should have in your Hurricane Preparedness Kit for when you need a bit of help surviving.

  • An evacuation route plan.
  • A first aid kit
  • Flashlight and batteries
  • Drinking water
  • Blankets
  • Canned foods & can opener
  • Cash
  • Propane stove & propane
  • Candles
  • A whistle
  • Cell phone chargers

To find out more about what exactly should be in your list as well as a more detailed plan to building the kit and designing your protocols visit https://www.ready.gov/kit

If you or someone you know does need help putting your home back together after a disaster call SERVPRO. We have the knowledge and manpower to do the job right the first time. 843-236-6278

Who Fixes Storm Damage In Horry County?

5/29/2017 (Permalink)

Don't take a risk on a guy in truck to fix your storm damaged home!

Storm season seems to never end in Horry County!

Everyone who has ever lived in or visited Horry County has been privy to the amazingly intense but ever so brief storms here. It seems almost like out of nowhere they come spiraling out of the sky with ridiculously powerful winds and dumping gallons of rain by the second on the fair residents of the Grand Strand.

Once the storms pass everyone usually breathes a sigh of relief and goes on about their day like nothing ever happened. But what if something did happen? What if that 10 minute storm produced golf ball sized hail and pelted them through your windows and opened your home up to the torrential down pours that left your abode soaked to bone? What if lightning struck that old oak tree in the front yard and half of it came through your roof?

Who would you call to fix your storm damaged house in Horry County? 

You would call SERVPRO because we have been specializing in fixing storm damaged homes for decades. We have the tools and the talent to make your home look "Like it never even happened." Call SERVPRO at 843-236-6278

Hurricane Season In Myrtle Beach

5/15/2017 (Permalink)

Do not wait until its too late to develop your Hurricane Plan!

Do you know when the official start to the 2017 Hurricane Season is?

JUNE 1st! That is just a few short weeks away. Now that does not mean we are immediately going to start receiving damaging winds and torrential downpours overnight, but it does mean that given the location of Myrtle Beach you should definitely start thinking about putting your evacuation plan in place.

Last year we witnessed the damaging effects of Hurricane Matthew which only hit as a Category 1 Hurricane. Click here to see some of the storm damage in and around Myrtle Beach South Carolina.

We here at SERVPRO of Horry County have become experts at dealing with the immediate and after effects that a storm or Hurricane like Matthew can cause.

If you have any storm related damage from any of the events that might hit Myrtle Beach this season give us a call immediately. 843-236-6278

Hurricane Matthew Storm Damage In Myrtle Beach

10/12/2016 (Permalink)

This tree never had a chance against category 1 hurricane wind gusts!

This was the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew in Myrtle Beach.

The storm damage in Horry County and the storm damage in Georgetown County was massive as seen in this quick video. SERVPRO is here to help and along with the Emergency Management Teams we have been leading the cleanup process!

Trees were up rooted, split in half and or knocked over completely. Homes and businesses were flooded and left without power for days. Category 1 hurricane wind gusts destroyed piers and beaches all over the Grand Strand.

SERVPRO has been helping victims of flood damage in Myrtle Beach get the water out of their homes and businesses since the storm has passed. Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by Hurricane Matthew and are now left to pick up the pieces.

If you need help with any storm damage in Myrtle Beach call SERVPRO of Horry County today 843-236-6278!

Storm Damage Myrtle Beach

9/26/2016 (Permalink)

Fixing Storm Damage in Myrtle Beach is what we do!

When an office building had a huge water damage they didn't panic, they called SERVPRO.

In this video you see some of our awesome managers taking care of this water damage in Myrtle Beach. Even the marketing guy helped out!

Due to a recent surge of tropical storms the Grand Strand area had been hit with a few weeks of continuous rain. One week in particular was exceptionally bad and hit an office building hard.

The buildings east wing was flooded which included 3 offices 2 hallways a storage closet and the server room.

SERVPRO was very busy that day with crews all over the Myrtle Beach area so this particular call came in and our Operations Manager, Production Manager and our Marketing Manager all pitched in and helped mitigate the damage.

Storm Damage in Myrtle Beach had met its match once again!

Who Do You Call When Trees Fall Through Your House

8/24/2016 (Permalink)

If a tree falls on your house ... call SERVPRO!

Storm damage comes more often than you would think.

Heavy rains and strong winds can accompany just about any thunderstorm and they can cause a ton of storm damage. Winds pick up debris and move it through the are sometimes landing in power lines and or on top of houses. Rain floods homes that sit low and can make things really messy really quick!

We recently had a bout of strong thunderstorms which caused one Conway SC resident to have to call us to help him with a huge tree branch that fell from a tree and through the roof of his house giving him a very unwelcomed skylight!

SERVPRO came in and packed out all of the residents belongings then did a major cleaning of the residence. We arranged for roofers to come in and mitigate and repair the roof and we loaded everything back in when the coast was clear!

If you have had storm damage in the Conway SC area and need help, give SERVPRO a call today! 843-236-6278

Summer Time Means Storm Damage In Myrtle Beach

7/12/2016 (Permalink)

Summertime means storms, if you have storm damage in Myrtle Beach call SERVPRO we can help! 843-236-6278

Summer storms wreak havoc all over the world and Myrtle Beach is no different.

Summer storms can lead to fires, floods, power outages, lightning strikes, wind damage and more. To make sure you and your family stay safe during the summer storms in Myrtle Beach follow these 5 important tips and procedures!

1. Have a Summer Storm Damage Survival Kit.

2. Stay inside and away from windows if possible.

3. Use flashlights and head lamps instead of candles.

4. Unplug as many appliances as possible.

5. Try not to open refridgerators or freezers while the power is out.

When the summer storm settles and power is restored do a survey of everything that might be broken or missing. Also make sure all family members and pets are accounted for.

If your house has sustained significant water or fire damage call the local authorities first, then call SERVPRO. We will help anyway we can.

Be Prepared For Any Emergency

6/27/2016 (Permalink)

Download this checklist to stay ahead of the game!

When disaster threatens a community, it is often too late to take the necessary steps to prepare homes, businesses and family members for the situation. Whether it's a blizzard, flood, hurricane or wildfire, disasters of all types often give little to no warning before they strike. The time to prepare for a storm is not as it approaches-the time to prepare is now. Inside this newsletter, you will find tips and information to help you be better prepared when severe weather strikes, including a list of items needed to create an emergency supply kit. No matter what part of the country you call home, we want to ensure you are prepared for any type of disaster. Whether you have damage caused by a hurricane, tornado, flash flood, or any other reason, your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals have the resources, experience and training to help get your home back in order or your doors reopened for business as soon as possible. 

In 2013, there were more than 440 weather-related fatalities and nearly 2,800 injuries. Deadly weather caused more
than $8 billion in property damage. Knowing your risk of severe weather, taking action, and being an example are just a few
steps you can take to be better prepared to save your life and assist in saving the lives of others.  

Know Your Risk. The first step to becoming weather-ready is to understand the type of hazardous weather that can affect where

you live and how the weather could impact you and your family. Check the weather forecast regularly, obtain a NOAA Weather Radio, and learn about Wireless Emergency Alerts. Severe weather comes in many forms and your shelter plan should include all types of local hazards.

  • A weather radio is the most reliable source for weather alerts. It is designed to alert you to dangerous weather situations such as an approaching tornado, allowing you to be warned ahead of approaching storms providing time to seek shelter. In 2012, a new nationwide text emergency alert system was launched, called Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). The WEA system is a huge step toward keeping our nation informed in crisis situations, however it does not alleviate the need to own weather radios. The new WEA system relies on cell towers to send alerts-if cell towers are knocked out during bad weather or are no longer sending a signal, you will not receive alerts. Television and radio broadcasts can also go down during a destructive event. Having a back-up such as a weather radio is critical to ensure you still receive information in the event media outlets can no longer broadcast or you are unable to receive the broadcast.
  • When selecting a weather radio, ensure it includes SAME alert programming-sounds an alert only when specific counties are threatened (allowing you to only receive alerts for your county) and review-able alerts (allowing you to turn off alerts you do not want to hear).
  • Contact your local National Weather Service Office for assistance programming your weather radio, or for additional information, including county codes for your state, visit the NOAA Weather Radio website at www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr
  • Take Action. Take the next step in severe weather preparedness by creating a communications plan for your home or business. Put together or purchase an emergency kit. Keep important papers and valuables in a safe place.

    Be an Example. Once you have taken action to prepare for severe weather, share your story with co-workers and family and friends on Facebook or Twitter. Your preparedness story will inspire others to do the same. 

    Preparation is the key to making it through any size disaster and having a plan in place may help minimize the amount of time your home or business is inactive and get you back in the structure faster following a disaster. Don't wait until disaster strikes. Call your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professional to establish an Emergency READY Profile® for your home or business and be "Ready for whatever happens."

    Wildfire Safety Tips

  • Clear leaves and other debris from gutters, eaves, porches and decks. Remove dead vegetation from under your deck and within 10 feet of the house. This prevents embers from igniting your home.
  • Remove anything stored underneath decks or porches. Screen or box-in areas below patios and decks with wire mesh to prevent debris from accumulating.
  • Ensure flammable materials (firewood stacks, propane tanks, dry vegetation) are more than 30 feet from your home or business's foundation and outbuildings.
  • Wildfire can spread to treetops. If you have trees on your property, prune so the lowest branches are 6 to 10 feet from the ground.
  • Keep your lawn hydrated and maintained. If it is brown, cut it down to reduce fire intensity. Dry grass and shrubs are fuel for wildfire.
  • Tips and information provided by the National Fire Protection Association's Firewise® program. 

    Hurricane Predictions 2016

    6/27/2016 (Permalink)

    Here are the major land falls in the last 10 years.

    In 2015, predictions regarding the hurricane season were very accurate so what are they projecting for 2016?  

    It's time to take a look at the SERVPRO storm update. While hurricane season 2015 was fairly uneventful, questions regarding the likely strength of a developing El Niño are complicating hurricane predictions for 2016.

    So what is in Store for 2016?

    The 2016 Atlantic hurricane season is expected to be the most active since 2012, according to a forecast released Friday by The Weather Company, an IBM Business.

    This is greater than the 30-year historical average of 12 named storms, six hurricanes and three major hurricanes for the Atlantic basin. A major hurricane is one that is Category 3 or stronger on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.

    Now don't panic just yet because several scenarios could still occur.

    We could have no impact or we could have several make landfall right here in Horry & Georgetown Counties.

    A total of 14 named storms, eight hurricanes and three major hurricanes are forecast during the coming season. So play it safe and make a plan!

    Here are some tips to prepare your home(courtesy ofhttp://emergency.cdc.gov/preparedness/kit/disasters/)

    1) Consider storing two weeks-worth of food supplies. You may be able to use many of the canned goods and dry mixes already in your cupboard.

    2) Store at least a 3-day supply of water for each member of your family – that means 1 gallon per person per day.

    3) Don’t forget about pets; they’ll need food and water too.

    5) Learn where your gas, electric, and water shut-off locations are and how to turn them off.  Call us at SERVPRO and ask about our ERP (Emergency Ready Profile) and we'll show you how to prepare this in just a few easy steps.

    Sources: https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2016-hurricane-season-forecast-atlantic-the-weather-channel

    Hurricane Season South Carolina

    6/27/2016 (Permalink)

    Don't wait until it is too late with Hurricanes!

    Here is an updated post from last year.

    A lot of people count on SERVPRO in Horry & Georgetown Co. to guide them back to a normal life after a distaster like a hurricane wreaks havoc on their property.

    To help you stay ahead of the curve please download this Hurricane Tracking Map and stay safe.

    -Original Post-

    Click here to download and print your hurricane tracking map which also includes your emergency kit check lists and Horry and Georgetown County Evacuation Zones. Print on legal size paper or size to page.

    hurricane tracking map

    Basic Preparedness Tips

    • Know where to go. If you are ordered to evacuate, know the local hurricane evacuation route(s) to take and have a plan for where you can stay. Contact your local emergency management agency for more information.
    • Put together a disaster supply kit, including a flashlight, batteries, cash, first aid supplies, and copies of your critical information if you need to evacuate
    • If you are not in an area that is advised to evacuate and you decide to stay in your home, plan for adequate supplies in case you lose power and water for several days and you are not able to leave due to flooding or blocked roads.
    • Make a family emergency communication plan.
    • Many communities have text or email alerting systems for emergency notifications.To find out what alerts are available in your area, search the Internet with your town, city, or county name and the word “alerts.”

    Make sure to prepare

    9/24/2015 (Permalink)

    Know where to start, after disaster strikes.

    In recent years, many different types of disasters have affected the United States. Flooding, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires and blizzards are natural disasters that can threaten your home, business and community. During National Preparedness Month, your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals want you and your customers to be aware of the steps to take to help prepare for Mother Nature's worst. 

            National Preparedness Month is the perfect opportunity to review your emergency plan. Emergencies can happen unexpectedly in communities just like yours, to people just like you. Tornado outbreaks, river floods, flash floods, historic earthquakes, and even water main breaks and power outages in U.S. cities affecting millions of people for days at a time. 
           Now is the time to think about the basics, things you will need in advance of an emergency; how you will communicate, what supplies you will need to keep in your home, car or office. Use the list provided here to build an emergency supply kit to ensure your family is equipped and ready for a any type of disaster. The more you know about what to do in an emergency, the more confident and secure you will feel in your abilities to manage through a disaster. 
            Preparation is the key to making it through any size disaster, whether it is a small water leak, a large fire, or an area flood. The best time to plan for such events is not when the event happens, but well before it happens. No one ever plans on a disaster, but now, you can plan for it. Contact your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals for more information and tools to help you be "Ready for whatever happens." 


    How quickly your company can get back to business after a tornado, fire, or flood often depends on the emergency planning done today. Th e regular occurrence of natural disasters demonstrates the importance of being prepared for any emergency. While each situation is unique, your organization can be better prepared if you plan carefully, put emergency procedures in place, and practice for all kinds of emergencies. The following are common sense measures usiness owners and managers can take to start etting ready. A commitment to begin planning today will help support your employees, customers, the community, the local economy, and even the country. It also protects your business investment

    and gives your company a better chance for survival.
    Review the following questions to learn if your company is prepared.

    Be Informed.
    Do you know what kind of emergencies might affect your company? Do you know what you will do in an emergency situation?

    Develop a Business Continuity Plan.
    Do you know which staff , procedures and equipment are absolutely necessary to keep operating? Do you have back-up plans for those operations? Do you know what you will do if your building or plant is not accessible? Do you know what you will do if your suppliers are impacted by a disaster? Are you ready for utility disruptions?

    Prepare your Emergency Plan.
    Do you have an evacuation and shelter-in-place plan? Do you have a plan to communicate with employees before, during and after an incident?Do you have copies of building and site maps with utilities and emergency routes marked? Are your employees trained for medical emergencies?

    Practice the Emergency Plan.
    Have you practiced your plan recently? Do you practice and coordinate with other businesses in your building or industrial complex? Have you reviewed your plans in the last 12 months?

    Review Insurance Coverage.
    Have you reviewed your insurance coverage recently to see if you're covered in a disaster?

    Secure Your Facility and Equipment.
    Have you secured all the ways people, products and supplies get into your building? Have you conducted a room-by-room walk through to determine what can be strapped down?

    Improve Cyber Security.
    Do you regularly install patches to your software? Have you installed a firewall on your computer? Do you regularly update your antivirus software? 

    Promote Family and Individual Preparedness.
    Do you encourage employees to have a personal
    emergency supply kit and a family communication plan?
    If you answered "No" to any of these questions, visit ready.gov or call SERVPRO and learn how to better prepare your business. 

    Hurricane Season, Be Prepared

    8/21/2015 (Permalink)

    Hurricanes give you warning, but you still have to be READY!

    No matter where you live, it is important to be informed and prepared for any natural disaster that may occur. Natural disasters often strike without warning, leaving behind a trail of destruction and devastation. Though Mother Nature's disasters are often unpredictable, there are steps you can take to ensure you are prepared. 
           Contact your local SERVPRO® Franchise
    Professionals to establish an Emergency READY Profile™ (ERP) for your property. SERVPRO's ERP serves as a quick reference document, detailing important building and contact information for your property in the event of an emergency. The ERP is an ideal supplement to any existing preparedness plan, or may be used as a standalone document. Knowing what to do and who to call in advance is the key to timely mitigation, and can minimize the effects of any weather-related disaster, water or fire damage to your business. 
             When disaster strikes, make sure you have
    experienced professionals on the line. No matter how big or small, your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals will be ready to help make your property damage "Like it never even happened." ? Independently Owned and Operated SERVPRO.com

    Hurricane Information 
    Peak Time of Year
    June-November (Atlantic)
    May-November (Pacifi c)
    From 74-155+ miles per hour
    Best Resource for Safety Information
    For more info, please see
    Cost of Damage
    Hurricane Sandy caused nearly
    $62 billion in damage in the
    United States. Sandy is the
    nation's most expensive storm
    since Hurricane Katrina,
    which caused $128 billion in

    Flood Information
    Peak Time of Year
    Year-round threat in the U.S.,
    though fl oods are most likely
    in the spring.
    Cost of Damage
    According to FloodSmart.gov,
    total fl ood insurance claims
    averaged nearly $4 billion per
    year from 2003-2012.
    Best Resource for Safety Information
    FloodSmart.gov has extremely
    helpful preparedness tips
    and information including
    flood maps and how to obtain
    flood insurance. Log on to
    www.floodsmart.gov for more


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